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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. MiG-17PF and Chengdu J-5A Fresco-D

      Soviet and Chinese built radar equipped MiG-17 big pack.
      A project lasting from few years, finally completed with Stary's outstanding cockpit.
      What's in:
      MiG-17PF: 5 Soviet, 2 BVVS, 4 CVL, 4 EAF, 2 LSK, 1 FAR, 1 ML, 1 NKPAF, 1 VPAF, 2 SyAF, 2 PWL, 1 AURI Skins
      Chengdu J-5A: 2 PLAAF, 1 VPAF, 1 AMRPS Skins
      A big compilation of stock, old, new, reworked, camo, silver skins, all with historical dedicated number decalsets.
      Open canopy (with automatic close on take off) key = 0
      Restore file for after patching edits
      - Stary cockpit
      - Spillone104 sounds
      - The Trooper pilot
      - Wrench hangars (I hope he will do for me)
      - All in main mod folder
      @ paulopanz
      PS: a special thank to my friends Svetlin & Gaunt for their big help in Bulgarian and Hungarian references, hints and help. This is a real great around the world community.


         (5 reviews)



    2. F-103 Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force V.2.0

      F-103 Mirage IIIEBR Brazilian Air Force
      Version 2
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The F-103 Mirage IIIEBR represented a tremendous leap to the Brazilian Air Force, being over thirty years of service and more than 65,000 flying hours.
      The versions of Mirage III acquired by FAB were developed primarily for air defense missions, but keep some capacity to act as platforms for ground attack.
      The engine was a SNECMA ATAR 09C, whose maximum thrust with afterburning reached 13,900 pounds (6305 kg), leading the aircraft a maximum speed of Mach 2.2 (2,350 km / h).
      The fire control system was based on radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, which originally operated the integrated air-to-air missile infrared Matra R530, later replaced by Israeli missile Python III.
      As arms fixed, the aircraft was equipped with two 30 mm DEFA. For navigation, the Mirage III FAB type Doppler systems used. In the early '90s, the FAB joined the Squadron's missions Jaguar air-ground attack, starting to use free-fall bombs and rocket launchers.
      O F-103 Mirage IIIEBR representou um tremendo salto para a Força Aérea Brasileira, ficando mais de trinta anos de serviço e voando mais de 65.000 horas.
      Os Mirage III das versões adquiridas pela FAB foram desenvolvidas primariamente para missões de defesa aérea, embora mantivessem alguma capacidade de atuar como plataformas de ataque ao solo.
      O motor era um SNECMA ATAR 09C, cujo empuxo máximo com pós-combustão alcançava 13.900 libras (6.305 kg), levando a aeronave a velocidade máxima de Mach 2,2 (2.350 km/h).
      O sistema de controle de fogo era baseado no radar Thomson-CSF Cyrano II, que originalmente operava integrado ao míssil ar-ar infra-vermelho Matra R530, depois substituído pelo míssil israelense Python III.
      Como armamento fixo, a aeronave era dotada de dois canhões DEFA de 30 mm. Para navegação, os Mirage III da FAB utilizavam sistemas tipo Doppler. No inícios dos anos 90, a FAB incorporou ao Esquadrão Jaguar as missões de ataque ar-solo, passando a utilizar bombas de queda livre e lançadores de foguetes.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data.ini - Denis Oliveira, Coupi


         (3 reviews)



    3. Atlas Cheetah E south african Air Force

      Atlas Cheetah E south african Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The single-seater Cheetah E is regarded by most observers[who?] as having just been an interim fighter for use in the period before the Cheetah Cs became operational, due to the very short operational life of the Cheetah E, which was only a few years from its entry into operational service in 1987/88 to its retirement in 1992. It was fitted with a comparatively simple avionics suite and radar, and retained the Atar 9C-3 engine. Its typical mission while in service was as a standby interceptor, whereby a minimum of two aircraft, armed with two V3B (later V3C) missiles, would be on permanent alert status in case of an attack from the north.
      All the aircraft were placed into storage, though the final example, No.842, was painted in a non-standard camouflage scheme and used for systems testing. No.842 is currently with the SAAF Museum, and is stored at AFB Swartkop. In 2003 Chile purchased five of the mothballed aircraft, numbers 819, 820, 827, 832 and 833. The country has also indicated its desire to purchase seven more aircraft (numbers 822, 823, 825, 828, 829, 831 and 834), subject to the agreement of a suitable purchase price. The Chilean Air Force (FACh) will use the Cheetah E airframes as a source of spares for its similar ENAER Pantera aircraft.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - ace888


