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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Helicopters flight model

      Package contains 6 helicopters with new FLIGHT MODEL made by me:
      AH-1F_90 by yakarov79
      AH-1J_80 by yakarov79
      AH-64A by yakarov79
      CH-53D_82 by yakarov79
      Mi-8T by Marcfighters
      UH-1H by yakarov79
      Before install backup yout older files.
      All helicopters comes as separate install with all needed files (weapons, decals etc).
      I need more testers and more informations to finish this project.
      They will be part of bigger ODS 30 Anni helicopters pack.
      I added temporary CAS mission for Mi-8, to test AI attacks.
      Apache is using Helfires in fake pods, cause AI don't like guided missiles.
      You must rearm player helicopter for normal missiles before mission to have TV screen active.
      Pls, test these models and tell me your opinions.
      READ ME.txt


         (3 reviews)



    2. 3rd Wing Moves North

              3rd Wing Moves North
      The 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing was slated to leave Clark AB in the Phillipines in 1992. However the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in June 1991 caused a much more rapid departure than planned from the Philippines. The 3rd Wing set up shop at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska in December 1991, taking over from the 21st Wing that had been the host unit.
      By January 1994, the 3 Wing had the 19th and 54th Fighter Squadrons operating F-15C and D Eagles, the 90th Fighter Squadron operating the F-15E Strike Eagle, The 517th Airlift Squadron operating the C-130H Hercules and the 962nd Airborne Air Control Squadron operating the E-3A Sentry
      This mod sets up everything you need to send the 3rd Wing or any of its elements into battle in the mid 1990s. While primarily focused on the Pacific theater of operations, the 90th Fighter Squadron did participate in Operation Deny Flight in Europe from October 1995 until start of 1996.
      Aircraft: F-15C/D_91, F-15E_92, C-130H3, E-3A  as well as the decals and pilots for these aircraft
      Weapons for each aircraft as was available in the mid 1990s
      Effects and sounds as needed to support the aircraft
      unzip, open the "2 mod folder" and place into the mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites

      ----------F-15C/D_91, F-15E_92----------------------
      Viper63a -                         Cockpit work, skin template
      Spudknocker -                  Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
      Fanatic Modder -             Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
      RavenClaw_007 -             Ejection Seats
      JAT81500 -                       For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
      Hi Ho Silvers -                  AfterBurner Mod.
      AleDucat -                         ACES II ejection seat models.(orig)
      Deuces -                            F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.(orig)
      Diego -                               Modern USAF Pilot skins.(orig)
      Fubar512 -                        For the FM work.(orig)
      JimmyBib -                       F-15C cockpit flight control textures.(orig)
      MoonJumper -                 Avionics work.(orig)
      Sundowner -                     Textures.(orig)
      Wpnssgt -                          Models, Textures.(orig)
      Kesselburt -                      Original F-15C cockpit.(orig)
      Brain32 -                            Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.(orig)
      331KillerBee, ravenclaw_007 -        SF2 Weapons Packs
      daddyairplanes-                new textures, tgas, minor ini work,

      daddyairplanes-                new skins
      Dels-                                    everything else
      The Mirage Factory                 original E-3 mod and model
      daddyairplanes                        skins, tga work, research
      -------------overall project------------------------------------------------------------------
      TK -                     For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      daddyairplanes-                new TW inspired loading screens, hangar screens, and research.
                          if Frank Castle uses a f ck ton of bullets, it's  safe to say i used a f ck ton of research
      Nightshade/PR -                my usual extra set of eyes to catch what i mess up

      Thank you for downloading this mod and I hope you enjoy it
      aka Kevin Unruh
      18 Jun 2024
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (0 reviews)



    3. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

      Strike Fighter Project 2 – Screen Overhaul v1.2 Customizable Edition
      The new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul 1.2 is now released.  Here is the following screen this mod completely overhaul:
      -          Main screen
      -          Single mission screen
      -          Mission editor screen
      -          Hangar (Default) screen
      -          Loadout screen
      -          Planning screen
      -          Roster screen
      -          Campaign screen
      -          Campaign editor screen
      -          Pilot records screen
      -          Options screen
      It does not yet cover another screen.  It is work in progress (WIP) for now.  What I am seeking for is feedback that will help me improving the mod further. It is one of my biggest projects I ever worked on for SF2. It gave me opportunity to grow a new skill I enjoy doing. 

