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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. La-15 "YAMMAM"

      La-15 "YAMAAM"

      Pending the acquisition of Mig-17 / J-3 aircraft for the Parani air Force. a purchase of La-15's was made ( one of the last purchases from the USSR) the capability of this aircraft was similar to the Mig-15/J2 that was in use by the Army (I.P.A.F.A.) and it was felt that until Mig-17/J3 airframes could be acquired, that this aircraft was ideal as a temporary fighter/interceptor, with the additional idea that when the Mig's were in use that this aircraft would make a good primary jet trainer for pilots converting to Jet powered aircraft, so the front line service life of the YAMAAM ( Dove ) was quite short, and many Parani pilots cut their teeth on this type.

      Installation and blah blah
      Just a quick repaint of the LA-15 originally done by PC-Pilot. As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to3D Model By Pasko, FM by Column5, SF2 updates pcpilot
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (4 reviews)




      AVIA-CS-199 "JANBIYAH"
      When the Parani Ministry of Defence Purchased Avia-S-199 aircraft for the Air force, they also purchased a Squadron of CS-199's to act as a recce/cas aircraft. This was seen as ideal as it was a 2 seater, dual control aircraft, and was also then useful as a trainer for aircrews converting to the "SAIF" Number 2 Squadron was equipped with this aircraft, which was also reverse engineered to replace the nose mounted guns, as the underwing mounts for the original gunpods were needed to fit bomb racks, and it was felt that the pilots needed guns for strafing attacks , and also in the trainer role, for A-A and A-G training, even though there was a recorded issue with the synchronisation gear for these guns ( The Israeli's had a few incidents of shooting off their own props.....never a good idea !! ) As with the S-199 "SAIF" the JANBIYAH or Dagger, was only intended as a stop gap until the arrival of the expected Migs. however as a primary trainer, the aircraft is still in service, ( even though frontline service terminated in 1975) but the airframes are getting rather tired now, and new replacements are being sort after.

      Installation and blah blah
      As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to Monty-CZ for the orginal models, Kesselbrut has worked his magic on the cockpits, I believe Mr Wrench did some work on the originals too, as has Kulbit.....if I jhave missed anyone out, apologies, slap wristies and no sweeties for me for the rest of the week and banned to the naughty step :P :P :P
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (2 reviews)



    3. AVIA-S199 "SAIF"

      AVIA-S199 "SAIF"

      The Parani Air Force ( I.P.A.F.) had been using ex lufwaffe BF-109 G10's and the Avia S-99 since the end of the "Western Infidel War" and these airframes were getting tired and worn out, as they were usually second and third hand cast off, and ex "hangar Queens" which had been scavenged from many sources, When the IDF started using the Avia S-199 , the Parani Ministry of Defence liked what they had seen ( even though there were certain issues with this aircraft type) Early in 1947 they approached their Czech Military advisors, and acquired brand new airframes direct from Avia. One Squadron (Huntress Squadron) of the Imperial Air Force was equipped fully with the Avia-S-199 which was given the name of Saif, or Scimitar. intended as a stop gap aircraft, until the MIG-17 or J-3 was available, these aircraft actually remained in service up until the mid 70's.

      Installation and blah blah
      As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to Monty-CZ for the orginal models, Kesselbrut has worked his magic on the cockpits, I believe Mr Wrench did some work on the originals too, as has Kulbit.....if I jhave missed anyone out, apologies, slap wristies and no sweeties for me for the rest of the week and banned to the naughty step :P :P :P
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (3 reviews)



    4. Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-104G Skinpack

      A whole skins collection made fixing, upgrading stock ones
      and adding new ones ....
      - 65+ special skin
      - UFO flight 1984 (story included)
      + 3 special planes (Snoopy, Mirror Image, Bonzo)
      - 311/312 joint skin: nose fixed
      - 322/323 joint skin: nose fixed + 1 special plane (Happy Hooker)
      - Original camo: new nose + patch added
      - Original Grey: patch added
      INSTALL: as usual.
      I began this little work talkin' with Derk years ago, and so
      is dedicated to all of You from Netherlands.
      @ Paulopanz


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    5. F-86E Sabre - US Red Star Vol. 2

      A complete SF-2 plane made using current Zur's F-86 model, following
      last Wrench edits. (original readme included)
      Sound by Spillone104 (who else?)
      - Silver skins (4) are made using edited Wrench ones.
      - Camo Skins (3) are made using edited Dave ones.
      - Acro Team Skin is all new.
      I have to thank my very friend Starfighter2 for his kindly reference help.
      This is the second of US planes with red stars on I made (more to come).


