Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
Aero L-39 cockpit
By Happy308
This is a cockpit repaint for the excellent L-39 made by Monty CZ.
This wil give the cockpit a more worn / used look.
thanks to :
Monty CZ, for the excellent L-39 model.
Stary and Centurion-1 for inspiration.
Link to the airplane:
Strike Fighters 2: Indian Ocean
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: Indian Ocean
This mod package for "Strike Fighters 2" supplies the aircraft, ground objects, guns, weapons, and effects to support four campaigns centered on the tensions and occasional conflicts between India and Pakistan. Two of those campaigns are fictional and involve the U.S. Navy, which intervenes amidst rising tensions between the two countries in a support of Pakistan. Two are historial -- based on actual wars fought between the two countries.
To use this mod, you must have a merged install that includes "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2), "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I), SF2I "Expansion Pack 1" (EXP1), "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V), and "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). This mod also requires the MirageIIIO DLC aircraft from ThirdWire.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package and should be installed to its own dedicated Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to combine it with any other major mod such as "NATO Fighters," as you could end up with a non-working install. Also, although this mod shares a number of common elements with the SF2NA Expansion Pack, it is NOT designed to be installed over or merged with that earlier mod.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel - Expansion Pack 1, plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V), plus
Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
DLC #17 (Mirage IIIO)
Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include the F-4N DLC aircraft from ThirdWire, but it is not required.
Before installing, please ensure that your target SF2 install meets the minimum requirements laid out above.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with any other mods package such as "NATO Fighters" or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe. Rename the copied .EXE file to SF2_IndianOcean.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "SF2 Indian Ocean" install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "Expansion Pack" mod files to your Mod Folder.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the "Expansion Pack" mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the five "SF2 Indian Ocean" archive packages that you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the *contents* of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from each package to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=1987-1021 Southern Calm
PlayerUnit=VF-103 Sluggers
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "SF2 Indian Ocean" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Optional Installs
This mod includes a number of "optional" items that can be installed, provided you have the required files to suport them. These "optional" items can be broken down into three types:
- Optional Aircraft
- Optional Ships
- Alternate Campaigns
1. Optional Aircraft
The \Option\Alt_Aircraft directory includes three optional aircraft that you can install. These alternate aircraft replace the substitutes that are installed by default.
Opt Aircraft Substitute
------------ ----------
F-4N (DLC) F-4N (based on F-4B_67)
Marut Su-7BMK
L-1049 C-47A (India)
How to Install:
If you have the F-4N DLC installed to your target SF2 installation and wish to use the DLC version instead of the default F-4N, simply remove the substitute F-4N from \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. Then move the DLC version from \Optional\Alt_Aircraft (part of the first package you downloaded) to \Objects\Aircraft. In other words, swap the DLC version for the default version.
Marut & L-1049:
The HF-24 Marut and L-1049 require LODs (model files) from the A-Team's download site:
1. Download the appropriate package containing the necessary LODs from the A-Team's site (link included above). For the Marut you will need to download the HF-24 Marut. For the L-1049 you will need the C-121 Super Constellation.
2. Unzip the package you downloaded to a temporary directory.
3. Copy the .LOD files from the package you downloaded to the appropriate aircraft folder in the \Alt_Aircraft directory.
4. Once you've added the LOD files to the aircraft's folder, you may install the aircraft and accompanying decals from the \Alt_Aircraft directory to your "SF2 India" Mod Folder.
Once installed the L-1049 and HF-24 Marut will be automatically used in campaigns. The F-4N is not used in any campaigns but can be used in Single Missions.
2. Optional Ships
Also included are three ships that can also be installed, provided you obtain the correct LODs to support them.
Two ships are USN destroyers (the Charles F. Adams class and Farragut or Coontz class) based on the DLG-10 included in the "Yankee Air Pirate 2" and "Yankee Air Pirate 3" commercial mods. To use these optional destroyers you must have the necessary LOD files from "Yankee Air Pirate".
The third is the INS Viraat. To use it you must have the LOD files for the HMS Hermes from the SF2 Falklands mod:
How to Install:
a. For the destroyers, remove the substitutes (named Adams and Farragut) that are installed by default from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod folder. (These substitute versions are based on the ThirdWire CGN-36.) The Viraat has no subsititute to remove.
b. Copy the Coontz2.LOD from "Yankee Air Pirate" to the Adams and Farragut folders in \Optional\Alt_Ships (part of the first package you downloaded). For the Viraat, copy the R12 .LOD files from the Hermes (R12) in the SF2 Falklands mod to the Viraat folder in \Optional\Alt_Ships.
c. Create collision LODs for both destroyers by making a copy of Coontz2.LOD and renaming it Coontz2_COL.LOD. For the Viraat the collision LOD is the R12-R2b_COL.LOD that's already included in the SF2 Falklands mod.
d. Move the ships from \Optional\Alt_Ships\GroundObject to \Objects\GroundObject in your MOD folder.
