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Showing most liked content on 06/20/2023 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 7 points
    Of course, you tell me this after me & my Gina blow up the neighborhood.............
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. 5 points
    RAF Coningsby work in progress for Sundowner's awesome PR UK terrain, finally figured out the diffuse effect for the floodlights that avoids the dreaded flickering.
  6. 5 points
    Coming in for a heavy landing. I usually fly around an hour or so to empty the tanks as I have issues with sink rate in this configuration (at least with two tanks onboard). But since I needed a new desktop pic I decided to use this.
  7. 4 points
    not to self whenever i do get around to making making my own wip thread must name it something totally stand out thinking of "DA's totally tigerrrific thread of stickerific improvementifications. And stuff"
  8. 4 points
    Love that skin on the Golf, really cool! Voodoo, RAF style.
  9. 4 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Goran, you hear something? No Nikola, why? (10000 points to whoever can spot the jet in the first screenie)
  13. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Geezer italian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2. This pack presents some italian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew3" with the historical pilots names (ex: Ernesto Cabruna) or generic names such as ITALIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this italian pilots skin Pack: - 4 Italian Aces: - Ernesto Cabruna (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Francesco Baracca (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Giovanni Ancillotto (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Giovanni Nicelli (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 10 Italian pilots with a generic face and several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. - ITALIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - ITALIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - ITALIANPILOT8 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) - ITALIANPILOT9 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT10 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "ITALIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (ITALIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of ITALIAN French & British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (SVA5) Aircraft folder and find the "SVA5_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with To use with SVA5 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=ITALIANPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.0,-0.60,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Italian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  14. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Geezer Russian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2. This pack presents the Ukrainian/Russian Ace Alexander Kozakov and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find different options for scarf colors at your choice. The Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this Russian pilots skin Pack: - 1 Ukrainian/Russian Ace: - Alexander Kozakov (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 3 Russian pilots with a generic face and different scarf colors at your choice. - RUSSIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6) - RUSSIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - RUSSIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RUSSIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (RUSSIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Russian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with CamelF1_130 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=Alexander Kozakov <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Russian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  15. 2 points
    It may be much easier on you to place the "Tested on a Full 5 Merged Install" disclaimer on the download page and readme file. The worst thing that is likely to happen to a user who selects a variant for which they have no lod is a CTD.
  16. 2 points
    There ya all go -- I fixed the thread's title to make it more specific. As Maui says: "You're Welcome"
  17. 2 points
    Interesting how I never thought of that small detail. I bow to your superior wisdom.
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Geezer Austro-Hugarian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2 This pack presents some Austro-Hugarian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Godwin Brumowski) or generic names such as AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this Austro-Hugarian pilots skin Pack: - 3 Austro-Hugarian Aces: - Godwin Brumowski (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Josef Kiss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Franz Graser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 4 Austro-Hugarian pilots with a generic face and several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Austro-Hugarian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (AviatikD1) Aircraft folder and find the "AviatikD1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with AviatikD1 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.00,-1.12,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Austro-Hugarian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  20. 1 point
    Ya sé.. 2 semanas. En mi defensa me encontré con que configurar el sistema de vuelo vertical resultó más difícil de lo esperado. Recién anoche más o menos logré que despegue vertical pero en la transición a vuelo horizontal se me fue en tirabuzón. Ahora estoy desde la notebook, acabo de instalar el 3DS Max y estoy por instalar el SF2NA a ver si puedo acomodar algo más y subirlo. Ah, y feliz día para todos los padres de por aquí!
  21. 1 point
    Had the link to the knowlege Base post not been given, I could have confirmed it's SF2 Europe. I only own SF2:E, SF2:NA and SF2:I and I have the A-7D_75 and A-7D_78 from my purchase of SF2:E.
