Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
sound alternative to MainScreen woi / wov / woe
sound alternative to MainScreen woe / woe / woe "thunderstruck"
F-86 Ethiopia
By strahi
This is my attempt to make EtAF skin, far from perfection, if someone needed for Ogaden campaign ... this is the opportunity.
F-8E Crusader - Royal Canadian Navy
By Spinners
Vought F-8E Crusader 'RCN' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-8E to create a fictional export version in service with the Royal Canadian Navy.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8E_RCN folder into your main Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-8E_RCN folder into your main Decals folder.
That's it!
Thanks to everyone in the Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 14/08/16
SFP2 Mil Mi-24/35 GEO Camo
Mi-24P public beta proudly present to by YEYEYE.
Skin/Templates by me David Bregadze WINGSOVERISRAEL
Georgian Air Force Mil Mi-35 Camo
download and enjy.
By KJakker
This mod will get rid of the CanopyFrame mesh of the F-106_Pit.LOD so that you can have the equivalent of a proper Project Six Shooter canopy for your F-106.
By KJakker, 8/9/2016.
Credits: Original "F-106A_COCKPIT.INI" by Kesselbrut.
See ReadMe file for installation instructions.
P-3F Orion IrIAF
By strahi
This is a skin for Iranian P-3F Orion
the original file can be found at the following link
J-31 Grey Falcon
By Piglet_7
Update on the J-31 (Bandidos) for SF1
- Skins
- Damage textures
No J31 cockpit for SF1 so I've retextured the SF1 F-22 pit
Thanks to Bandidos and ThridWire
Loading & Hangar Screens by LeL
SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat (PTO)
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat 7/22/2016
"A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46"
***Note: Due to massive changes in the skins, decals, and inis, if you have created a WW2 Version of the Bearcat, you ARE advised to move, remove, rename or otherwise hide it from the Game Engine. THIS mod will cause conflicts, due to aforementioned changes, with many of the original parts.***
This full aircraft package includes mods to Geo's F8F Bearcat, (re)creating the original 600-odd F8F-1 versions as deployed from August, 1945, just as the War ended. I've made the assumption, for PTO '46 users, that the A-Bombs, for whatever reason, were not used and the aircraft entered full squadron service for Operations Olympic and Coronet.
See the 'Changes' section in the "Notes" below.
The package includes 2 skin & decal sets:
VF-19 (USS Langley, CVL-27) as seen in 8/45, enroute to the War Zone, as the war ended)
VF-3 (USS Coral Sea, if the CVB class carriers had entered the war in the later parts of 1945)
With the exception of the nation marking, which remain painted on, all other markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Many are by Geo from the original release. Other (modex) are by me. The ship code letters ARE correct for the late 45 thru late 46 time frame. The skins have been partly repained to remove the incorrect "G" system marking used on the orignal VF-19 skin. Skins remain in bmp format. As they carry no markings, this will allow other skinners the freedom to create other carrier air group codes, although new modex numbers will probably be required as well.
The hangar screen is an SF2 version of my 1st Gen "Box Art" one.
All weapons (drop tanks), sounds and a pilot figure are included. Other weapons used (rocket, bombs, etc) use those you should already have in the WW2 Weapons Pack.
The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is =NOT= active, as it never was when originally released in 2006. The aircraft is NOT exported, having only the single user, the US Navy.
The aircraft has been given a Service Start Date of of July, 1945. The data ini contains a new (if somewhat experimental FM, but MUCH closer to stated performances). It may require further fine tuning by experts; to that end I've included the USN BuAer's "Standard Performance" chart PDF within the main aircraft folder. This is for those remaining FM gurus to use, if they wish, to further refine the FM.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. PLEASE read it before installing, ok?
As always, read the "Notes" section for notes and other ramblings
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
CL/CLAA-119 Juneau Class
By KJakker
USS Juneau Class Cruiser Ver 1.0
By YEYEYE & KJakker.
This is the CL-119/CLAA-119 Juneau Class Light AA Cruiser modeled by YEYEYE. It includes both an early and a late version. The CL-119 represents the USS Juneau CL-119, USS Spokane CL-120, and USS Fresno CL-121 when equiped with the 40mm Bofors. The CLAA-119 represents the USS Juneau CLAA-119 after its November 1951 to February 1952 overhaul which replaced the 40mm mounts with 3inch/50caliber Mark 33 gun mounts.
