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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. SF2 "General" Cargo Ship

      SF2 E/NA
      Cargo SHIP
      General Cargo Ship for the Game
      This a General Look for ship's that you can see around the sea's.......!!
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      Skins: AceSfakia
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Data.ini: Acesfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :COMBATACE, T W
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


         (5 reviews)



    2. F-8E(FN) Crouze & F-8P(FN) Crouze Prolongé

      This pack is a TW DLC enhancement. So it's needed to work.
      WHAT'S IN:
      stock F-8E (FN): Prototype, 14F Grey skin
      New F-8P (FN): 2 blue skins, special Dernier Catapultage skin; dedicated numbers
      - Key 10 cockpit
      - key 9 wingfold
      (*) both animations are automatically closed at take off
      - Gaëtan Marie: LTV F-8E(FN) Crusader
      - Denis Oliveira 3D parts
      - Coupi F-8P avionics & Cockpit aspect (V. 1.1)
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, data.ini edits

      - all in main mod folder

      @ Paulopanz

      PS: we need a good Clemenceau/Foch carrier class


         (4 reviews)



    3. RAAF F-111C/G/A/RF-111C new skin pack

      RAAF F-111 reskinning
      Born in Texas, lived in Queensland - the Pig.
      Here are new skins for the RAAF F-111s. The SEA camouflage skins have been repainted, mostly in accordance with LeL's SF1 F-111C. In addition to the usual fin squadron markings, the crests are also displayed. The grey skins have also been redone. All of this was done on the new templates provided by slick_cowboy, who more than lives up to his username. In addition to F-111C skins, F-111A, and F-111G skins are provided. In addition, the hypothetical RF-111A from "F-111 Super Vark Pack" has been repurposed as an RF-111C.
      All serials have been added. The following versions are represented:
      F-111C (Early) SEA camouflage: 28 serials including the 4 F-111A attrition replacements converted to F-111C. Squadron markings for 1SQN, 6 SQN, and blank squadron markings (which may be accessed by selecting "No. 82 Wing" in the loadout) ARDU SEA camouflage/white - A8-132 only
      [*]F-111C (Late)
      SEA camouflage: 28 serials including the 4 F-111A attrition replacements converted to F-111C. Squadron markings for 1SQN, 6 SQN, and blank squadron markings (which may be accessed by selecting "No. 82 Wing" in the loadout) Gunship Grey: 28 serials including the 4 F-111A attrition replacements converted to F-111C. Black squadron markings for 1SQN and 6SQN.
      Gunship Grey, 6SQN (Black tail): 15 serials. Gunship Grey, 6SQN (Blue tail): 15 serials.

      F-111A SEA camouflage. 4 serials only (A8-109, 112, 113, 114). New userlist.ini with RAAF service from 1982-1984. An alternate loading screen, featuring a RAAF F-111A still fitted with short wings is also provided.
      SEA camouflage: 28 serials including the 4 F-111A attrition replacements converted to F-111C. Squadron markings for 1SQN, 6 SQN, and blank squadron markings (which may be accessed by selecting "No. 82 Wing" in the loadout) Gunship Grey: 28 serials including the 4 F-111A attrition replacements converted to F-111C. Black squadron markings for 1SQN and 6SQN.


      Important notes:
      All squadron markings are at the decal level, they are not painted on. The numbers used are as follows. If you need to edit them, please do so. 1SQN: 716 82WG: 726 6SQN: 787 ARDU: 725


      For the squadronlist.ini:
      DisplayName=No. 1 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 82 Wing
      DisplayName=Aircraft Research and Development Unit
      DisplayName=No. 6 Squadron
      The nose wheel door buzz numbers are missing. There is an apparent issue in the LOD file that prevents their display. This was discovered after testing.


      Alternate squadron markings for the SEA camouflaged aircraft: The big "1" for 1SQN (example: http://www.airport-data.com/images/aircraft/small/000/500/500438.jpg) Simple yellow or blue lightning flash (examples: https://www.sites.google.com/site/shess0757/_/rsrc/1401962709125/fsx-and-real-f-111-aircraft/image079.jpg)

      These can be added by altering the name of the standard squadron decals (named "raaflsqnXXX.tga" and "raafrsqnXXX.tga", and copying the non-standard markings in, or you may simply overwrite the standard markings)

      Installation instructions
      Remove and backup all existing skins for the F-111C(Early), F-111C(Late), and the RAAF skin for the F-111G. Copy "Objects" into your mod folder. Merge and overwrite as necessary


      slickcowboy: Templates LeL: Skin patterns FastCargo and the crew on the F-111 Super Vark Pack


      If anyone has been missed, or any individuals on the Super Vark Pack team wish to be mentioned personally, please contact me.


