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Showing most liked content on 06/26/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    What if a small ship wants to be an aircraft carrier.
  2. 5 points
    real life exceeds all expectations
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    This video is the closest that I found in the net for recorded Dogfight.
  5. 2 points
    Here is one with MiG-29s of the Bulgarian Air Force dating back some 10-15 years ago: The pilot talking and wearing an all-white helmet with sun shades lifted is the current President of Bulgaria, who used to be a MiG-21 and then a MiG-29 pilot. Sadly both the audio and the subtitles are in Bulgarian. Practically, the video represents a MiG-29 attack on an enemy aircraft, starting with a R-27 long-range missile, then a R-73 or a R-60 short-range missile and lastly an attack with the gun.
  6. 2 points
    you know, there was an aggressor squadron standing up in PACAF in 1988-89. had that same grey and blue/green pattern and bort numbers on the half dozen birds they recieved but then the cut backs started and they were disestablished before they really got going. bulk of their birds went to Osan iirc speaking of....
  7. 1 point
    I assume that we can get these planes (mainly the Corsair) from here and not DAT correct?
  8. 1 point
    View File Skin Pack for TMF Boeing 707-300 TMF Boeing 707-300 Comprehensive Skinpack This mod will replace the individual skins for the TMF 707 and adds my multi airline skins to it, covering the eras from the early 1960s until the late 1980s and will add some eye candy to your parking ramps or make for interesting intercept and escort targets INSTALLATION This is only a skin pack with some additional items. First you will need the original located here: then unzip and add this mod as well. allow overwrites. You can delete the previous skins if you want, as they are represented in the skin pack IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN NATIONS.INI, ADD FROM THE GIVEN TEXT FILE. This is for heavily modded installs INCLUDED Decal sets covering most major users from 1959 until 1989 Skins to cover that time period in 9 blocks, with bare metal base skins Nations and Formations ini for the "Airline" nation KNOWN ISSUES Number 1: THIS THING IS BIG! the fuselage tgas are 2048x2048 (working with details over an entire fuselage rather than basic colors and curves) and the biggest sets are representing 32 airlines in their era! So this is not for the small of HDD space Number 2: Due to quirks in the model, and ease for the modder it is not 100% aligned as in RL. the cabin windows are a little lower (which allowed the logos to go one easier), and the curves tend to stop short of the radome. Number 3: this uses the Herc pit to be flyable. I ad it to be able to check the decals, but leave it for those that may want to use it. The pit is a piss poor match however, both with frames blocking and the higher tech than available even into the 80s for civilian birds It is meant as eye candy, not operational missions. Number 4: due to the size of things, some of the lettering is not to legible when you get close to it. Again, eye candy, its meant to be seen from the runway when taking off or on an intercept. If your that close to see "hey it really is fuzzy" you will probably collide. Besides, the thing is huge as is at teh current tga size UNSOLICTED ADVICE I am one of those that likes all encompassing mods. If you have a certain era you would rather focus on, by all means delete the other eras that you don't need. Again this thing is huge, but covers almost every user from 1959 through 1989. CREDITS aircraft model - TMF, BPAo tga, bare metal skin, ini work - daddyairplanes original game -TK test team -allenjb42, Nightshade/PR, yakarov79. they caught a huge tho buried mistake, so many thanks to you guys! Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy Kevin Unruh (daddyairplanes) 8 April 2018 Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 04/08/2018 Category Other  
  9. 1 point
    Good evening everyone I've posted an update to this mod. this was because 1) i discovered a bad decal ini mix up that blanked part of the left side, and two decided that shrinking the fuselage and tail tgas by 25% would keep the detail but really reduce the file size. It is now down to 4.45 GB, down from its original almost 8GB size as before, if you dont intend to fly in a given decade, you can save even more space by deleting those particular folders (60s, 70s or 80s) when you choose to download, there is an ini fix folder for those that downloaded prior to 24 June 2023; a folder of just the resized tgas and the entire mod in the "707" file
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Egyptian F-16A
  12. 1 point
    View File Third Wire A-7D Templates Third Wire A-7D Templates Template set based off of the TW A7E, but geared to the A-7D includes xcf for GIMP users and psd for Photoshop users Credits Wrench original Thirdwire A-7E templates, I added my work on top of his originals daddyairplanes addtional skins, panels and stencils and unit marking lay outs specific to the D model, tga templates used for other markings and bmp patches daddyairplanes aka Kevin Unruh 24 Jun 2023 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 06/24/2023 Category Skin Templates  
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    oh yeah, and did yall forget about this one too?
  15. 1 point
    uploaded and waiting admin approval. all TW based.....