Note: Three "Data.INI" files for the CL-119 Juneau class and two for the CLAA-119 Juneau class have been included. The AltGuns1 and AltGuns2_DATA.INI variants use alternate guns from the default file; these guns can be found in the Optional Files\Optional Guns folder.
Also in the Optional Files\Optional Data Files folder you will find subfolders titled Structural Factor x2, Structural Factor x3, and Structural Factor x4, and Default Data File Backup as I was not sure how strong players would want the ship to be. Each version has a Structural Factor that many times that of the Default variant.
This package was assembled at the request of Do335.
Backup anything in your SF2 Mods folder that you think may be effected. Extract all the files from the archive to a safe place on your harddrive then take the folder labled "To Mods Folder" and copy it into your Strike Fighters 2 mods folder, overwrite as needed.
Optional Files
If you want to use the alternate guns that the AltGuns1 and AltGuns2 data file variants are set up for then afte doing the above go to Optional Files folder and move the contents of the Optional Effects, Optional Guns, Optional Sounds folders to their respective folders in your Mods folder. Then add the data from the Sound List Additions.txt to your SOUNDLIST.INI folder.
Ship basic model, Distance-LODs, and Skins by YEYEYE.
Data and Names INI files as well as the Hull names and numbers for the Spokane and Fresno are by KJakker.
The included optional guns listed below are by KJakker.
Guns below were originaly from the "Guns Collection for SF2 Series 2.0" by FLOGGER23.
Most of the included effects are by Stary. The two Effects listed below are by KJakker and are based upon work by Stary & Thirdwire.
Do not distribute, repackage or post without consent from YEYEYE & KJakker.
No Modifications without previous consent is allowed.
And this is freeware, it must not be used in any commercial product.
Copyright ? YEYEYE, KJakker. All rights reserved.
Special thanks.
Thirdwire and TK for their sim and some instruments.
Hope you enjoy it.
YEYEYE & KJakker
July 2016
AT-6G Mosquito Fictional SEA Skin
By Geary
Fictional AT-6G Mosquito skin for SF1 & SF2.
This is a What If SEA skin for Wrench's AT-6G Mosquito mod found here:
It is Wrench's mod to Bunyap's T-6 Texan. You will need this file for the plane, weapons and decal numbers.
Bunyap's T-6 Texan is a bit old and has a few malfunctions such as a shadow line and no texture mapping for the tires, etc. But it looks good in the air.
If you would like my .psd layer mods to Wrench's template, PM me.
Thanks to Bunyap for the plane and Wrench for the Mosquito mod and templates.
Any questions, please ask.
Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc
By Stary
Kamchatka Peninsula 250m heightmesh update with corresponding tweaks and rejuvenated/extended tileset and layout
for Strike Fighters 2, best fully-merged installation
by Stary
July 2016
This is test rebuild of Baltika's and Wrench's Kamchatka terrain, based on Kamchatka v2.0 which is major update to original Baltika's
terrain by Wrench.
This is semi-experimental update aimed at demonstrating and testing in wider userbase usage of denser resolution heightmesh.
I can >>not<< guarantee the stability of this terrain due to engine limitations and what I observed and what seems to be slight memory handling issues of the SF2 engine
Baltika and Wrench for their work on Kamchatka map.
Gerwin for TFD tool and BMP2TFD
Combatace and Thirdwire
All the nice people around here
Extended information, please read carefully!
The height mesh:
The stock Thirdwire .hfd terrain format uses publictly available DEM (digital elevation model) databases to produce 500 meters vertex
spaced terrain meshes with 2000 meters tiles covering them. This is proven, easy to use system but 500 meters is awfully 1999 technology
for 2016 systems. Thus given my efforts into NA LOD-based terrains creation stalled due to lack of knowledge and tools I decided to
reproduce one of more interesting yet obscure maps available, the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The mesh in this download currently uses 250 meters resolution which is twice the density and detail* compared to original terrain.
Please note that due to being based on low resolution hfd file output the actual height representation is somewhat off compared to real terrain!
