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Showing most liked content on 05/20/2024 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Hunter over Guernsey (BoB2 1960th terrain WIP)
  2. 4 points
    The static aircraft I've made so far are all conversions of existing models, some of them from open source models on the web, others are from here at CA... e.g. I have converted YEYEYE's Mi-24 from the Modders Repository into a static that can be placed onto a terrain - I wanted one for my MCAS Yuma and Tonopah Test Range airfields. For a lot of the airliners I have manually re-mapped them to aircraft mods here at CA to take advantage of the great skins that already exist and as the eagle-eyed @daddyairplanes spotted, this is why my static DC-9 looks like Veltro's as it shares the texture, but is in fact a far lower poly model. That would be the dream, but alas I don't think there is a way to do it with the gear animation extended etc. placed as terrain objects. The LOD can be referenced as a terrain object but they appear half sunked in the ground. Alternatively, I seem to recall it's possible to make 'engine-less' duplicate aircraft and place them as static flights in single missions, but that's a very long-winded way of just wanting to see some eye candy around airfields. I much prefer the hybrid option of terrain object method (for specific aircraft in specific locations - think 737s on the Janet ramp at Groom Lake) combined with airfield parking for generic statics placed by the sim engine.
  3. 4 points
    Finally got caught up over weekend after long travels on this. Added in some details including the industrial fans, propane welding tank racks, and just had to get some ground crew in there...I have to fix a few scaling issues here and there, but for the most part she's on the home stretch. This is one big hangar indeed. Any other suggestions or comments, let me know - thanks.
  4. 3 points
    SAAF Mirage IIIRZ modified to carry AS-30 en route to attack a radar station on southern Angola One of the attackers was hit by SA-7 and soon FAPA MiG-21bis were scrambled to intercept them. On the background you can see the Fishbed while looping
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Sit rep. I'm still working on BoB2 1960th terrain. But progress is slow. This has to do with the fitting of the tiles for Guernsey island. It's a fiddling work. I'm looking for mismatches. As example this screenshot. On the bottom you see at the reservoir that the tiles are not 100% fitting together. This mistakes i'm looking for and try to correct them.
  7. 3 points
    Hello everyone, (To Mods, please let me know if I am doing anything wrong here. I intend to respect the rules while sharing how to open or view the files.) It have been a while since I posted, it can't be helped. The world rather have become more crazier as yaers have gone by, keeping all of busy for sure. However, our hobbies are always here for us when we come back to it. There have been requests asking me to sahre how I managed to view the core files. I will share what tools I ujse and I can not promise that you will see the sources. From what I can understand is that, if anyone have an access to the source codes, it is where you can see all codes with comments that tells you what code do. It is what is used by programmer to create the program. However, if you use tools to view the codes from the core, you are not really looking at the sources codes; Rather, you are only seeing codes without the comments. Therefore, messing with it can be 'hit and miss' and if you do not know what you are doing, you can break the whole files. Please make sure you make copies of back up before doing any experiments with the files. Two tools I use and please note, I am still newbie when it come to using the tools. 1) CFF Explorer - this is a vital tools that help you figuring out what type of file and kind of language the file is written in. This will be needed when using the 2nd tool. I consdier this tool as gem. I do not know how reiable this is, but I thave helped me a lot understanding what the type of file it is and what language it is written in. 2) Ghidra - this is most popular tools to view the codes inside the file. It is also where you can edit the codes by making patches for it or another methods. Alternatively, you can also use tool known as OllyDbg 3) Using Ghidra I will give you basic step-by-step so you can get familiar with quickly. It is all what I am familiar with so far; When running it, click on FILE -> New Project Make a new project, and when you finish with it, you will see a project folder in left sectino of the program. you can make a new folder within that project folder for organizing purpose. Then run CFF viewer, you need to know what type of file and what language it is written in: Then back to Ghidra, go to file then click on IMPORT FILE go to the file you want to import, and import it. New window will pop asking you what type of file and what language it is written in. use the information you learned from CFF viewer. Then, click on OK. You wil see import file summary, click on OK again. You should see a fil ebeing importd into project folder Next, double click on the file you want for program to analyze, then click on OK Then you will have Analysis Options window coming up, click on Analyze". You will see the list of assembly language with C++ on the right section. Sometime when you click on the group of assemlby codes, the right section will change to show what you are viewing in C++. That is what I figured so far. I do not know what to do next. If anyone know how to make patches or how to make changes to any files, let us know. Cheers
  8. 3 points
    two active duty skins to go but inquiring minds want to know who wore it better
  9. 3 points
    Tough crowd... The irony of your post, is it's quite interesting and your eye for detail to pick up on that fact quite impressive indeed. And I like the fact that you proposed a more proper option. OK, let's try to make it better! I did some historical research and settled on this; hopefully a more accurate improvement...
  10. 2 points
    Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu) Photo Recon.
  11. 2 points
    It's in for repairs right now, as I was informed I'd made some errors, both in forgetting the model builder and uploader for the cockpit (corrected in the read me now) but it needs to use barracuda and phimat pods on the outer stations, and I'm jiggering around the hardpoints and groups. Hopefully, back up by week's end. I hope!!
  12. 2 points
    As Nyghtfall already wrote: blender 2.78/2.79 does allow for angled pivot points. If you rotate an object it actually does rotate the pivot point (and its attached mesh). To see the rotated pivot points you have to set the Transform Orientation option to Local, e.g. through the Transfrom Orientation Selector in the 3D view header or with Alt-Space. The problem with blender 2.78/2.79 is, that you can not directly rotate the pivot point without rotating the attached mesh. But you can use this workaround: - First rotate the object (pivot point and mesh) in the opposite direction. - Then apply the rotation to the mesh with Ctrl-A Rotation. That resets the rotated pivot point to the global axes but keeps the mesh rotated. - Afterwards rotate the object back in the wanted direction. That rotates the pivot point in the wanted direction while the mesh is back in its original orientation.