         (2 reviews)



    4. F-7N Airguard Over Iran. SF2.

      F-7M Airguard.
      This is skinset and decal set for F-7M as used by Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force.
      Purchased in late 80's very unfortunate fighter jet amid IRIAF fighters.
      Due to limited reference material this is very possible skin/decal set.
      Pack contains one skin set with 3 squadrons that operated F-7M.
      All serial numbers are historicaly correct. (As far as I know)
      Aircraft is set for specific country - in this case Iran.
      TMF/Mod Mafia for F-7M => http://combatace.com/files/file/13548-sf2-chengdu-j-7-fishbed-series-pak-by-mod-mafiatmf/
      All skins are based on Sundowner templates from here => http://combatace.com/files/file/13624-template-set-for-tmfmod-mafia-f-7m-fishbed/
      Model : Flying Toaster with version-specific changes by BPAo
      Pit model : Mago/Paladrian with version-specific changes by BPAo
      Skin Templates: Sundowner
      Sounds: TMF
      Data ini/FM : Kreelin & 3W and some minor updates by me.
      last is me for very little,data ini loadouts, updates / reworking and assembling the package.
      490 ltr fuel tank by me.
      All credit to someone who did pilot model and skins.
      report bugs.
      Hope you will like it.
      Jarek Hereda


         (7 reviews)



    5. 100 east german MiG-17F camos


      1 comment


    6. 100 MiG-17F north vietnamese style camos




    7. A-7B_71 Skinpack

      This is a Skinpack for SF2V A-7B_71.
      3 USN Skins
      VA-93 Blue Blazers
      VA-155 Silver Foxes
      VA-215 Barn Owls
      Thank you COMBAT+ACE.


         (5 reviews)



    8. SF2 IL-28K_Naval_Beagle

      Il-28K NATO code Beagle-K
      "For your personal alternative history"
      Il-28K carrier-based torpedo bomber version of the Ilyushin.
      Test in SF2-NA. Working.
      Aircraft reworked from the standard IL-28.
      Added tale gunner
      Added weapons
      Air-to-surface missiles P-15 Styx(80-100 km range) adapted from the SS-N-2 Styx missile-boat Komar.
      RAT-52 torpedo and bombs from the standard red arms.
      Long picked up the cockpit for the aircraft. He would put on the MiG-27 and others,
      PAT-52 torpedo and bombs from the standard red weapon seat.
      The pylons for bombs and missiles from Tu-4, 3M and Tu-16
      The wing tanks of the Yak-38. Tanks no dropped.
      Long picked up the cockpit for the aircraft. He would put on the MiG-27 and others, stopped at the cockpit of the fighter-bomber Q-5, with display options on sight and off the radar screen.
      Skin SovietNaVY -standart sand camo only chenge color sand- brown to blue-dark blue
      -Unzip the folders into your object folder
      My personel Thank you for all modellers who make this plane, weapons, pilots & cockpit (great work)


         (6 reviews)



    9. RSS SA-2 Guideline Pack Beta 0.41

      RED SIDE STANDARD SA-2 Guideline Pack 0.41 Beta
      This is a public test version. Please try out equipment playing from both sides. This pack has been tested against stock planes on stock terrain. Mostly on VietnamSE due SAM site density and fast loading time :)
      About 1000+ launch tests have been done on planes with various types with or without jamming equipment at low and high altitude. Ballistics have been also checked with HoneyFox's Missile Range Simulator.
      To follow the philosophy behind Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) I made an attempt to standardize the SAM systems as well. The first of such, the SA-2 Guideline or System-75 family. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This provides more challenge playing on the blue side.
      Effectiveness for guided missiles and radars have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data.
      We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, etc).
      Yet, there are no new ground objects included, but many new equipment is WIP for the final version.
      - The latest 3D models of the SA-2 family missiles from Spillone104 with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, Ballistics etc)
      - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks
      - Most objects use the stock TW 3D models
      Important changes:
      - All missiles have been changed from Beam Rider to SAHM guidance, as a work around the faulty "tail chasing" game logic also present with Rear60 IR seeking missiles. Also, "Beam Rider" guidance does not allow lead targeting of the missile.
      - All Fan Song radars have been set to their instrumented range, now it is fully up to the RCS, altitude and noise jamming values to determine the range of detection.
      - Target tracking range has been made equal to the search range - what the Fan Song can see can track immediately - launch is still limited by the missile parameters.
      - Missile Turn G and Seeker FOV has been toned down to (almost) real life data. It gives a chance to "Dance of Death" - outmaneuvering the missile in early planes. AI however will be still toast, though.
      - Now all missiles have new 3D models and new skins, thanks to Spillone104
      Ground objects: TW
      SA-2 missile family: Spillone104
      In-game testing: Everyone who gave us feedback and shared game experience! Thank you very much! I do count on more testing with the SA-2 and upcoming systems as well.
      Work in progress:
      New Fan Song 3D models (with correct size and antenna types)
      Various auxiliary vans or SAM site contruction
      New Search/Height inding radar 3D models associated with the sites on regimental level
      Experimental complete SAM site objects for terrains
      - pvo.guns.ru
      - ru.wikipedia.org
      - www.airwar.ru
      - various forums
      - ZRK S-75M Uchebnik (Russian field training manual)
      - SA-2 Guideline (Osprey)
      - Istoriya Otyechestvennoy Radiolokatsii (History of Russian radar technology)
      - Voyna v Vietname - Kak eto bylo (1965-1973) Personal journals of soviet personnel in Vietnam
      - Zenitniye Voyska v Voyne vo Vietname i na Blizhnyem Vostoke (1965-1973) SAM battle experience in Vietnam and in the Middle east.
      Special thanks to the author of SAM Simulator for his help and for creating his program.