Not much and not that it really matters much. "If it looks good it is good"
New heightmap was created in several steps which I now describe to help other more advanced terrain modders possibly use this method:
First steps -Gerwin's TFDTool and Photoshop:
-I used Gerwin's TDF tool to output the heightmap via F9 key
-Also created the textures bitmap as a helper file via F7 key
-The created file in grayscale is 3000x3000, which corresponds to 500m resolution on 1500000m map (3000/2=1500! Magic!)
-Thus I rescaled the file to 6000x6000 pixels, the same with the texture bitmap which I copied to greyscale file for reference
-The 6000x6000 or twice the original is the 250m per pixed heightfield file
-I filled the blue water areas TFDTool creates with pure black 0,0,0
-Then I spent some time in Photoshop working on several layers and using several brushes and tools to slightly tweak the grayscale height
image, mostly to brighten the higher areas and adjust some more interesting places. Mostly blur, stroke tools and some slight wave-y
filers to add some detail to now ARTIFICIALLY pumped up resolution (further on this below)
-Pro tip: to get rid of any water/shore artifacts is easy way, the so called tsunami waves or coast areas on slopes I selected the
texture map layer, selected all water areas (select by pixel color) and created another pure black layer on top of the main height layer,
that drops slight shadows around it (2 to 4 pixels black shadow) -this way the heightmap gets toned down for few pixels (two is good
value) when near the water areas; think smart not hard as The Ancient One says :P
when the heightmap was considered ready I flattened it and converted to 8bit palleted file using the stock Thirdwire terrain editor
palette (you can do this palette by exporting any heightmap as bitmap from within the TE and saving it's palette to file, most programs
allow palette saving)
Second step -Thirdwire Terrain Editor, the 042106 version:
so now I had the TE-format palleted 8bit heightmap but to import it without further data loss I needed to adjust the TerrainEditor.ini
settings via notepad:
-the line that specifies the min-max scale of height present in the file is this line:
HeightScale=15 <---- this line, by default uses value of 10
MinLandHeight=0 <---- by default 1
experimenting with this value gives you the similar results as using PGUP/PGDN keys when using Gerwin's bmp2tfd tool, basically sets the global vertical scaling of min-max values in file
To create new 250m resolution the values at creating new map are as follows:
Terrain Map Size: 1500 (km, like original Kamchatka terrain)
Texture Tile Resolution: 2000 (meters, like all common SF2 maps and tilesets)
Height Field Resolution: 250 (meters, compared to defaul 500 meters)
Then if you do have the texturelist loaded yo ushould get new flat terrain with textures filling the areas, just impor t he
heightmap from the created 6000x6000 paletted bitmap and save.
This is basic procedure, same can be used to create 125 meters resolution terrains (I did so for Korea3 terrain so far) BUT those are unstable and I am still trying to get
perfect values in BOTH flightengine.ini and given terrain's _data.ini
*now the heihgt information/detail gets lost every time we index the heightmap so one must then increase the HeightScale= value to get
more or less proper -OR GOOD LOOKING height values. Also be warned that Gerwin's TFDTool doesn't properly translate non-standard maps
(1000 kilometers ones go ok though) that is why the TE hassle
That said -the height scale is a bit OFF in this map so if you are a purist complain all you want, I wanted better looking mesh more than
geographical accuracy. To have the latter we need to come up with otehr height data sources for denser terrains. I have yet to look into
the tools and programs I own what could be of use.
Before installing this mod BACKUP your Kamchatka terrain!!! There is possibility you won't get this terrain working at all so I warned
To install this exctract the zip and move the content of the included folder to your Kamchatka terrain, overwrite when asked.
This way now you have new terrain tfd and hfd files, new inis, TODs and new reworked tileset in both summer nad winter flavours in their respective folders.
The mod has all the nedded tweaks into kamchatka.ini and kamchatka_data.ini already present,
HOWEVER to use this terrain in efficient way (ie, not to experience CTDs when loading the map every signle time) please do adjust few
things in your installation:
The essential is making small adjustments to your flightengine.ini file
by default uses value of 80000, and while I now use the original value to prevent possible memory crashes use the 70000 value which lowers the loaded terrain "bubble" around the camera.