The campaigns will automatically use the new versions of the USN destroyers. The Viraat is not used in any campaigns but can be used in Single Missions.
3. Conventional Campaigns
The game engine for SF2NA brought many welcome new features to the world of Strike Fighters 2. As useful as those new features are, the SF2NA campaign engine (i.e., the engine that allows for "naval campaigns" with battle groups and cruise missile strikes) was clearly designed specifically for the SF2NA Iceland/North Atlantic campaign, as it attempts to turn every campaign into North Atlantic, Part II.
Once battle groups are "discovered" by the opposing side, the campaign engine will throw everything at that battle group, mission after mission, until all the ships are sunk or the attacking side runs out of aircraft capable of performing strike missions. This can become a bit wearisome, and it is extremely difficult to prevent those battle groups from being "discovered" and attacked. In the standard SF2NA-style campaigns listed above, this usually happens around the fifth mission of the campaign.
To give players an alternative to the standard "North Atlantic" duel-to-death naval campaign, I have included standard SF2-style versions of the two fictional campaigns (the 1974 and 1987 campaigns). The "conventional" versions put the campaigns' focus squarely on the battle between India and Pakistan. The Indian government -- based on a combination of military and political reasons -- elects not to directly attack American carrier groups while still engaging U.S. aircraft flying in support of Pakistan.) Note that the two historical campaigns (1965 and 1971) were built from the start as "conventional," non-navalized campaigns.
The upside to these "conventional" campaigns is that the campaign engine no longer gets stuck in the same cycle of hurling strike aircraft at the battle groups over and over. The downside is that carrier battle groups no longer move together. The carrier moves, but the escort ships are static terrain elements. Also, the big bombers on both sides tend to make less frequent appearances from their off-map air bases.
How to Use the Conventional Campaigns:
If you wish to try the conventional campaigns, you will have to install them from \Optional\Alt_Campaigns (found in the directory where you unpacked the "SF2 Indian Ocean" downloads).
a. Drag the \Campaigns folder to the Mods folder where you installed the
"SF2 Indian Ocean" mod, allowing Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
b. Drag the \Terrains folder to the "Black Sea Crisis" Mods folder as well,
again allowing Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
When you re-start the game, the listed campaigns will play as conventional, SF2-style campaigns.
Please note that in the above install process you are effectively converting the India-Pakistan terrain into a conventional SF2 terrain. While the terrain is coverted into a conventional, non-naval terrain, naval aircraft in Single Missions will fly from land bases, not carriers.
To convert the terrain back into an SF2NA-style "naval" terrain, copy these files from \Terrains\IndiaPak (in the directory where you unpacked the "SF2 Indian Ocean" download files) to the \Terrains\IndiaPak directory in your Mods folder:
That's right -- those are the only files that need to be restored. I would recommend restoring the original SF2NA-style campaigns at the same time.
Summary of Campaigns
This mod includes four campaigns -- two historical campaigns plus two fictional campaigns. For each campaign a Red-side and Blue-side version is included, allowing you to fly aircraft from all three nations represented in the campaigns: India, Pakistan, and the USN.
Here's a quick summary of the campaigns:
1987-1021 Southern Calm
October 1987. A joint naval exercise, code-named "Southern Calm,"
conducted by the USS Saratoga carrier battle group with the Pakistani
Navy is interrupted when the Indian government denounces the joint
maneuvers as cover for a planned nuclear strike by Pakistan using
recently developed nuclear warheads designed to be delivered by
Pakistan's U.S. supplied F-16s.
1974-0421 Frowning Buddha
April 1974. After the Bhutto government of Pakistan publicly denounces
India's preparations to conduct a "peaceful nuclear explosion" at the
Pokhran Test Range and declares its intention to stop the test through
unilateral military action, the Nixon administration dispatches the Kitty
Hawk carrier battle group to the Arabian Sea in support of Pakistan.
1971-1203 India-Pakistan War '71
December 1971. After eight months of rising tensions over India's
support for the secessionist government of East Pakistan, the
Pakistani Air Force elects to strike the first blow in a seemingly
inevitable war by launching a pre-emptive attack against airfields
and other military targets in western India.
1965-0901 India-Pakistan War '65
September 1965. The Pakistani military launches Operation Grand Slam,
an effort to seize the town of Akhnoor in Jammu and cut off Indian
communications and supply lines in the disputed region of Kashmir.
Although it enjoys initial success, Grand Slam also manages to draw
the Indian Air Force into a conflict that threatens to grow into a
major conflagration.