  22. 1 point
    thank you all Soulfreak: TW site lists the base models, not the by year. kind of important since 2 (possibly 3; havent decided if LANA is getting its own variant) are dependant on the A-7D_78, not just the generic A-7D Righteous26: already planned to mention. but shouldnt be an issue if say the end user has just SF2 Europe. i was concerned about whats in Vietnam and regular SF2, but also knew that someone with just NA or Israel wouldnt be able to use it. but i have a little statement for the readme already given its based of a stock mod Allen, you got the winning answer. most of what i worked with is Europe only now will probably take the original "USAFCAMOxxx" versions and plug them into the vanilla D as all the rest are for _75 or _78 (or my renditions thereof). that way folks with SF2V but not SF2E arent totally left out
  23. 1 point
    Yup, sry my fault ...
  24. 1 point
    Yeah but I guess I assumed it was just amariani showing off topic.
  25. 1 point
    SFV has "Pure" A-7D Improved A-7Ds are in SF2E
  26. 1 point
    Uh... think you posted in the wrong topic...
  27. 1 point
    much much closer, when im doing admin stuff like loading screens. i think this is a hell of a unit choice for D_78.....
  28. 1 point
    Potential operators "Indonesia has considered in acquiring used Mirage 2000s for the Indonesian Air Force. 12 Mirage 2000-5s from Qatar is reportedly chosen by Indonesia." [Sauce: Wikipedia] This is my personal interpretation, (What) IF deal are done, and delivered. Mirage 2000-5E-ID and Mirage-2000-5D-ID, operated by Skadron Udara 3 Iswahjudi AFB. [ Mod Used: SF2 Mirage 2000 Foreign Operator, Mirage 2000 AdA Pack. / Skins Edited from packs. Decals: TW and Self-made.]
  29. 1 point
    View File Geezer Russian pilots for FE2 Geezer Russian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2. This pack presents the Ukrainian/Russian Ace Alexander Kozakov and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find different options for scarf colors at your choice. The Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this Russian pilots skin Pack: - 1 Ukrainian/Russian Ace: - Alexander Kozakov (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 3 Russian pilots with a generic face and different scarf colors at your choice. - RUSSIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6) - RUSSIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - RUSSIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "RUSSIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (RUSSIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Russian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (CamelF1_130) Aircraft folder and find the "CamelF1_130_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with CamelF1_130 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=Alexander Kozakov <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.00,-0.20,0.75 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Russian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitter JulioJunqueira Submitted 06/19/2023 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Object Mods  
  30. 1 point
    View File Geezer Italian pilots for FE2 Geezer italian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2. This pack presents some italian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew3" with the historical pilots names (ex: Ernesto Cabruna) or generic names such as ITALIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this italian pilots skin Pack: - 4 Italian Aces: - Ernesto Cabruna (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Francesco Baracca (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Giovanni Ancillotto (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Giovanni Nicelli (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 10 Italian pilots with a generic face and several options for italian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. - ITALIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - ITALIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - ITALIANPILOT5 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT6 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT7 (Geezer wwiPilotNew7) - ITALIANPILOT8 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) - ITALIANPILOT9 (Geezer wwiPilotNew4) - ITALIANPILOT10 (Geezer wwiPilotNew3) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "ITALIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (ITALIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of ITALIAN French & British aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (SVA5) Aircraft folder and find the "SVA5_DATA.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with To use with SVA5 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=ITALIANPILOT2 <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.0,-0.60,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Italian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew3), (wwiPilotNew4), (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew7) & (wwiPilotNew8). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitter JulioJunqueira Submitted 06/19/2023 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Object Mods  