Also if you do use very extended trees/objects drawing distances (with or without additions of Mue's extra distance fading shaders) I
recommend lowering the DetailMeshSize= values, start with something like 8 or 10 and try if the map loads for you, can then increase this
further, it might be very VERY system-dependent
Known Bugs:
YES this is test and YES you might get constant CTDs when loading missions; might be very computer or installation dependent. I have
medium-high system and work ok with the values I use in inis. Also can't guarantee if some crazy large scale missions wouldn't prevernt the
terrain OR textures to load, as I have hit some engine limitations during more brutal force tests. That is why the tileset, albeit I have
it in 1024px resolution too, is 512 version.
Also you should have much less of issues when using ObjectsFade=TRUE and not using Mue's extender draw distance shaders. That is because
the sim engine apparently does not have to load ALL the TODs at once during mission loading, just later when need be.
Anyway that is my assumption, I might be totally wrong
Legal stuff:
CA Fair Use license apply, not to be used as base or part of any sort of payware
That should be all,
have fun (I hope) and if you are terrain modder, try my method. Again, 500m res is soo 1999 :P
SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1)
By Wrench
SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1) 7/21/2016
"A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46"
**Note: consider this 'version 3.0', replacing the SF/Wo* version based on MontyCZ Skyraider I'd done many years ago. THIS version replaces that one completely. Delete it if you still have it.**
*Note you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install, as the mod references the stock A-1H lod for the aircraft.*
The is a semi-what if aircraft, as the BT2D did exist (and was renamed the AD-1 in 1947). This mod assumes that the aircraft WAS deployed to the Western Pacific in WW2, in the event that the development and/or usage of the A-Bombs was curtailed for some reason.
The aircraft comes with three skin/decal sets (although only one actual skin residing in the main folder; the "Brain32 trick".)
The skin remains in bmp format. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All Aircraft carry the new style (post-July 1945) "letter code" ship identification tags. These ARE correct for the time from 7/45 - 12/46(ish). VT88 & VB19 also make use the "hundreds" series modex numbers, which also started usage 7/45. VB14 remains with is double digit modex numbers. Several other ship ID code decal are provided, for those wishing to replace other SB2C & TBM units with the BT2D. Other units can be easily made if one knows their code letters (I do!) Other units may require new, different sequenced modex number decals.
All weapons, sounds and a pilot figure are included. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is active, by using it's standard keystroke, Shift/9, but it's not reccomended to fold the wings when loaded, as due to some sort of game limitation, the weapons will NOT move with the wing (no matter how much I've tried to fix that).
The aircraft has been given a "start date' of of June, 1945.
The aircraft is equipped with radar, (AN/APS-4) in an external pod, and is speced to carry and deploy just about all USN weapons of the period, including "Bat" glide bombs, and torpedos.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
Su-37 Yellow Squadron skinpack
By tonipm99
Skinpack including 4 skins from Ace Combat 04; Yellow 13, Yellow 4, Jean-Louis, and Gene.
The skin itself is edited from Jetfreak-7's Yellow 13 skin for HAWX, you can find it here -->
A little info about the pilots:
-Yellow 13 and 4 were part of the 156th Tactical Fighter Wing, also known as Aquila, however, due to the yellow bellies of their Su-37s, the squadron was commonly known as the Yellow Squadron. The nicknames of their pilots came from the number of their aircraft, for example, Yellow 13 isn't the thirteenth pilot of the squadron, he pilots the 013 aircraft. Four was killed during the Stonehenge assault after deciding to depart with her damaged Su-37, after a bomb exploded on their makeshift runway. Thirteen was shot down and probably killed during the Siege of Farbanti. Both pilots were shot down by Mobius One.
-Jean-Louis and Gene are part of the Megalith Defense Squadron, a squadron hastily formed by a group of officers after the Second Usean Continental War to defend Megalith. They weren't part of the 156th TFW, but they had painted their Su-37s in their colors. They were both killed during the Megalith assault, first Jean-Louis, making Gene first-in-command, and later himself.
Note: The Su-37 model found in CombatACE and ported from HAWX has a mapping issue, where both wings use the same part of the texture. This means that the left wing is always mirrored from the right wing. Sorry, I can't do anything about it :(
Thanks for downloading, and good hunting!