      NOTE:  Now that SF2 Screen Overhaul is becoming a customizable version. If you make any mods that adds or change anything to this mod, please add my name and mod name to your credit part.
      You can contact me by PM in CombatAce (I am known as Eagle114th there) or Strike fighter series Discord chat (My username is Magic Dragon, so you can find me there too.)

      Version 1.2 NOTES:
      Buttons customization instruction:
      In Menu folder (SF2 mod folder), you will see various SF2 screen named as “BUTTONS_HANGAR, MAIN, OPTIONS, etc...), there are folders for each button.  In order, to change the color of buttons, go to one of button folder, you will see different folders for various color.  Copy the file from there and overwrite the files in any BUTTONS_(SCREEN) folder.

      For example, in BUTTONS_HANGAR, if I want to change the color of “LOADOUT” square button to blue; I go to the folder “LOADOUT”, then “Blue” folder, copy the files: LOADOUT0.bmp, LOADOUT1.bmp, and LOADOUT2.bmp.  Then I paste (Overwrite) the files in BUTTONS_HANGAR.
      Screens and Buttons customization Templates
      In different “BUTTONS_(different screen names)”, there are folder “_Templates’.  You can use it to change the designs, colors, or anything you want to do with the screen background or buttons. 

      This mod uses a font known as Orbitron.  I included it in _Fonts folder.

      I want to express my sincerely big THANKS to Menrva, Wrench, UllyB, Daddyairplanes, Wilches, JosefK, FalonCAF, and everyone else in CombatAce community for making this possible.  You all have been a huge help. 

      Because of Operation Desert Storm 30 years anniversary great mod, I was able to study the codes on how SF2 menu work, which led me into developing new menu for SF2.  This mod is truly fun to fly in SF2.  If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

      There are detailed instruction that explains how to install in the proper ways in README file.  LEASE READ IT BEFORE INSTALLING! 

      I included the plans for the next version in the readme too.  

      The feedback are always welcomed!


         (4 reviews)



    4. Ju-88 Cockpit repaint for Veltro2K's Ju-88 - Kesselbrut's Cockpit

      Here is a (decent) repaint of the supplied Kesselbrut's Mosquito cockpit for use in Veltro2K's Ju88's. Again, I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
      Made for SF2, it's the needed bmp's, one tga, and the cockpit.ini file ONLY. I wasn't happy with the way some of the gauges were presenting, so I've made some changes.  
      The cockpit textures are 2048x2048, in the old days we didn't have the horsepower to run such large cockpit textures, but those days are long gone. Resize them if you do experience any problems. 
      Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is, I have done my best.
      Copy and paste the bmp's and tga from this file into your V2K Ju88 cockpit folder. Place the cockpit.ini in the main aircraft folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
      That's it. 
      Note that although this is made for the Ju88C, it will work in any of Veltro's Ju88's, and I guess you could use it any any German twin engine bomber without a decent cockpit. 
       - Veltro2K for the Ju-88 and for the HUGE range of WW2 and later aircraft you have done for us. Much appreciated!
       - Kesselbrut for another one of his great cockpits. I hope you're doing well wherever you are Daniel.  
       - Veltro advises the cockpit was modded by Capun for use in German aircraft, thanks to Capun for that work!
       - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many years.
       - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    5. He-162 Cockpit repaint for Geo's Volksjager Cockpit

      Here is a (strangely done) repaint of Geo's He-162 cockpit for use in his He-162 Volksjager. As usual, I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
      Made for SF2, it's the needed bmp's AND TGA's ONLY. This was a strange one in that most of the panel gauges are TGA's. Had to learn how to do them again :(
      The cockpit textures are 2048x2048, in the old days we didn't have the horsepower to run such large cockpit textures, but those days are long gone. Resize them if you do experience any problems. 
      Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is, I have done my best.
      Copy and paste the bmp's and tga's from this file into your He162 cockpit folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
      That's it. 
       - Geo for the He-162, all in one mod. I hope you're doing well wherever you are George.
       - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many years.
       - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    6. Me-262 Cockpit repaint for Veltro2K's Me-262 - Kesselbrut's Cockpit