         (4 reviews)



    6. F-86D Sabre Dog - US Red Star Vol. 3

      F-86D / IF-86D Sabre dog
      Two complete SF-2 plane made using current Zur's F-86 model, following last Wrench/Eburger edits.
      Sound by Spillone104 (who else?)
      F-86D & IF-86D (special recon version)
      4 (2 camo + 2 silver) + 2 (Silver) skins made using fantastic Bobrock temps.
      Take-off tweaked following Baffmeister hints.

      This is the third of US planes with red stars on I made.


         (2 reviews)



    7. CAC Sabre Mk. 31 / 32

      In 1951, CAC obtained a licence agreement to build the F-86. It was decided to power the aircraft using a licence-built version of the Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.7. This involved a re-design of the fuselage as the Avon was shorter, wider and lighter than the General Electric J47 that powered the North American-built aircraft. Because of the engine change the type is often referred to as the Avon Sabre. To accommodate the Avon, over 60% of the fuselage was redesigned along with a 25% increase in the size of the air intake. Another major revision was in replacing the F-86F's six machine guns with two 30mm Aden cannons, while other changes were also made to the cockpit and to provide an increased fuel capacity.
      The RAAF operated the CA-27 from 1956 to 1971.
      In 1958–60, CAC Sabres completed numerous ground attack sorties against communist insurgents in Malaya, during the Malayan Emergency, with No. 3 Squadron RAAF and No. 77 Squadron RAAF. Following the Emergency, they remained in Malaysia at RAAF Butterworth. From August 1964 onwards these aircraft responded several times to incursions by Indonesian MiG-21 fighters. However, the Indonesian aircraft always turned back before crossing the international boundary.
      In 1962, a detachment of eight CA-27s, which was later expanded and designated No. 79 Squadron RAAF (79 Sqn), was sent from Butterworth to RAAF Ubon, Ubon, Thailand, to assist the Thai and Laotian governments in actions against communist insurgents. Australia and Thailand were allies of South Vietnam and the United States during the Vietnam War, and 79 Sqn performed air defence for United States Air Force attack and bomber aircraft based at Ubon. The squadron never engaged North Vietnamese aircraft or ground forces and was withdrawn in 1968.
      Former RAAF CAC Sabres were operated by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) between 1969 and 1972. Following the establishment of better relations with Indonesia, 23 CAC Sabres were donated to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) between 1973 and 1975; five of these were former Malaysian aircraft.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 31 RAAF
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 32 RAAF, RMAF, AURI with IRM install (1964)
      A plenty of Skins (16) and all historical decal numbers by plane.

      - plane (fixed for SF-2) by Zur
      - sabre temps by Ravenclaw
      - original mod & screens by Wrench
      - Skins, decals, ini edits by Paulopanz
      - ini tweakings & professional testings by Spillone104
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite
      I realy liked this job. The plane is fantastic and remaking it with Mike and Alex a real pleasure,
      @ paulopanz


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    8. F-86D-31 Flyvevåbnet (SF-2 Upgrade)

      The North American Aviation F-86D Sabre (sometimes called the "Sabre Dog" or "Dog Sabre") was a transonic jet all-weather interceptor.
      Based on North American's F-86 Sabre day fighter, the F-86D had only 25 percent commonality with other Sabre variants, with a larger fuselage, larger afterburning engine, and a distinctive nose radome.
      What's in:
      - 6 new/redone Skins/decal numbers by squadron:
      Esk 723/ 723 '60
      Esk 726/ 726 '60
      Esk 728 '60/ 728 '66
      - Mighty Mouse rockets new standard
      - New Hangar/loadout screens
      - original F-86D team (see readme)
      - Bobrock for his temps
      - Eburger68 for AA rockets (Nato 5)
      - Hgbn for SF-1 plane & 726 old skin; help and hints (Thank You very much Henrik)
      To install:
      - all in main mod folder
      - overwrite
      @ paulopanz


         (1 review)