         (6 reviews)



    10. [Fictional] F-23A -Uzuki Shimamura- skin mod

      F-23A -Uzuki Shimamura-
      skin by HolyKnightAD
      -=From the Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls=-
      It may seem very bland at first but with enough experience, it can bring out its full capabilities. So
      do your best in bringing her to the skies with a smile!!
      A few years after the YF-23 loss during the ATF Program, 346 Production had been interested in
      collaborating with Northrop Grumman to revive the program. Unfortunately, Northrop Grumman had no desire
      to revive the YF-23 and had to work on other projects. At that time, any information regarding the
      YF-23 project remained classified and 346 Pro had to find ways in getting them. Although some of the
      information was leaked out, it was not sufficient enough for 346 Pro to start on the project.
      A decade later, 765 Production unveiled its first ever aircraft to the public, F-22A -Haruka-. This led
      the 346 Pro to convince Northrop Grumman to revive the project. Eventually Northrop Grumman finally
      accepted the proposal and gave licences to 346 Pro in building the aircraft. 346 Pro finally had access
      to the information on the project including the final configuration of F-23A.
      In just a few years, 346 Production had finally unveiled their own aircraft to the public, F-23A. Uzuki
      Shimamura was assigned to become the pilot of the aircraft and its official designation became
      "F-23A -Uzuki-".
      The rivalry between the F-22A -Haruka and F-23A -Uzuki- echoes back to the ATF Program decades ago and
      inpsires many idol and/or aviation fans.
      Dels for the F-23A and skin template
      Get the F-23A by Dels
      1. Extract zip
      2. Place the folder "Uzuki Shimamura" in Aircraft\F-23A.
      3. Run the game. In the paint scheme tab, "Uzuki Shimamura" should appear.
      A custom hangar screen is provided for this paint scheme (1024x768 by default). Enjoy!!
      This skin mod is released with 1024x768 hangar screen by default. This mod is provided with 1920x1080
      hangar screen under "Optional" folder.
      To install, go to "Optional" folder. And then go to "1920x1080" folder. Copy whatever is inside that
      folder and place them in F-23A\Uzuki Shimamura.
      Idolm@ster Character design and logos ©NBGI


         (1 review)



    11. Iran-Iraq War Terrain/Campaign

      Included in this package is a brand new Iran-Iraq/Western Asia Terrain with 4 campaigns.
      Three of the campaigns compose the three periods of the Iran Iraq War-
      1st- the initial invasion which spans from 1980 through 81- Lots of CAS and Intercept as well as strike missions.
      2nd The War of the Cities and Tanker War from 1982-1987-Many interdiction anti-shipping and strike missions similar to Rolling Thunder
      3rd The Battle For Al-Basrah all of 1988- Lots of CAS, anti-ship and strike missions
      The 4th campaign is a semi-fictionalized Project Dark Gene/Ibex campaign from 1970-77 with USAF and IIAF units conducting recon missions against Soviet Installations and protecting Iranian borders from Iraqi Incursions. Because the terrain doesn't extend to the Soviet Border the campaign was turned 90 degrees with northern Iraq-Mosul/Tikrit acting as our stand in Soviet area.
      Includes all the required aircraft and skins including Ravenclaw's Beautiful new IIAF/IRIAF F-4's and Iranian weapons and new F-4D and RF-4E skins to match from Yakarov79!
      A separate install is not required and will work best if incorporated into a big everything thrown in Mod Folder.
      This mod package is meant to be an addition to Operation Darius or Operation Desert Storm and NATO Fighters 5 from Eburger68. Ground Objects from Mr Burgers packages are required for example Iranian Destroyers.
      Here is a link to Op Darius- http://combatace.com/topic/74627-operation-darius-final-part-1-of-4/
      And Desert Storm- http://combatace.com/topic/84643-operation-desert-storm-for-sf2-redux-part-1-of-3/
      Nato fighters 5- http://combatace.com/files/file/13332-nato-fighters-5-part-1-of-8/
      The Aircraft included in this mod are readily available here at CA and the thank you/credits list is too large to name everyone! See the credits list for NATO Fighters 5 that should cover everyone!
      A HUGE thanks to Blaze for Letting me tinker with his new Western Asia Terrain to make it Perfect for an Iran-Iraq War Campaign!
      This Mod is a combination of many people's work here at CA thank you everyone who helps contribute to the Community!
      I am by no means an expert but I have had a blast putting this together over the last few months if someone can add more realism to the campaigns PM me and let know! I hope everyone enjoys this!