      Here is a (so-so) repaint of Kesselbrut's Me-262 cockpit for use in Veltro2K's Me-262's. Again, I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
      Made for SF2, it's the needed bmp's ONLY. 
      The cockpit textures are 2048x2048, in the old days we didn't have the horsepower to run such large cockpit textures, but those days are long gone. Resize them if you do experience any problems. 
      Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is, I have done my best.
      I HIGHLY recommend you get any of Julio Junqueira's excellent 109 pits and grab the optional pilot legs and drop them in your 190. They work fine and I'm sure you have them already. You should. 
      Copy and paste the bmp's from this file into your V2K 262 cockpit folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
      That's it. 
       - Veltro2K for the Me-262 and for the HUGE range of WW2 and later aircraft you have done for us. Much appreciated!
       - Kesselbrut for another one of his great cockpits. I hope you're doing well wherever you are Daniel.  
       - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many     years.
       - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    7. Fw-190 Cockpit Repaint for Torno's FW190's

      Here is a (decidedly average) repaint of Torno's FW-190 cockpit for use in his excellent range of Fw-190's. I made it for my personal use but maybe the five of us (me, Kev and other kindred spirits) who still use SF2 to sim WW2 can get some use out of it. 
      Made for SF2, it's the needed jpg's ONLY. 
      Which 190 is it? Well, I started with the A as a basis but you can use it in any of Torno's beautiful Wurgers. The one here is the one featuring "moar gunz" - of course.
      Not 100% accurate, there's always compromises that have to be made, but it is what it is. 
      Copy and paste the jpg's from this file into your 190 (of whatever flavor) cockpit folder. Back up the corresponding original files in case you want to revert.
      That's it. 
       - TORNO for the great range of Fw-190's. Excellent work amigo. Torno's work is for CombatAce ONLY, these are NOT to appear elsewhere.
       - CombatAce for being a bastion of Strike Fighters for these many. many years.
       - TK for creating SFP1 and SF2 for all of us to enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    8. SF2 IAI Saar (EG) Pack

      SF2 IAI Saar (EG) Pack       6/14/2024
      -For SF2, Any and All- (Full 5 Merged Suggested -SF2E &/or SF2I  )
      -Another 1stGen Salvage Operation-
      This is a rebuild of EricGen's 1stGen Dassault/IAI Super Mystere 'Saar', as used by the Israeli Air Force and Honduran Air Force from the 1970s through the 1990s.
      This mod is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Super Mystere Saar available from within the game (Third Wire) or any mods of the stock bird that may exist.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. Most markings are decals, with the exception of the orange colored ID bands on one of the IDF skins. Decal Randomization is TRUE.  All necessary items are provided, decals, weapons, pilots, sounds, and so forth. Some you've probably got already. If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed.
      The canopy operates with the Standard Animations Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). The cockpit provided is one of Stary's superb works, and can also be used on the stock 3W version of the Saar (as for some reason, "out of the box" it's not player flyable).
      The aircraft is supplied with a number skins for the varying Air Forces:
      No.105 Sqdn "The Scorpion" (3-tone)
      No.105 Sqdn (3-tone w/ID trangles <10/73)
      IDF 3-tone (as delivered in 1976)
      Camo 2, Late (2-tone greys <1985)
      As indicated above, you can see the the SF2 "date switch" is active.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
      Saar (EG)
      So you can't mistake it for anything other than what it is. This will also differentialize THIS one from the 3W Super Mystere Saar that's stock in game. The "EG" of course, is for EricGen.
      As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, of course, in the Notes section below.
      Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    9. SF2 Super Mystere B.2 (EG) Pack