  31. 1 point
    View File Geezer Austro-Hungarian pilots for FE2 Geezer Austro-Hugarian pilots for FE 2 This is a pack of new textures focused on pilots that Geezer released years ago. The content can be used with First Eagles 2 This pack presents some Austro-Hugarian Aces and there is also a group of generic pilots that you will be able to use in airplanes that you wish. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You will find several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. I choosed the Geezer's "wwiPilotNew5" and "wwiPilotNew1" as base to my faces paint job, due that this is the only pilots where is possible painting different faces without the moustache. So I renamed the "wwiPilotNew5", "wwiPilotNew7", "wwiPilotNew4", "wwiPilotNew8" and "wwiPilotNew1" with the historical pilots names (ex: Godwin Brumowski) or generic names such as AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 for instance. Each Ace or generic pilot will be in aproppiate folder to avoid any incompatibility with the Geezer pilots if you had one of them intalled in your "pilots" folder. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this Austro-Hugarian pilots skin Pack: - 3 Austro-Hugarian Aces: - Godwin Brumowski (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Josef Kiss (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - Franz Graser (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - 4 Austro-Hugarian pilots with a generic face and several options for Austro-Hugarian uniforms and different scarf colors at your choice. - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT1 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT2 (Geezer wwiPilotNew8) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT3 (Geezer wwiPilotNew5) - AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 (Geezer wwiPilotNew6) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION - Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS" to your "Pilots" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly in your aircraft data.ini Inside the pack, there is a (AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN PILOTS INSTALLATION README) with installation instructions for the majority of Austro-Hugarian aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "PILOTMODELNAME" and the "POSITION". As an example: Open your (AviatikD1) Aircraft folder and find the "AviatikD1_data.ini" file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with AviatikD1 // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] PilotModelName=AUSTRO-HUNGARIANPILOT4 <------------------------------------ You must add this line Position=0.00,-1.12,0.55 <------------------------------------ You must add this line __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins for Austro-Hugarian pilots. - Geezer for the excellent pilot 3d models (wwiPilotNew5), (wwiPilotNew6) & (wwiPilotNew8). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Special thanks to Geezer for their fantastic work. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitter JulioJunqueira Submitted 06/19/2023 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Object Mods  
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    My condolences to you and your family, life can be very cruel to us sometimes. Your friends will be here for you as and when needed.
  35. 1 point
    Deep condolences, You'll Never Walk Alone, brother.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    Hawker Hunter FGA.9 Single-seat ground-attack fighter version for the RAF; all were modified from F.6 airframes. Strengthened wing, 230 gallon inboard drop tanks, tail chute, increased oxygen capacity, and bobweight in pitch control circuit to increase stick force in ground attack manoeuvres, 128 conversions. Export: Jordan, Chile, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe - Mod For: STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 - What's in: 1 upgraded stock plane 25 new skins stock ones upgrades; Historical decals; Pilot, sounds included. - Credits: TW/TK for this plane Sundowner: High Res Temps (Hurraj!) Spillone104:Sounds Paulopanz(me): Skins, Decals, Ini editings Enjoy.
  38. 1 point

    Version 3.0


    Hawker Hunter FGA.59 Export version of the Hunter FGA.9 ground-attack fighter for Iraq, 24 conversions. Hawker Hunter FGA.59A 18 aircraft were sold to Iraq as part of a follow-on order, 18 conversions from F.6s. Hawker Hunter FGA.59B Four aircraft were sold to Iraq as part of a follow-on order, 4 conversions from F.6s. Recon planes. What's in: - Stock Hunter FGA.59 revamped - FGA.59B (RCN) new plane - 6 new skins (2 weat) - Historical decals (2 weat set) - Pilot - Weapons Operations: - open canopy key=10 - FGA.59B Recon camera Ctrl+Up Credits: - TW/TK for this plane - Sundowner: High Res Temps (Hurraj!) - Spillone104:Sounds - Paulopanz(me): Skins, Decals, Ini editings References: - David J. Griffin - Hawker Hunter in Uk and Foreign service Serials 1951-2008 Note: - heavy weatered skins are for later IRAQ/IRAN war scenario Patch: - weat skins tanks just copy and drop in proper skin folders (Camo 3) Enjoy! @paulopanz