         (2 reviews)



    4. Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force

      Mirage 50EV Venezuela Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Upgraded Mirage 5V aircraft for Venezuela, with Atar 9K-50 engine, canards and updated avionics (including radar).Six new-build aircraft, three upgraded ex-Zaire 5M, plus six upgraded remaining IIIEV and 5Vs.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira, Ludo
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - paulopanz


         (2 reviews)



    5. MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" (Early) Chile Air Force

      MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" (Early) Chile Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need DLC7 Mirage5BA.
      The Elkan (name of the FACH for Mirage 5 Mirsip) were purchased secondhand from Belgium in 1994 for a total of $ 108 million. Replaced the Hawker Hunter Aviation Group No. 8 based in Antofagasta. During his service with the air force flew more than 14,000 hours over 12 years. The FACH at the time acquired 15 Mirage 5BA MIRSIP (called M-5MA Elkan by FACH), 5 Mirage 5BD MIRSIP (M-5BD Elkan) and 1 and 5 BD Mirage 5 Mirage 5BR reconnaissance without modifying the standard MIRSIP. Aircraft registrations received 701 to 725. At his low eight aircraft were operational, nine out of service and two rugged.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - Denis Oliveira
      data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


         (2 reviews)



    6. MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" Chile Air Force

      MIRAGE M-5M "ELKAN" Chile Air Force
      New Version
      Install - Need DLC7 Mirage5BA.
      The Elkan (name of the FACH for Mirage 5 Mirsip) were purchased secondhand from Belgium in 1994 for a total of $ 108 million. Replaced the Hawker Hunter Aviation Group No. 8 based in Antofagasta. During his service with the air force flew more than 14,000 hours over 12 years. The FACH at the time acquired 15 Mirage 5BA MIRSIP (called M-5MA Elkan by FACH), 5 Mirage 5BD MIRSIP (M-5BD Elkan) and 1 and 5 BD Mirage 5 Mirage 5BR reconnaissance without modifying the standard MIRSIP. Aircraft registrations received 701 to 725. At his low eight aircraft were operational, nine out of service and two rugged.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals and UserList.ini - Denis Oliveira
      data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


         (1 review)



    7. Pit1.rar

      New Pit1.lod for
      sf2 vietnam terrain and any others that use it...
      original one has shadow issues,so I made this replacement.


         (2 reviews)



    8. Atlas Cheetah C south african Air Force

      Atlas Cheetah C south african Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The Cheetah C was the ultimate development of the Cheetah series, and was the only fighter aircraft in service with the SAAF until replaced by the Saab JAS 39 Gripen in 2008. Many of the features of the Cheetah aircraft are still classified, and the SAAF is unwilling to reveal too many details. What is known is that in addition to the upgrades described above, the Cheetah C incorporates a more sophisticated avionics and navigation suite and a new pulse-doppler multi-mode radar (ELTA), both of which are regarded as being better than the systems fitted to Block 50 F-16s[citation needed], and one of the most advanced EW systems fitted to a fighter aircraft. The aircraft is also fitted with a data link, though the capabilities of this system are unknown, and it received updated versions of the helmet-mounted sight, HUD and improved HOTAS controls.
      Other improvements include the fitting of a single-piece wrap-around windshield with an anti-radiation coating in place of the old three-piece version, a new in-flight refuelling probe with less external piping, new undercarriage and suspension, the deletion of the wing fences, an upgraded version of the Atar 9K50 and a new nose to incorporate the more sophisticated electronics and radar.
      Like the Cheetah D, the Cheetah C is capable of delivering precision-guided munitions (PGMs), ranging from laser-guided bombs (LGBs), to GPS-guided weapons and TV-guided bombs. It also has the capability of using stand-off air-to-ground weapons such as the MUPSOW and TORGOS. In addition, it is able to carry a raft of air-to-air weapons, and the SAAF currently equips its aircraft with the V4 R-Darter, a beyond-visual-range (BVR) radar-guided missile, and the U-Darter, a highly capable short-range infrared (IR)-guided missile.
      A measure of the capabilities of the Cheetah C is the result of an air-combat maneuvering (ACM) exercise between the Cheetah Cs of 2 Squadron and F-15E Strike Eagles of the 494th Fighter Squadron, United States Air Force at RAF Lakenheath, after which the score tallies for each side were almost exactly equal.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi, MirageFactory