         (12 reviews)



    12. CF-105 Avro Arrow 2

      This is a What If Aircraft the twin tailed update of the CF-105 Avro Arrow with ground attack capabilities!


         (3 reviews)



    13. Mirage IIIRS

      Swiss Mirage IIIRS
      Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO
      In 1961, Switzerland bought a single Mirage IIIC from France. This Mirage IIIC was used as development aircraft. The Swiss Mirages were built in Switzerland by F+W Emmen (today RUAG ) (the federal government aircraft factory in Emmen) as the Mirage IIIS. Australia too, bought, one French-made in preparation for licensed production. Cost overruns during the Swiss production led to the so-called "Mirage affair". In all, 36 Mirage IIIS interceptors were built with strengthened wings, airframe, and undercarriage. The Swiss Air Force required performance comparable to those of carrier based planes; the airframes were reinforced so the aircraft could be moved by lifting them over other aircraft with a crane, as in the Aircraft cavern in the mountains that Swiss Air Force uses as bunkers, offer very little space to maneuver parked aircraft. Also, the strengthened frames allowed for JATO assisted takeoffs. The main differences to the standard Mirage III were as follows:
      New wiring of avionics with U.S. electronics
      Changed cockpit design with gray instead of black panels
      New U.S. radar, TARAN-18 from Hughes
      Use of HM-55S "Falcon" (Swiss designation of the from SAAB in Licence built Robot 27 (Rb27) which is similar to the Hughes AIM-26 "Falcon")
      Radar warning receiver (RWR) on both wingtips and on the back of the rudder
      Strengthened structure for use of JATO-Rockets
      Retractable nosecone and lengthened nosewhlle leg for storing in underground air base
      Four lifting points for moving aircraft in underground caverns with a crane
      Bay at the fin with a SEPR rocket engine to double the velocity for short time or climb to 20 000 m (60 000 ft)
      US TRACOR AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser at the back under the end of the engine (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      Canards designed and produced by RUAG Aerospace(fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      New Martin-Baker ejection-seat (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of
      Special thanks to Paulopanz and Coupi.
      Mirage IIIRS
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Paulopanz
      Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi
      Cockpit 3D - Denis Oliveira


         (8 reviews)

      1 comment



      SF2 E / NA
      ------T-47 ClassVAUQUELIN---------ASW modernisation
      Anti-Submarine Warfare Destroyers
      L'escorteur d'escadre Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre)
      Preceded by: T 53 class
      ASW modernisation
      5 ships —
      D'Estr?es, Maill?-Br?z?, Vauquelin, Casabianca and Gu?pratte — were modernised as anti-submarine destroyers in 1968–1970.
      2 ? 100 mm guns
      1 ? anti-submarine mortar
      1 ? Malafon anti-submarine missile launcher
      2 ? 20 mm guns
      -The T 47 class/ or Surcouf class /were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War.
      12-Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957.
      - The ships were designed as Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) rather than for independent operations,
      therefore they had a slower speed than their predecessors.
      The ships were modernised in the 1960s and decommissioned in the 1980s+1990s, when they were replaced by the
      Georges Leygues-class frigates.
      -These ships were larger than other contemporary European destroyers and were based on the wartime Hardi class,
      but were enlarged and had a dual purpose armament.
      During the 1960s the entire class were modernised and modified as either flotilla flagships, anti-aircraft guided missile
      or anti-submarine destroyers.
      [1)Flagships 3 pax -2 )AAW modernisation 4 pax - 3 )ASW modernisation 5 pax]
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as.... I always......... reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite....!!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      Skins: AceSfakia
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Data.ini: Acesfakia
      Gun's.ini files & OERLICON --20MM_L70 & 100MM_55_1968 ini files
      3D Model of 100MM_55 & Skins
      3D Model 20mmMG & Skins
      3D Model Post's& Raft's & Skin's
      MALAFON skin
      3D Model Sonar & Skin's
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
      www.navweaps.com /Marine Nationale /