  39. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 CBI B-24J Liberator Pak by Veltro2K 6/10/2014 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This pack contains a Theatre Specfic version of Veltro2k's B-24J Liberator as seen in in the China, Burma, India Theatre. Be advised, that while there wasn't too much 'crossover' between the 10 AF in India and the 14th AF in China (and the RAF for that matter), for gaming purposes it won't matter much. You are advised, however, to have a seperate CBI mods folder (even though the new India/Burma/Indochina map is far from completed). The unit(s) represented herein are: 10th AF (India): 493rd BS, 7th BG (43/45, in OD/Grey) 14th AF (China): 374th BS, 308th BG (44/45, in NM) RAF (India/Burma): No. 99 Squadron "Madras Presidency" (Liberator GR.VI, late 44/45, in OD/Grey) Each of the skins will display their theatre association; B/I or C. The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings and some squadron rudder markings). The serials, when carried, are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. 10th & 14th AF squadron numbering conventions (plane-in-group numbers) are used on these aircraft. There are NO nose arts. Other texture artists are encouraged to do the research, and create proper artwork decals. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. However, the VB-1 "Azon" bomb is, as the 7th BG had specialy equipped aircraft for their usage. A "Strike_Azon" loadout has been setup, and is availalbe through the 3W Mission Editor. Or they can be hand-loaded. Be advised, the standard carry was 4 Azons, and handloading WILL overload the aircraft with 7. RAF units did NOT use Azons. The aircraft is also equipped with a ground mapping/surface search radar. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see B-24J Liberator (v2k) This will differentiate this Lib from any others you may have (ie: Pasko's). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein
  40. 1 point

    Version EAW


  41. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 ETO B-17G Flying Fortress Pak 9/1/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: Having any SF2 series game is HIGHLY reccomended, as this mod references the stock destroyed An-12. Also, due to modifications to various inis, and LOD exportation coding (Unicode) this mod will -NOT- work in1stGen games installs at ANY patch level.** This is the release of Veltro2K's B-17G Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber. This mod ONLY represents Forts used in the ETO. To eliminate any confusion with any other B-17Gs you may (or may not) have, your in-game displayed name will read "B-17G Flying Fortress (V2K)" There are 2 skins/decal sets in this pak. These represent 2 squadrons fron the 91st Bomb Group (of the 4), based in England... 322nd BS - in standard OD over Grey (folder is called "OD43") 323rd BS - in overall natural metal (folder is called "NM44") The skins make use of the "Start Date" statement, and will change accordingly in June, 44 from OD to NM. Although, historically, OD aircraft were seen up until VE-Day. All skins are in jpg format. All new Squadron Codes, plane-in-group and serial number decals were created. One may consider the serials as 'generic' in nature, but ARE correct for the model depicted, AND are actual serials for 17G's as used by both squadrons. It was impossible, however, to match serials to plane-in-group letters. All markings are decals, making in easier for skinners to recrate other ETO units (and by inference, MTO units). All lighting is historically correct. There are =NO= nose arts. Those with the desire (and talent) are encouraged to do the necessary legwork on research, running down the correct match between nose art, plane-in-group letter and serial number. The Skin templates ARE included. Look for the seperate folder "B17G templates -v2k", inside this zip. It should be noted, do =NOT= use this mod in a PTO-centric mods folder; these aircraft were NEVER used in the Pacific. Those wishing to recreate 15th AF (MTO) units are encouraged to do so. Engine sounds, pilot figures, BRAND new Hangar and Loading screens (in SF2 jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not included; you should have them already. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months'. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other EXCEEDINGLY!!!! important notations. The last round of patching (May/June/July 2013) seems to have induced some "issues" with Player Flown Heavies ™ Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  42. 0 points
    My condolences, as well. I know what that's like, as I went through something similar in 2021 with my wife. She passed Christmas Eve, 2021 due to kidney failure and other complications Will say a prayer.


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