  16. 1 point
    I cleared all of my cookies and reset my permissions, and now I seem to be up and running again in Edge. Case closed.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    View File TW F-14A Ferris Scheme My best rendition of the Ferris scheme applied to the TW F-14A. It has some inaccuracies due to the mapping of the aircraft, but still came out pretty good. Simply drop in your F-14A_77 folder and go fly. It can be found under "Ferris Scheme" in the drop down menu. Submitter EricJ Submitted 03/04/2022 Category F-14  
  20. 1 point
    View File A-7 Corsair II 1983-1991 skin pack. SLUFs of grey. Simple skin pack with a few sets of skins for US Navy A-7E Corsair II. This mod covers late years of use. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2 Series. I highly recommend creating a new aircraft - for example A-7E_83. I have added a data file that will add a new pilot and new SJU seat along with HUD inside the cockpit. Just an eye candy thing. At the end of 1982, Navy SLUFs started to receive new seats and some minor upgrades in avionics. A-7E_83_Data will add a new pilot, new seat, make openable canopy and foldable wings. Adds landing light and removes Fuel tanks model objects from stations 2 and 7. As A-7 can not carry fuel tanks there. (you can use this remove_mod from a file on older Corairs also) The rest of the data file is basically stock one. So still no proper loadouts, rails for Shrikes / HARMs etc. If there will be demand I can upload new highly modified ini files at some point in the future/near future. Skins cover the years 1983-1991 for the Atlantic and Pacific Fleet. Decal set for 'Desert Shiled' VA-46 and VA-72 is slightly different than in the ODS-30AE pack. (it is downgraded so I recommend not messing with this - mixing with original ODS) Pack contains skins and decals. I have included also decals from the previous pack for hi-viz SLUF. So perhaps you can skip this folder but to be sure you can simply overwrite it. I believe there are two more serial numbers for VA-81 /1986. Skins sets are made in pairs - two squadrons for CVW for a specific year. Skin-set for 1986 VA-82 has one small 'bug' In 1986 they were painting bird flying through A in AJ tail code. But I could not find a clear photo of it. So I decided to go without a bird. This is subject to possible updates of the pack in the future. I could not find all proper BuNo / Modex but I am considering this as ongoing work in progress, so one day if I will learn something new there will be an update. Also, not all squadrons have CAG markings, sometimes i could not find info on markings...so I left it, again there might be an update if new info appears. I believe that pack after unp[backing is around 1GB. So make some space for SLUF. All skins, new bump maps, specular and decals are made by me. report bugs. enjoy. Jarek Hereda. P.S. This is huge, a lot of copy-paste for me, all decals.ini, textur.ini, etc...So if you will find that one decal is not showing up or something...just check first - maybe there is some bug in *.ini file. No need to panic! Fix, post solution, etc... So others can benefit from your fix. I put a lot of effort and time, checked everything twice..still gremlins can appear. QUICK FIX! I just uploaded an additional seat called - seat_SJU-8. This is the proper seat that is required by optional data.ini. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 11/16/2021 Category A-7  
  21. 1 point
    The Kokusai Ki-59 masquerading as the Scottish Aviation Prestwick C.1...
  22. 1 point
    Your words are basing on the statements of american pilots who flew the former egypt MiG-23MS during Red Flag exercises. And for this version the statement is correct. It is also correct for the MiG-23BN. Both planes had the same autopilot and the MiG-23 pilot needed the support of autopilot. Without the autopilot support the plane was a beast. The autopilot of the MiG-23MS and BN were slow and sluggish. They killed some good pilots. From MiG-23M it became better and the ML had a very good autopilot system. The MiG-23ML was a good fighter and when the USAF got 12 former LSK MiG-23ML for Red Flag all complains about bad plane behaviour ended. The MLD was even a step better. The list in this article is not my list. For me the top 7 worst soviet planes would be: 1. MiG-19PM, radar was more defect that working. The fuel system was leaking constantly. It was a nightmare for the ground crews 2. MiG-19S, very low readiness level due failure in engine and fuelsystem. 3. MiG-17PM, radar unreliable and often defect 4. MiG-3, underpowered, undergunned, useless in fight 5. MiG-2, medium catastrophe 6. Tu-104, to loud for passengers, terrible fuel economy 7. IL-62, real dangerous plane