         (4 reviews)



    9. SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IID, DAF, by Raven

      SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane IID, DAF, by Raven
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, all the features will NOT be working as designed.*
      This is a 'rebuild' for Raven's Hurricane Mk.IV into the (slightly) earlier Mk.IID, for use in the Western Desert and North Africa. This version is essentially the same (minus the rocket stations), armed with the 2 Vickers 'S' 40mm gun pods. It is a complete aircraft pak, with pretty much everything needed.
      The skin included herein is for:
      No. 6 Squadron "Flying Tin Openers", RAF/Desert Air Force, 1942-45
      This skin is still in bmp format. All new decals were created for Codes and serial numbers. Decal randomization is TRUE. As all the markings are decals, it would be quite easy for other skinners to recreate other RAF squadrons that used the 2D in the MTO.
      A new SF2 version of my original 1stGen 'Box Art" hangar screen included.
      All of Raven's weapons for the Hurricane are included, upgraded for SF2 usage. These are ALL the weapons, for all his Hurricanes (as there are several other mods in the works). If you have them from another Hurri pak, just allow the overwrite.
      Note: the Vickers guns are mapped to 'fire_primary_gun', and the ranging 303s are mapped to 'fire_secondary_gun'. So, have you stick/keys set accordingly.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. In contains the 'changelog' of tweeks/modifications/and whatnots.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    10. Yak-3 SF-2 Update

      A basic update for Pasko' s Yak-3.
      The original Normandie-Nieman skins for WW-2 use and the original Yugoslav skins for post war use, both changed to JPEG format.
      The original Klimov engine sound.
      The original Yak-3 pit with some ini edits.
      A Soviet WW-2 Pilot.
      A new SF-2 compliant FM. The FM will probably work in SF-1 installs at the final patch level but hasn't been tested.
      PASKO for the model and skins.
      KESSELBUT for the Yak-3 cockpit.
      BAFFMEISTER, STARFIGHTER and THIRDWIRE for the Flight Model.
      I got the Soviet WW-2 pilot from WRENCH but not sure who made it.
      Install instructions and more info included in the Read Me.
      WAIVERS: For freeware use only, commercial use not permitted!


         (2 reviews)



    11. SF2 WW2 Gloster Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator by Cocas

      SF2 WW2 Gloster Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator by Cocas
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *This mod will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, expecially in the case of the latest MAX exported user to create them. Users that try, do so at their own risk.*
      Some modification, tweeks, reskin and so forth for Cocas's fun little Gladiators; this package contains SF2 =ONLY= versions of his Gladiator Mk.2 and Sea Gladiator.
      Skins and decals included are...
      Gladiator Mk.2
      112 Squadron, RAF as seen at Helwan, Egypt 1940
      1 Squadron, SAAF, in East Africa 1940-ish
      1ère Escardrille de Chasse, Belgian AF, 1940
      Sea Gladiator, Royal Navy
      RN Markings are rather 'generic'; the first 18 serials are those that HMS Eagle dropped off on Malta, and eventually became the Hal Far Fighter Flight. Those 100% historicaly known to have been used on Malta are marked with a star (*).
      All skins are in jpg format. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. New SF2 hangar screens are included, as is a destroyed model, pilot figure, and engine sound. You shoud have the 303 MGs in your /Guns folder already; it is not supplied herein.
      When 'in game', you'll see
      "Gladiator Mk.II (KAF)" and
      "Sea Gladiator (KAF)"
      on the drop down menu. This will differentiate it from any other Gladiators you may (or may not) have. (the KAF stands for Kermit Aircraft Factory )
      The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. The Sea Gladiator is fully carrier qualified, and has the latest SF2NA statements for carrier basing (on those terrains that have CV Zones built into them)
      As an Extra Added Bonus, for use in the Med, some Regia Marina warships,
      Cavour Class BB
      Condottieri Class CL/CA
      Navigatori Class DD
      HMS Eagle.
      Other Royal Navy ships (UK) can be found in the PTO ships pak.
      All are UPconverted for SF2NA-style usage. As with all the ships, they need more work on adding more 2ndary and AAA guns, but at least you'll have something floating around! (please note, they are now named differently from the ones used on the Westen Desert, Tunisia and WW2 Libya maps. Updates for those terrains _types inis are in 'the works' and will be relasesed in the VERY near future. I hope!!)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them.
      Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    12. MiG-17F LSK Jabo

