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Showing most liked content on 07/18/2024 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. 7 points
    IAI/Mitsubishi Kfir C2J, 8th Hikotai, 1992 Another remake of an already released bird of mine...
  3. 7 points
    UK Phantom ARI 18228 RWR display and F-4J(UK) AN/ALR-66(VE) RWR display. SF2 F-4K/M/J United Kingdom pack also updated today
  4. 6 points
    Welcome to Buenos Aires
  5. 5 points
    Operation Corporate Phantoms SF2 Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign updated today
  6. 4 points
    Pratt & Whitney PW1120 power!!! SF2 F-4E Kurnass Israeli Airforce pack updated today
  7. 4 points
    3.1: - F-4E Kurnass 'Super Phantom' Prototype added. Pratt & Whitney PW1120 engines, she is quick and fast!!! - Rear ECM antenna correction (removed) on F-4E Kurnass 2000. - Intake sensor color corrected on F-4E Kurnass (78) F-4E Kurnass 2000 and F-4E Kurnass Super Phantom (Prototype)
  8. 4 points

    Version 1.0.0


    ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it. So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own. This model has been created from the old freeware AlphaSim OV-10A, which in itself is a lot more work than most of you think. Most of the original AlphaSim model has be "re-moddeled" in some way. All animations have been done from scratch and may not be perfect, bits have been added and even more bits have been removed, all parts have been remapped etc, etc. Please read the read me. There are other Bronco mods available here at CA, this is not designed to replace any of them, you have the choice to use whatever you like or what works best on your system.
  9. 3 points
    While playing around I noticed that missiles (BVRs mostly) behave quite unrealistically. I have a bad habit of flying low and slow, and this is the worst place kinematics wise for BVR combat, yet, I have little problem scoring hits. Granted, AI doesn't know how to defend with maneuver, but it is still wrong. Similarly, when I am on the receiving side, no defensive maneuver seems to help - missile will still get me. The only way is to abuse the game's engine and go below 50 meters when AI loses all means of attacking me - even with guns. Checking out the missile performance shines the light on the problem. First example, R-24R - I launch on pursuit course, while going at 0.7M at target above me and going with the same speed. Missile accelerates to 3.7M on upward swing and even gains velocity during the entire 30 or so km flight path. R-40, while checked in MRS, shows the range of 160km while launched at 2.8M from 15k meters. And the crazier ones, AIM-47 shows the range of above 1200km (!) at the speed of 14M (!) while launched from 15k meters at 3M. Both AIM-47 and R-33 have weird 240 second sustainer times. What this means is that missiles are barely energy limited, and the max effective launch is limited only by the statement in DATA file. Your kinematic performance barely matters. This turned out easy to correct. -------------- The missile performance is governed by few statements in the DATA file. Booster acceleration and booster time govern the max acceleration of missile. Acceleration is measured in Gs which are roughly 35km/h. The time says for how long the booster works. Thus, If we have acceleration at 5 and time at 10, we get 5x10x35 = 1750km/h of default acceleration - with no account of drag and launch platform velocity. Sustainer works by the same logic. Then we have subsonic and supersonic drag which determine mostly how quickly missile runs out of energy. Supersonic drag is the most relevant here of course. The obligatory tool to deal with missiles is MRS: Now, keep in mind that missile performance you find online is usually its best performance - meaning launch from good altitude at a good platform speed. For the sake of simplification, let's assume the altitude as 15k meters. You may tailor it more accurately by ceiling of known aircraft, but I keep it at 15k. The platform speed will be close to max M number of given aircraft or aggregate of various aircraft using a given missile. As an example, I show the process for R-40 missile as it is very dependent on launch platform kinematic state. First we have to set up the launch state. MSR has no altitude setting but it could be st by IAS/TAS ratio. For 15k meters it will be around 0.6. MiG-25 will launch it at 2.8M. The speed of sound at 15k is around 1060km/h. Thus, 2.8x1060=2968km/h. Then we convert it to m/s - the factor for this is 3.6. So, 2968/3.6=~824m/s. We input this into the init speed. Weight and diameter of missile could be picked from DATA file. Thus, 475kg and 0.31m. Now we had to deal with the booster and sustainer. R-40 has no sustainer, so both values at 0. For R-40 we are lucky and we know the default acceleration - around 2.2M and the max speed - around 4.5M. We pick the first value. 2.2Mx1060km/h=2332km/h. Then we divide the given speed at G value - 2332/35=~67. Let's say we give it a 4 second booster - so 67/4=16.75. This way, we have booster acceleration at 16.75 and booster time at 4. We press SIMULATE and get 300km range (statement Length) with max velocity 1455m/s (~4.9M). Speed is almost there, but the range is out of whack. We forgot about the drag. Now, we experimentally adjust the drag to bring missile range close to its real value. For R-40 this should be around 50-60km. Drag has two windows, first is subsonic, second is supersonic. Second is the most important here, keep the first below it. Input 0.6 for subsonic and 1.2 for supersonic. This gives us 56km range and drops velocity to 1353m/s (4.5M). This looks really good. Check out the energy loss curve too. Now we can check how missile will perform at subpar kinematic state of the platform. Set IAS/TAS to 0.95 and init speed to 350 (this is going at 1M at 2k meters). We get pitiful 11km range and 845m/s (2.4M) velocity. This is close to how the missile should perform at such launch parameters. I strongly recommend to extend