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Showing most liked content on 05/21/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    A small island in the Gulf for a friend...
  2. 7 points
    What am I doing on a Saturday night? Getting more traps in with the Intruder
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    we will see.. I still have a long list from Russia/Germany/Poland and Czechoslovakia.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    shhhh.... that's camoflague, left over from WW2
  11. 2 points
    USAFCAMO3, already in progress coming to a stock model near you
  12. 1 point

    Version 1.5.0


    The first part of Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza mods for the SF2 series game. First of all. This is not entirely a 'Plug and Play' mod. Yes, some objects will appear in the game right away, but some will not - because some objects are meant to be used via the target editor. In general, the whole mod is built for terrain enhancement - a lot of objects should be added in terrain TYPES and TARGETS. But of course, some like tanks, SAMs, AAA, etc will appear automatically in the game. Having this in mind this mod is mostly for terrain builders, modders, and experienced users. If you are hoping for quick-click plug-and-play - this is not for you. All objects have destroyed models added. Gun files should be taken carefully - they are slightly modified by guuruu with decreased performance. I believe all the gun files are provided and you should have them already, if I forgot something - well it happens sometimes. Sorry for that. 5 new weapons for some of the objects. 9M14M, 9M14P, 9M111, 9M113, 9M114 Part one contains mostly tanks, APCs, IFVs, SPAAG, and some support armored objects. All of the skins are green, I added a few camo versions and a few extra but just for specific objects. NO Tan/Desret scheme. This might come in a more specific mod for specific terrains in the future. Userlist ini files are just there but they might need editing for your own use. Under any circumstances DO NOT mix these objects with ODS 30Aniversary Edition mod. ODS30AE objects are exclusive for ODS and differ in many ways from Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza. Inside 2S1 Gvozdika - one set for Transport role only and two as artillery - to be placed via targets.ini BMP-1 BMP-1P + 9K113 Konkurs (9M113 Gaboy missile) BMP-2 + 9K113 Konkurs (9M113 Gaboy missile) BRDM-2 BTR-50PK BTR-60PB BTR-60R-145BM radio and command vehicle 9K14M Malyutka-M 9P122 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M14M missile) 9K14P Malyutka-P 9P133 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M14P missile) 9K113 Konkurs 9P148 on BRDM-2 chassis (9M113 Gaboy missile) 9K113/111 Konkurs 9P148 on BRDM-2 chassis (2x 9M111 Fagot + 3x 9M113 Gaboy) 9K114 Shturm-S 9P149 on MT-LB chassis (9M114 Kokon missile) MT-LB MT-LB SNAR-10 Leopard artillery radar MT-LBu 1V14 artillery command and recon vehicle MT-LBu 9S80 (PPRU-1) air defense command vehicle MTU-55 bridge layer OT-62B OT-64A PT-76 T-54 T-55 obr59 T-55 obr71 T-55AM T-55AM2 (Czechoslovakia production) T-55AMV T-62 obr61 T-62 obr72 T-62M T-62MV T-72 Ural T-72 Ural-1 T-72A T-72M T-72M1 ZSU-23-4V ZSU-23-4V1 ZSU-23-4M ZSU-57-2 Most of the skins are 2048x2048 I highly recommend resizing to desired (lower) size format. Do not blindly copy-paste files. Pick a mod, make a backup if needed - test the file - decide - to keep it or not. Just in case - enjoy. Jarek. questions - suggestions - go to the designated area here
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Yugoslav Air Force fighter bomber. I thank my development team for their cooperation and collaboration.
  14. 1 point