BT2D Dauntless 2 (Ver 2.0)
By Wrench
Douglas BT2D "Dauntless II" Version 2.0 - for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs patched to 06 levels -ONLY-!!
Updated to Version 2.0, Uploaded 5/18/09!!
-- NOTE: this package is designed to TOTALLY replace my original release from 2005, in it's entirety!! --
This is a complete reskin and redecaling of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider into a "What If..." variant of it's predecessor, the BT2D "Dauntless II", had it been available for use in the world of WW2: 1946, in the Pacific Theatre.
This version, as stated above, replaces the original. It's gone through some updating, but still remains pretty much the same. All new decals have been created (and properly done THIS time!) with correct Modex, and new BuNums. The BuNums themselves are actually AD-1 series numbers, but as the BT2D was renamed in 1947 TO the AD-1, this poses no historical conflicts. A new skin, with appropriate weathering, based of new templates, is also included. Some other 'fixes' include the renaming of some bits in the data ini, so's they 'disappear' when not used, and the addition of more formation/running lights and a landing light.
The aircraft depicted in the mod represents BT2Ds of VA-19A, the first squadron to recieve them, and be carrier qualified (that part really is true), aboard USS Coral Sea in 1945.
This is a COMPLETE addon aircraft, with all necessary parts, including an excessively repainted version of the A-4E cockpit (it's the closest there is -- see NOTES below for alternates). For those not having the WW2 Weapons pak, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon AD Blue drop tanks are included.
= IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested ONLY in 2006 Patch Levels SF/WoV/WoE. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft being used in the post 08 patch enviroments. It is NOT reccomended for use in WoI or SF/SFG/WoV/WoE in these post 08 patch game installs. It is also NOT reccomended for use in the SF2/SF2:V new series. If you insist on doing so, you do so at your own risk. No support is available from me for any issues you may experience. You have been warned/advised...
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
Also included, at the bottom of this document, is the Alternate History essay, telling the story of the Dauntless IIs use against the Home Islands.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 F-15 GAF Eagle Pack Redux 2016 (Fictional)
By Viper63a
SF2 F-15 GAF Eagle Pack Redux 2016 (Fictional) - The Mudhen Team - 2016\07\19
This pack is an add-on for the F-15 Eagle Super Pack. However, it is a full stand-alone pack, no other mod packs are required.
What if West Germany replaced their aging F-4s with F-15s!? I was inspired by Ravenclaw's F-14F ICE Phantoms to build this pack. Infact, I used his squadron info and some of the decals for this pack.
If you are interested in other Mudhen Team F-15 Eagles, you can find them in the following links...
What's included in this mod pack?
** This pack contains fictional West German F-15G Eagle Squadrons.
* Included GAF Jets:
F-15C Eagle, F-15G Strike Eagle, and F-15GSE Silent Eagles.
* Included GAF squadrons:
JG71 "Richthofen" Norm 90j
JG72 "Westfalen" Norm 90j
JG73 "Steinhoff" Norm 90j
JG74 "Mölders" Norm 90j
** Optional Package:
Please refer to the Readme in the "Optional" folder to...
1) Install 1920x1080 Hangar and Loading screens. This pack has 1024x768 screens by default.
2) Downgrade the default 4096x to 2048x skins if you have performance issues with the larger skins.
!! First and always - BACKUP!
** Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Add F15 SoundList
Read the "Add F15 SoundList.txt" readme file on adding the F-15 sound files included in this pack to your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file.
Thats it - Enjoy!
Please report any bugs or issues via the "Support Topic" link...
The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
Crusader - Upgraded and added 2012 FM and Cockpits to pack!
RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats!
JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod.
Nengajyou Aki -JASDF Serial Decals.
Stick - Beta testing and assistance with FM - THANK YOU!
April 2016
Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
F-15 Super Pack!
TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
Fubar512 - For the FM work.
JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
MoonJumper - Avionics work.
Sundowner - Textures.
USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
12 Jan 10
MiG-15 Bis cockpit HD
By Stary
This is highly detailed, high poly cockpit model of iconic soviet jet fighter MiG-15 Bis.
Thanks to Do335 and Coupi for some very nice tweaks to my previous MiG-15 cockpits which were incorporated into this mod; also to Swambast for some reference materials.