This mod package draws on the work on dozens of modders who have uploaded the fruits of their labor to and elsewhere over the years.
yakarov79 .......................... AH-1F
yakarov79 .......................... AH-1J_80
EricJ ............................... AH-1J camo skin
dtmdragon ........................... A-4M Skyhawk for SF2
Insky ............................... A-5C Fantan
Wrench & Lindr2 ..................... A-5C Fantan updates
Paulopanz ........................... A-5C Fantan skins
Boopidoo ............................ Su-15TM cockpit (used on Fantan)
HomeFries ........................... A-6 Superpack for SF2
Wrench .............................. A-7 low-viz skin
Marcfighters ........................ Ajeet & Gnat
Paulopanz ........................... An-12 skins
Wrench .............................. AV-8A for SF2
Crusader ............................ AV-8A Harrier Avionics Mod
gbreuder ............................ B-52 Vietnam Era Upgrade Package
Dels ................................ B-52G
Dave (USAFMTL) & team ............... B-52G upgrades
Dave (USAFMTL) ...................... B-52G 2nd BW skin
USAFMTL, JSF_Aggie, Dels & wpnssgt... B-52H
Kesselbrut .......................... B-52 cockpit
Veltro2K & Wrench ................... BR.1150
Veltro2K, Paulopanz, Eole, .......... BR.1050
& Nyghtfall
Baffmeister ......................... BR.1050 flight model
Paulopanz ........................... C-47A IAF skins
Lazarus ............................. C-47A PAF skins
MontyCZ ............................. C-119
Paulopanz ........................... C-119 skins
HrntFixr ............................ C-130A camo skin
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................... Canberras
Kessselbrut ......................... Canberra bombadier's cockpit
HomeFries ........................... EA-6 SuperPack for SF2
Beer, Sundowner, & Dave (USAFMTL).... New F-4B/N/S skins
Rippersix & dtmdragon ............... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update
daddyairplanes ...................... F-4J_74
mppd ................................ F-4J/N/S DECM antennas
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............. F-6 Pack for SF2
ModMafia ............................ F-7PG & F-7MP
Murtaza Akbar ....................... F-7 alt skins
Swordsman422 ........................ F-14A Skin & Decal Pack for SF2NA
The Mirage Factory / Viper Crew ..... F-16A/B Blk15
Ace888 .............................. F-16 PAF skins
The Mirage Factory / ModMafia ....... F/A-18A
Wildcat, column5, & BPAo ............ F/A-18A skins
Zur ................................. F-86F & CL-13B
Wrench, Fubar512, & Ravenclaw ....... F-86F/CL-13B updated skins & flight model
Zurawski ............................ F-86F cockpit (used on several aircraft)
ndicki & Wrench ..................... F-104A PAF
bunyap .............................. Harvards
Wrench & Soulfreak .................. Harvard skins & updates
Paulopanz & ghostrider883 ........... HF-24 Marut skins & updates
Baffmeister ......................... HF-24 new flight model
ghostrider883 & Paulopanz ........... Hunter F.56 skins & updates
Veltro2K, Torno, & Paulopanz ........ IL-38 & IL-38N
Oli & Sundowner ..................... Jaguar GR1
Bpao, Jeanba, Tom Venom, Cangas, .... Jaguar A/M
& Sony Tuckson
Bunyap & pappychksix ................ KA-3B Skywarrior
WhiteboySamurai ..................... Ka-27
Marcfighters & Kreelin. ............. Mi-8 Hip
ghostrider883 ....................... Mi-8 IAF skins
Lazarus ............................. Mi-8 PAF skins
YEYEYE .............................. Mi-24P
emresukhoi .......................... Mi-24P skins
Paladrian ........................... MiG-21 cockpits
AtariBaby ........................... MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21F, MiG-21FL, MiG-21PF skins
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21bis skins
ghostrider883 & Lazarus ............. MiG-21bis skins
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21M/MF camo skin
Paulopanz & ghostrider883 ........... MiG-23 camo & grey skins
CA_Stary ............................ MiG-23/27 cockpits
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ............... MiG-25RB
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-25RB IAF skin
Baffmeister & Spillone104 ........... MiG-25RB updates & new flight model
The Mirage Factory .................. MiG-29A Fulcrum
Russouk2004 ......................... MiG-29A updated model
ghostrider883 ....................... MiG-29A IAF skins
Denis Oliveira & Coupi .............. Mirage IIIEP & Mirage IIIRP
Paulopanz ........................... Mirage 5PA skins & updates
Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Paulopanz .. Mirage IIIDP & Mirage 5DD
Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Paulopanz .. Mirage IIIO Rose
The Mirage Factory .................. Mirage 2000H
Wrench, ghostrider883, & Ace888 ..... Mirage 2000H skins & updates
ghostrider883 ....................... Mystere IVA IAF skins
Pasko ............................... Ouragan
Paulopanz ........................... Ouragan skins
Ordway .............................. Ouragan/MD-450 cockpit
Baffmeister ......................... new Ouragan flight model
Florian ............................. P-3C beta
Julhelm ............................. RA-5C Vigilante
The Mirage Factory .................. RF-8G Crusader
Gocad ............................... RF-8G VFP-63 skin
Erikgen ............................. T-33A & RT-33A
Paulopanz ........................... T-33A & RT-33A skins
FoxMonter ........................... S-3A/B
Wrench .............................. S-3A/B updates
slick cowboy ........................ S-3A/B skins
The Mirage Factory .................. Sea Harrier