    Version 11.0


    Hello Fellow Fliers of First Eagles 2, Version 11.0 of the FM/Realism Package for FE2 contains approximately 220 WWI aircraft types and sub-types, for your (virtual) flying enjoyment. For detailed installation instructions, please check over the main "Read Me First" file that is included, as well as several older (pdf) files and that cover aircraft performance info., tips, etc., across all previous versions of the FM update package. A great many thanks go out to Peter01 and Ojcar, also TexMurphy, for making most of those flight model files to begin with. Also a great thanks goes out to Stephen1918, MontyCZ and Laton for providing lots of beautiful planes and skins that go with those great flight models, to NBell for the many hitbox improvements provided for the planes, also to VonOben, Mike Dora and Crawford for many helpful suggestions, and to the A-Team by SkunkWorks for allowing me to tweak a few of the FMs for their models too. And of course a very big thanks goes out to Geezer for several fantastic, high-quality models that were produced for FE2. What I've done is tinkered with the data files further. Modifications in all cases, to a greater or lesser extent, include data under the following sections: (a) MissionData (b) FlightControl (c) AIData (d) Sound (e) AircraftData (f) Engine (g) Crew (h) Internal Guns (i) Control Surfaces (j) Landing Gears (k) Fuselage, Nose, Tail, Vertical Tail, LeftStab, RightStab, Rudder, Left/Right/Inner/Middle/Outer/Tip Wing components Enjoy and happy flying!, Von S NOTES: For several of Geezer's latest aircraft and my FMs for those aircraft (Nieuports, Pfalzes, etc.), which are not included in this package, please see the relevant post located towards the bottom of page 25 of the "New Aircraft" thread for FE2, on CombatAce. Also see relevant posts on pages 26, 27, and 28 of that same thread for Geezer's "early beta" collection that contains the Breguet XIV, Junkers J.I, and other updates, including performance info. for some of those aircraft types. DISCLAIMER: All Von S mods., for FE2, SF2, also WOFFue/pe/bh&h2, as well as for RoF (United Ed.), are subject to the CombatAce "freeware" terms of agreement. Mods. may be shared with others, included on other media devices, also modded further, providing that original documentation and/or credit is included, and providing that the mods. remain free to use. Von S mods. shall not be sold, resold, etc., and Von S takes no responsibility for injuries or fixations that may result from flying heavily tweaked FMs or from attempts to enjoy real flying without aid or instruction from a qualified flight instructor.
  15. 1 point
    Well, if there's no bus service, you'll have to take your own car ---------------------------------- ducks and runs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
  16. 1 point
    That's some beautiful work there...
  17. 1 point
    Ever tought in creating the Romanian TR85 Bison?
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    shush you aircraft use harpoons or exocet on ships, torps on subs use B57 if you want one boom to sink them all
  20. 1 point
    Fw190D-13 - II Gruppe of JG 26
  21. 1 point
    Tanks do like .jpg, it's just probably mapped for .bmp
  22. 1 point
    stock SLUF down low gotta change out those stock tga tho. ya'll know anyone that can do that?
  23. 1 point
    while shooting pics the the WIP mega thread, i realized theres a SLUF in there somewhere!
  24. 1 point
    With some needed help from yakarov79: Just awaiting approval.
  25. 1 point
    Bug fix/update for T-55/62/72 series. (Cold East Ground Objects Bonanza Vol.1) Now they are fighting properly, still, anti-aircraft guns are disabled in data.ini. added the correct smoke screen effect (or I even missed it in released files?) - which leads me to question - how to make this effect last longer. V2 update.rar
  26. 1 point
    Beautiful model Torno thank you for sharing , you’re Fw-190s are a must have in WW2 installs
  27. 1 point
    The Saab RB05 air-surface missile masquerading as the British 'Yellow Union' air-air missile!
  28. 1 point
    well if TK wont make a ANG SLUF DLC, i'll make my own. with blackjack and hookers.....
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point

    Version 4.0.0


    Mirage F1EDA Spain This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him. In 1994 Spain bought 12 F1EDA/DDA's retired from Qatar Air Force. Covered unit : Spain : ALA 11 F1EDA Spain specifics: no R550, AIM-9N2/3/JULI SW instead no R530 S530F CLB4, no AUF2, no CLB8 radio-altimeter Seat Mk10 Inertial Navigation System Sagem UNI47 RWR BK (1-12 GHz) no AAR probe no Barax (assumed EDA had not the capability, they had Remora jammer in Qatar AF but Spain did not use Remora) A big thank to all on Combatace and C6 forums that helped us solving issues we encountered. Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this. This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F.1 Team


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