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Showing most liked content on 04/16/2024 in Posts
15 points
12 points
7 pointsUploaded the A-6A Late Intruder and one LOD without ALR-15 just waiting for the approval. enjoy.
4 pointsNext will be the A-6B, A6C and A-6E if anyone can please send me any photos of the things that need to be added to make the A6-B that would be great I know about the once sencers. Thanks
4 pointsOK OK OK the new Intruder only come with a VA-65 skin and its a early Intruder, so i made the "wrong" connection. Thanks, Serial Frenzy
4 pointsJust uploaded the latest A-6A Early Intruder 1.0.3 update. - Fixed some issues with the model - Resized the engine intake - Fixed the size of the DRAFairing_AA - Added right-side exhaust pipe - Added cockpit top lights and misc. - Fixed some data file issues.
3 pointsMCAS El Toro,1975. Only VA with A-6 in 1965 was 75 and 85. at that time VA-65 was transferring from COMNAVAIRLANT to Pacific Fleet. VA-65 first deployment within COMNAVAIRPAC was from May 12, 1966, to December 3, 1966, as part of CVW-15 on Constellation. sorry, I have a serial/date/nose art fetish...
2 pointsView File A-6A Late Intruder Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: A-6A late Intruder (Please delete the old files before installing the new one) This is a new model with many new features. - AOA in the front landing gear that functions like the one in the cockpit. - Cockpit versions, ALR-15 and audio RWR - Added bombing system. - New pilot. - New pilot seats. - added LAU-34 and LAU-7 Rails - bonus- A-6A with fuselage air brake LOD - added LAU-34 and LAU-7 Rails - added LAPR-25 - Other addon All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You can use this model and everything included for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. You need to contact me for permission to use outside of this scope. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Coupi: for making the data files and FM and the skin. Snapper21: for the donation of the model to the community Nyghtfall: 300 gal drop tank model and texture Nyghtfall: for LAU-34 and LAU-7 Rails Ravenclaw: for the AGM-12B, AGM-12C_A, and AGM-12E missiles and all the other ones linked in the loadout.ini file. Cliff7600: for AOA light data for the front landing gear. yakarov79: for helping with the 3ds model and fixing so many bugs (one is the moved APR-25) with it, also for his feedback and information, I thank you for everything. yakarov79: for making new texture sets. For the community for sending all the information and PDF files. Third Wire for making this outstanding game. Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. 1.0.1 By yakarov79 fixed collision points and hitboxes, fixed lights, and some small data issues reworked weapon stations, now it uses a common US 300gal tank, corrected attachment points for big and small bullpups, shrikes, and all weapons in general. new skins with new bump maps and specular maps, so nothing old will work now. I used my LAU-7 instead of that old one. now it has the correct proportions to AIM-9, I made a new launcher for AGM-12 and AGM-45 - Aero5A now weapons are properly attached to the launcher... added some small bits in the model and fixed some mapping issues, Additional credits: I have added all weapons that are stated in loadout.ini. all weapons are made by Ravenclaw Zuni rockets for launchers except two refueling pods made by nyghtfall from his A-4 pack. SKins represent pre-Vietnam War squadrons. First user VA-42 they were first in Intruder and was taking care of conversion and training for the US Navy. The second skin is for VA-75 short deployment, first for USS Independence and first for VA-75 on Intruder. Later in 1965, they deployed to Vietnam. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net Submitter GKABS Submitted 04/16/2024 Category A-6
2 points
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2 points
2 pointsThose (almost) look like the attack choppers from the anime "Pat Labor" -required screenshot-