Paulopanz & Sundowner ............... Sea Harrier skins & updates
Bunyap .............................. Sea Hawks
Tomb ................................ Sea Hawk fixes/upgrades
Paulopanz ........................... INS Sea Hawk skins & updates
Florian ............................. SH-3D Sea King
Paulopanz ........................... Su-7BMK IAF skins
CA_Stary ............................ Su-7BMK cockpit
Wrench & ghostrider883 .............. Tu-142 mod
Gramps .............................. UH-1D Huey
ghostrider883 ....................... Vampire FB.52 skins
Ground Objects
Pasko ............................... "SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro & Desert"
Nicholas Bell ....................... "WOE 1950's AAA Mod"
Gerald14 ............................ "Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack"
Monty CZ ............................ "SF2 WWII Flak Pack"
Geo.................................. "WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut .......................... "US Armor Pack"
SFP1Ace ............................. "Alternative ArmorPack"
Wrench .............................. "India-Pakistan Ground Objects, Weapons, Other Bits"
Wrench .............................. "India-Pakistan Naval Units"
Gabilon ............................. 2S6 & SA-13
Kesselbrut .......................... SA-9
Monty CZ............................. Stinger site
EricJ ............................... SA-11
YEYEYE .............................. TubeArm
Pasko ............................... SA-3, Flatface, Sidenet, Spoonrest, EW_Radar
FastCargo ........................... SA-5 & SquarePair
Julhelm & Wrench .................... SON-9A Firecan
Crusader ............................ Soviet MANPADs for SF2
Stary ............................... Soviet MANPADS (new models)
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............... S-60, ZPU-4, M-42, D-20
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............... M-59 155mm (based on KS-19P)
Nicholas Bell ....................... Bofors L60/L70
rebel ryder ......................... M1939 flak guns
Kesselbrut .......................... OerlikonAAA, ZPU-1, RH202, US_Cal50
Fubar512 ............................ ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
Pasko ............................... BTR-60, Type-59, Type-63, Type-69, AMX-13
rebel ryder ......................... Sherman-M4A2, Sherman-M4A2_76mm
Stefano ............................. M-47 Patton tank
Geo ................................. M24, M36
rebel ryder ......................... BRDM-2, BMP-1, BMP-1_AT-3, BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
SUICIDAL ............................ New Destroyed Tank LODs
Kesselbrut .......................... CommTrailer, HQTrailer
Pasko ............................... Frog3
Moonjumper, Crusader, & Otto ........ BM-14-16 Katyusha mod
Fubar512 & MiGBuster ................ Carrier Deck Illumination package
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Kidd, Leahy, Burke, Ticonderoga, & Bainbridge class ships
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Arnala class (Type053K)
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Tariq class (Zulfiqar)
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Nanuchka II missile boat
Adrian Benetti ...................... Shanghai II (ARA Indomita)
Pasko ............................... Huangfeng class (Komar)
ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, ........ Iowa '80s battleship
& Spitwulf
Fubar512 ............................ Iowa '80s configuration
JSF_Aggie ........................... ThirdWire LHA upgrade
Florian ............................. USN AOE Transport (Bremen class)
Julhelm ............................. USN Tanker
Hinchinbrooke ....................... Trishul/Talwar, County Class, Type 12M, Foch,
Type 42, Cavalier, Daring, & Vikrant
MiGbuster ........................... INS Vikrant hi-res skin
Gramps .............................. Daring (old model)
BANIDOS TEAM ........................ Type 12I & Type12L
Unknown author ...................... MTB
Kesselbrut .......................... MVNordic_Ferry, MVTor_Caledonia, MVBaltic_Ferry, & SSCanberra
Polak ............................... MVAtlantic_Causeway & MVAtlantic_Conveyor
Kesselbrut .......................... Trawler 1 & 2, Small Cargo Ship, Navy Tug
Cocas ............................... Trawler
BANIDOS Team ........................ ContainerShip
Julhelm ............................. Container_Ship & Tanker2
loborojo & SUICIDAL ................. Petrolero
Fubar512 ............................ Fleet Oiler & LNGTanker
Cocas ............................... SovietTrawler
SUICIDAL-ART ........................ M113A1
Kesselbrut .......................... ZiL-157 trucks
Richard & Kesselbrut ................ Land Rover trucks
Badfrank ............................ Red & Yellow Jeeps
cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed Environment mods
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ..... Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
Spillone104 ......................... custom engine sounds
CA_Stary ............................ custom effects
Stary ............................... new gun tracers
CA_Stary ............................ Ejection mod
Spectre8750 ......................... Fake Afterburner Node
Arthur66 ............................ India-Pakistan '65 campaign
Deuces & Wrench ..................... India-Pakistan terrain
Stary ............................... India-Pakistan hi-res tiles
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
20 July 2015
23 July 2015
VF-103 Jolly Rogers 2005
By Swordsman422
VF-103 Jolly Rogers 2005 for the TMF F-14B
Please read the readme and enjoy!
