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Showing most liked content on 11/20/2023 in Posts

  1. 13 points
  2. 9 points
    Republic Thunderstreak FGA.2 - No.234 (Reserve) Squadron, No.1 Tactical Weapons Unit, RAF, 1971
  3. 8 points
  4. 7 points
    Well, after 8 months of fire, despair and hope, the Most Wanted has arrived to you friends. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we liked to build it for YOU all. Our journey is not ending here with this plane though. Now after we finished it and delivered it, we can let you know a little about our near future roadmap. First surprise, if you remember my promise earlier this year in this thread, is that we are already working to a new plane, which will be soon ready. It's the AIDC T-5 Brave Eagle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDC_T-5_Brave_Eagle). Furthermore, we started to work for a dedicated FCK-1 cockpit which will be next after the AT-5 ! This was the second surprise I promised you long ago. Then we will start working for the resurrected SU-34 and after that we have two more planes we will build, but these, for now will remain a surprise. Stay tuned for the Most Wanted - Chapter II. Thank you for your patience. Special thanks to GKABS and his team who lent a helping hand when was most needed.
  5. 6 points
    I've recently been asked how my Vietnam map is going... It's been a long time since I touched any of this, maybe one day I'll get the time to do a little more..... But this is a tiny fraction of what's been achieved so far... Everything you see is a Terrain Object, most with collision meshes etc, 99% is new build stuff with new textures etc all done by myself, all with distance lods where needed , all new runways/taxiways hard standings etc as most bases changed enormously during the course of the war. Most of the aircraft are in multiple versions for time frame etc, some have animated props just for eye candy. Vehicles.....way too many types & variations . Lots of thinking "outside the box" to get things to work as I'd like them to .... Very few if any TW original items are now used. Will it ever get finished ?? very unlikely.
  6. 6 points
  7. 5 points
    Sceenery shots of Brest Airfield.
  8. 3 points
    Take off from Aerodrom Brest for Recon mission over South England. Intercepted by a pair of Hunters. Had a shot discussion with them. And back at home.
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
    View File F-CK-1 Ching-Kuo F-CK-1 Ching-kuo (IDF) Multirole Fighter Jet by UllyB November the 21th 2023/ver 1.0.1 **************************************** The Taiwanese Ching-Kuo Fighter is developed and manufactured by the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation based in Taichung. The aircraft is also referred to as the Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF). The Ching-Kuo is an all-weather, multi-role fighter and is built in one-seater and two-seater configurations. Ching-Kuo fighter programme The programme to develop the aircraft, known as the An Hsiang or Safe Flight programme, started in 1982 with identification of the requirements for an air-superiority fighter. The rollout ceremony of the first prototype took place in December 1988, when the aircraft was named after the late President Chiang Ching-Kuo. The Ching-Kuo made its first flight in May 1989. Ching-Kuo air superiority fighters are operational in the RoC Air Force of Taiwan (Republic of China) since January 2000 and the last of a total of 130 entered service in July 2000. AIDC has developed an upgrade package which includes a digital cockpit, upgraded radar and countermeasures. BAE Systems supplied the new 32-bit digital flight control computer. Two F-CK-1 prototypes were upgraded to F-CK-1 C/D in 2006. The upgraded C/D aircraft made its first flight in October 2006. It was renamed as F-CK-1 C/D Hsiung Ying (Brave Hawk) in 2007. Other improvements in the upgrade package included increased internal fuel capacity, improved avionics, renovated electronic warfare capabilities and strengthened landing gear. Production of the C/D version began in 2009 as part of the $588m Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) programme. AIDC will upgrade the initial 71 of 130 IDFs under the MLU programme. The first batch of six upgraded F-CK-1 C/D IDFs were delivered to the ROCAF in June 2011. The remaining 65 were delivered at the end of 2012. *********************************************** FCK-1 also known by you, by now, as COMMUNITY MOST WANTED is the first project here that was decided after a democratic vote of community members. I decided to let community vote what type of plane would wish to be built as a sign of appreciation and respect for it. This project had a bumpy start. We lost the 3D Max guy after two weeks.Things went so bad that I saw no other way out than to close the shop. Then GKABS offered to help and bought a 3D model from the market. He and his team offered to take over the project but they had to postponed it before because of their current projects at that time. Then I had a long talk with my old friend and veteran Logan4 who, miraculously offered to help and he gave me a reason to resurrect the project and put it back on tracks. We built a small team and we proceeded forward. As one said it, I owe him one for that. Logan4 had an utmost contribution to this very project.Truth is that Logan4 and his exceptional character and altruism saved the project and I thank him for that deeply. Aircraft general features: - slick 3D design for A/C and B/D versions - canopy animation - aircraft workable slimmers (SHIFT+9) - custom weapons - slick fuel tank design - custom fueltank colors to match the aircraft skins paintjob. - bump maps (normal maps) - regular aircraft night lights. - original decals built - original paintjobs, some inspired from real models. - engine smoke/vapors realistic effect - custom made engine intake decals - hangar pictures for every model included ******************************************* Install instructions: - Copy DECALS, WEAPONS, PILOTS folders into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects folder - Copy F-CK-1A,F-CK-1B,F-CK-1C,F-CK-1D folder into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects\aircraft folder - Copy F-CK-1_destroyed.bmp and F-ck-1_destroyed.LOD files into StrikeFighter2XXX\Objects\aircraft folder - Copy Effects folder into StrikeFighters2XXX\Effects folder ******************************************* CREDITS: - Project manager - UllyB - Design, 3D modelling, decals, effects, aircraft textures, bump maps (normal maps), slimmers & aircraft animations, plane's ini files, plane's main files and other 3D Max heavy liftings - Logan4 - Weapons - Logan4 (3D model and current texture of Wan Chien, HF-2 and TC-2 variants) - Aim-9P-4 missile - Ravenclaws weapons pack - original ini files from AngelP's weapon pack - weapons ini files adjustment & numerous tweaks - Logan4 - Additional weapons listed in loadout.ini are either stock or from Ravenclaws weaponspack2 - Fuel tank design and model - Logan4 - Custom fuel tank paintjob to match each plane's skin - UllyB - Pilots model (GKABS) - Custom pilot equipment recoloring - UllyB & GKABS - Mk 10 pilot seat - AleDucat - FM work - Cliff7600 - Aircraft information, testing, ideas - Ace888 - Project correction and supervising - Logan4 - Additional project correction - UllyB & GKABS - Testers (Bazillius, Logan4, Compufat, GKABS, UllyB, COMBATACE community for the "B" model) - Project special advisors Ace888, Bazillius, Logan4, GKABS - Special thanks to the COMBATACE community, a wonderful bunch. - Also special thanks to TK & Thirdwire, who made this wonderful military flight sim we all today enjoy. ******************************************** COPYRIGHT Mumbo-Jumbo THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE . You can use this product or parts of it in your future projects only with my consent if more than 30% of the original release is affected by your work . Also you must give proper credits to the ones who contributed in making it, in case I will allow it to be used by third parties as such. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition. Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site. Final log entry Whoever wants to make skins, from scratch, for FCK-1, I can give them access to the texture templates. Just PM me. Also please let us know, in the comment section below, your impressions about the plane. We encourage you to do that, we love to read what you think about out work. Thank you. Submitter UllyB Submitted 11/20/2023 Category Other Origin  
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    huh, didnt know Buccs flew that high
  13. 2 points
    I think we're ready. Here's the latest, our big guns are here, just chek them out. We also changed the HUD tint, to match the real ones and we will have one more skin for our aircraft. Stay tuned, we will launch the plane soon.
  14. 1 point
    bout damn time congrats on the release of your project
  15. 1 point
    I ask for any moderator available to approve the upload.Thank you.
  16. 1 point
    Hi all, We have just added a new update on the website along with some new screenshots, from the work in progress Belgian Expansion for WOFF BH&H II. Check it out there please! https://www.overflandersfields.com/news.html
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Stratos, if you could get Alex to fix some things on the lod, it would be a HUGE help. I'm out of meshes for the numbers and tail codes. The tail fin (vert tail) needs to be cut off from the rear fuselage (tail mesh) and have it's own mesh. As you can see, it's all one piece. Simply because the tail code, 4-digit bunum, full bunum and individual ID are all on the fin also, if he could give me right and left horizontal stab; they're all one piece now (not a big deal I can just make the full hit box across the stab, and tag it' RemoveWhenDestroyed=FALSE) there are also some untextured bits, mostly the landing gear legs, but that's not that important thanks bro! ps: if you can get the templates, that'd help too! I have to correct the gull grey to the right shade of gray! :)
  19. 1 point
    The fix is pretty much simple - set the skin texture to highest: [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1366 DisplayHeight=768 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=2 ForceDX9=FALSE ForceVSyncOff=TRUE Use32BitZBuffer=TRUE LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 <------------------------------------------ CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=1 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=3 HorizonDistance=0 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=3 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=2 ObjectsFade=FALSE Btw, it´s my skin work.
  20. 1 point
    I talk with AngelP almost daily, he's planning to send me his mods to get them finished and released. So, no problem releasing that plane once you're happy with it!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I wonder if they're still using the original decals I made for it 'way back when in 1stGen SF. I remember them being 100% historical for VMF(N)-513. ----- everything else being said, I DO have what I believe is a beta version of angelp's Skyknight. It has 2 VMFN Marine skins (black) and the later gull grey/white. The GG/W needs decals and such. See below for screenshots. I'm not sure what exactly the state of the model is, the wings fold and the upper canopy 'hatch' opens. It needs FM work (even for a Gen1 Jet, it's very sluggish). I guess it'd be okay do some more work on it and release it as a "provisional Beta". The model itself, even as it stands put's that one to shame. Cockpit is a bit "iffy" (it's a heavily modded Mossie pit0, but it works
  23. 1 point
    ^ what he said looks very much like a settings thing to me, although the textures are also probably smaller being older (512 vs the current usual 2048 or 4096 even). basing that off the premise that the insigina is on the skin and not a decal if you really like the Skynights, then why not make it a first step into making your own?
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    CC-330 Husky (serial 330002) on final
  26. 1 point
    Those are good textures for a DAT model. The weathering on the wing leading edge is indicative of flying through a sandstorm. Wrench is correct though, that's a DAT related issue we can't, by their demanded proclamation, will not get involved with.
  27. 1 point
    Mirage F1 CR7 strike over Yugoslavia: Ennemy HQ hit, but 500 lb bombs are too light : Second pass finishes the job :
  28. 1 point
    Alderney (WIP), it's still a jpg file. I must convert it to tga, so that waves will be visible. And i must still do a little bit paint shop to blend the Alderney tiles with the sea tiles.
  29. 1 point
    Uploaded a modified version of my personal skin, awaiting approval from the admins.


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