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Showing most liked content on 02/26/2025 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    Testing new RWR and radar texture on F-4B Phantom IIs. Added some of 'light shadow to the white lines, looks great this way: TW style radar texture
  3. 3 points
    that would explain why there are 2 shapes for the radome , i was wondering why so i´m going to make 2 AIM-4F a early one and the late one Thanks to MigBusters drawing i was able to change a mystake i made , the total lenght for the AIM-4F is stated as 86.365 inch and i made the missile that way , but the drawing is showing the 83.365 inch including the probe , after measuring pictures i came to the conclusion that the AIM-4F and AIM-4G have the same basic body dimensions the only exeptyion is the nose part , the one from the AIM-4F is slightly longer measurment from my 3D model AIM-4F body lenght 83.267 inch (without the probe ) 83.365 ( with probe ) AIM-4G body lenght 82,50 inch that is how the AIM-4F looks like now , still have to finish the skin , the probe looks now more like the one on the picture from Svetlin above AIM-4F early and AIM-4F late
  4. 2 points
    Great information. This entire thread was quite the learning experience.
  5. 2 points
    They were stored 'upside down' in the missile containers. I think it's just in museum displays or publicity photos they rotate it so the writing is the correct way up and readable.
  6. 2 points
    And the answer is...... According to actual F-106 loaders and AIM-4 Maintainers there was no spike on production missiles. Most have never even heard of it. Some recall that it was on the prototype missiles and some early production missiles but were gone by 1964 at the latest. The probe tended to damage and knock off the ceramic nose of the missile. Vague recollection that the probe was called 'sonic boom buster'
  7. 2 points
    Hello everyone! Sorry for being being quiet for a while. What kept me so busy is searching for the flight manauls / docunments hwlie doing intense researches on the US Navy / Marine Corps and US Air Force Phantoms. What I have learned so far, along with great help from our community, including Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit. While I am working on the readar texture for Phantom IIs, there is one thing I want to comment; It is awesome that various mdoders are working on F-4s projects, we learn from each other. Even if we create the mods for the same aircraft, we have different methods of doing it. I am learning a lot from Ravenclaw_007 and Lex2Limit for F-4 modding. I am going to share what I have learned and please feel free to corerct me if the information I share seem incorrect. It appears that US Navy / Marine Corp F-4B / J / N uses CRTfor AN/APX-76A display (radar scope) for AN/APQ-72 and AN/APG-59 radar. At other hand, US Air Force F-4C also use CRT display for radar scope while F-4D use DVST. F-4E initally start with DVST then in the early 1970s, upgraded to more advanced DSGC. Going back to AN/APQ-72 radar for F-4A and F-4B, there is one thing I noticed about the radar scope: The width is about 102 to 103 percent longer than the height.and at the same time, the frame above and below the radar display are a bit different in height too. Top is a bit longer than bottom. So therefore, I re-created the radar for F-4A and F-4B from ground up. Here is new texture with some of darkness level applied due to SF2 radar bring too bright. F4H-1F / F-4A radar display: F4H-1 / F-4B, F-4J, and F-4N radar display: I am workiong on the RWR display at the moment then wil test them in-game. Eagle114th
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    A: Does this aircraft has working animation? how it works? As everyone mention above, see the easy-step to check. - Open Mue's Lod viewer and "load"/open the aircraft you want. (ex. "MiG-69A_Fullcum.ini") - Check on the lower left side of Lod viewer,. see if there is animations selection in there. (Change value 0 to 9 o see how a part is animated). - Now go to your aircraft folder and open aircraftdata.ini (ex. "MiG-69A_Fullcum_data.ini") - On the notepad search "animationID= , SystemType= , InputName= , AnimationTime=" text. then you can see for example again, AnimationID=1 is related to landing gear movement, ID=2 is landing gear shock , =5 is for canopy etc. each aircraft has it's own "mark". not all ID are the same, depend on how the "Kreator" animated each parts. - as Mr. Wrench mention above, there's max of 10 animation IDs.. not all aircraft using 'em, even some has none at all. (Some helos maybe has not, and / or UFO ). - Many function of each animation IDs is working... Bomb / cargo bay, Canopy, Flaps, Landing gear, Engines, Nozzles, parachute/Airbrake/Speed brakes.. - If you not sure, DON"T mess all of those, some animations are "hidden" for a reason, and many should be animated are not animated. (Not all aircraft has canopy opening animation). Welcome to the world of SF and C.A. take your time, learn here and there.. the more you plays the many more questions you will ask. everyone here is always helpful.