         (4 reviews)



    15. Angola/South West Afrika Full terrain With REDONE Campaigns

      Campaigns Updated! Units updated and fictional campaign issues fixed... A few sample Angolan MiG skins added! More available here at CA!
      Full and Final Angola and South West Afrika terrain! Also includes a few different campaigns set throughout the border war period and after.
      Menu screens to fit the SAAF Theme they make the name of the Sim, Strike Fighters 2 The Last Domino, after the famous SADF documentary...
      Also includes working FAPLA Mi-8 and Mi-24, as well as an Impalla Mk2 Stand in and Alouette III for the SAAF.
      Ground objects from Tiospilotos have also been included so that AAA and SAMs will show up on your install.
      This terrain is a Massive terrain covering most of South West Afrika with the Caprivi Strip, as well as Almost all of Angola as well as much of Botswana, some of Zambia and a small portion of the Congo. It is meant to cover the entirety of the Border War Conflict between FAPLA, SWAPO and the SADF, UNITA and SWADF. The Terrain covers many types of environments from the Skeleton Coast to the wetlands to the great plains and Bush of Ovomboland. This is meant to be a truly African terrain to fly the assortment of South African Air Force birds available here at CA.
      Credits: Stratos, Ludo.m54, Jeanba, Pualopanz, Coupi, recently me Spudknocker and even more recently tiospilotos.
      Here are links to all required aircraft thanks to Emp_Palpatine...
      Cheetah_E, Cheetah_C, Mirage3R2Z, Mirage3EZ, Mirage3CZ : http://combatace.com...-d-e-superpack/
      MF-1AZ http://combatace.com...6-mirage-f-1az/
      MF-1CZ http://combatace.com...8-mirage-f-1cz/
      MF-1CZ Late http://combatace.com...age-f-1cz-late/
      Buccaneer-Mk50_1980 http://combatace.com...0-saaf-for-sf2/
      CanberraBI12_Late http://combatace.com...saaf-canberras/
      Angolan Flogger skins in Flogger super package
      A note on campaigns- You may want to fly in Medium flight model mode due to the high altitude of the terrains and the limits of the SF2 AI system
      Happy Terrorist Hunting!!


         (15 reviews)



    16. Realistic AAA (ex Realistic AAA Sounds)

      This mod improves AAA effectiveness for stock and 3rd party objects plus the addition of new tracers and sounds!
      Package includes sounds for the following Ground Objects:
      Check Read me file for installation instructions.
      ATTENTION !!!
      This is not a new version, it was moved here in its correct section because previously was located in Sounds. If you have already downloaded the initial version (v1.0) no reason to download again, its the same mod. We will soon have the 1.1 version.


         (7 reviews)



    17. SF2 T-53 CLASS DUPERRE

      SF2 E/NA
      (Escorteur d'escadre) / Cold War naval ships of France
      The T 53 class were the --------second group of destroyers------------ built for the French Navy after World War II.
      These ships were a modified version of the -----------T 47-class destroyers.
      The main difference with the preceding ships was the provision of improved air warning and tracking radars
      as well as an anti-submarine mortar.
      The ships were built between 1957 and 1958 and were decommissioned in the late 1970s or early 1980s.
      A single modified ship La Galissonni?re was built as a trials ship for a new generation of French weapons.
      This ship was designated as the T 56 class.
      La Galissonni?re differed slightly in specification from the rest of the class as she was built specifically
      to test the Malafon anti-submarine missile.
      In 1972–73 two of the class were substantially modified:Duperr? and Forbin
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite.
      There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker,COMBATACE,TW
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    18. Shahak Over Israel. SF2.

      This is total pack of Shahak Dassault Mirage III and its versions used by Israeli Air Force.
      Pack contains all required models and it is based on regular TW model and available mods on Combat Ace.
      Be aware that this pack after unpacking is around 1GB big.
      All skins are based on templates by ludo.m54 => http://combatace.com/files/file/13128-mirage-iiic-dlc-templates/
      Ive rearanged camo paints and made different versions for different squadrons etc.
      Ive also edited ini files mostly in weapon stations to seperate bomb stations from IRM, FT etc. Also i did some limits i weight for recon versions.
      There are few versions of Mirage III used by Israeli Air Force. As on original TW models it is divided into '62 and '71 versions with different engines.
      All mods (two seaters and recon) are based on denisoliveira models. Ive renamed all required folder /fake pilots/ mods to avoid causing problems with older versions.
      You need fake pilot mod to run some of the parts from this pack.
      To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2:I (lods and cockpits for shahak and nesher)
      Generaly full merged instal of SF2 family is recomended.