I made my best to make most of the instruments working; possibly includes some new never before seen creative solutions ;)
Read the readme for the boring stuff and additional info.
Have fun
Kfir_F-21A desert skin
By UllyB
This is a skin for the old Kfir F-21A. I just modified a skin I found, matching the pattern I saw in a picture.
Uzip the file into your plane's folder. Copy:
into your Kfir_F_21A.ini file. Choose the aircraft skin in the game's loadout menu.
This skin is not for commercial purpose. However you may use it in your future projects. just don't forget to mention me in the credits list.
J-37 Viggen_Fall skin
By UllyB
This is a Fall version for J-37 Viggen plane.
Unzip all into your J-37 viggen folder. Then copy:
Name=Fall camo
into your JA-37.ini file.Just choose the skin for the aircraft in the game's loadout menu.
This skin can not be used for commercial purpose. However, you may use the skin in your future projects but don't forget to mention me in the credits list.
AH-1J International Cobra ver.2016
By yakarov79
BELL AH-1J International COBRA Ver 2.0 for SF2
This is a third party add on of the AH-1J International Cobra using models and cockpits created by me.
The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters.
I have just modified it a bit. Feel free to mod it your way for your use.
It is designed for and works in the SF2 only.
WeaponAdd for this model is also included.
This is freeware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first.
Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
Bribes and donations are accepted;
Jarek Hereda
This is totaly new file. I highly recomend to backup your old files. OR just delete all old files. Even weapon folders. It is updated here.
This is totaly new files and will not work in many parts with old.
This model is based on previous J model with little modifications. Representing J International model exported to Iran. And J TOW International Cobra - modified J Cobra TOW capable aircraft. Only user of this model was also Iran and South Korea which used 8 aircrafts between 1978-2004.
Pack includes 3 aircrafts as I made it specific for Iran and South Korea.
Cockpits included.
This addon works only with included WeaponPACK. All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack.
Standard commands for activating Cobra features:
With some differenced compared to G model.
AIRBRAKES - jump from pilot station to gunner station.
ARRESTING HOOK - deploy arresting hook to land on aircraft carrier.
LANDING GEAR - belly light deploy/retract at any speed. Don't forget to fold before shooting.
A2A mode - gunner station guncross for turret.
A2Ground mode - pilot M60 gunsight cross.
ANIMATION 7 - turret doors
ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors
ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view)
ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view)
For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector (small needle on RPM clock in cockpit should be like 65degree up) - (default ctrl + ) and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed.
When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing.
There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations.
All serial numbers are historicaly correct for each country.
I've set nation name for Iran. In my instal Iran - Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. Same with J Tow model and plus SKorea- which is Republic of Korea Air Force.
You might want to add new nation as It should be - Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation
And Republic of Korea Army Aviation - ROKAA not ROKAF.
But as always you can mod it your way.
I've included skins for Iranian Army Aviation for both J and J TOW model representing early Imperial Iranian Army Aviation and post revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation.
Also South Korean Army Aviation is represented by early and late type of painting.
During Iran-Iraq war Iranian army did some test with launching AGM-65 missiles. But reports says airframe sufers structural damage.
Here I made possible to load Mavericks for Iranian AH-1J.
I am using usnpilots by OldDiego. Not included.
Some pilots models might be too big for this helo.
Copy all files into specific folders.
For M197gatling sound copy the lines from SOUNDLIST ADDON to your soundlist ini file.
Edit your way.
Hope everything is working fine.
Report bugs.
For updates visit on:
NAVAIR 00-110AH1-4
TM 55-1520-221-10 Operators Manual Army Model AH 1G Helicopter
Osprey Combat Aircraft 41 - US.Army AH-1 Units In Vietnam
Cobra! The Attack Helicopter: Fifty Years of Sharks Teeth and Fangs Mike Verier
WALK AROUND AH-1G Cobra - Squadron Signal
Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987)
Osprey Colour Series Cobra Tank Killer Supreme
Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants
Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action
Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships
Nort American Harvard Mk.II
By paulopanz
The North American Aviation T-6 Texan is a single-engined advanced trainer aircraft used
to train pilots of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), United States Navy, Royal
Air Force and other air forces of the British Commonwealth during World War II and into
the 1970s. Designed by North American Aviation, the T-6 is known by a variety of designations
depending on the model and operating air force.