1 pointVSN already released a new great mod: the Delta Dart: Download: https://drive.filen.io/d/453c8ea1-f087-467a-890f-952786fa7915#i6EWVHo5tJFQdrEjts3Lt0mshDXn4GTz
1 point
1 pointMue's extractor is much more user friendly. https://combatace.com/files/file/15942-mues-toolbox/
1 pointi've only been loosely involved there, is it available with the first edition/pack/edit or whatever he's calling the first release of rewritten stuff? if its not, it still may not be a problem
1 pointDownload Thirdwire CAT extractor, then look for the needed file in the game base .CAT files. https://combatace.com/files/file/13040-3rd-wire-toolkits-april-2012/ The tool is not really user friendly, but it does the job
1 pointSo, with the valuable input from Mue, the updated instructions on rudder related fixes in data.ini (preserve the original file though). Each problem now has two solutions for your choosing Rudder roll Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Give right rudder. Aircraft should gently roll to the right. If this doesn't happen: Easy way Find rudder in control surfaces section (two of them for twin tail aircraft). Find Cldc coefficient and put it to negative (add minus sign before the value) Example: before Cldc=0.0008, after Cldc=-0.0008 More correct way Find Clb coefficient in wing sections (left wing, right wing, left outer wing, etc). It should be in negative. Increase the absolute value in each of them until aircraft behaves correctly. The increase should be the same for left/right sections, I.E. if you increase the left for 0.05, the right should get the same increase. If this doesn't help or causes weird behavior, decrease Cldc in rudder. Example: before Clb=-0.0182, after Clb=-0.0232 for both [RightWing] and [LeftWing] Slip Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Give right rudder and left stick to keep the wings level. Aircraft should slowly change the heading clockwise. If this doesn't happen: Easy way Find rudder in control surfaces section (two of them for twin tail aircraft). Find Cydc coefficient and put it to negative (add minus sign before the value) Example: before Cydc=0.1130, after Cydc=-0.1130 More correct way Find Cyb coefficient in fuselage and tail related sections. It should be in negative. Increase the absolute value in each of them until aircraft behaves correctly. If this doesn't help or causes weird behavior, decrease Cydc in rudder. Example: before Cyb=-0.5053, after Cyb=-0.5553 for [VertTail] Excessive swaying on yaw axis Pick up the aircraft of your choosing. Start giving full right and left rudder in quick succession. If aircraft wiggles like mad: Easy way Find EmptyInertia= line. Set the third value to 1-2 times the EmptyMass of the aircraft. Example: before EmptyInertia=68970.9,20295.1,65332.2, after EmptyInertia=68970.9,20295.1,8000.0 More correct way Find EmptyInertia= line. Gradually decrease the third value until the behavior becomes acceptable After all changes Test the aircraft before and after changes. Set up a simple 1vs1 cannon only dogfight mission, then a simple but cannon only interception mission vs level bombers (Il-28, Canberra, etc), and, finally, do some aerobatics (knife edge, hammerhead, barrel roll with rudder, etc)
1 pointIt's all described in the download page of the mod.
1 pointOf course the game engine's FDM does take this into account. CGPosition= does not do what you think it does. The cog inside the FDM is fixed at 0,0,0 (in the FDM coordinate system). CGPosition= then positions the FDM in relation to the 3D Model by moving the FDM (cog) to the given position (in 3D model coordinate system). If you want to change the cog position in relation to the aerodynamic surfaces inside the FDM you have to change the x coordinates of the aerodynamic surfaces instead by altering the Xac*TableData. Since the (real) F-16 is aerodynamic unstable and requires a FBW system, and the game engine does not simulate FBW, I assume that the FDM is adapted to be more aerodynamic stable instead.