      All canopies can be open by Shift+1 animation key.

      Aircrafts in this pack:
      Shahak BJ Two seater version deliverd in 1966 and 1968 with serials 86,87,88,89.
      Shahak BJ '66 two seater version with Atar 9B engine
      Shahak BJ '71 two seater version with Atar 9C engine
      Shahak IIICJ 70 fighter jets delivered between 1962-1964 serials (01-85 not obligingly in sequel)
      Shahak CJ '66 single seat fighter with Atar 9B engine
      Shahak CJ '71 single seat fighter with Atar 9C engine
      and recon versions:
      Tashbetz. Two recon aircraft delivered with serial numbers 98 and 99. Those aircrafts carried also other camera noses in future.
      Shahak Tashbetz '64 recon version with HYCON HR-231 Oblique Camera
      Shahak Tashbetz '71 same as above but with upgraded Atar9C engine.
      Tarmil. Two fighter aicrafts converted in 1964 to recon role (serial 53 and 85) equipped with Zeiss RMK-15/23 Vertical Camera. Later also Tashbetz 98 and 99 could carry those noses.
      Tarmil '64 one version with Atar9B engine
      Moshel. One IIICJ fighter jet serial 59 (one of the two top scorers amid Shahks) converted to recon role by adding new nose with low-alt panoramic camera. Equipped with Atar9C engine.
      Tsniut. One IIICJ fighter jet serial number 58 (2nd top scorer) and recon aircraft (98) converted into special high alt recon aircraft with Tsniut nose equipped with LOROP camera. Also with Atar9C engine.
      I didnt follow other reco aircraft serial no 41 because I have no photo reference.
      There were also two other noses used by IAF by unfortunately ther is no mod to cover this...hope Denis will do it one day.
      All skins are done by me in 2048x2048 format based on templates by ludo.m54
      numbers.lst and some of the decals are based on wilco pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/10786-mirage-iiicj-shahak-for-sf2i/
      single seaters:
      Ive made decals for early versions covering years 62-69.
      All Shahaks carried two digits numbers. But it also carried three digit numbers in some time of service so based on photos and documents ive made few covering those years (events)
      All decals for camo versions are from wilco pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/10786-mirage-iiicj-shahak-for-sf2i/
      Two seater versions:
      Based on original pack by denissoliveira => http://combatace.com/files/file/15494-mirage-iiibj/
      decals by Coupi (some edited into 3digits by me)
      3d mods - denissoliveira
      nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79
      data.ini Coupi and small fixes by me.
      Recon versions:
      based on pack by paulopanz => http://combatace.com/files/file/15132-mirage-iiirj-iiicj-recon-converted/
      decals by paulopanz some by me.
      3d mods - denissoliveira
      nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79
      National and squadron markings as always in my case are painted on skins.
      Kills decals.
      Ive mede new decals sets covering kills due to aircraft / squadron / year. Not all of them are 100% acurate but i was trying to do my best. For sure kills needs some updates in the future.
      Also if user needs can change real kills markings to standard TW type of kills which will be based on actual player score. You have to edit decal.ini file by removing specific lines. Also required lines for different kills are already there.
      Effect files are added.
      Aircrafts are using standard TW weapons. Ive added few recon pods "camera noses" for recon versions it uses tga files from ravenclaw's Phanoms pack.
      Ive also used standard sound files that everyone should have at this point (year 2017).
      report bugs.
      Hope you will like it.
      Jarek Hereda


         (8 reviews)



    19. F-14A Tomcat over Iran. SF2.

      This is F-14A Tomcat as after 1979 in Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force.
      This is based on Thirdwire DLC 027. So if you dont have this pack you can't use this mod.
      Whats in.
      This is basicly the skin and decals set For F-14A_Iran from DLC027.
      Skin is based on pappychksix templates
      All decals are made by me and set to randomization=TRUE.
      Ive put only 72 serial numbers into 3 squadrons that operated F-14A in 79-80.
      Al numbers are historicaly correct, but only few are proper for specific unit.
      During Iran-Iraq war lot aircrafts were transfered from unit to unit or temporary written off so its hard to track proper aircraft placement in units.
      few aircrafts were also serving in testing units. So total aircrafts in service in 1979 was probably around 70.
      No weapons / pilots added. It will work with latest ravenclaw weapons for sure.
      There is optional folder with INI files. Its is mix of inis based on TMF F-14 pack.
      And also pit is from TMF pack.
      So all credit to them for their work.
      Credits to pappychksix for F-14 Templates from here => http://combatace.com/files/file/13567-hi-rez-f-14a-tomcat-templates/
      Cockpit: Chris (original and new update) with tweaks by Crusader and Caesar
      FM: ThirdWire, Caesar, Column5, Spectre8750
      Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34
      Ejection Mod: Stary


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    20. A-7A VA-105 Skin

      This is a Skin for SF2V A-7A VA-105.