  23. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Soviet Navy Vertical Pack 1.00 This is the first complete version of the Vertical Pack, now including the Yak-41M (also known by its commercial designation as Yak-141). I have modeled the plane as if it was deployed into combat units with its military designation Yak-41M. The plane served aboard the aircraft cruisers Novorossiysk and Baku, and on the aircraft carriers Tbilisi and Riga, from 1991-2010. This is a fine tuned or modified collection of everything I could find to improve the planes. I lot of time was invested in research and testing to provide you a working and accurate Yak-38/38M and Yak-41M. All feedback and suggestions are appreciated. Install I tried to include every component I have used with the planes, so it should work with a fresh unmodded SF2:NA. If you have DirX 9 and Win XP, then you also need Gerwin's IcelandNA modded terrain for XP to be able to play SF2NA on your PC. Just copy everything into your designated add-on folder and it should work. Beware it may overwrite existing add-on files and components you already have. Check it first, especially weapons. ****************** NEW in 1.0 version ****************** New content - Yak-41M VTOL flyable - old Su-27 cockpit for Yak-41M (Temporary) - Yak-41M Soviet Navy skin (completely new) - Yak-41M Soviet/Russian Navy Camo skin (completely new) - Yak-141 Commercial Prototype skin (completely new) - Stary's Yak-38 cockpit included (+ini changes for compatibilty) - Yak-38M Desert Camo skin from Afghanistan, Operation Romb 1980 (New) - Yak-38M Naval Camo skin, Tbilisi (Adm Kuznetsov) testing unit (New) - Mi-8T Soviet Navy skin (Unarmed transport and passenger version without pylons) - Yak-41M new afterburner effect, lift engines included. - Yak-41M OLS type IR Search&Tracking device added to 3D model. - Yak-41M added APU-470, AKU-58 and BD3-USK type pylon 3D objects for correct display - Modified Kiev class Aircraft cruiser data - AA-10, AA-11 and AA-12 missiles and Kh-31A, Kh-31P, Kh-35 ASM-s included (minor value changes apply) - Delta-NG control pod new 3D object and skin. - VSPU-36 gun pod new 3D object and skin (color variants included for different skins). - MBD2-67U quadruple bomb rack new 3D object and skin. - Yak-38 500liter drop tank new 3D object and skin. - Yak-38/38M Flight Manual Text - Yak-41M Flight Manual Text - Yak-41M textures are now JPG to save space - Kiev class aircraft cruiser name decals - Kiev class tactical numbers separately done, due to decal limit per mesh. - General purpose Soviet Navy red star insignia for ships - Soviet Navy Ship tactical number decal set 001-999 - Updated decal.ini files for ships (Udaloy, Slava, Kirov, Kresta II, Kashin, Krivak and Ulyanovsk) to display new ship numbers, insignia and name decals. - Wide-screen 16:9 and old 4:3 Hangar and Loading background pictures are both included in each aircraft folder. Fixed - Fixed Yak-41M engines, flight model, balance, lift force, fuel amount, range, aerodynamics, slats, loadout, undercarriage spring effect, weapon station structure, nav lights and sound. Also some HUD/Avionics graphics changes. - Mi-8 skin minor fixes + new template - Yak-38 Northern Fleet skin (dark blue) colors changed. - Yak-41M minor 3D fixes (Lift engine cover, LERX, texture mapping, canopy glass, pylons) - Fixed ranges and seeker head of AA-10 Alamo missiles, as well as some minor bugs in inis - Fixed Kh-29T and Kh-29L missile speeds and turn rate. - Fixed AA-12 Adder (Folded version) launch animation entry in data.ini Changes - Yak-38/38M New weapon station stucture to exlude some IRM types. - Yak-38/38M loadouts modified with Delta-NG - Added separate MDB2 rack with RackSpecific entry for Yak-38 outer pylons. This way other aircraft (Yak-41) can use the normal rack. - Yak-41M uses afterburners on VTOL mode correctly (effects added) - Modified MBD3-U6 rack, changed the bomb sequence in order to avoid using the RackLimitOutsideOnly setting for Yak-41M. - Kiev aircraft cruiser STOL version has been added. It uses a more realistic launch arrangement. This "variant" of the ship is now Kiev (82) class, added separately for campaign use. In 1982 pilots have started to use STOL takeoff doctrine. The "catapult" launch places has been reduced to two, and are using the majority of the deck, along the two converging yellow lines which have this exact purpose. The ship otherwise the same like Kiev (wo. suffix) VTOL mode. - Separate Flight Manuals in text files. - Yak-38/38M flight model has been simplified with the usage of center-of-mass shift. I did not know that feature earlier. It has no change on the previous flight performance. - Mi-8T added lights and optional unarmed version without pylons. ************************** Previous version 0.98 BETA ************************** Contents - Paladrian's MiG-21MF cockpit (temporary solution) - Yak-38 VTOL flyable. - Yak-38M VTOL flyable. - Weapons: OFAB-100, 250, 500 etc from SovietBombPack; Kh-23 missiles, UB-8M, UPK-23 gun