The United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) and USAAF designated it as the AT-6,
the United States Navy the SNJ, and British Commonwealth air forces, the Harvard,
the name it is best known by outside of the US
- Old Bunyap post WWII Harvard revamped
- a plenty of new/restored skins & decals
Aeronavale, BAF (2), EAF (3), FAL (1), FAP (1), Arme de l'Air (2), HAF (2),
IAF (1), IDF (3), JVL (1), KLU (2), PAF (2), RAF 86), RCAF (1), RDAF (1),
RJAF (1), RNAF (2), RNZAF (5), RRhAF (2), SAAF (9), SyAF (2), TuAF (1), Yemen (1)
- pilots
- weapons
- sounds
- screens
- Shadows disabled, but pilots and weapons set not to cast shadows too
- SAAF camo Harvards had not markings when on war theatre. So you will be free to remore decals.ini
- Bunyap: model
- Wrench: a lot of previous precious work included and upgraded here. Great Kev!
- Some other people I don't remember (I'm Very sorry), but I'll add if you pm me
- paulopanz (me): skins/decals/screens/editing/tweakings/packing/Fish/Chips/etc.
- as usual put all in your mod folder
This little bird will fit with almost ALL our existing and future cold war scenarios.
A real classic.
Strike Fighters 2: Israel Music Pack for Post-1967 Installs
By allenjb42
This music pack is an updated and expanded version of my original Strike Fighters Israel Music pack for the first generation Wings Over Israel game.
As the name suggests, this pack is intended to provide appropriate menu music for your enhanced enjoyment of this great game.
Because you have potentially two seperate SF2 Israel installs, one covering 1948 - 1956 and another covering 1967 - 1982 and beyond, I have created a music pack for each era.
1) Unzip the folders to a temp folder and then depending on your install select either Strike Fighters2 Israel (for your post-1967 install) or Strike Fighters2 Exp 1 (for your 1948 - 1956 install)
2) Copy the Menu folder within your selected folder to your Mod folder and allow it to overwrite.
3) Fire up the game and go fly over the turbulent skies of the Middle East.
Track Listings:
(1) Strike Fighters2 Israel
MainScreen.wav - 'Israeli Air Force 50th Anniversary Theme'
SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Janes IAF Theme'
HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Raid' from the movie 'Raid On Entebbe'
DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Chom Yuli-Ogust - July August Heat' by Shlomo Artzi
DebriefFail.wav - 'Im In Alu - If The Doors Are Locked' by Ofra Haza
DebriefKilled.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' by Talma Alyagon Raz (Lyrics) and Dov Zeltzer (Music), and performed by Yehoram Gaon, from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
OptionsScreen.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' (Instrumental) from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
(2) Strike Fighters2 Exp 1
MainScreen.wav - Theme from the movie 'Exodus'
SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'The Road to Jerusalem' from 'Cast A Giant Shadow'
HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Gathering of Forces' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
DebriefSuccess.wav - Song of the Israeli Air Force - 'On Silver Wings' performed by the Israel Army Band under the direction of Colonel Yitzhak Graziani
DebriefFail.wav - 'Shir HaPalmach' - 'Song of the Palmach'(The Palmach were the forerunner of the IDF)
DebriefKilled.wav - 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold' by Naomi Shemer and performed by the Dor L’Dor Singers
OptionsScreen.wav - 'Land of Hope' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
I've included a document with translations of the songs in the debrief screens, as well as some biographical details of the artists/composers which can serve as a starting point if you want to get into this in more detail.
All of the above music tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me.
There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.
Allen "allenjb42" Burton
Strike Fighters 2: Israel Music Pack for 1948-1956 Installs
By allenjb42
This music pack is an updated and expanded version of my original Strike Fighters Israel Music pack for the first generation Wings Over Israel game.
As the name suggests, this pack is intended to provide appropriate menu music for your enhanced enjoyment of this great game.
Because you have potentially two seperate SF2 Israel installs, one covering 1948 - 1956 and another covering 1967 - 1982 and beyond, I have created a music pack for each era.