    9. Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre early -SF2-

      German Air Force Canadair CL-13B Mk6 Sabre early
      version 1.0
      for SF2/SF2V/SF2E
      included are
      - Parts added on fuselage to change from F-86 to CL-13B
      - Parts in cockpit area replaced
      - Hydraulic parts in airbrake housing added
      - Landing lights added
      - MK40 FFAR Rocket Pod
      - Mk40 FFAR Rocket
      - new F-86 Bomb Rack
      - new F-86 HVAR Launcher
      - new F-86 455 Liter Drop Tank silver
      - new High Res skins 2048 x 2048 !!!
      - optional Skins 512x512 ( just in case you have problems with the high res one )

      Thanks to
      - Zurawski for his great canadair and F-86 Cockpit and allowing me to use it
      - Wrench for the excellent holes.tga
      - AmokFloo for his help in teaching me the animation in 3ds-max
      - the GMG for testing the mod
      - Dave for rescale the skins to 512x512
      Thank you and have fun


         (5 reviews)



    10. Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Early (GAF) Update Pack

      Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Early (GAF) Update Pack 2/13/2016
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
      This package contains an update kit for GMG's German Air Force Canadair Sabre Mk.6 aircraft pack available at the following URL:
      If you don't have it already, you'll need that mod first. It's one I heartly reccomend! Ravenclaw and the GMG did an OUTSTANDING job on this aircraft!!!
      Like many (ok, most) of the other Sabres available, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
      updated hit boxes/collision points
      added destroyed model callout
      new FM (ala KAW Sabres)
      activated squadron name display via fake "SqTail" decal
      decal numbers now randomized
      "brightened" gunsight (for us old folks!)
      added avionics statements, and avionics ini for radar-ranging gunsight
      Removed "Exported=TRUE", nationalizing to ONLY West Germany
      Added SF2 "short name" display
      These changes will bring this superb mod up to the latest standards, FM wise. Nothing else has been changed -- nothing else really needed to be!! See "Notes" for things I did =NOT= do.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      with special thanks to Ravenclaw and the GMG


         (1 review)



    11. Fi156 "LUQLUQ"

      Fi156 "LUQLUQ"

      Paran acquired a lot of Fi-156 Storch aircraft, over the years, and embarked on a programme of refurbishment and restoration, the result was the Fi156 LUQLUQ ( Stork ) this ubiquitous aircraft is in use with all 3 air arms of the Imperial Parani Military, its versatility, excellent STOL capability, and ease of maintenance, ensure its continuing service for the foreseeable future.

      Installation and blah blah
      This is just a basic re paint of the Storch , for all the Parani air power enthusiasts out there, there are 3 skins one for each service. I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. These include Raven, and Wrench who have done all the "real work" on this aeroplane, I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (0 reviews)



    12. AH-1G Cobra Over Elsewhere ver.2016

      BELL AH-1G COBRA Over Elsewhere* Ver 2.0 for SF2
      February 2016
      This is a third party add on of the AH-1GCobra using models and cockpits created by me.
      The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters.
      I have just modified it a bit.
      It is designed for and works only in SF2 series.


      This is freeware-donationware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Bribes and donations are accepted;


      Jarek Hereda

      This addon works only with my WeaponPACK (Included in rar file) All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack.
      For Spanish AH-1G Z-14/HA.14 Cobra there is seperate folder with additional weapons made for Spanish model. It should be instaled same way as other weapons.

      Standard commands for activating Cobra features:
      AIRBRAKES - sun filter/shader on off - just for fun no airbrakes so empty animation slot for use.
      ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station.
      LANDING GEAR - belly light deploy/retract at any speed in late models
      - nose lights activate/deactivate in early model. Lights must on.
      A2A mode - gunner station guncross for turret.
      A2Ground mode - pilot M73 cross.
      ANIMATION 7 - turret doors
      ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors
      ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view)
      ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view)
      This is totaly new file. I highly recomend to backup your old files. OR just delete all old files.
      This is totaly new files and will not work in many parts with old.

