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Showing most liked content on 12/28/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Hawker Hunter Mk.81, Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 32° Stormo, 13° Gruppo, 1967 6° Stormo, 154° Gruppo, 1967 Credits go to: Spinners (Badge 6° Stormo and 154° Gruppo Tailart) Aleducat (Sidewinder-Rail)
  2. 7 points
    While not publicly shown, the previous release of ODS 30AE offered reworked hit boxes and collision points for all of the over 140 aircraft of the mod; some aircraft required major fixes, others only needed small improvements. Referenced model node names have also been corrected in many cases. This (boring and time-consuming) work improves the hit detection of bullets and missiles and of crashes into the ground; overall it puts all of the aircraft of the mod on par with each other, for quality consistency's sake. Another detail that is often neglected regards landing lights. After several days of work, I'm happy to announce that the next release of the mod will offer standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all of the flyable aircraft of the mod (not player-flyable aircraft will get the same treatment at a later time). Previously, many aircraft were missing landing lights or had broken values that caused rendering issues of landing lights. Each of the over 80 flyable aircraft (sub-variants included, not counting AI-only sub-variants that were also fixed) has been tested carefully to make sure that quality consistency on landing lights is kept throughout the entire roster of aircraft.
  3. 5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. 4 points
    Dunsfold again. I added some roads, parking areas and shelters.
  6. 4 points
    Stock missiles performance can be predictable when you witness large number of launches... A very common "bug" which I have experienced countless times is that when I launch AGM-45A/B against a fire control radar (Fansong, Low Blow, Straight Flush etc) the missile tends to lock on the EW radar of the site. I say "bug" because for some reason emitted radiation from EW radar attracts ARM more than the emitted radiation of the fire control radar and this is something that may occur during real operations (for oldest ARMs at least). Real radar operators are used to shut down radar emittion when they realize ARM threats. So, in this case our semi-arcade/semi-realistic game has an inherent "bug" which simulates what could have happened in real life. Most important thing is what Yakarov said... The stock game has been extensively modded throughout the years and when heavily modded mods mix with each other the more likely you will experience performance ranging from harmless to fatal.
  7. 4 points
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter - 178th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, Aerospace Defense Command, USAF, 1972
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Stig, (great nickname by the way), this might be some important info for you... Like most CA members I'm constantly tinkering with my SF2 installs, and I must admit they work beautifully for me, and give me hours of enjoyment. When I download mods I often like to adjust their parameters similar to the stock game (within reason) to preserve the original game play, which in my opinon is pretty decent and a major strength of the IP. Anti-radiation missiles are a good example. I've set all my ARMs close to stock specs (you can extract all the original stock files, including WEAPONDATA.ini from ObjectData001, using the CAT extractor tool, to obtain the original data). An important tip is to match the MinFreq and MaxFreq values to the targets for your ARMs. I have a specific (modified) version of the AGM-45B for my F-4Gs in-game: MinFreq=2.000000 MaxFreq=20.000000 The stock settings for comparison are: MinFreq=2.000000 MaxFreq=6.000000 And here's the Freq range from the (stock) ZSU-23_DATA.ini: RadarSearchFreq=15.2 RadarTrackFreq=15.2 RadarCW=FALSE With the modified Radar Frequency parameters, my F-4Gs can successfully target the ZSU-23 with Shrike (although a hit isn't guaranteed due to some other parameters, like Accuracy, and Launch Reliability, which I've kept stock). The RadarCW (Continuous Wave) is another parameter you can play around with, for example, with ECM pods and jammers. The overall result, for me anyway, is a great balance of gameplay and 'realism' within the bounds of the game engine. I get a lot of enjoyment from researching my in-game modding (limited as it is) from online sources and books where I can get them. Hope the info helps someone! Kind Regards, KB Zapping ZSU-23s in the F-4G--about as much fun as one can have with one's pants on!
  13. 3 points
    thats a mighter big Gunfighter hoss.....
  14. 3 points
    Set Accuracy=100 LockonChance=100 LaunchReliability=100 CounterCountermeasure=100 NoiseRejection=100 And you will NEVER miss your target ----------- Set Accuracy=10 LockonChance=10 LaunchReliability=10 CounterCountermeasure=10 NoiseRejection=10 and you will NEVER hit your target --------- This game is arcade, okay semi-arkade, don't expect real behavior of anti-radar missiles. A hit is calculated solely by the occurrence of random numbers within a given range.
  15. 2 points
    Quick Draw '93 Gunfighter 1, Tiger 1 and Thunderbird 1
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter - 186th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, Aerospace Defense Command, USAF, 1969
  18. 2 points
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter - 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Aerospace Defence Command, USAF, 1969
  19. 1 point
    I've used bobrock's excellent F-104G template and used a nice light grey but spliced in the Third Wire 'hot end' at 50% opacity. I'm doing this from memory but I think I went; Specular: 0.300000 Glossiness: 0.600000 Reflection: 0.150000
  20. 1 point
    Is an amazing one, he respected the loadouts and skins so the end result is a lot better than previous attempts.
  21. 1 point
    what is more important at this point...are you using stock objects vs stock objects? or moded vs stock /stock vs moded. Since a lot of guys have been messing around this game for centuries already strange behavior might occur under special circumstances. for example, tiopilotos pimped some of the red radars/missiles and those are quite a bitch.
  22. 1 point
    its about that time again and yes, WARPAC Central Heating is still available......
  23. 1 point
    Gina, sei così bella ! Many thanks !!! P.
  24. 1 point
    SitRep: RAF Fairford. Parking positions for airplanes are set now. Take off positions now in 2 rows instead 4 rows for mass take off. It's impressive to see the big birds.
  25. 1 point
    Look man, don't be telling commoners about the Illuminati-Shogun subforum. We gotta be above them in order to mod right.
  26. 1 point
    i'm guessing that one doesnt have an internal bay either. Mk28IN would be a much more appropriate special weapon for that time frame..... had another question, but got kinda busy and distracted....
  27. 1 point
    Runway, or another, I'm gonna get ya I'll get ya, I'll get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    An imitation: Original picture: screenshot:
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point


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