      SF2 Super Mystere B.2 (EG) Pack       6/7/2024
      -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested )
      -Another 1stGen Salvage Operation-
      This is a rebuild of EricGen's 1stGen Dassault Super Mystere B.2, as used by the French and Israeli Air forces from the 1950s through the 1970s.
      This mod is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mystere IVA  available from within the game (Third Wire) or any mods of the stock bird that may exist.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. Most markings are decals, with the exception of the fuselage color bands on some of the NMF skins. Decal Randomization is TRUE.  All necessary items are provided, decals, weapons, pilots, sounds, and so forth. Some you've probably got already. If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed.
      The canopy operates with the Standard Animations Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). The cockpit provided is one of Stary's superb works, and can also be used on the stock 3W version (as for some reason, "out of the box" it's not player flyable).
      The aircraft is supplied with a number skins for the varying Air Forces:
      EC 1/5 Vendee (1961-1966)
      EC 1/10 Valois (1958-1974)
      EC 2/5 Ile de France (1961-66)
      EC 2/10 Seine (1958-1968)
      EC 2/12 Cornouailles (<1959)
      No.105 Sqdn "The Scorpion" (NMF 1958)
      No.105 Sqdn (Blue/Brown Camo <62)
      No.105 Sqdn (3-tone <69)
      As indicated above, you can see the the SF2 "date switch" is active.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
      Super Mystere B2 (EG)
      So you can't mistake it for anything other than what it is. This will also differentialize THIS one from the 3W Super Mystere that's stock in game. This includes NOT conflicting with the superb skin/ini pack that PauloPanz did some years back (reccomended!!!!).
      As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included; several are actually in their respective skin folders. The 'Change Log' is, of course, in the Notes section below.
      Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    10. Mirage F1EE ALR

      Mirage F1EE_ALR
      This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him.
      In June 1975, with tension growing with Morocco, Spain decided to strengthen its Air Force and bought 15 Mirage F1C that were allocated to Albacete AB. In mid-1976 there was still some tension with Morocco and Algerian and Libyan MiG-25 flights on the Mediterranean, which would lead the Spanish Air Force to purchase ten more Mirage F1C and two years later order 48 Mirage F1C and F1E.
      F1EE_ALR specifics:
      Same as EE_Late except:
      - RWR AN/ALR-300 installed instead of RWR BF - 6 aircraft were modified
      Covered units :
      Ala 14.
      This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
      The Mirage F-1 Team.


         (2 reviews)



    11. New skins Korean War in 4K for F-80C from ErikGen

      Two skin for F-80C by "ErikGen", 16th FIS and 36th FBS during Korean War
      -Skin in 4K DDS
      -New normal map
      -New specular map
      -New texture damage
      Extract Zip file contents in your mod folder and play !
      Thanks you very much "Geary" for your templates !!


         (1 review)



    12. SF2 Mystere 4A (AJ) Pack

      SF2 Mystere 4A (AJ) Pack       5/31/2024
      -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested )
      -Another 1stGen Salvage Operation-
      This is a rebuild of Ajundair's 1st Gen Dassault Mystere IVA, as used by the French, Israeli and Indian Air forces from the 1950s through the 1970s. As this mod references a stock cockpit, SF2:I and/or SF2:E are REQUIRED (or a full 5 Merged, of course!).
      This mod is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mystere IVA  available from within the game (Third Wire) or any mods of the stock bird that may exist.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. Most markings are decals, with the exception of the fuselage color bands on some of the NMF skins. Decal Randomization is TRUE.  All necessary items are provided, decals, weapons, pilots, sounds, and so forth. Some you've probably got already. If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed.
      The canopy operates with the Standard Animations Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero)
      The aircraft is supplied with a number skins for the varying Air Forces:
      EC 1/5 Vendee (<1955)
      EC 2/8 Languedoc (61-82) - both in NMF
      No.101 Sqnd "First Fighter" (<1955 NMF)
      No.101 Sqdn "First Fighter" (NMF, w/Red Stripe <58)
      No.116 Sqdn "Flying Wing" (Blue/Brown Camo <61)
      No.116 Sqdn "Flying Wing" (3-tone <69)
      "Indian Silver" (standard NMF <1957)
      As indicated, the SF2 "date switch" is active. The IDF/AF 2-tone is a brand new skin, as it had never been created for the original release (2004-ish) The IDF/AF 3-tone late camo is a "rebuilt" skin, as the original had the wrong colors. All other skins have had a least some minor repainting. The Indian AF skin does =NOT= break the serials down into their respective squadrons, nor are there any squadron 'nose art' badges. Consider them generic in nature, although the serials are ALL historically correct.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
      Mystere IVA (AJ)
      So you can't mistake it for anything other than what it is. This will also diferentiate THIS one from the 3W Mysetere IVA that's stock in game. This includes NOT conflicting with the superb skin/ini pack that PauloPanz did some year back (reccomended!!!!). As stated above, this mod makes use of the STOCK 3rd Wire cockpit from it's MyIVA, but I've left in the originial F-86 cockpit (with some mods) and it's inis from 2004. It's also been updated to add any missing bits.
      The template I made is also included. It's "medium rez", in 1024x. Make of it what you will.
      As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, of course, in the Notes section below.
      Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    13. Sukhoi Su-17/20/22 (Fitter B-C-D-F)