      For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector (small needle on RPM clock in cockpit should be like 65degree up) - (default ctrl + ) and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed.
      When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing.
      There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations.
      3 separate models.
      AH-1G-70 USMC
      HA-14 Cobra of Spanish Navy.
      All serial numbers are historicaly correct.
      Army model
      334th AHC. Hanau, Germany 1973 (new add)
      120 Av Co. 'Arctic Knights' Fort Richardson, Alaska 1973 (new add)
      D-Trop 3rd Squadron 8th Cavalry 'Mainz-Finthen Germany 1975
      USMC model
      HMA-169 (new add)
      Navy Test Pilots School
      Armada Espanola
      7 Escaudrilla, Rota '74
      7 Escaudrilla, Rota '78

      I have redone all weapons - launchers M159,157,158,M200, and some navy LAUs. Gunpods M18 and navy SUU-11. XM118 smoke dispenser.
      Guns are loaded as weaponstations so player got options.
      I am using helopilots by OldDiego.
      Some pilots models might be too big for this helo.

      Copy all files into specific folders.

      Report Bugs.
      Edit your way.
      For updates visit on:

      You will need to add the following to your Nations.ini file which should be in your Flight folder.
      Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file:
      DisplayName=United States Army Aviation
      TM 55-1520-221-10 Operators Manual Army Model AH 1G Helicopter
      Osprey Combat Aircraft 41 - US.Army AH-1 Units In Vietnam
      GUNSLINGERS IN ACTIONS - Squadron Signal
      WALK AROUND AH-1G Cobra - Squadron Signal
      Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987)
      Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants
      Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action
      Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships
      F Troop Yearbook 1971-1972
      XM-118 Organizational DS GS and Depot Maintenance XM118


         (6 reviews)



    13. Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (RCAF/AMI) Update Pack

      Canadair Sabre Mk.6 (RCAF/AMI) Update Pack 2/13/2016
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended)=
      This package contains an update kit for my "Canadair Sabre Mk.6, RCAF and AMI" aircraft pack available at the following URL:
      The full package above will also be getting this update pack for those that don't have it yet. However, if you =DO= have it already, you'll only need to use this kit; you don't have to download the full aircraft pack again
      Like several of the other Sabres, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
      updated hit boxes
      adjusted loadouts
      new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
      new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)
      FM remain the same.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    14. YAK-23 "QATRAS"

      YAK-23 "QATRAS"
      As the Navy had been using its YAK-9 NUHAS with much success it was deemed after operational evaluation that seiing as the Army was being equipped with JJ-2 ( Mig-15Bis) that the Navy needed a jet powered interceptor/point defence fighter, after evaluating the YAK-15, it was thought that the upgraded YAK-23 FLORA would be more suitable, with its tricycle undercarriage and slight upgrades to other systems, the aircraft was purchased through the Czech military mission based in Paran, as diplomatic ties with the USSR had broken down as mentioned in another description ( stay with the programme folks, download 'em all !! ) this aircraft was introduced into the First Marine Squadron , and was given the name QUATRAS, or Albatross. the aircraft was found to be ideal for the navy's needs as it introduced pilots to jet powered aircraft, and also secret experimentation with carrier landing and take off drills at a secret location deep in the desert , with a full mock up carrier deck. The aircraft was also much loved by its pilots, and was found to be very manoeuvrable and a good gun platform.
      Installation and blah blah
      I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I am sure I have thanked them and credited them in other uploads as well, so thanks to the REAL modders out there who do the hard work, and make stuff I can then tinker around with and tweak , I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (1 review)



    15. YAK-9 "NUHAS"

      YAK-9 "NUHAS"

      At the close of the "Western Infidel War" or the 1939-45 war to the west, Paran had become a wealthy nation, due to it's trade with oil and sand ( for sandbags ) to the everyone who wasn't at war with them ( no one) and disturbing sabre rattling from across the border on Dhimar, the Parani Ministry of Defence, embarked upon a programme of modernisation and re equipping of its various military units. The Navy formed Marine aviation units, with the view to eventually acquiring an Aircraft carrier, however as this was not an option at this time due to the trade in sand ( For sandbags) tailing off, but it was certainly a goal of the Imperial Military to procure at least one carrier at some point.
      The I.P.M.N.A. in the meantime needed equipping, the first aircraft purchased was the capable and reliable Yak-9 , named the "NUHAS" or Shrike in Parani service, this aircraft was seen as a dual purpose aircraft filling both the ground attack/CAS capability and also was a capable fighter in its own right, the 2nd Marine Squadron was thus equipped with this aircraft and used them to good effect for many years.