      Thank you COMBAT+ACE.



         (2 reviews)



    21. DC-8 Sarigue. SF2.

      DC-8 Sarigue. Systeme Aeroporte de Recueil d’Informations de Guerre Electronique (Airborne Electronic Warfare Information Gathering System)
      Simple mod of Veltro's DC-8 aircraft.
      Ive made this to fill my Desert Storm instal.
      It is not perfect but consider this as beta.
      If someone wishes to add something, improve skins etc...contact me.
      Fake Pilot mod is needed to run this mod.
      I've made one basic skin thanks to templates from original pack and DC-8 Sarigue mod.
      I'm using C-160 pit from florians work. It fits well for me here. In case i want to fly this.
      Veltro2k original model
      daddyairplanes initial skin work, some ini edits
      Florian C-160 cockpit.
      original DC-8 pack by daddyairplanes is here => http://combatace.com/files/file/16327-dc-8-series-by-veltro2k/


         (3 reviews)

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    22. 1 comment


    23. Polish Wings. MiG-21 Fishbeds.

      This is total pack of MiG-21 used by Polish Air Force.
      Polish Fishbeds version F-13, PF, PFM, M, MF, bis and R.
      Pack is not including two seaters U, US and UM. Unfortunately.
      First of all this is huge pack due to skins and decals..
      after unpakcing it is little above 1GB.
      Pack is using standard TW models and full merged instal is recomended.
      All skins are based on great templates by.comrad. http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
      Ive made few changes to PF/PFM and F-13 models.
      INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby - http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
      FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
      Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
      All aircrafts have additional avionics and cockpit ini files for easy way (ccip etc)
      I have edited data ini files as follows:
      All aircrafts have nation set to Poland.
      All aircrafts have edited weaponstations by weight and diameter limits and specific station code. I've separated stations for irm, bombs,fuel tanks etc. So bombs do not apear on missile launchers, also ive corrected some weight limits.
      Ive added all weapons moded / required for this pack.
      Exept for:
      GP-9,PTB-800S MiG-21 Center pylon. although GP-9 have new skin.
      All Air to Air weapons are adited to work only with this pack. So not all weapons can be loaded. Ive set only those A2A weapons as used by Polish Air Force.
      R-13 Rockets can be fired only by MiG-21bis.
      R-3R can be carried only by MiG-21bis due to RP-22 radar.
      R-60 shouldn't be carried by F-13 but it makes mess with editing. so somehow its possible to load.
      As for air-ground weapons it uses standard weapons like OFABs, FABs, ZABs, UB-series rocket pods etc.
      Fake Pilot mod is required to have proper MiG-21R. (althought Polish R had periscopes on canopy instaled)
      New skin for GP-9 gun pod. for PF model.
      GP-9 for PFM model is separated and is loaded as gun pod. Node is part of aircraft.
      New PTB-490 fuel tank.
      PTB-800 fuel tank is like in other available packs - can be carried by some late Polish MiGs.
      MiG-21bis and MiG-21MF /96A00/ can carry SPS-141Je pod (as addon to ECM pod you can (should) load ASO-2I-E7P decoy dispenser - it is part of SPS in real)
      RS-2US is main "unfortunate" air to air weapon for all early models exept F-13 (it has no radar) and bis (it has RP-22 radar and can fire R-3R)
      Reco pod as same as in other pack available before - new skin for D type pod.
      All weapon loadout.ini files are much "what if" as Polish Air Force never operated MiG-21 in any coinflict.
      New PTB-490 and SPS-141Je are made by me.
      MiG-21F-13 /model-74/ - first delivered to Polish Air Force Fishbed. 25 delivered.
      MiG-21PF /model 76/ - 84 delivered between 1964-1966.
      MiG-21PFM /model-94A/ - 120 delivered between 1964-1969.
      MiG-21PFM (N) /model-94N/ - 12 delivered, capable of delivering special bomb. It was equipped with different center pylon allowing ot carry tactical nukes. later downgraded to PFM standard.
      MiG-21R /model-94R/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1972.
      MiG-21M /model-96/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1971.
      MiG-21MF /model-96A/ - 100 deliverd between 1971-1974.
      MiG-21MF /model-96A00/ - 20 delivered in 1995. Long history behind this aircrafts. In short - all aircrafts were supposed for different country with ongoing war...delivered to Poland small diferences in avionics - capable to carry SPS-141Je Siren electronic countermeasure station.
      MiG-21bis /model-75A/ - 72 delivered between 1980-1982. Only Fishbed with R-13 engine and RP-22 radar station.
      All skins are as jpg 2048x2048 format. With national markings painted. (different insignia for aircrafts up to 1993) and new one 1993 onward.
      All decals are made by me and are historicaly correct and matched to specific units and service year.
      Polish MiGs were transfered from unit to unit (sometiems only virtualy) so its is also big mess with serial numbers. Also somewhere in mid 80s it was allowed to pint squadron insignia on airframe. when aircraft was transfered to new unit it usualty retained old squadron insignia.. in 90s some aircrafts got insignia of 3 diferent units...
      Polish MiG were silver/grey and not much color here. Although few were wearing special paintjobs. And those are also included (few of them).
      During maintenace aicrafts received some paint using some different shades of grey...but here all are silver grey.
      Al Polish MiGs-21 when delivered were equipped with R-11 engine and RP-21 station exept MiG-21 bis model - equipped with R-13 engine and newer RP-22 radar station.
      Pack also uses:
      KV-1 seat by AmokFloo
      Weapons ravenclaw and others from CA.
      PBP-2-3S Monsun rack by logan4
      MBD2 - bomb rack by Snailman.
      Pilots by TheTrooper. Repainted and renamed.
      SPO-3 pod for MiG-21R by Spillone104
      All credits and hails to creator of reco pods!
      Also all credits to creators of other stuff that I forot to mention.
      Again all credits to you guys who made this game so good after years. Thanks for yours work,
      report bugs and missing files.
      Jarek Hereda.