      In 1973-75 all DDR and Poland MiG-17F and Lim-5 in good condition were retrofitted with two extra pylons à la polish Lim-6 fighter-bombers. No brake parachute in german ones.
      They served in JBG-31 'Klement Gottwald' until 1986, when they were sold to Mozambique. They had original german camo or new light blue livery.
      This little add-on came from Spillone104's and my Lim serie and can be very useful for '70-'80 Nato Figthers campaigns (or modded stock ones) to portrait LSK Jabo unit, before it was equipped with new MiG-23BN or for the long waited South African scenario. So I hope You will like it. it long waited on my HD and this evening decided to share.
      What's in:
      - a new plane version
      - 2 new hardpoints (pylons) for fighter-bomber (jabo) duty;
      - 3 skins
      - cockpit by Stary
      - Pylons & sounds Spillone104
      - skins & ini edits Paulopanz
      To Install:
      - all in main mods folder


         (7 reviews)



    13. F-104J Starfighter SF2

      This is a fast repaint of the F-104G Starfighter.
      It represents an F-104J Starfighters as used by the Japanese Air Self Defence Force, 1962 to 1986. Since the Japanese were forbidden at the time to have have aircraft with an offensive capability, I removed everything except IRM, but any weapons you want can be re-added.
      There squadrons are included, the 302 Hikotai, 206 Hilotai, and the last user of the "J" Starfighter, the Air Proving Wing at Gifu.
      This is not a complete aircraft. There are no LOD's, cockpit or avionics included. To make this work properly, you must have the F-104G Starfighter from SF2 Europe, the cockpit from Strike Fighters and the DLC F-4EJ Phantom II since the serial numbers I used are from that aircraft.
      Thanks to TK and his crew for the Starfighter and the game.
      Enjoy, Pappy


         (1 review)



    14. F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0

      F-86E Sabre, 54th FIS "The Hunters" ver.2.0
      - Version 2 for SF2 -
      Based on the movie "The Hunters" (as if you didn't know!!!)
      A revamp and cleanup of my original "The Hunters" F-86 Sabre skin. This pack WILL replace any eariler version you may have.
      While designed for the F-86E, it can be used on any late version (E or F). However, the movie clearly shows the aircraft to be E models (as evidenced by the opening montage, and the all-flying tail, and wing slats). If used on other variants, editing of the decals.ini will be required.
      Not much really changed; skins are now jpg format (rebuilt from ravenclaw's SUPERB template), decal randomization is TRUE. The 51st FIW checks are now painted on, and the 'squadron color' zap is a ficitonal white stripe above the checkerboard. Pilot names decals have been moved slightly forward. Also, the 54th is now a Fighter Interceptor Squadron, not a Fighter Interceptor Wing (even though the sign in the movie shows it as a Wing).
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    15. [Fictional] General Dynamics F-16A 'Dhimar'

      General Dynamics F-16A 'Dhimar' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-16A Netz to create a fictional export version of General Dynamics' outstanding F-16A in service with the Dhimari Air Force during 1982-2012.
      Lo-Viz markings are given for No.2, No.5 and No.8 squadrons.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-16A_Dh folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-16A_Dh folder into your main Decals folder.
      That's it!

      Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to wilco for the excellent grey skin from his 144IDF skin package.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 30/01/19
      Version 1 - 02/12/12  


         (3 reviews)



    16. Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor

      Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
      The Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor, also known as Kurier to the Allies was a German all-metal four-engine monoplane originally developed by Focke-Wulf as a long-range airliner. A Japanese request for a long-range maritime patrol aircraft led to an upgraded design that would see service with the Luftwaffe as a long-range reconnaissance and anti-shipping/maritime patrol bomber aircraft, as well as a transport aircraft for troops and VIPs.
      Due to loss of Original read me
      Not quite sure who did the skins,but want to give him
      full credit for his excellent work.
      Loading screens Modifed from Wrench
      Cockpit: Kesselbrut


         (2 reviews)



    17. SF2 WW2 Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package

      Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package
      - For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged (Full 5 Reccomended)
      An SF2 revamp of my original 1stGen AdA Hawk 75 Package.
      This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France.
      This package contains 7 skins & decal sets for the following units:
      By using my 'fake SqTail decal', those French AF squadrons listed in the game's SqudronList.ini will have there actual name show up on the Loadout Screen. Some I could match to present day, some I could not. A couple actually revert to the same 'parent unit'. Go figure!
      Like the NEI and Vichey versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      All weapons, guns and 'fake pilot' pylons, pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included.
      The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). Readouts have been semi-converted to Metric standards. A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for purposes of historicality, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous and such likes.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    18. SF2 WW2 Curtis Hawk 75A, Vichy AdA

      SF2 WW2 Curtis Hawk 75A, Vichy AdA
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      A revamp, for SF2, of my Vichy French Hawk 75A (a mod of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk).
      Like the NEI & AdA versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      A "repersentative" verion of those aircraft used in North Africa and Middle East (Syria/Lebanon).
      All weapons (ok, the 7.5mm FN machine gun), pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included.
      The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for hysterical purposes, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein
      edit: forgot picture!


         (0 reviews)



    19. F-15J Kai skin pack

      This is a package of high-resolution (4096x4096) textures for the F-15J Kai in its current JASDF livery. Authentic squadron markings and serial decals for each of the 153 currently operational F-15J aircraft are included.
      As the texture is designed exclusively for the F-15J_97 from the F-15 Super Pack, you need to download and install that pack first if you haven't already.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to save CombatAce's bandwidth and your hard drive space, the main texture files have been placed in the aircraft folder instead of each skin folder, since every squadron has identical skins aside from decals and markings. This will not overwrite or override any existing skins. Any textures placed in individual skin folders will take precedence over what's in the main folder, so other texture sets should still work fine.
      Textures, decals, and hangar/loading screens by Nengajyou Aki
      Original skins and templates by the F-15 Super Pack team (please see the download page for full credits of all involved)
      Special thanks to EricJ for uploading the templates


         (2 reviews)



    20. SF2 Korean War Era F-86F GunVal Sabre Pak UPDATE

      Small adjustments:
      - ammo capacity increased to 115 rpg
      - new T-160 gun with correct muzzle velocity and ROF of 1500 rpm and no entry for tracer tga *
      - shell ejection set to TRUE (only the links were retained inside)
      - aircraft weight increased by 76 kg
      - Cockpit fixes:
      + CGCockpitOffset=TRUE added
      + cockpit POV height offset set to 0
      + cockpit height position synchronized with pilot height position
      * M39 cannon V0 and ROF are different . There was no 20-mm tracer ammo in Korea (only had API, HEI and a
      practice round)
      but they tipped API rounds into beeswax which gave a smoke trail when fired - wasnt perfect since the
      smoke trail was short ranged.
      Removing the tracer tga entry from the gun makes it a easy lookalike effect.
      Have fun
      The KAW Mod Team


         (1 review)