      Installation and blah blah
      I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
      original files by by Pasko & Wolf257, updated at some point to SF2 standards, with additional work from Wrench and Wilches. If I have missed anyone out I do apologise, you are thanked and credited in absentia. If you have downloaded any of my other Parani aircraft, you will know the drill, everything you require is in this rar file, so unpack it all....blah blah blah ( you know the drill.....I hope) no special instructions for this very nice looking aircraft, fly it, bomb stuff, rocket balst stuff, and shoot down stuff.....wizard prang !!

      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!
      keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (0 reviews)



    16. SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6, RCAF and AMI

      Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Pack, RCAF/AMI
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
      - version 2.0, updated 2/13/2016 -
      This package contains new or rebuilt Canadair Mk.6 Sabres, as used by the RCAF and Italian AMI in the mid-late 50s and 60s.
      Contained within are skin/decals for the following squadrons:
      442 Squadron (new)
      444 Squadron (new skin rebuild, based on Tim Canada work)

      2 Aerobrigata
      4 Aerobrigata (new skin rebuilds, based off spitwulf's originals)
      and a "Generic" Euro camo (called, oddly enough "Euro" skin for any other NATO/European users (except South Africa). All the included skins are in the Euro camo pattern.
      New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder RCAF unit IDs. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included.
      A new camo drop tank is supplied, but all rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak. The sounds included are the same ones as used on the RAF and RAAF Sabre Pak, recently released.
      An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A new userlist ini is also included.
      Sharp eyes will note that "WGermany" is =NOT= included in the Userlist; the BLW aircraft were excellently handled by the GMG Group, and are downloadable here at CA.
      This one is slightly diferentiated; when in-game, you'll see "Canadair Sabre Mk.6" in the aircraft drop-down selection window
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included, as is one of Spitwulf's for the AMI skins.

      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      Changes for Version 2:
      updated hit boxes
      new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel
      new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)


         (7 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Update Pack

      Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Update Pack 2/13/2016
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
      This package contains an update kit for my "RAF/RCAF Sabre Mk.4" aircraft pack available at the following URL:
      The full package above will also be getting this update pack for those that don't have it yet. However, if you =DO= have it already, you'll only need to use this kit; you don't have to download the full aircraft pack again
      Like several of the other Sabres, the following items have been changed, added to, adjusted and whatevered:
      updated hit boxes
      adjusted loadouts
      new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
      new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)
      changed _001.lod for one with bomb pylons -all other lods the same
      FM remain the same.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)



    18. Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, for SF2

      Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, Royal Air Force/Royal Canadian Air Force
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
      Version 2.0, updated 2/13/2106 -- see change log
      This package contains a complete revamp, for SF2, of my RAF Sabre Mk.4, originally released for SF/Wo* in 2006.
      Contained within are skin/decals for the following RAF Squadrons, and one RCAF squadron, from the 2nd TAF based in Germany in the 1950s. These 3 are in "standard" period Euro Camo:
      3 Squadron
      92 Squadron
      112 Squadron (Sharkmouths)
      and a revamped 1stGen RCAF skin:
      414 Squadron, RCAF "Black Knights" (natural metal)
      New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's beyond superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included, as is an all new SF2 version of my "Box Art" Hangar Screen. No weapons are supplied; drop tanks, rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak.
      National insignia, finflash and 1 set of tail numbers reference stock items. Make sure you are current in your SF2 install! (read: I'm using RAF Hunter letters)
      An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A userlist ini is also included.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein

      Changes for V.2:
      updated hit boxes
      adjusted loadouts
      new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel (camo only)
      new "CL-13 bits"
      changed _001.lod for one with bomb pylons -all other lods the same


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 2

      SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 2 2/9/16
      -- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
      This mod is second skin/decal pack represening F-86F Sabres as used by the USAFE
      It can (and should) be applied to the recently uploaded "SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak
      available at the following url:
      It is adivsed you have Part 1 installed in the SF2:E mods folder first.
      In other words, like Part 1, this is a European-centric skin/decals/ini package only!!
      In this package are skins for Sabres from the 36th FDW, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ...
      22nd FDS (Red)
      23rd FDS (Med. Blue)
      32nd FDS (Green)
      53rd FDS (Yellow)
      The colors are those assigned to each squadron, and are the stripes applied to the vertical fin.
      This pack, along with the 461st FDS skin in part 1, will give you the full squadorn strength of the 36th Fighter Day Wing.
      All markings are decals, with the Tail bands at Level=1, and as such, will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install.
      It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game.
      Just so we're clear on everything, again, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)