         (6 reviews)



    24. Mig-21 F/MF/R Fishbeds in Iraq. SF2. vol.1

      Iraqi Air Force Mig-21F, MF and R versions.
      This pack includes some pilot files, weapons and skins.
      All skins are new made by me based on comrad's great template http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
      I repainted few things and added few new (like on F skin).
      All national markikngs are painted. Only decals are serial numbers.
      Ive added new PTB-490 liter fuel tank.
      Also "pilot" folders are added.
      fake pilot SPO-3pod is rapainted to match R version skin.
      SPO-3 fake pilot by Spillone104
      Fakepilot mod is needed to run MiG-21R.
      It includes ini files; loadouts, avionics, cockpit etc. Those files are edited little - mostly changes in weapon stations.
      INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
      FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
      Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
      AmokFloo for KV1 seat
      Decals are set to randomization=TRUE and using standard TW decals set.
      Have fun
      Jarek Hereda.

      If i missed someone work here sorry for that, It was not intensionaly.


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    25. SF 2 NA/E T-47class Sourcouf

      SF2 E/NA
      Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre)
      ------T-47 Class or Surcouf class 1955---------
      Preceded by:Fantasque class, Hardi class Followed by: T 53 class
      -The T 47 class or Surcouf class were the first destroyers built for the French Navy after the Second World War.
      12-Twelve ships were built between 1955 and 1957.
      The ships were modernised in the 1960s and decommissioned in the 1980s, when they were replaced by the
      Georges Leygues-class frigates.
      -These ships were larger than other contemporary European destroyers and were based on the wartime Hardi class,
      but were enlarged and had a dual purpose armament.
      - The ships were designed as Squadron escorts (Escorteur d'escadre) rather than for independent operations,
      therefore they had a slower speed than their predecessors.
      -The main guns were the French designed Model 1948 127-millimetre (5 in)/54 gun, which enabled them to use the
      same 5-inch shells as the U.S. Mark 18 gun.
      - The secondary armament was composed of 57mm/60 mod?le 1951 guns.
      During the 1960s the entire class were modernised and modified as either flotilla flagships, anti-aircraft guided missile or anti-submarine destroyers.
      [1)Flagships 3 pax -2 )AAW modernisation 4 pax - 3 )ASW modernisation 5 pax]
      To Install:
      For all users: unzip, as.... I always......... reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
      =For SF2 Series Users:
      These are the simple instructions ...
      Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
      From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
      NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite....!!!!
      There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
      Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
      It's all set up for nearly instant use.
      3D Model: AceSfakia
      Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker
      -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      All copyrights reserved.
      This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..
      www.navweaps.com /Marine Nationale /


         (2 reviews)




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