VF-32 Swordsmen Last Cruise
By Swordsman422
This is a comprehensive skin for VF-32 for the Mirage Factory F-14B.
The skin includes comprehensive markings for the CAG, CO, line jets, and the Columbia memorial jet.
Please read the readme and enjoy!
Thanks to the Mirage Factory for creating the aircraft and for Tony Holmes for his publication F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
VF-11 Red Rippers OIF
By Swordsman422
VF-11 Red Rippers for the TMF F-14B
This skin is can also compliment the VF-143 skins below in a campaign:
VF-143 OIF
VF-143 1998-2001
Please read the readme and enjoy!
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs OIF
By Swordsman422
Update of VF-143 Pukin' Dogs OIF for the Mirage Factory F-14B
Please read the readme and enjoy.
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs 1991-1997
By Swordsman422
VF-143 Pukin Dogs 1991-1997 for the TMF F-14B
Please read the readme and enjoy!
VF-211 Checkmates 1998-2002
By Swordsman422
VF-211 Checkmates OEF for the TMF F-14A
Please read the readme and enjoy!
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs 1998-2001
By Swordsman422
VF-143 Pukin' Dogs, 1998-2001 for the TMF F-14B
Please read the readme and enjoy!
VF-103 Jolly Rogers 1998-2001
By Swordsman422
VF-103 Jolly Rogers 1998-2001 for the TMF F-14B
Please read the readme and enjoy
An-12 "CUB" & bonus An-8 "CAMP"
By paulopanz
The Antonov An-12 (NATO reporting name: Cub) is a four-engined turboprop transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. It is the military version of the Antonov An-10 and was made in many variants.
The first prototype flew in December 1957. Over 900 had been built, in both military and civilian versions, before production finally ended in 1973. The An-12BP entered Soviet military service in 1959. In terms of configuration, size and capability, the aircraft is similar to the United States-built Lockheed C-130 Hercules. Military Soviet and former-Soviet examples have a defensive tail gun turret.
Bonus Plane:
The Antonov An-8 (NATO reporting name: Camp) is a Soviet-designed twin-turboprop-engine high-wing light military transport aircraft.
The first production aircraft was rolled out in December 1958.
The majority of An-8s built served in the Soviet Air Forces, with two An-8s being used to land special forces to seize Plzen airport during the Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.Others were used as electronic reconnaissance aircraft, and one aircraft was used for air sampling following Chinese nuclear testing in 1966.They continued in large scale use on front-line military duties in the Soviet Air Force until the 1970s.
1 An-12 flyable plane;
1 An-8 bonus (adapted) flyable plane and edited skin;
A whole new or upgraded An-12 historical skinset and decalset, including many VVs nose arts:
VVS: 4
AFlot: 1
UkrAF: 1
CVL: 1
PWL: 1
JRV: 1
AfgAF 1
EAF: 3
SyAF: 1
IrAF: 2
QJJ: 1
EtAF: 1
IAF: 6
Yemen, Tanzania and Mozambique skins could be added if only someone could send a pic .....
- paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, inis
- Ghostrider883: IAF references
- Mue: LODwiever;
[ready to give credits]
- cockpit: Kesselbrut ?
- An-8 conversion inis: ?
- Aeroflot original skin: ?
I'm so sorry but time went by and I forgot where I took ..... and wasn't able to find.
- All in main mod folder
Inside An-12 folder You will find proper inis to use/change for:
- Paratroop carrier (paratroop included);
- Bomber as in IAF service
- Transport
This realise come after some years work on a model that isn't the best from Tk production (quite the same from Sf-1) but a real jolly to use on almost ALL existing scenery, some in WIP and other I wish to came .................
Thank you to all of you gents here at CA, it's a real plesure to be here with you all.
@ paulopanz
F-106A Delta Dart in Vietnam (What if)
By dtmdragon
F-106A in Vietnam (What if)
During the late 60’s there were serious discussions in the USAF about deploying the F-106A to the conflict in Vietnam. Obviously this never eventuated but the possibility lead to project Six Shooter which saw a gun pack and an improved visibility canopy added to the F-106A. So what would the Delta Dart have looked like if it had served in the skies above Vietnam?
In 1968 the USAF conducted a Tactical Evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of existing tactical manoeuvres by USAF and USN combat aircraft against the MiG-21 Fishbed. It was called ‘Have Drill/ Have Ferry.’ The ADC evaluated the F-106 and found its radar capable of acquisition of the MIG and that radar snap-up attack could be used to exploit the MiG-21's lack of fire control. The F-106 could use better acceleration to get beyond MiG-21 speed limits. A direct result of this evaluation was the ADC recommendation to “expedite fitting the internal gun, redesigned canopy, radar warning and ECM equipment into the F-106”.