    20. SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 3

      SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak Part 3 2/11/16
      -- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
      This mod is third (and hopefully final) skin/decal pack represening F-86F Sabres as used by the USAFE.
      It can (and should) be applied to the recently uploaded "SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak
      available at the following url:
      It is adivsed you have Part 1 & Part 2 installed in the SF2:E mods folder first.
      In other words, like Parts 1 & 2, this is a European-centric skin/decals package only!!
      In this package are skins for Sabres from the 21st FBW, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ...
      72nd FDS (Red
      416th FBS (Med. Blue)
      531st FBS (Yellow)
      Almost all markings are decals, however the squadron nose & tail markings (colors & stars) are painted on. A fake "SqTail" decal is used to activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install,
      Just so we're clear on everything, once again, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    21. The Other CF-105 (CF-105 Thunderchief)

      This is a what-if mod of the stock F-105D Thunderchief, with Sundowner's new high-resolution skins for the Royal Canadian Air Force/Canadian Armed Forces Air Command.
      During the late 1950s, Canada agreed to take on a nuclear strike role in NATO. The aircraft that took on this role would replace the Canadair Sabre. The RCAF considered several designs including the Grumman F11F Tiger, the Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, the Northrop N-156F, and the Republic F-105 Thunderchief.
      The F-105 variant offered to the RCAF was an F-105D equipped with an Orenda Iroquois engine. Two prototypes were constructed in 1959, using engines that had been constructed for the cancelled Avro Arrow. The marriage of Iroquois to F-105 was not a happy one. The Iroquois was an excellent engine when used operated at high altitude and high speed, the operating environment of an interceptor. When operated at transonic and supersonic speeds at low level, the engine proved unreliable. A catastrophic turbine failure at 400 ft and Mach 0.95 resulted in a fatal crash. This, combined with the escalating cost of developing the Iroquois forced the Government to cancel the Iroquois and opt for a standard F-105D. Canadian content was kept by having Pratt and Whitney Canada built the J75 engines under licence.
      With the Cold War heating up fast, the RCAF received its Thunderchiefs quickly. Five RCAF squadrons were equipped including 421, 422, 427, 439. and 441 Squadrons. For nuclear strike, their standard loadout was a Mark 28 nuclear bomb, two or four Sidewinders, and two drop tanks. The Thuds could also carry out conventional strike missions using a variety of bombs, missiles, and rockets.
      In 1965, the RCAF deployed 427 Squadron to RAAF Ubon in Thailand to operate beside the F-105s of 2 Squadron RAAF. Between 1965 and 1972, the Canadian and Australian Thunderchiefs bombed thousands of targets across North Vietnam.
      Upon their withdrawal from Vietnam, the CF-105 Thunderchiefs returned to Europe. The Trudeau Government removed their nuclear strike mission, leaving them as conventional strike aircraft only. For this reason, all the CF-105s were painted dark green, and given the new "symmetrical" marking scheme. The aircraft were refurbished after Vietnam to give them another ten years of life, and recently retired Thuds from USAF stocks replenished Canadian losses.
      The Thuds remained in Canadian Service until 1984, when they were replaced by the CF-18. The CF-105G Wild Weasel continued until 1987.
      RCAF Natural Metal - Initial skin, natural metal with RCAF Markings. RCAF SEA Camo - Introduced in 1966 for Canadian Thuds deployed to Vietnam. Standard RCAF markings. CAF Natural Metal - Used in Europe & Canada after 1968. CAF marking scheme. CAF SEA - Used in Vietnam after 1968, and introduced in Europe during depot maintenance. CAF marking scheme. CAF Green - Dark Green scheme used in Europe after 1973. Symmetrical marking scheme. Remained until retirement.