      The Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) is a Soviet variable-sweep wing fighter-bomber developed from the Sukhoi Su-7.
      It enjoyed a long career in Soviet, later Russian, service and was widely exported to Eastern Bloc, Arab air forces, Angola
      and Peru as the Su-20 and Su-22. It is the first variable-sweep wing of Soviet origin.
      These are earlier models.
      What's In:
      7 Flyable planes
      New Skins, Decals
      Weapons, pilots, sounds
      - original model: Amokfloo
      - first SF-2 pack: Eburger68
      - new templates, skins, decats, tweaks etc: Paulopanz
      - delete any previous version
      - all in your mod folder
      I started working on this plane many years ago. As the model was good I asked only for deleting dorsal antenna.
      All things stopped when someone told me a bigger project was started about ALL Sukhois family.
      In fact I saw a lot of fantastic pictures about it, but years went by and no Sukhoi was realised.
      So I lost any hope about it and decided to finish up my very ancient skinpack using Y. Gordon book.
      This plane has the same dorsal antenna I wanted to delete, but I think is quite good, now in a far better dressing than original one and this is the only one Sukhoi we have to fit in all comunity scenarios.
      I hope you like!



         (3 reviews)



    14. Sabre Dogs - Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet

      Royal Danish Air Force F-86D Sabre Dog
      Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
      Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
      A fake pilot mod is required.
      The mod requires new fuel tanks that are added to the mod
      In the game under a prefix. KDF. * you will find F-86D Sabre Dog
      * Kongelige Danske Flyvevåbnet
      A brand new model, 
      All skins are in 4096x /3072x format based on new templates. You can easily resize as needed. 
      All serial numbers are historically correct for specific squadrons/years of service in the Danish Air Force.
      Check weapon names in loadout.ini and sounds to match your files.
      This model along with previous F-86D mods uses a rocket gun tray, not the best solution, but unguided rockets perhaps would not be better - but if you have a way to make it work, please share knowledge.
      There is an additional "weapon" - tacan antenna so that it can appear on airframes after 1960. It is not a weapon, nor does anything, just a 'feature'
      Model, mambo jumbo-like skins, decals - yakarov79
      The model is based more or less on Zur's 86H which was provided by Wrench. 

      No animal was harmed during the creation of this mod.
      I have added Ravenclaw's AIM-9B although all of you for sure have this, 
      Have fun.
      Report bugs. *
      Expect the unexpected.
      Live long and prosper.
      Jarek Hereda
      * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  It's not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..


         (0 reviews)



    15. Wings Over Ogaden

      Hello! Thank you for downloading my mod!