the duration in DATA file too, make it so missile lives longer --- R-40 was easy as we know both default and max speed, as well as the parameters of launch platform (MiG-25 and MiG-31 behave similarly). What about missile when we know only the max speed? Sparrow for example, it has max speed of 4M. But if we use 4M for booster calculation, we get values far above 4M. Take the max missile speed at retract 70-80% of the optimal speed of launch platform from it. Assume we mind Phantom launching from 2M, so we set up 4M-1.5M=2.5M of default acceleration. Let's make the same tuning for AIM-7M Speed is almost here, but range is not enough. As we know, AIM-7M had sustainer, so we can use it here to extend the range. Sustainer acceleration at 4 and duration at 10. I also drop booster to 17 And once again, subpar kinematic state check: ---- What this does in-game is that your kinematic performance now matters. If you want extended engagement ranges, you had to go higher and faster. And missiles now actually lose energy. I am not sure if missiles in-game lose energy during maneuvering (hard to check since AI doesn't defend) but I hope so. ---- Now, this doesn't quite apply to lofted missiles like AIM-54 since they have very different flight profile, and this MSR has no loft settings. I guess you can set them up to have reduced range and velocity and then check in-game if they perform correct while being lofted. Likewise, I currently don't know how this tool could be used to tune SAMs since their flight profile is radically different.
  10. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it unless it is part of a full terrain package but you still need to ask me first for permission. A collection of 40+ buildings, hangars etc. All these objects my own work, they may not be 100% historically accurate, if that is really important to you don't bother to download them. They have been made by looking at photos of the actual structures and sometimes a little "artistic licence " has been used to keep frame rates down etc. Any missing textures or whatever just let me know.. As always read the Read Me.
  11. 2 points
    not necessarily a no. just not a yes my guess however, is that the labels apply to targetable vehicles, while AAMs/SAMs are considered ammo and thus dont get labels
  12. 2 points
    I know , every modern destroyer can crush her ... , but what about miss election ? She is kurwa sexy .
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    USS Farragut DLG-6 class . USS Enterpise Forrestal class conversion for Vietnam War era ... Pilatus PC-6 (AU-23) cockpit ...
  15. 1 point
    Can you hum a few bars? I might be able to recognize it that way.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    hittin teh IP, fire up the cameras where'd everybody go?
  18. 1 point
    Good Morning Ivan.... черт!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    is that airbase supposed to be smoking like that? i mean some things smoke naturally but....
  21. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    Royal Danish Air Force F-86D Sabre Dog Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) Install: Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination. Make a backup copy of your previous files, you might not like this one. But if you downloaded my previous version of Danish F-86D - just simply delete all old files, as this mod is entirely new. A fake pilot is required to run this mod. A new model of F-86D as used by the Royal Danish Air Force In the game, you will find it under a prefix .KDF. * * Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet Some time ago I uploaded the first version of this model. Now after some suggestions, I fixed mistakes, and some bugs. I fixed data files a little - collision points and hitboxes..as the previous ones were quite weird. But I believe that the flight model could be improved for this aircraft. But this is not my cup of tea or coffee. All skins are in 3072x3072 format. You can easily resize as needed. If needed I can provide it in 4096 format. Decals represent historically correct serial numbers assigned to aircraft during their service in the Danish Air Force. This mod is no longer using a fake rocket tray gun. Now thanks to sudden enlightenment it works as stock Lightning F.1 Credits. The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench. Yours truly - model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research... Weapons Mk4 Might Mouse and AIM-9 by Ravenclaw. TACAN is made as a "weapon" so it will appear automatically after a certain year. Have fun. Report bugs. * Expect the unexpected. Live long and prosper. Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. UNDER THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..
  22. 1 point
    uploaded the updated A-6A Late Intruder 1.0.1
  23. 1 point
    MiG-21MF with Souli.😎
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Jammin Voodoos over Europe. One of my favorite what-ifs because I really enjoy SEAD/DEAD missions. With only two pylons available for Shrikes it's sure a case of pick the right targets! 179th TFS EF-101D Detachment flying out of Hahn AB on the first day of WW3 in 1986. Who would have thought some second lieutenant in a rickety thirty year old aircraft would be one of the first to fly across the Inner German Border at the start of the war?
  26. 1 point
    happy hump day everyone
  27. 1 point
    Cap over Korea...... Let's go see if the Migs will come out and tangle They did.. Bad Idea... Back to the boat. ...
  28. 1 point
    Sorry for taking so long for the update; this one is coming soon the A-6A late improved.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    Voodoo Chile..........
  31. 1 point
    another birds eye photo of a photo bird at dawn
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    While not exactly a "Humpday Heavy', I"m calling this one a "Mid-week Medium" 499th BS, 345th BG B-57B Canberra (all historic excepting the WW2 style nose art)
  34. 1 point