      The F-105D has only the RCAF skins. All skins are offered for the F-105D_66
      Copy the contents of ModFolder into your mod folder. Merge/overwrite when prompted.
      This mod contains a Squadronlist.ini file. If you do not wish to alter your own, then you should add the following into your squadronlist.ini:
      DisplayName=No. 421 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 422 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 427 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 439 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 441 Squadron
      Should these numbers not correspond with those in your squadronlist.ini, then change the numbers on the file, and the filenames of the SQN decals accordingly.
      In order to get the correct roundel and Canadian flag, you can change the active date for Canada in your nations.ini from 1968 to 1965. This means that in the menus, you will see "Canadian Armed Forces" three years early, but in the sim, you will get the present Canadian flag and the stylised maple leaf roundel used today.
      To access nuclear weapons for Canada, I recommend making nation specific version of the various US nuclear weapons (e.g. Mk43_Canada), rather than making them exportable.
      To make your own F-105 skins, use Sundowner's templates: http://combatace.com/files/file/14427-hi-res-tw-f-105d-templates/
      No apologies for being cheeky with the designation CF-105.
      TK: Stock F-105D, TW series
      Sundowner: Hi-Res F-105 templates and skins


         (0 reviews)



    22. F-39A/B Griffin Blk 1/5 - Gripen NG for the US

      Gripen NG for the United States – F-39A/B Griffin Blk 1/5
      Due to a change in US government policy driven by cost overruns, project delays and negative public (aka voter) opinion the USAF F-35A order is halved. To make up the shortfall a cheaper 4.5 generation aircraft is sought to replace the rest of the F-16 fleet.
      New built F-16s are considered but ultimately a license built US specific version of the Gripen NG is chosen. To help offset the loss of the cancelled F-35 order Lockheed Martin is awarded the contract to build the F-39 along with the US specific modifications. The most important of which is full data/ sensor integration and cooperative war fighting with the F-35A fleet.
      The USAF designate the US built Gripen the F-39A/B Griffin. The first Block 1 Griffins off the Lockheed Martin production line are identical to the JAS-39E/F and equip CONUS Air National Guard units to replace the F-16 in the air sovereignty role. At the same time Lockheed Martin produce a handful of developmental airframes to integrate the full USAF arsenal of weapons and apply some of the technology from the F-35 program. The probe air-to-air refuelling system is also replaced with a flying boom receptacle. The end result is the F-39A/B Block 5 which is used to replace the F-16 in those USAF units that are not going to be equipped with the F-35A. The Block 5 Griffin is fully compatible with the F-35 and shares the same data link technology. This means Griffin equipped units can be used cost effectively in the low intensity warfare role but when required can be ‘force multiplied’ by the F-35A in a modern battlefield. All Block 1 aircraft will be upgraded to Block 5 standard.
      Included in this mod are:
      - F-39A Block 1 Griffin
      - F-39B Block 1 Griffin
      - F-39A Block 5 Griffin
      - F-39B Block 5 Griffin
      - F-39A Block 5 Griffin Aggressor
      - F-39B Block 5 Griffin Aggressor
      - 14 different USAF/ANG squadrons
      - 22 different skins
      To Install simply un pack and drop into your mods folder.
      - The Block 1 aircraft have a reduced weapons capability compared the Block 5 as they can only carry the weapons currently cleared on the Jas-39 Gripin (Aim-9M, Aim-120C etc) this is reflected in the loadout.ini.
      - The pilot is a re-skinned JHMCS model to look like the Cobra HMD that is integrated with the Gripin (see last screenshot below).
      - F-39B Block 5 Aggressor has a cannon even though the two seater doesn’t have one. This is for game play so it will engage you as an aggressor aircraft.
      The Viper Team
      P.S. I think this is my favorite 'what if' I have ever done! :-)


         (6 reviews)