      This mod is based of the Ogaden War, an obscure conflict not really known or told about today. So I decided to make a campaign based off of it! Be warned, this mod probably won't be super historically accurate, please bear with me as this is my first ever mod and there will most likely be bugs. Thank you!
      It is July 13th, 1977, and Somalia has invaded the Ogaden, an area in the Horn of Africa claimed to be held by both Somalia and Ethiopia. Claiming that the Ogaden belonged to "Greater Somalia", combined with both deteriorated relations with the USSR and superpower intervention in Africa, Somali Dictator Siad Barre orders for troops to enter and recapture Somali inhabited territories in the Horn of Africa, with the Ogaden being first. The Ethiopians desperately fight back but being completely caught off guard and with their military being weak thanks to the Derg's overthrowing the Emperor of Ethiopia three years earlier, the Somalis captured up to 90% of the region, and their Air Force prowls the skies above the fight on the ground. Despite the odds, with the United States aircraft and the Soviet Union's support and supplies, it is up to the Ethiopian Air Force's Tigers, Frescos, Canberras, transports, sorties around the clock, and the Ethiopian Ground Forces to recapture the region and push the Somalis out of the region. Scramble immediately, and take back the skies of the Ogaden!

      Mods used for the campaign, (My apologizes if I am wrong.)
      F-5E Tiger II mod by Centurion.
      Ethiopian and Eritrean terrain by Menrva.
      F-86F-40 mod by Wrench.
      F-5A Tiger, I believe made by the Mirage Factory.
      (I do not have the link.)
      F-5B Tiger by FastCargo for the model and madvad for the EtAF skin. (Model in the link below, skin included in the Campaign.)
      Ethiopian Canberra B.52 by paulopanz
      MiG-17F SAC Camo by Wrench
      IL-28 Beagle SAC Camo and Aircraft by Trotski

      Credits to:

      ThirdWire for this awesome game!
      Paulopanz and madvad for help with creating the mod!
      And the CombatACE community for making all the mods used in this campaign, and being really nice in general! :)

      Step-1: Download and extract.
      Step-2: Move all folders into your mod folder, (i.e C:\Users\[Name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2 Mod Folder)
      Step-3: Start your .exe file and have fun!
      Happy flying!


         (1 review)



    16. SF2 TMF Mirage3C EC 3/10 Vexin Skin Pack

      SF2 TMF Mirage3C EC 3/10 Vexin Skin Pack       5/21/2024
      -For SF2, Any and All-
      This here is a "new" skin for The Mirage Factory's Mirage IIIC, representing EC 3/10 Vexin in 2-tone desert camoflague, as they appeared during the Chad/Libyan war, based in Djbouti. EC 3/10 was the last unit in the AdA to use the Mirage III. I've given it a start date of 1984, so the 'SF2 Date Switch' will turn it on then.
      You can find the TMF Mirage IIIC at the following url:
      Reminder: this is for the IIIC =ONLY!!!=, NOT the IIICi!!
      Almost all marking are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin remains in it's original bmp format. A skin specific Hangar screen was created just for this mod. Also included, are updated Data and loadout inis, containing Crusader's animation fix for the intake shock cones, and a small weapons twerk. I'd suggest backing up your originals, as a "CYA" measure.
      When 'in game', on the Loadout screen, unit selection drop down, you'll see:
      EC 3/10 Vexin (<1984 Desert)
      Although, wherever your flying it WILL turn on automaticlly.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      For Oli and The Mirage Factory




    17. SF2 TMF Mirage 5F Pack

      SF2 TMF Mirage 5F Pack       5/22/2024
      Updated 5/24/24, v2.0
      -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested)
      This is a NEW aircraft, based on an pre-existing TMF aircraft LOD, used to (re)create the Mirage 5F fighter-bomber as used by the French Air Force. To let you all know, no "official" 5F was ever created and relased by TMF. So, consider this an "un-official" version <gr>!
      This mod is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mirage 5F available from within the game (Third Wire) or any others that may exist.  Skins remain in their original bmp format. Most markings are decals, with the exception of the AdA Rudder tri-color bands on the NMF skin. Decal Randomization is TRUE.  All necessary items are provided, serial number decals, weapons, pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth. Some, you've probably got already. If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed. The canopy operates with the Standard Animations Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero)
      The aircraft is supplied with 2 skins for EC 3/13 Auvergne:
      NMF (start date=1)
      Euro Camo (<1975)
      As indicated, the SF2 "date switch" is active.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
      Mirage 5F (TMF)
      So you can't mistake it for anything other than TMF Birds (tm). This will also diferentiate THIS one from the 3W 5F that's stock in game, but is AI only. On that note, the supplied cockpit (by BPAO & Crusader) was originally designed for use with the 3W AI Mirage 5F in 2017. For those wishing to do so, I've supplied the needed inis, and the instructional read-me. They are in a folder within the main aircraft folder. Ya can't miss it! <gr>.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.
      Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      For Oli and The Mirage Factory
      Special Thanks to Crusader, Jimbib & Cliff7600 for their assistance!


