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Showing most liked content on 08/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    The purchased model, I haven't actually touched it yet. The J-20 has basically completed the design of the cockpit function, and it still needs to redesign the avionics and polish some cockpit textures. I think this should be resolved within 1-2 weeks. I'll be working on the F-35 after this, unfortunately we didn't get all separate cockpits for the A/B/C variants, but better than nothing. The outside world has little information about the cockpit of the J-20, so I designed it by imitating the interaction mode of the F-35. I think this will make the progress of the next project smoother.
  2. 7 points
  3. 6 points
    Czech made small transport and passenger plane L-410 Turbolet.
  4. 5 points
    football season is coming up folks...
  5. 4 points
    I don't have it but wanted to post anyway
  6. 4 points
    I didn't know we had a lot of authors here at CombatACE @EricJ @Gepard best wishes with your writing careers and to anyone here at CA who likes to tell a story. I just released a new book myself and I had too much fun writing it. Short version: It's about four friends who execute a revenge scheme that lands them on the radar for a sinister agency. I've redacted information in the story (don't ask what prompted this lol). I also use vague names to mask most people's identities. If you're using a screen reader, you'll hear [Redacted Agency] or ~~~redacted~~~ where the black highlighters are. You'll also see [Redacted Agency] etc if you use a black screen on your electronic device. You can get this book at Amazon And now, for the Free Gift ... A Few Seconds More is about a warehouse worker who gets drafted to fight in a war to save humanity from alien invaders. It's told from the point of view of Aden Jackson as he recalls the battles he fought. You can get a free copy at either of these places. Barnes and Noble Smashwords
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points

    Version 1.0.2


    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce --------------- SF2 version 2021 TurboSquid : original 3D model Snapper21 : source file donated to CA, project development, textures editing and decals Wrench : project development origin and inis Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis. Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing. Thirdwire : textures and inis. These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file. It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way. The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else. Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model. - Spitfire Mk12
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
    hace 4 dias Ale me los compartio y le meti algunas horas de trabajo, asi que pronto estaran para la descarga.
  12. 2 points
    View File Spitfire Mk12 --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce --------------- SF2 version 2021 TurboSquid : original 3D model Snapper21 : source file donated to CA, project development, textures editing and decals Wrench : project development origin and inis Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis. Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing. Thirdwire : textures and inis. These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file. It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way. The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else. Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model. - Spitfire Mk12 Submitter Cliff7600 Submitted 08/10/2023 Category Spitfire  
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    I've been using it in different terrains & scenarios, and haven't found anything to say "this is an issue"; at least, not for me. And I never saw the black line that others saw. I saw it in their screenshots; just not on my screen. I'm looking forward to the full release. You KNOW I'm going to nuke something with it first chance I get!!!
  15. 2 points
    "but i wanna know fer sure....."
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    flyin as a Pukin Dog too! mandatory screenie or off on my own phantacy.....
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Loaded up on some JAGMs and played plink the target with the valley I setup a wide variety of targets on the SoCal map.
  20. 2 points
    After 8K texture overhaul of the G.91Y, G.91T.1 & G.91T.3 I started to reskin the R variants (R.1/B, R.3 & R.4) Now the boring part starts - doing the small rivets...
  21. 1 point
    Banner Tow Target tdu-32a/b - Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion - CombatACE
  22. 1 point
    Testing (and editing) over the welcoming kingdom of Dhimar
  23. 1 point
    I finally made it work
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Also with the stock IAF Air superiority camo:
  27. 1 point
    IAI Lavi in argentinian service, Was used to replace the skyhawks of the IV Grupo de casa. serial numbers are still IAF ones because i dont have any argentinian decals downloaded
  28. 1 point
    well maybe not as fast as a blackbird..... but about a third of the way thru...
  29. 1 point
    Never forget to Check Six in a melee....
  30. 1 point
    In 2022 I tested the AI with a what if project "Rafale NG and the Remora UCAV" from an old UCAV mod. This seems to be interesting to do despite SF2 AI limits.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    The cloud profile you find within VorpX Configuration, on left column choose Cloud Profiles, in game/app box type: 'combat flight sim' without the quotes, and click Apply. It should appear. One note I see in that profile the comment says to use AnK0rs shaders from Jan 2017 - not sure that is still needed.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Awesome shots! How do you "zoom" in the external view? I can have the camera roll in or out closer or further, but not actually zoom or change FOV like the pictures seems to have? Here's an obligatory shot.
  35. 1 point
    In the "Bad Old Days" of the Cold War, attack pilots knew that in the face of Warsaw Pact defenses, even if they got to the target, chances of getting out again were slim. Especially with heavily defended hi-value targets on the tasking. PGM's were on the horizon, but not close.
  36. 1 point
    After a brief and fruitful discussion, decided to work on this birdie @Jimbib and @simonmiller416 will recall it very well, thanks for trust in me Jim, hope not to disappoint you :D BTW, These are the most difficult wings i have ever done (by now) all other meshes are a real mess, so, they are a no show (also, by now) hope they are good enough.
  37. 1 point
    Ah, Ramstein AB. I remember those days........


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