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  1. 8 points
    Adding on what Laszlo (and thanks for the support, man) stated, you need to consider: Making a good model takes time, researching, downloading data and pictures, creating it and polishing every detail, considering the polys to use, animating it, skinning it, adding weathering, creating the decals, and spending your time positioning them, checking weapons positions, making the FM, and there is a lot of things still to mention it. So, all in all, IT TAKES TIME, and it will still be this way. We are an open community, and we are also open to new modelers to show their abilities, so, the invitation is open to you also. Regards.
  2. 5 points
    Well here is a fast model, this is an F-16 if you look closely at the details it is the Viper version, we need to do some loading screens and we are ready!
  3. 5 points
    "Its been 3 years dude" I can understand you frustration about time. I can assure you he is quite bussy with several projects that will bring several aircraft to this game as time allows. All of us working man and woman and do this in spare time. An other thing... "dude" is used for people whom know each other. Unless you are palls, this is out of manners.. Get yourself stright.. Third, if you have read through the "community most wanted" topic, then you would have a close enough answer there too to your question..
  4. 4 points
    Mirage F1 CR7 strike over Yugoslavia: Ennemy HQ hit, but 500 lb bombs are too light : Second pass finishes the job :
  5. 3 points
    Yeah I tried to write my own take on it, but his is the best so far. One reason I didn't enjoy the gaming community at Arma 3. Too many demands and so on. I;ve gotten back into modding more or less, but gimme gimme is something I don't miss at all.
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    im sorry but the wing span is a little big for the Viper version, and clearly that model should be using GE not PW engines. although thats an easy fix in the texture side of things
  8. 2 points
    the targets the ICBMs dont get to like the B-2 before it, its primary purpose is to be the manned component of the US nuclear triad. the only part that can be recalled if need be, or be retargeted or just search for targets if needed as for anyone else, we'll see since nobody here is a fortune teller. if you told me in Jan 2000 that the US would be fighting a counter insurgency in Afghanistan for 20 years I'd have said you were nuts just like everyone else at teh time i would have figured to be spending the rest of my military career doing peacekeeping just like i was in Kosovo at the time, didnt know there'd be a trip to Iraq and a couple Afghanistans coming up.... ------------ so who are we going to bomb with it? hopefully nobody. but somebody will probably get bombs delivered from one, especially if they have more than MANPADS guarding their skies. its not to expensive, it'll get used to show that it was "worth the money" much more hopefully we dont see it used for its primary purpose, although depending on where one lives we might not see that anyhow......
  9. 2 points
    Danish dragon over Aerodrom Brest, France.
  10. 2 points
    lets hope the primary war its being designed to fight never happens the secondary tasks will come though, especially with mentions of things like sigint and battlefield nodes and the B-2 has done alright over the last 30 years, including over Serbia (NOT a permissive air defense environment). the 117 got benched because 1) oppents had intel on it from the one shot down and 2) newer systems were coming online. off course, esp. for a military aircraft, its had a very active retirement.......
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I was testing. This time I was ok, flying as low as possible and trying to save fuel while heading straight to friendly shore. We got chased by a pair of F-103s and two flights of F-86s. As I got even lower above the sea, my wingman gained few hundreds meters and that's when the F-86s got his tail. The leader emptied his rockets tray ...without really checking who he was shooting at (they said : two bandits heading east, low) The F-103s chased us until we reached home base. And while I was trying to get them out of the landing pattern, my wingman totally missed his approach. I had to send him to WP9 and he landed well after me. But before the F-103s. That's science : you don't get what you expect. I like so much this kind of aircrafts : F-86D, F-101B, F-106A, CF-100, F-103... When they're airborne you know something crazy is about to happen. Just follow them and they will often give you spectacular screenshots. The F-86D is edited, it uses the same Mk4 Mighty Mouse rockets as the Canuck FAW.4
  16. 1 point
    MiG-21SM over East Germany. Sometimes I miss the simplicity of the 1st generation.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    It is indeed a beautiful aircraft, but I think it looks far less cool than the B2. Looking at it purely out of appreciation, he is indeed an exceptionally good bird and incorporates many advanced and avant-garde concepts. And indeed, just let it become the crystallization of human technology. I hope it will never be used.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    MiG-21F-13 in a camouflaged open shelter.