So based on the above (factual) information I present the F-106A Delta Dart (69) ‘Nam’
To the SF2 F-106A I have added the following:
- Permanently mounted M61A1 Gun Pack (Project Six Shooter)
- Internal ALQ-100 ECM
- Chaff dispensers
- APR-25 RHAW (Audio only)
- SEA camouflage (Day and Night)
- Pilot in tiger stripped flight suit.
- I have also applied the MA-1 FCS ECCM upgrade done to 314 F-106 in 1963. The ECCM system allowed the FCS to reject radar returns resulting from chaff dispersal by a target. As part of the upgrade a final modification resulted in increased missile performance. Modifications to the FCS permitted up to 35 percent more deflection of the Falcon missile’s control surfaces. This resulted in a more agile missile at launch, increasing the missile’s ability to react to a maneuvering target.
To portray this in the game I have made changes to the F-106 avionics as well as a specific ECCS AIM-4F missile.
- The AIM-4G has been changed to have no audible growl (It never had it) and is slaved to the radar. This more accurately portrays the employment of the IR guided Falcons. You will have to use the radar to know when you are locked on and in range. (Just like a F-106 pilot would have had to done in real life).
- The weapon bay doors are manually activated, I prefer this as the animation doesn’t work with most missile shots when it’s set on automatic.
- There is a specific version of the M61A1 gun for the F-106 as when installed in the F-106 its rate of fire was limited to 4500 rounds per minute.
Credits for the original SF2 F-106A and SEA skin decals:
Lexx Luthor
Dan (Dtmdragon)
Horizon Forbin class frigate
This model represents the Forbin class frigate of the French Navy, in service from 2008 to present. The Forbin is part of the Horizon program of air defense frigates for France and Italy.
Two of the class have been built for the French Navy, replacing the Suffren class. The Italian Horizon differs significantly in loadout, and is not included in this package.
The Forbin is armed with two super-rapid 76mm guns and 20mm GIAT cannons, eight MM40 Block 3 Exocet missiles, Mistral short-range SAMs in two Sadral launchers, and 48 Aster 30 SAMs in Sylver VLS. (The sound effect for the Aster missiles is taken from actual test footage.) The flight deck can support one medium helicopter.
Early and late versions of the Mistral missile are included. They are compatible with other ground objects as well as helicopters (using "SpecificStationCode=mistral").
You may also wish to download my Aquitaine and La Fayette frigates to complete your collection of modern French surface combatants.
See the readme for full details and credits. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
FREMM Aquitaine class frigate
This model represents the Aquitaine class frigate of the French Navy, in service from 2012 to present. The Aquitaine is the first ship of the FREMM (Fregate europeenne multi-mission) program, designed to replace the Cold War era frigates of the French and Italian navies.
At the time of this writing, only three of the class have been comissioned for the French Navy, but at least nine are planned. Two have been sold to foreign navies (Morocco and Egypt). The Italian FREMM differs significantly in loadout and mission, and is not included in this package.
The Aquitaine is armed with a super-rapid 76mm gun, 20mm Narwhal remote weapons, eight MM40 Block 3 Exocet missiles, and 32 Aster 15 SAMs in Sylver VLS. (The sound effect for the Aster missiles is taken from actual test footage.) The flight deck can support one medium helicopter.
See the readme for full details and credits. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
Special thanks to FRPignon for the hull number decals.
C-47 EAF, RJAF & SyAF Skin Pack
By paulopanz
EAF, RJAF, SyAF Dakotas/C-47. For stock 3rd Wire C-47A
EAF 4 Skins (3 Silver, 1 Camo, 1 Green)
SyAF 1 Silver Skin(*)
RJAF 1 Grey Skin
(*) as supposed to be (no pics)
- TW: Model (Exp.1)
- Paulopanz: temps, skins, decals etc.
- Lazarus1177: RJAF arab writ
All in main mod foder
"to be a rock and not to roll"
By emresukhoi
PAK-FA T-50 model, Ace Combat ''Akula'' skin, beta...
SF2 Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Alternate Hangar, Loading, and Loadout Screens. New Jet Engine and 50cal Sounds!
By Viper63a
SF2 Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Alternate Hangar, Loading, and Loadout Screens. New Jet Engine and 50cal Sounds!
By Viper 07/13/2015
This pack contains alternate Hangar, Loading & Loadout images and sounds for Do335's "Wings Over Korea" full mod v1.1. If you don't already have the full pack, you can download Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" mod pack here...
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
The screens and sounds are more to "my" liking, nothing wrong with Do335's screens, just my preference and more friendly on the ears when wearing a headset. Download the pack, take a look and listen...let me know what you think.
* What's included/changed...
1) Alternate Hangar images for all STOCK aircraft.
2) Alternate Loading images for all STOCK aircraft.
3) Alternate LoadOut images for all STOCK aircraft.
4) Updated STOCK <plane>.ini file to read the correct images.
5) Alternate Jet engine and .50 cal gun sounds.