         (0 reviews)



    18. LOD Exporter for Blender

      I tried to implement the exporter only based on the information I found by investigating LOD files. I'm not a 3D Modeler myself. I only tested the exporter with rather simple object (hierarchies).
      The bottom line is that I have no idea if the exporter works for you. So please give feedback.
      Note: This plugin requires blender version 2.78 or 2.79. It is not compatible with blender versions 2.8+.
      1.) Installation
      Open the Blender User Preferences - Add-ons Tab
      (File -> User Preferences... -> Add-Ons)
      Click "Install from File..."
      Browse to and select the exporter python script "io_export_sf2_lod.py"
      Click "Install from File..." (or double click on the script name)
      In the Add-Ons Tab under Supported Level select Testing and enable "Import-Export: Strike Fighters 2 LOD Exporter"
      The LOD exporter is now installed and enabled. Under File -> Export you should see the menu item "Strike Fighters 2 LOD (.lod)". It's greyed out until an exportable object is selected.
      2.) Usage
      Select the object you want to export and click File -> Export -> Strike Fighters 2 LOD (.lod)
      The file browser opens. In the lower left area you see the LOD exporter options:
      -enable/disable writing the out file (text file with information about the exported object(s)).
      -enable/disable animation export
      -allow decals:
          This option is similar to the option in the original TW-Exporter: "Exporting using AllowDecals=0 causes the vertex to be shared, so it can reduce the size of the .LOD but also causes decals to "bleed" along the edges."
          This dialog setting is used as default for all objects to be exported. However, it can be overwritten by each individual object via the custom object property "AllowDecals" = 0(false) or 1(true)
      The selected object and all child objects are exported.
      Two custom object properties are supported by the exporter:
          -AllowDecals = 0 or 1, This option is similar to the option in the original TW-Exporter: "Exporting using AllowDecals=0 causes the vertex to be shared, so it can reduce the size of the .LOD but also causes decals to "bleed" along the edges."
          -UseFlatNormal = 0 or 1, if set to 1 then all vertex normals are pointing straight up (normal = (0,0,1)) in the objects local coordinate system.
      Please note!
      The objects must meet the following requirements:
      -No scaling in the Transform Properties allowed (that means: scale x = y = z = 1.0). If your object has scaling, it should be applied to the mesh (Ctrl-A)
       Scaling is only allowed for animations.
      -A material must be assigned to the object. Only the first material of an object is exported.
      The following material parameters are exported:
          -Diffuse Color (the lod file format also contains ambient color. Currently the exporter set ambient color = diffuse color)
          -Specular Color
          -Specular Intensity
          -Specular Hardness (I think in 3ds Max it's called glossiness)
          -if "Shading -> Emit" > 0.0 then self illumination is enabled
          -Transparency (if transparency is enabled, then the object doesn't cast and doesn't catch shadow. if transparency is disabled, then the object cast and catch shadow. The specific LOD format version the exporter writes, doesn't support arbitrary cast/catch shadow combinations. The other LOD formats I don't understand enough (yet). Sorry!)
          -Mirror Reflectivity
          -Diffuse texture image name (as diffuse texture the exporter uses the texture where "Influence -> Diffuse -> Color" is enabled)
          -Normal map texture image name("Influence -> Geometry -> Normal" is enabled and the Normal value is also exported)
          -Specular map texture image name("Influence -> Specular -> Intensity" is enabled)
          -Normal and specular map can only be used together with a diffuse map. (If I exported a normal or specular map without diffuse map, then the LOD wasn't shown in the game or the game crashed. I don't know why...)
      Animation Export:
          This exporter supports the following object animation types: location, rotation and scaling.
          Frames 10, 20, 30, ..., 100 are exported as animation 1
          Frames 110, 120, 130, ..., 200 are exported as animation 2, ...