1) Unzip the folders to a temp folder and then depending on your install select either Strike Fighters2 Israel (for your post-1967 install) or Strike Fighters2 Exp 1 (for your 1948 - 1956 install)
2) Copy the Menu folder within your selected folder to your Mod folder and allow it to overwrite.
3) Fire up the game and go fly over the turbulent skies of the Middle East.
Track Listings:
(1) Strike Fighters2 Israel
MainScreen.wav - 'Israeli Air Force 50th Anniversary Theme'
SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Janes IAF Theme'
HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Raid' from the movie 'Raid On Entebbe'
DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Chom Yuli-Ogust - July August Heat' by Shlomo Artzi
DebriefFail.wav - 'Im In Alu - If The Doors Are Locked' by Ofra Haza
DebriefKilled.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' by Talma Alyagon Raz (Lyrics) and Dov Zeltzer (Music), and performed by Yehoram Gaon, from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
OptionsScreen.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' (Instrumental) from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
(2) Strike Fighters2 Exp 1
MainScreen.wav - Theme from the movie 'Exodus'
SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'The Road to Jerusalem' from 'Cast A Giant Shadow'
HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Gathering of Forces' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
DebriefSuccess.wav - Song of the Israeli Air Force - 'On Silver Wings' performed by the Israel Army Band under the direction of Colonel Yitzhak Graziani
DebriefFail.wav - 'Shir HaPalmach' - 'Song of the Palmach'(The Palmach were the forerunner of the IDF)
DebriefKilled.wav - 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold' by Naomi Shemer and performed by the Dor L’Dor Singers
OptionsScreen.wav - 'Land of Hope' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
I've included a document with translations of the songs in the debrief screens, as well as some biographical details of the artists/composers which can serve as a starting point if you want to get into this in more detail.
All of the above music tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me.
There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.
Allen "allenjb42" Burton
C-130J-30 Shimshon Israeli Air Force Skin
By allenjb42
Israel established 103 squadron in May 1948 to serve primarily as a transport unit. The squadron was initially composed of several DC-3 and DC-5 aircraft, and added three former US Navy Catalina aircraft in 1951. The Israeli Air Force merged 103 and 69 squadrons in 1954, at which time B-17 aircraft were part of the 103 squadron.
During the Sinai Campaign of October 1956, France loaned Israel ten C-47 aircraft, and Israel also acquired three N-2501IS Noratlas aircraft in 1955. Over the next ten years, 103 squadron added additional aircraft, some of which were subsequently transferred to other squadrons. The Six Day War of 1967 provided 103 squadron with another opportunity to act in its air support role, although one Noratlas aircraft was lost.
The squadron continued its air support operations during the Yom Kippur War, and it had received eight Hercules C-130H aircraft by 1976.
The first C-130J-30 entered service in the IAF on the 9th of April, 2014 and received the nickname Shimshon, Hebrew for Samson, in recognition of it's load carrying capacity and also as a counterpart to the English nickname Hercules.
As of 2016, Israel is said to be close to starting negotiations linked to a planned deal to boost its fleet of Lockheed Martin C-130J tactical transports, sources in the nation have indicated.
Three of the airlifters – named "Samson" in Israeli service – are already in operational use at Nevatim air base. Another two will arrive this year under with a further example to follow later. The air force previously outlined a requirement to introduce additional examples on top of those six.
Meanwhile, the operational experience gained by the service in operating the new-generation Hercules since April 2014 will lead to an increase in the number of Israeli-developed systems integrated with its fleet. Most of the enhancements – designed to support the needs of the Israeli Defence Forces' depth command – are incorporated at Lockheed's Marietta final assembly site in Georgia, while other equipment is added in Israel.
Israeli Air Force 103 'Elephants' Squadron skin for Dels C-130J-30
Repaint of Dark Grey RAAF skin that came with the C-130J-30 mod
Just drop the contents of the file(Objects folder) to your mod folder and let it overwrite existing files.
With grateful thanks to:
Dels: C-130J-30 model and skin
Yakarov79: 103 Sqdn badge decals
Wrench: Serial number decals
TK: A great game
CA: A great website, community and home to SF2
Allen "allenjb42" Burton
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