1 pointUpdate for the Growlers for the current USN operations in the Persian Gulf: [LeftOuterWingStationAHM] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-4.6057,-0.9769,-0.1579 AttachmentAngles=-4.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=157.100000 DiameterLimit=0.179000 LengthLimit=3.66000 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName=LeftOuterPylon PylonMass=135.7 PylonDragArea=0.03 LaunchRailNodeName=LeftOuterAHMRail LaunchRailHeight=0.158 MinExtentPosition=-4.376,-3.085,-0.179 MaxExtentPosition=-4.717,-0.585,0.333 [RightOuterWingStationAHM] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=8 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=4.6057,-0.9769,-0.1579 AttachmentAngles=4.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=157.100000 DiameterLimit=0.179000 LengthLimit=3.66000 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName=RightOuterPylon PylonMass=135.7 PylonDragArea=0.03 LaunchRailNodeName=RightOuterAHMRail LaunchRailHeight=0.158 MinExtentPosition=4.376,-3.085,-0.179 MaxExtentPosition=4.717,-0.585,0.333
1 point
1 pointDear Friends, Today we'd like to tell you about the new Great War aircraft that are in development. While transferring them from our classic project Rise of Flight to IL-2 Great Battles, we are fixing problems we found during this work - sometimes there are some asymmetric aerodynamic elements, a wrong object hierarchy, engine overheating/overcooling, and other similar problems. For example, while working on the Airco DH.2 recently, we found problems - it had an invisible "ghost" stabilizer in the physical model, inconsistencies in drag values, and it was also missing its top speed - judging by the reference data, it was missing it by about 15 kph. Well, mistakes happen, and they will be corrected: the DH.2 in FC will have recalculated drag values, corrected handling, and an increased top speed. Soon the beta testers will try it out, and some additional changes may be in order after these tests. Its AI will also be updated as it needs to be taught how to use its blip switch for taxiing (such early flying machines had no throttle and the engine always ran at full power - its pilot had to press and hold a blip switch button that cut the ignition when he wanted to slow down). Another upcoming aircraft, the Sopwith Pup, also had some problems with its flight characteristics and engine, which are currently being corrected. While working on Flying Circus aircraft, we are not only adding new features thanks to the IL-2 Great Battles engine but also fixing old problems whenever we get the chance. The new Flying Circus aircraft pack is scheduled for release this summer.
1 pointDear friends, Today we'd like to inform you about the upcoming update 5.203. In this update, the AQMG (Advanced Quick Mission Generator) mode will be greatly expanded. New mission types will be added: glider towing to the Normandy and Rhineland maps and artillery spotting and balloon defense to the Western Front WWI map. But the most significant addition will be made to the detailed map of Prokhorovka. Tank Crew will now have a completely new mode that wasn't available before - Ground Forces AQM. Just like its aerial counterpart, it will allow you to choose a specific mission type that will affect the composition and positions of your forces: Strongpoint Defense, Enemy Strongpoint Attack, Breakthrough, and Enemy Rear Area Attack. You'll be able to set an initial distance from the enemy (since ground vehicles are very slow compared to aircraft), the strength of your force, the enemy force, and air support. Other changes in this update include the correction of the distance at which nearby aircraft can be heard, further updates to the Lightning Strikes, Havoc over the Kuban, and Hell Hawks over the Bulge campaigns, various minor improvements such as fixes to career progression, taxiing on certain airfields, mission generation, etc. The popular community-created campaigns Kerch-Eltigen Operation and Battle of the Hürtgenwald will be included in the game with the permission of their authors. We also want to start a multiplayer-related competition today: submit your best in-game tracks of multiplayer action! You can show any action, plane, or tank, as long as it is interesting and recorded in multiplayer (if you already have a saved track that you love and it loads in the game, you can submit it as well). Tracks should be short, showing an interesting event and a few seconds before and after. Please submit your tracks by April 12th. Then we'll choose the best ones - their authors will be awarded Collector planes of their choice and we will create a multiplayer promo video using these tracks. Please post the links to your tracks here or in our Discord channel till the end of April 11th.
1 pointback north for a moment so, i am doing serials for PACAF Mod Eagle. where the markings are supposed to be opposite of whatever color theyre on (most of ACC and USAFE ingnored this) but light serials dont do good on dark surfaces so i cut out a box on the mod eagle skin made a box in a decal, and cut the serial number out of the box insert via ini and it dont look too bad
1 pointThe Frag Order said to bomb a Kimchi Shack. I'm SURE it was a front for a cabbage-based Nuclear Weapons Facility, so I took the mission. Besides, it was a slow day on the water............ About to splatter fermented secret sauce over the Korean countryside. Now lets go find a use for these Walleyes......