  13. 2 points
    now lets see you fly a Marine Scooter through it
  14. 2 points
    P-5iB Mustangs....A dynamic duo...Capt Don Gentile and Capt John Godfrey
  15. 1 point
    Adapting these models using Blender is quite doable. I can upload this if administration doesn't mind, but better, I would like to ask for little help: - normal map shows in Blender, but is not shown in the game. Have no idea why - no lods for performance optimization - no damage textures - pylons and gunports are terrible (my job). If someone has better French pylons, this would be appreciated If someone can help with advice, this would be good. Or I could pass the entire package for someone to polish it. Flight model, weapons, animations - all alright This Mirage is best used with Mirage F1 cockpit. If the author of F1 cockpit doesn't mind, this Mirage could be uploaded with it
  16. 1 point
    Ok, got it now, 'taca'n are 2 sub-NodeNames of 'VertTail' and 'Nose', that are also NodeNames. I skipped too fast the initial part. Thanks !
  17. 1 point
    Not in this precise case, turning the TMF Nesher into a TMF Mirage5F. The starting issue is to remove the tacan mesh form the top of the fuselage.
  18. 1 point
    [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Objet03 DestroyedNodeName=Objet03 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MassFraction=0.0 is the usual way to delete a mesh by ini. So "ModelNodeName=" entry should be the same as "DestroyedNodeName=" and is the mesh you want to remove. The "ParentComponentName=" is a component as you said but in this case the components Nose and VertTail have the same name as their main mesh.
  19. 1 point
    I'm not planning on putting all skins all in one page, I'll separate it into 4-5 which are the fuselage, wingR, wingL stabilizers(might make two for those) and if there's anything in-between well do those
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    almost done with active duty. just 3 more skins to go..... then its the ANG. so much Guard Recce.....
  22. 1 point
    As soon as the Sharif was outta their hair The jet pilots wailed (1000 internet points if you catch the reference)
  23. 1 point
    Also, it's not Friday anymore but I forgot to share this:
  24. 1 point
    From almost 10 years ago.... Those were the times. Thanks Dan - it was and is always cool, to work with you!
  25. 1 point
    Lets go take some pictures.....
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Amen to that...The unarmed portion is correct...........
  28. 1 point
    one is an image, while the other is just the word. although for future comparisons of that type, you may want to do both images in the same post meanwhile, y'all didn think i was leaving Shaw without some boss birds did you?
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Scooters! - Redux - a rework of all my Single-Skin-Releases for Thirdwire A-4 Skyhawks ==================================================================================== *** SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation *** For this pack I redid all my previous single-skin releases, brought them on the same level with the Scooters Vol.1 pack and rearranged them. I also corrected several errors from the older versions. Former VA-153-Skin with optional Coral Sea Marking is split into 2 separate skins for Coral Sea and Constellation now. Some skins are done for different plane-variants to reflect upgrades. So this Pack includes: - VA-93 Blue Blazers, USS Hancock, 1/1967 to 7/1967 for A-4E_65 - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Constellation, 5/1966 to 12/1966 for A-4C_65 - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 12/1964 to 11/1965 for A-4C and A-4C_65 - VA-163 Saints, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E_65 - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Oriskany, 6/1967 to 1/1968 for A-4E-65 - VA-164 Ghost Riders, USS Hancock, 1/1972 to 10/1972 for A-4F and A-4F_LST - VA-172 Blue Bolts, USS F.D. Roosevelt, 6/1966 to 2/1967 for A-4C-65 - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Ticonderoga, 10/1966 to 5/1967 for A-4E_65 and A-4E_67 Updates include: - Added Weathering, that most early skins missed. - Insignia and several squadronspecific markings are painted on. - Many decals are redone and optimised (more blur for less flickering) - Corrected several errors in the baseskin, aswell as for the markings. - Added modexnumbers to the flap insides (possible with mue's great LOD-Viewer - Thanks mate!) - Updated cockpit with working Landing Gear- and Arresting Hook Lever - Included Hangarscreens for each skin in 1920x1080 as default and 1024x768 optional. Notes and Issues: ================= As there's no possibility of squadrons with mixed plane-variants, some skins are available for 2 plane-variants. At some point A-4C and A-4E got ECM-equipment and I'm pretty sure, those were used besides planes without ECM in squadrons. The other case are A-4E, that got the avionics hump at some point and were used besides ones without hump. I hope you have fun with it! Sources ======= - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011 - US Navy and Marine Corpse A-4 Units Of Vietnam War - Osprey Combat Aircraft Vol. 69 - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/ - GoNavy.jp - Airliners.net - Google in general Installation ============ 1. unzip to a temporary folder 2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P 3. enjoy! Credits ======= - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used. - Old Diego - usnpilot02 from his Diego's Pilot Pack - Alejandro - escapac seat - ???? - J52-Engine-Sound - me - all skins, decals, loadingscreens, ini-work. Please PM me, if I forgot someone! Thanks ====== - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while placing stuff! - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration! P.S. ==== If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me. 06_07_2015
  31. 1 point



    A complete redraw of the stock TW F-105D models, skins are 2048x2048 with new bump maps. Please read the readme for full details BEFORE installing.


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