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Showing most liked content on 01/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    IRIAF F-14A with MK-84, AIM-9L and AIM-7F...
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points
    Peoples Republic of Bulgaria Air Force MiG-21M 1980s style heading to intercept
  6. 3 points
    For the rolling radius of the wheel it should be the number issued of the 3D model. It needs to be calculated from the coordinates of the wheel. But the ShockStroke value will affect the visual result if the shock animation (if used) has a more little displacement on the 3D model. As far as I know it won't solve poor behaviours on ground. But it needs to be set. I experimented lately that the CG value can improve the handling when taxiing, by increasing the weight on the wheel, as you said. But it won't solve the bounces. And Yakarov is right, at least moving the CG values will change the cockpit position. You'll have to adjust it to have it back where it was, like an offset setting of the cockpit. (And there's also a "Cockpit set CG position" or something like that...) First, the wheels must be symmetrical between left and right. It's a 3D model matter, and if the model has this issue you can stop trying to fix it by ini (or maybe creating fake wheels by ini only ?) Then there's many parts involved : EmptyMass, MassFraction, Reference values, Min/MaxExtentPosition, ShockStroke / SpringFactor / DampingFactor for each wheel, center of the 3D model (3D related), CGposition as you did, and some lift values of components if not set as they should (TW flight models are not optimised for taxiing, just take-off and landing runs), fuel tanks position and weight, and probably other things I forget. As an ini guy the worst for me is the 3D model because I cannot move it. And most of the time there's some Min/MaxExtentPosition values that are correct for the 3D model but makes the ini model touches the ground because of the angle of rotation or the stance on the ground. If the box made from the Min/MaxExtentPosition values touches the ground it can produce bounces. So I would say, check all structural entries using the famous Mue's LOD viewer and then all the FM values that has an effect on the ground (at 0 speed there shouldn't be any lift or drag but that will affects the FM - take-off / landing / stalling / departing / maneuvring and TW's FMs are not optimised for being realistic when not flying) I mentioned TW FM's because they should be taken as a model for third party aircraft, as a starting point at least. In the end, you have no certitude of solving the problem, but that's the deal ^^
  7. 2 points
    (just basic fix mod that everyone has already knows.. ) For those who has same problem as me, the Tank doesn't firing it's main gun, just HMG only.. add and edit this parameter to your GK-PT-76_data.ini: [Turret] ParentComponentName=chassis ModelNodeName=Turret ------ (and so on..) Armor[TOP].Thickness=11 SystemName[001]=GunBarrel <---- Add This SystemName[002]=GunBarrel1 <---- And This [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE -------- (and so on..) [GunBarrel] <------- This sections what missing from original data SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=76MM_D-56T MuzzlePosition=0.00,4.085,1.82 MaxAmmo=62 EjectShells=FALSE [GunBarrel1] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=14MM_KPV MuzzlePosition=0.00,1.51,2.17 MaxAmmo=1000 TracerLoading=3 BurstAmount=12 EjectShells=FALSE
  8. 2 points
    I desperately need that J-10 model, where can I get it? Mandatory screenie: "what if" MiG-29AR Fulcrum-G
  9. 2 points
    It hurts a little bit and smells strange, but no problem at all. We will fix it later.
  10. 2 points
    Mirage F1 CT over Yougoslavia: Take off: Enroute to target: Attacking the target: Back :
  11. 1 point
    Since there is a Delta wing mirage topic...We can have a Phantom topic too - just because it is cooler than deltas... Rules: - Phantom on Fridays only. - so no Phantoms on other days than Friday. One picture per user and only on Fridays. Let's bring the best of aviation in one picture. Sorry for strict rules but Spook deserves it. - no discussions, asking, quoting, chatting, etc. there are other places to talk. - NO for what if skins, rogues, mercenaries, pirates, etc... - ok for phantoms that never were...produced, prototypes, etc... Eventually if one of the Administrators will visit this place please clean up inappropriate jabbering. Thanks in advance. If this topic is inappropriate please close.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Sometimes you get a third party aircraft where the nose moves up and down when you get in the cockpit. It sort of oscillates, and gradually settles. Then you power up and it noses down again. I couldn't find any information on how to fix this. My search terms above, gave me nothing of use. So I decided to investigate. I wondered if the front wheel was too low, so I increased the RollingRadius of the Nose Gear in the aircraft data.ini. This just visually raised the wheel a couple of feet off the tarmac, and still the aircraft seesawed. So then I remembered how we used to fix things in other Sims, and I sought out the Center of Gravity. CGPosition comes under Aircraft Data in the Data.ini. There are three numbers which relate to left/right, forward/backward, up/down. The centre number is the important one. Plus numbers push the CG forward, which is what I needed. Minus numbers push it backwards. I adjusted the number until I got a stable aircraft. Then I looked at the outside view, and the wheel was now buried in the tarmac. So I went back to the Rolling Radius, and increased that number until I got the wheel resting on the tarmac. Sorted. So is there a better way to do this, or is this the technique?
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    It is possible that moving CG in data.ini screws up all other coordinates? (weapon stations, effects, pilot seats, etc)
  16. 1 point
    Have you installed already? I downloaded it today and tried to install and it writes Falcon 4.0 isn't installed inst aborted. I have original CD but i havent CD\DVD Drive. So I showed the original CD to the installation file, but he says no. Instal it . Yeah-yeah, someone will say that this game is on GOG. And I can unscrew the computer cover and fasten the old CD drive with wires, but I'm just too lazy. I play Falcon BMS 4.32 which i installed at times when MicroProse Falcon 4.0 was in abandoned status. This is interestind that BMS 4.37 doesnt see this instalation. My version is with every possible theaters, custom tunnings, custom cockpits and missions so I wouldnt deleting all this if the updated game is not worth it. But from the other cide it is interesting how far the game gone from my version. Looks like i will wait till they reconvert old Theaters to not to fly over long-suffering Korea only. Which Theaters are builded in?
  17. 1 point
    To expain my words. I have to finish a book project in the next two weeks. So it will look when released: The publishing house want the manuscript and the pictures delivered till January 15th. It someone of you has some good photos (resolution 2000x1400 pixel or better) of Antonows or IL-76, which he had photographed himself, and want to see them printed (The name of the photographer will be mantioned direct below the photo.), then send me a PM. When the book project is finished, then i will start to include the mentioned argentinian Naval Aviation Base into Rio de la Plata Bay terrain. Promised.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    How to win Medals and a target points chart. Resurrected various text about this old game, including info about getting Medals Check it out, You'll have to scroll down a bit: https://eaw.neocities.org/flight-training-testing#misctact I learn something new each day I research this game! You will too, after I edit the info into a readable and understandable format! I have done that with 99% of the info on my site. If there's something needing attention let me know.
  20. 1 point
    What the F-105 was designed for
  21. 1 point
    nother cool scene while looking at something completely different.... Castle Birds in Dhimar
  22. 1 point
    the main project. 93rd BW birds were added when they kept popping up during research
  23. 1 point
    Cuba 1962, Hunt for U-2 Dragon Lady
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    October 1970 , the 478th TFS and the 560th TFS at Homestead AB got dissolved , material and personell got moved to the 309th TFS /31st TFW at Homestead AB F-4E , 478th TFS F-4E , 560th TFS F-4E , 309th TFS
  26. 1 point
    Scandinavian Morning Mission
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Alright, you apes! Don't make me dilute you posts! Put a Rhino screenie up there!!! ------- as required; "out and over a wine dark sea"
  29. 1 point
    Haha will get on the Indo Su-30 as soon as I can
  30. 1 point


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