* Installation...
You can install the screens and sounds separately to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder...
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\
1) If you choose to install the screens, I recommend that you back up your "...\Objects\Aircraft" folder in your SF2 KAW Mod folder. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
Copy the contents of my "Alt_Screens" to your "Strikefighter2 Korea" mod folder.
2) If you choose to install the sounds, I recommend that you back up your "Flight" and "Sounds" folders in your SF2 KAW Mod folder. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
Copy the contents of my "Alt_Sounds" to your "Strikefighter2 Korea" mod folder.
Thats it...
If you're interested in some Alternate Menus for "Wings Over Korea", you can find them here...
SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music! Version 1.1
SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music! Version 1.1
SF2 Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music! Version 1.1
RA-5C Vigilante Over Vietnam
By yakarov79
This is simple skin pack for RA-5C Vigilante over Vietnam.
RA-5C and RVAH squadrons deployed 33 times in SEA during Vietnam War.
But in this pack you have one painting for every year of service during Vietnam War. Diferent units. Some wil apear twice like RVAH-11 and 12. As extra for 1966 there are two skins. So everything is 12 skin sets.
Actualy there is not much of skin differences here. Most work is in the decals section.
Pack includes:
1965 RVAH-13 USS Kitty Hawk
1966 RVAH-6 USS COnstellation *
1967 RVAH-12 USS Constellation
1968 RVAH-11 USS KItty Hawk
1969 RVAH-9 USS Ranger
1970 RVAH-1 USS Ranger
1971 RVAH-11 USS Constellation
1972 RVAH-7 USS Kitty Hawk
1973 RVAH-5 USS Ranger
1974 RVAH-5 USS Constellation
1975 RVAH-12 USS Enterprise
* Here are two paint schemes for one year. First works from January to June second July - December of 1966.
At the beginig all 6 aircrafts of unit were paintet in experimental camo. Later they chenged to original grey over white paint scheme. So here in single mission pack green camo will apear only unitl end of June 1966 and then standard grey/white camo for RVAH-6.
All serial numbers are historicaly correct and matched with modex number. (Hope)
If I was not sure or have no information about number/modex it is marked on number.lst file.
During service many RA-5C were lost. My tailnumbers mostly are original unit deployment before any replacemnt was done.
All skins are original from Julhem exelent RA-5C Vigilante V3.0.
I just resized skins and converted them into jpgs. Also I repainted some areas near cockpit. (new rescue arrows,danger triangles etc. and some stenciling)
All decals are my work exept tail template for RVAH-5 (NE and red arrow on tailfin - this comes form original Julhelm pack)
As always I was trying to put reference photos of real aircrafts. It is inside of each skin folder.
RVAH-6 green camo is my "repaint" of original skin thanks to Julhelms templates.
Unit badges are painted on skin. But there are also disabled decal.tga included in decals folder.
Enjoy and report bugs.
Jarek Hereda
I made strobe pod for RA-5C. with experimental flash/strobe effect. Not satissfied full about but it is uploaded. It works as RP so you got only 64 strobe shots.
Effect should be fixed so it will be just quick instant shot.
I was thinkin about creating new proper 400gal fuel tanks for A-5/RA-5. But maybe next time.
RA-5C tailcone. - Via fake pilot I've added tailcone. So no need to load/unload empty fuel pack. It will always apear on aircraft. I like it this way.
Added Aircraft Data.ini file with correct lines for adding strobe pod and fake pilot tailcone.
If you don't like it - do not use it.
Fixed chaff/flare positions.
thanks to Julhelm for templates and RA-5C model.
Aerophax MInigraph 09 North American Rockwell A3J A-5 Vigilante
Naval Figters 64 North American A-5A RA-5C Vigilante
Osprey Combat Aircraft RA-5C Vigilante Units in Combat
and many more that I dont remember at the moment.
SF2 Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for TW A-4
By Nyghtfall
Scooters! Vol.3 Skinpack for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks by Nyghtfall v1.0
*** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
*** DLC 019 A-4L for 1 Skin ***
For this pack I used a somewhat different approach. While playing campaigns, your plane gets upgraded from time to time or the plane changes to a new variant. So I did skins for the upgradepath of some squadrons, that flew in Rolling Thunder Campaign in addition to the ones I already did for the following: VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (2 more in Redux), VA-155 Silver Foxes (completly new) and VA-192 Golden Dragons (2 more in Redux). VA-56 Champions is completely new and included upon special request. And last but not least I did 2 special skins for VMA-142 just for fun and these are included too.