pod and MBD2 racks from Ordnance Shop II; APU-60-1 rack from Cocas - Soviet Pacific Fleet skin (Modified stock skin, set as default) - Soviet Navy Grey skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Northern Fleet skin (Redrawn stock skin) - Soviet Navy pilot Bright orange overalls (Redrawn Red3202 pilot skin made by The Trooper) - Two loadout.ini for both aircraft, a loadout.VTOL and a loadout.STOL. Overwrite loadout.ini to switch between them as you wish for AI and campaing use. - Three Kiev_data.ini's one for STOL and one for VTOL style take offs. Use the VTOL loadout file for the VTOL take-off modded Kiev, for safety reasons. The third INI has a "castrated" take off position #1 (Catapult 1) to enable human player VTOL take-off, for Soviet Navy campaigns and missions. Fixes - Fixed engine thrust vectors and exhaust positions - Re-added lift engines to fuselage - Fixed number decals position - Fixed pylon ordnance positions - Fixed Ranging Radar and gun pod's aim point - Fixed Kiev class carrier "catapult positions" and AI aircraft take-off. Now they can use all six takeoff positions, and supports vertical takeoff. Changes - Real thrust data added based on factory data. - Yak-38 automatic slats by Gepard - New vertical capable flight model, weight and torque balanced airframe. - Changed lift engines thrust angle to 80 degrees to the aft. - Engine thrust toned down by 10% to reflect real payload lifting capabilities. - Realistic payload choices added. Be warned, pylons are physically capable to hold much heavier payload than the plane can take off with. See payload info at the end of file. - Modified weapon stations to hold realistic payload - Removed plane numbers from 01-09 (Those were in use of Yak-38U two seaters) - Modification of plane numbers. Yak-38 tend to have lower numbers, grey 38M's take higher numbers, and extra easter egg))) (roughly to represent real planes) Added - Reaction control systems to nose, wingtips and aft fuselage. - Added gunpod station, exclusively for VSPU-36 (modeled by StationSpecific modified UPK-23) - Added choice of droptank (Uses Mig-17 400liter tanks currently) - Manual wing fold anim (Animation key 1 - Shift 1) - Skins and numbers - Dedicated engine sound - Yak-38M alternate sights with rangebar and CCIP (MiG-27, Su-25 style) !!BETA!! - Yak-38 model without recirculation dams on fuselage (Info from Peter2 and TK) - Added Siren-I ECM system to Yak-38 - Added Gvozdika ECM system to Yak-38M Kiev class aircraft cruiser new features - Kiev_data_STOL.ini for short take offs (default) - Kiev_data_VTOL.ini for vertical take offs (recommended for operating helicopters) - Kiev_data_Player.ini for disabling Catapult #1 to enable free vertical take off by player aircraft or helicopter. - Extra parking places added - 6 working launch places (catapults) - Fake arrestor cables untouched, they are needed for fake hooks used by AI Yak-38s. Overwrite Kiev_data.ini with the desired file. ************************************************************** Work in progress list - Avionics refinement for Yak-38M - Yak-41M land based camo skin - Yak-41M modern (russian) camo skin - Yak-41M 3D model improvements - Ka-25 Hormone helicopter family - Improved tactical number set for soviet warships - Pr.10200 "Khazlan" class Amphibous warfare ship ************************************************************** Additional Credits and Thanks - Yak-41M: - 3D: Gabilon, Cockpit(Su27) - Oliver, BPAO Anguille - Mi-8: - 3D + Original skin - Marcfighter, FM - Kreelin - Yak-38: 3D + Original skin - Thirdwire, Cockpit - Stary, Alternate cockpit(MiG21) - Paladrian - Weapons: - Lindr2, Krisis, Cocas - Soviet plane number decals: - Flogger23 - Soviet pilot: 3D + Original skin - The Trooper - Helped me (INI,testing,tech info) - Wrench, Gepard, 76IAP-Blackbird, Cocas, Logan4 and special thanks to Gabilon. - Software: - RedCrow(3DMAX+Photoshop) Sources - "J.R.Nockson" and "Volodya" (VVM) (Aviaforum.ru) - ru.wikipedia.org - russian-ships.info - Yefim Gordon: Yak-36, Yak-38 and Yak-41 - ????????????? 2009/7 ??-38 - ??????? ????????? 2003/07 ??????? ??????????? ??????? ???? - Ficker,Butowski: Yakovlev's VSTOL fighters - Norman Polmar: Naval Institute's Guide to the Modern Soviet Navy (5th) - ?.?.???????? - ??????? ??????? (2010) ?????????????? ?????/Documentary videos: - ?????? ?????? - ??????? ??????? - ?????? ?????? - ??????????? ??????? ?????????? ????? - ???? ??? ??????? - ?????? ????????? - ??????? ? ???? - ??????? ??????????? ??????? ???? - ????? ???? 1985 - +various videos from YouTube ************************************************************** This mod, like all of its components I used are freeware. Commercial use is prohibited. You can use this pack as part of a bigger pack or campaign set freely. Ver 0.98 2012 December 26. Ver 1.0 2013 December 25.


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