  10. 2 points
    this is what i have now on the 3D model , still have to finish the skin
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    NKAWTG, even after retirement from government work
  13. 1 point
    Explain by this guy in a new reply overnight: When the AIM4F was first designed, the wind tunnel testing "sort of suggested" that a "sonic boom breaker" was needed to maintain airflow over the control surfaces at the back of the missle. Then, later on, with the design of the AIM4G, they realized it wasn't needed. When I first started working on the AIM4F/G, there were still "threaded studs" molded into the 4F radome. Over the years, as the guidance units were sent through depot, the ceramic radomes were replaced with ones that did not have the threaded stud. So, the "probe" more or less disappeared because it wasn't needed after all.
  14. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits. I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development). What's inside: 1. Improved central panel texture 2. Improved radar texture Installation: 1. Make a backup of your files 2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format) 3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup) Thanks: Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack F3H here:
  15. 1 point
    I 've noticed something both odd and curious, to me at least. The pictures of the missiles, loaded on the F-106 show these with the technical texts/stencils upside down. When the missiles are kept in the storage containers, or displayed, the technical texts are shown in the proper direction to be read, so the attachment mechanism must be on the bottom side, when the missile is not loaded. That would require the missile to be rotated 180 degrees before loading. Isn't that odd? Why would it be so complicated I wonder? A missile that weighs some 68-70 kg to be rotated 180 degrees probably by hand during the loading procedure does not look quite practical and time-efficient.
  16. 1 point
    "Sonic boom buster" is an aerospike. Still curious why it is only seen on this one variant. Maybe they were trying out a new idea. Or compared to earlier designs, the AIM-4F needed a drag reduction to reach performance goals?
  17. 1 point
    I would agree that looks plausible. In the other examples, the shape of the cone is very flat or blunt requiring a fairly long spike. Maybe the AIM-4 was sufficiently aerodynamic that it only needed a relatively short one to get the desired drag reduction? My question would be why only this version of the AIM-4? It seems the aerospike concept was first utilized in the 1970s, a bit before the AIM-4F's time. I would bet that even though it may not have been intended to be an aerospike, that it certainly acted like one.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I've asked the question on a Facebook group with F-106 pilots and maintainers. Contact fuses for the missile are in the leading edges of each of the missile fins. In the game I have given the warhead a proximity fuse of whatever the distance is from the center of the missile to the tip of one of the fins.
  20. 1 point
    The A-4C Skyhawk has a working Windscreenwiper... Although you have to spam the button if you want more than 1 cycle.
  21. 1 point
    The stock F-100 Super Sabres have animated (though not used) landing light animations (AnimationID=10).
  22. 1 point
    Well said, PeacePuma, well said
  23. 1 point
    Guys, no one here has committed an infraction, it is unfortunate that they are distancing themselves just to defend ideas and outside others who have committed an infraction do not care what is happening here... @Menrva, @daddyairplanes, @bazillius, you are valuable, I don't know get angry just for presenting different positions...Bazillius has not promoted anything against CA, I only see that he renounces claiming ownership of his work (he does not want to worry about that) and that is his right. ...the rest of the opinions are subjective and we can agree or not but they are only our opinions... please do not marginalize your joint projects. unity is strength... we also have different nationalities with our ways of speaking and expressing ideas here standardized to english, which does not always faithfully interpret what we want to say in verbal language... so let's not take it literally at all, Happy new year guys, may this year be fruitful here and in your private life and I reiterate my admiration and respect for each of you.


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