    23. SF2:E F-86A Sabre, USAFE, Pack

      SF2:E F-86A Sabre, USAFE, Pack 2/11/16
      -- For SF-2E, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended --
      This mod is a full aircraft package, containing the F-86A Sabre as used by the USAFE during the early-to mid 1950s. This pack contains only those aircraft as used in Europe.
      Like the KAW Sabre pak (albeit this containing only 1 airplane), all needed bits (Effects, Sounds, Pilot, etc) are included.
      Again, as a reminder, this is a European-centric aircraft package only (SF2:E)!!
      In this package are F-86A Sabres from the 81st FIW, USAFE, as based in the UK ...
      116th FIS
      91st FIS
      92nd FIS
      Almost all markings are decals, with the exceptions of the tail fin color bands. A "fake SqTail" decal is included and will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen for those units listed in the game's SquadronList.ini (91st & 92nd). The 116th is not, but if you wish to add it, feel free to do so. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. 24 Serials and Buzz Numbers are included for all 3 skins, and are accuate for A Model Sabres, but just not for the squadrons represented. Consider them 'generic' for this purpose. The Hangar & Loading screen remain their "KAW" versions.
      The Data and Loadout ini have been tweeked as per the recently released F-86F-40 USAFE pak, and Ground Attack (CAS, Strike) mission tasking has been activated. Operational service dates remain the same, even though the F-86A did not arrive in the UK before 1951.
      REMINDER -- the mission tasking and loadouts are =ONLY= for use by American Sabres (this version) as used in the SF2:E mods folder!!! Don't use it anywhere else! See "Notes" for more information, if wishing to use the modified data ini in your KAW mods folder.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install, PLEASE read the "Notes" section for important information.
      It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game.
      Just so we're clear on everything, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (6 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. AN-2 HESSAN

      AN-2 HESSAN

      The I.P.A.F.A units needed a STOL capable aircraft, to enable resupply to forward units, and also a limited parachute drop capability. the perfect aircraft for this was deemed to be the AN-2 "Colt" The Parani Ministry of Defence, purchased a large quantity of these aircraft, to equip the army units. A small number of these aircraft were blacked out for use by the Parani Special operations Group. This aircraft has been in service with the I.P.A.F.A. since 1947, and is deemed still capable for use into the near future. As an additional role, the AN-2 has been fitted with bomb/rocket racks, and is capable of executing limited nuisance attacks.
      The Aircraft is much loved by its crews, and carries the name HESSAN which means Horse , its ease of maintenance and reliability, mean it is a very useful and flexible aircraft.
      Installation and blah blah
      I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
      This is a quick and dirty repaint of the original AN-2 with marking etc for an aircraft in Parani service, there are 2 different skins for the 2 Army Forward Aviaton Regiments, one of which is a Spec Ops colour scheme, the cargo bay door operates by pressing whichever key you are using for the bombbay doors, I assume you can drop para's out of it, but I have not found anything that does that, so on the load out screen that weapon station is greyed out.
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!

      This is the 4th Aircraft from the Parani Army and the final one for this set, I shall be doing Navy and Airforce aircraft next, so keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


         (0 reviews)



    25. IL-10 "SHAKOSH"

      As the Imperial Republic of Paran moved into a more prosperous, if uneasy peace with their neighbours in Dhimar, it was decided, that an upgrade of the Armed Forces was of paramount importance, up until 1946 the Parani Army, Air Force, and Navy had been equipped with obsolete cast off aircraft from the "Western Infidel " war of 1939 -1945 mainly equipped with old Soviet, and some Italian and German airframes, it was found that as the Dhimari's had started to upgrade their Air Forces, that the present equipment levels were sadly lacking and not overly capable, plus the cost of maintaining these elderly and war weary airframes was prohibitive in the least !
      The Paran Ministry of Defence, had been keeping a close eye on the activities in Korea, and they noted that the use of the upgraded IL-2's used by the Chinese and Korean Forces were very able and reliable weapons systems, as , also the Parani's had Czech Military advisors, the acquisition of Avia B-33 licence built IL-10 airframes was very viable and affordable. So began the long and successful career of the IL-10 (named SHAKOSH which means hammer In Parani ) in service with the I.P.A.F.A.

      Installation and blah blah
      I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
      This is a quick and dirty repaint of the original IL-10 Beast with marking etc for an aircraft in Parani service, there are 2 different skins for the 2 Army Forward Aviaton Regiments, the load outs are for a mix of Czech and Soviet weapons, however they are date dependant, so some wont show up at certain dates, but that is not an issue as there are other weapons which are used instead, it helps if you have weapons packs etc in your install, but not 100% needed.
      CREDITS !!!
      Credit for the original model and workings to Baffmeister, Spillone104 & Paulopanz involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. also added Czech weapons as loadouts instead of the bog standard FAB's etc.
      I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!
      I shall be re doing further aircraft for the Dhimar - Paran Theatre of operations, so please enjoy, I hope you have fun with these, as I have fun messing about and making them for you , so you don't have to


         (0 reviews)




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