    Version 2.1


    F-4K/M/J United Kingdom pack Included: - F-4K - F-4K_75 - F-4K_78 - F-4K_80 - F-4M - F-4M_75 - F-4M_80 - F-4J_UK - F-4J_UK_85 - some new weapons Animation / Function - Canopy - Hook - Air Refuel - Wing fold ______________ excludes F-4J(UK) - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts, excludes F-4J(UK) NOTE: This mod replaces existing TW and TMF aircrafts , please remove the existing folders before installing this mod , the existing skins / textures will no longer fit !!!! NOTE: RAF SUU-23/A Pod rounds are HEI with no tracer. The RAF does not use tracer rounds in any of its cannon armed fighters from WWII to today. NOTE: 1980 is the incorrect date for the F-4K/M to be fitted with Chaff/Flare. This is corrected to 1985 and done in a way that will not interfere with any campaigns etc. Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 Installation: - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to. There are two parts to this pack. - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce! Credits: - original models by TW , BPAO , RavenClaw_007, Sundowner - cockpits from TW modified & corrected by myself (dtmdragon) - F-4 cockpit Missile Status mod by crusader - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007 & Sundowner - new updated aircraft, weapon and pilot textures by myself (dtmdragon) - fake pilot F-4J spine antenna and F-4K/M chaff/flare by ravenclaw_007 - data.ini overhaul, update, standardization by myself (dtmdragon) - B57 Nuclear bomb original model by GKABS - original F-4J(UK) mod and serials by Wrench
  35. 1 point
    in game: as you can see there are a few issues that need addressed...


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