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1 pointView File SF2 IAI Dagger (FAA) by The Mirage Factory Upgrade/Remod Pack SF2 IAI Dagger (FAA) by The Mirage Factory Upgrade/Remod Pack 4/4/2024 -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested) This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's IAI Dagger as used by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina or FAA). Skins remain in their original bmp format. All necessary items are provided, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth (most weapons used ARE stock 3W items, with few exceptions). This is a "nationalized" single-user only aircraft. This aircraft is supplied with 3 skins: Camo with NO ID bands (original skin) Camo with Blue ID Bands Camo with Yellow ID Bands (both with a 1982 start date) All skins use the same 'pool' of 39 ID/serial numbers. All serials are 100% hisorically accurate. As can be expected, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active, although the 2 Color Banded Birds (tm) both have the 1982 start date for use during the Falkland War (as best as my research could narrow down) Also, the Date Switch is used on the Loadout ini, as newer missiles become available. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop-down you'll see: Dagger (TMF) So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm). Also. this will diferentiate it from the Other Daggers available As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli and The Mirage Factory Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/12/2024 Category Israeli Origin
1 point
1 pointAnd not related to the Fencer, I am making the Kh-38 Family Kh-38ME-V1 Kh-38ME-V2 Kh-38MLE V2
1 pointMore stuff for MiG-21 This scale right below the gunsight is actually a radar range indicator. Lowest part shows the distance to the ground in ground attack mode (not applicable in SF2), the one above it shows distance to aerial target in air-to-air mode. Very useful thing, allows you to know the range for sure and pick the best time for a launch To enable, replace original AgujaBB entry by this: [AgujaBB] Type=RADAR_TARGET_RANGE NodeName=AgujaBB MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=METERS Scale=1 Set[01].Position=-20.0 Set[01].Value=1000.0 Set[02].Position=20.0 Set[02].Value=9000.0 Sadly, this scale is properly animated only in these MiG-21 pits. In his works, Stary just put it as a solid texture with arrow being painted on it 3km:
1 pointIt was the coup of the Century. And they could not tell anybody. It simply was not in their line of work to tell the world about their dealings. They told others, and others acted. In this case, those who acted on their words was enemies, yet did not know their enemies had whispered in their ear. Their true enemy. The GRU officer smiled and spoke a single code word into the radio. Two places in the Mediterranean intercepted it, ears who listened for this very keyword. And they spoke to those who would listen on either side. Hate is easy. Hate is simple. Hate is in the core of human nature. And Hate is like petrol. All you need is to light a match, and you can set the world on fire. On Airbases, Aircraft are loaded. Outside Harbours, ships are under way into position. On Cyprus, militiamen and hidden commandos prepare themselves for the coming battle. For this is the match. Not just one. Two. Because it never hurts to be on the safe side...
1 pointEarly version of the Suffren is now complete. I just need to finish the Exocet double launchers and put the refit versions together. I decided to use the blue & white Mk1 paint scheme for the Masurca rather than grey, just because it's more easily recognizable. Small issue I found: Since this is the only cold war French escort we have, the game will often assign three or four of them to the Clemenceau/Foch. Only two of this class were ever built, so the other two appear as generic unnamed "Suffren class frigates." Basically, we need more French frigates for this project. And I have my hands completely full with the Essex/Hyuga/Atago/San Antonio/Kirov rebuilds/PLAN vehicles/secret projects/etc. Hopefully someone else can take care of it. I recommend the Suffren's contemporary cousin, the Tourville class: She has similar forward superstructure and main gun layout, similar mast/smokestack, and almost the same overall dimensions as the Suffren. I can provide the .max file and texture patterns for whoever wants to use the parts. I'm also halfway done with a Crotale launcher which I can also make available for this ship or the Georges Leygues class.
1 pointThis is an option if you have limited disk space and want to move mod folders to another disk or partition. Obviously bear in mind that if you are moving them from a SATA 3 SSD to a SATA 2 HDD then things will be a bit slower on the HDD. 1. Go to your mod folder (C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire) 2. Backup the game folder you are about to mess about with! 3. Copy (don't cut) the folder for the game you want to move, then paste it on the new location on your other disk / partition. 4. In the new location you can either remove or rename options.ini and version.ini. Here I have just renamed them: 5. Back to the original saved games folder now - just remove everything apart from options.ini and version.ini so you are left with: 6.Now to do the actual redirect open up the options.ini file and scroll to the bottom: [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel\ScreenShots Format=JPG Change the paths to the location where you have moved all the folders to: [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=F:\SF2\StrikeFighters2 Israel Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=F:\SF2\StrikeFighters2 Israel\ScreenShots Format=JPG 7. then save and test the game.
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