  22. 1 point
    Dear Friends, The next update, 5.108, is in the works and today we are starting its beta testing. The next version will include further improvements to the career mode - for example, ground support will be added to the Normandy theater for both offensive and defensive missions. There will be other additions if they are ready in time, but one of the highlights of the next version will be the next Flying Circus Vol.III aircraft - the F.E.2b two-seater. The F.E.2 was a biplane with a pusher propeller and a sprung landing gear with a front support wheel to minimize the risk of overturning during a bad landing. The entire trailing edge of the upper center section was hinged along the rear spar and could be lowered to act as a flap-type air brake. The forward cockpit was occupied by the observer gunner, with the pilot sitting behind him at a higher level. The engine was almost completely cowled and drove a two-blade pusher propeller. Interestingly, in February 1915, this type of plane was tested with a brake parachute. This was probably the first time in history that a braking parachute was used on an airplane. A newly designed air brake that had been used on the first F.E.2a was also tested, but the air brake was eventually abandoned. During testing, the performance of the 100 hp Green engine was found to be unsatisfactory, mainly due to its poor power-to-weight ratio, and the machine was modified to be fitted with a new in-line six-cylinder water-cooled Beardmore engine rated at 120 hp. The center section of the upper wing was made in one piece and the air brake was removed. The aircraft with the new engine made its first flight in March 1915, but the first deliveries to the Royal Flying Corps did not begin until May. The first F.E.2b to go to France was flown to the No. 6 Squadron airfield at Abeele by Captain L.A. Strange on May 20, 1915. By September 25th the squadron had four F.E.2b's in its strength. Production of the F.E.2b was undertaken by a number of contractors, but it took some time before the machines were available in sufficient numbers; by the end of 1915, a total of thirty-two had been delivered. The first R.F.C. unit to go to France fully equipped with F.Es was No. 20, which arrived on January 23, 1916. No. 25 Squadron followed on 20 February, No. 23 on 16 March, and No. 22 on April 1st. The F.E.2b was mainly used for the needs of the army: for reconnaissance and for the escort of other aircraft, and it proved to be very worthy in the battles against enemy aircraft. Often grouped with D.H.2 fighters, the F.E.2b fought back against the Fokker monoplanes that dominated the skies at the time. The success of its use in combat was due to the wide sector of fire of the machine guns in the nose of the plane. The plane was also occasionally used to attack ground targets on the front line and in actions on the enemy's rear communications. In the second half of the war, the F.E.2b was widely used as a night bomber; for this purpose, the aircraft were painted black and equipped with night take-off and landing equipment. The performance of the F.E.2b with the 120 hp Beardmore engine was not outstanding and from time to time attempts were made to improve its flight characteristics. At the end of March 1916, a new version of the Beardmore engine with an increased power of 160 hp appeared, and as it was essentially an improved version of the previous model, it could be fitted without the need for major design changes. Between 1915 and 1918, 1,939 F.E.2b aircraft were produced. After the release of the previous update and the new La-5F Collector Plane, some players asked us to provide more details about the changes made to the existing Lavochkin family aircraft. Our Lead Engineer "Gavrick" has personally explained the changes. The La-5 is one of the oldest aircraft in the IL-2 project, it was created during the development of the Battle of Stalingrad 10 years ago and many of the modern approaches and techniques we're using now were just being introduced. The La-5FN was modeled several years later, and while it was built on the basis of the La-5s, certain things were reworked: for example, the effect of engine cowl flaps on aerodynamics was modeled in a different way (but the resulting aerodynamic coefficients remained almost the same). It became obvious that the older La-5 should be reworked to the new technology standards, but we didn't have the time to do it at that time - however, some improvements made to it (the physical models of the constant pressure regulator of the boost manifold and the propeller were made more precise). And finally, recently the new La-5F was created on the basis of the FN. We finally had time to update everything - the airframe aerodynamics modeling of the old La-5 and the La-5 engine modeling with the modern technique used in the La-5F. So what actually changed for the old La-5 characteristics? The lift-drag polar diagram remained mostly the same. Engine power and propeller thrust were corrected - but the resulting speed change remained less than 10 km/h. The aircraft became slightly faster at low altitudes and slightly slower at high altitudes, which is historically more correct than the unmodified model. The effectiveness of the stabilizers and controls also changed slightly, so the handling of the aircraft became "sharper", more like the La-5FN. Therefore, these changes weren't an FM overhaul per se, but rather a list of small corrections and improvements that were necessary to give all three Lavochkin aircraft a common technological base, so that all their differences are caused by design features and not different modeling methods. That's it for today. Please stay tuned for the 5.108 update - it is planned to be released this month!
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    The Mirage F1CR Standard F7 is uploaded and waits for approval. The review by Coupi :
  25. 1 point
    i just realized this has been a helluva week for the future of the USAF, with both their new trainer and new bomber arriving at Edwards for the formal flight test programs
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Alderney (WIP), it's still a jpg file. I must convert it to tga, so that waves will be visible. And i must still do a little bit paint shop to blend the Alderney tiles with the sea tiles.
  28. 1 point
    Guernsey Airport What to hell the danish pilot is thinking? He's parking at the middle of the runway! Okay, was my fault. I made a small typo. Instead of a comma i put a period. Small mistake, big problem.
  29. 1 point


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