This pack contains new skins
- VA-56 Champions, USS Ticonderoga, 9/1965 to 5/1966 for A-4E_65
- VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 11/1966 to 7/1967 for A-4C_65
- VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 1/1968 to 6/1968 for A-4E_65
- VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
- VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4E and A-4E_65
- VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 10/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4E_65
- VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Constellation, 5/1966 for 9/1966 for A-4E_65 (experimental camouflage)
- VA-155 Silver Foxes, USS Coral Sea, 7/1967 to 4/1968 for A-4E_65
- VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/1965 to 1/1966 for A-4C and A-4C_65
- VA-192 Golden Dragons, US Ticonderoga, 12/1967 to 8/1968 for A-4F
and just for fun:
- VMA-142 Flying Gators, NAS Jacksonville, Florida in their '76 Bicentennial Aniversary scheme for A-4F_74 and A-4L
Hangarscreens are included in 1920x1080 resolution as default and 1024x768 as optional.
As always, feel free to read the readme and have fun with the skins!
- Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
- US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69
- A-4 Skyhawk Association,
- Google in general
1. unzip to a temporary folder
2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
3. enjoy!
If VMA-142 Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free number:
DisplayName=VMA-142 'Flying Gators'
- Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
- Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack
- Alejandro - escapac seat
- ???? - J52-Engine-Sound
- me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work, higher resolution skin for rockeye-cbu
Please PM me, if I forgot someone!
- mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
- all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.
SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper 07/12/2015
Download Do335's Excellent v1.1 package (Wings over Korea 1, 2, and 3) here...
I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!. Thanks Do335, for putting together the long awaited, easy to install package!
Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\
SF2 Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper63a
SF2 Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
By Viper 07/12/2015
Download Do335's Excellent v1.1 package (Wings over Korea 1, 2, and 3) here...
I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!. Thanks Do335, for putting together the long awaited, easy to install package!
Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\
Nakajima J9N1-S Kikka Night Fighter
By Veltro2k
Nakajima J9N1-S Kikka Night Fighter
The Nakajima Kikka "Orange Blossom" was Japan's first jet-powered aircraft. It was developed late in World War II and the first prototype
had only flown once before the end of the conflict
Textures,FM and decals: Charles
Destroyed model:Capun
install in Objects/aircraft folder
IAF No.26 Sqn Mig-21Bis Skin Mini-Pack
By Lazarus1177
IAF No.26 Sqn Mig-21Bis Skin Mini-Pack
A very small mod which adds two skins for the IAF's No.26 Sqn Mig-21s.Can be used with the default Mig-21Bis but I recommend PauloPanz's Excellent Pack:
Unzip and paste the Aircraft and Decal Folder inside the Objects mod folder.
Murtaza Akbar
*Skins based on Fubar512's Mig-21MF Template here at the CA Forums.
*Paulopanz's Mig-21 'Vikram' required for tail numbers.
American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild
By Wrench
Upgrade for America NorthWest Terrains: 4 Seasons Inclusive Build
-for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe FE?
The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges. But...with the advent of the 9/08 patch for the entire 3rd Wire series, they can now be combined into ONE terrain, and with a few ini edits, allow for =ALL= 4 season to be present in ONE terrain folder. Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well
This package includes ALL 4 seasons for Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series, combined.This package is designed to TOTALLY REPLACE =ALL= the original terrains, with one single install. Editing has been done to the all the inis, as per the latest patch standards. Included are also my targets and movements enhancements, as seen in a 8/07 upgrade, with some additions.
Included are the "Spring", "Summer" (by CA_Stary), "Thaw" (by Doghouse & Deuces), and "Winter" seasons as new subfolders of this rebuilt terrain. A new 'EnvrionmentalSystem.ini', that is terrain specific, was created that raises the cloud deck OFF the mountains. It's also super easy to edit, to allow for lower clouds, if that is your wish. You'll also find regional specific trees (pine) scattered across the landscape. It looks sooo much better with trees!!! :) For those looking for it, YES, there are more than a couple of Easter Eggs, as you've all come to expect.
While set in the "What If.." world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance, it's quite usable for just about anything. =EXCEPTING= no anti-ship missions, as there's no large bodies of water for shipping routes. (see my pleas for retiling in the "General Notes and Other Nonsense" section below)
The movements ini has been expanded for more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. Additonal targets have been added (one new city, airport and train stations for each side), and new Ground Attack routes for CAS missions. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil Fields and Elk Mountains Uranium Mines for their own". New country flags have been added (the 2 GS and Alliance flags are still here!) for NAA alllies - USA and Canada.
This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains for the terrain cat reacharound. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games at your own risk.
Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. And the fact that there's no water on this map.....
Included as well is FastCargo's SON-9A "FireCan" AA control radar, and some ini updates for a few of the stock "Red" AAA units, networking them to the FireCan.
PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've tried to accomplish.
Good Hunting & Happy Landings!!!
kevin stein
By russouk2004
T34-85 Russian Tank
Model adapted from freeware model...not found creator name yet...
adapted and a lot of restoring the model to max format....and some minor new meshes and some mapping...
all inis are basically TW but adapted by me.
copied stock data etc but renamed to avoid ok in game...after having a few mesh probs...(high poly count) fixed.
I think its far better than stock...
feel free to alter ini`s as desired...
Usual CA Rulez apply...
have fun blowing it up....