    21. SF2 French Navy F6F-5 Hellcat and F4U-7 Corsair

      SF2 French Navy F6F-5 Hellcat and F4U-7 Corsair
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This pak could also be called "Post-War French Naval Aviation".
      *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, some data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level (with the possible exception of WoI plus it's ExpansionPak -this has not been tested, as I ONLY mod for SF2). It is designed for use in SF2/SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!*
      *Note x2: built/tested in the SF2NA Environment; Again, your milage will vary*
      The pack contains the following aircraft, skin/decal sets:
      F6F-5 Hellcat:
      Flotille 1, aboard Arromanches, early 1950s in Indochina
      F4U-7 Corsair:
      Flotille 14, aboard Arromanches 1950s, Indochina
      Flotille 15, circa 1956, with Suez yellow/black 'Invasion Stripes'
      FMs have been adjusted as per the KAW Corsairs, and the WW2 USN Hellcat. Skins on the Corsair have been conveted to jpg format; the skin for the Hellcat remains in tga format. Decal randomization is TRUE for all.
      Both aircraft are "stand alone versions", nationalized for French Navy usage.
      All sounds, weapons, pilot figures, etc are included. New SF2-style hangar screens were created for both aircraft.
      The canopy for both works via Standard Animation Keystroke; Shift/0. The wingfold on the Hellcat does NOT work; however, the Corsair's does (I didn't break this one!). Use it's Standard Animation Keystroke; Shift/9.
      Both aircraft are fully carrier capable in the SF2/SF2NA environment.
      When in-game, you'll see
      F6F-5 Hellcat (FN)
      F4U-7 Corsair (FN)
      in the Aircraft Selection Drop-down window.
      As a bonus, included are also Optional modifications to the following terrains:
      These have modified _water.bmps that have the 'green CV Zones' added. V-SEA has them approximatly for Yankee & Dixie stations. IME has them approximately for Operation Musketeer (56 Suez Crisis). Both terrain's main and nations' ini have been expanded to include 'FrenchNavy'.
      Also, you'll be needing to extract the Game's Nations.ini, and make one small adjustment to it. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.
      And.. by downloading now, an extra added bonus!!! a couple of FN ships:
      R95 Arromanches aircraft carrier, from PauloPanz's "9 Carriers" mod pak (with minor changes by me)
      Le Brix class destroyers, based on Hinchbrooks' C-Class DD. A pure stand-in; but something was needed for the CVBG. This will have to suffice for now.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    22. Templates for Pasko's Ju-87 Stuka

      Template Pak for Pasko's Ju-87 Stuka
      -something for the WW2 skinners-
      A "Home Grown" set of 3 psds for this aircraft. Usable in both SF/Wo* and SF2.
      Unfortunaly, when I made them some years back, I left them in their 512x512 size. They may need resizing.
      All have new panel and rivet lines. There are only 3 templates, as aircraft model is mapped in such an way that the right and left wings are identical; so when saving off the left wing psd, save as.." rightwing"
      any and all improvement are welcomed!!!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    23. German Bomber Bombsight

      A cockpit mod which adds a CCIP-type bombsight for level/shallow dive bombing with Ju 88 and He 111


         (0 reviews)



    24. C-130H JASDF

      This is a mod of Dels's C-130H for the Japanese Air Self Defense Force's 401st Tactical Airlift Squadron, based in Komaki AB, Nagoya. Authentic squadron markings and serial numbers for each aircraft are included.
      C-130H model, cockpit, textures, and templates by Dels
      JASDF skin, decals, and hangar/loading screens by Nengajyou Aki
      Pilots modified from Geo's WWII Pacific Navy/Marine pilots


         (5 reviews)



    25. SF2 Independence Class CVL -Ver 2

      SF2 Independence Class CVL by YEYEYE
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      **** This is version 2.0, with fixed arrestor cables, and parking slots for the French ships. If you've downloaded the original, my apologies - You'll have to redownload, and when installing, just OVERWRITE the originals. ***
      *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work properly in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. Due to data ini and other statements will =NOT= be in effect in 1stGen SF/Wo* at any patch level, it is NOT designed for use in SF/Wo*. It is designed for use in SF2NA, at the most CURRENT patch level. Your milage will vary!*
      This pak contains the INDEPENDENCE class CVL (light carriers) of the US Navy during WW2
      They are fully compliant with SF2NA, having been tested in that envoriment. Names lists, data ini tweeks add the SF2NA radar statments, and other small adjustments.
      2 seperate, nationalized versions for the French Navy are also included (good for Suez and Indo-China with the recently re-released FN F4U-7 Corsairs and Hellcats).
      PA La Fayette R96
      PA Bois Belleau R97
      All weapons (ok, the guns!) you should have already in you various mods folders, so they are NOT included.
      BE ADVISED: if using these ships in the KAW mod -the USN Version- (and historically, only one was in Korean waters; USS Bataan), it will cause issues in game-generated single missions. I've detailed these in the "Notes" section below.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.
      NOTE: Do NOT use this version for the KAW Mod!! A seperate versiion, modded by paulo, will be relased ASAP.
      Again, my apologies!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein
      Changes for Ver.2:
      fixes for arrestor cables by eburger
      fixes for parking slots (FN only) by paulopanz
      added missing _COL.lod for USN version


         (4 reviews)




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