      Thanks to logan4 and angelp who provided me with specific lod files that helped me to understand the lod file format better.

      Version 0.1:
      -initial release
      Version 0.2:
      -bugfix: didn't work in blender version 0.79
      Version 0.3:
      -animation support
      -added custom object properties: "AllowDecals" and "UseFlatNormal"


         (1 review)



    19. Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot"

      The Sukhoi Su-25 (NATO reporting name: "Frogfoot") is a single-seat, twin-engine jet aircraft developed in the Soviet Union by the Sukhoi Design Bureau.
      It was designed to provide close air support for the Soviet Ground Forces.
      The first prototype made its maiden flight on 22 February 1975. After testing, the aircraft went into series production in 1978 at Tbilisi in the Soviet Republic of Georgia.
      Russian air and ground forces nicknamed it "Grach" ("Rook").
      WHAT's IN:
      - The SF-2 Frogfoot by Florian (with new little mappings edits)
      - A Whole new skinset:
      - 3 VVS
      - 2 Navy
      - 2 CVL
      - 2 Georgia
      - 2 Ukraine
      - 2 BVVS
      - 1 IRAQ
      - 1 Angola
      - 2 Peru
      - New & tweaked decals
      - New FM tuned by Baffmeister
      - screens, pilot, seat
      - Florian: tweaked model
      - Wingoverisrael: first, big reskin
      - Torno: second, great reskin
      - Paulopanz: new temps (soon avalaible), new skins, decals etc.
      - Baffmeister: fantastic, new FM
      - Y.Gordon: references
      This is the old Florian outstanding model revamped, a big upgrade is in the work by Martin. I think it's so good that we can't wait for the new one to fly.
      A what if Parani skin will be posted in dedicated section soon by gentle request.
      So this is my birthday (i'm so old ...) present for you all my friends!
      God bless CA.


         (16 reviews)



    20. YF-16A

      Prototype skin for F-16 by YAP and A-Time. 


         (0 reviews)



    21. F-16B Venezuela

      FAV skin for F-16 by YAP and A-Time. 
      P.S. There are 2 types of LOD. If you need help, contact me.


         (0 reviews)



    22. F-16A Venezuela AF

      FAV skin for F-16 by YAP and A-Time. 


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    23. X-62 VISTA

      X-62 VISTA skin for F-16 by YAP and A-Time.


         (0 reviews)



    24. NF-16D VISTA

      VISTA skin for F-16 by YAP and A-Time. 


         (0 reviews)



    25. SF2 TMF Mirage 5DE & Mirage 5SDE Upgrade/Remod Pack

      SF2 TMF Mirage 5DE & Mirage 5SDE Upgrade/Remod Pack       5/10/2024
      -For SF2, Any and All-(Full 5 Merged Suggested)
      This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Mirage 5SD of the Lybian Air force, and the Mirage 5SDE as used by the Egyptian Air Force. As you can see, this mod contains 2 aircraft:
      Mirage 5DE:
      No. 1030 Sqdn, LARAF
      Mirage 5SDE:
      No.69 Sqdn (Early)
      No.69 Sqdn (<1977 w/ID Panels), EAF
      This mod is set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mirage 5SD and SDE available from within the game (aka: DLC #28) or any others that may exist.  Skins remain in its original bmp format. All markings are decals. Serial number Decal Randomization is TRUE. The 5SDE for Egypt has all 54 historicaly correct serials; these change from 1000 series to 9000 series with the date change to the ID paneled skin. Best Research (tm) shows the LARAF numbers to be correct as well.  New Hangar and Loading screens are included as well. The canopies operate with the standard animation keystroke, Shift/0 (zero)
      All necessary items are provided, serial number decals, weapons (drop tanks), pilots, seats, sounds, effects, and so forth.  Some, you've probably got already!!! If I missed any, PLEASE let me know and I'll get it fixed.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see:
      Mirage 5SD (TMF)
      Mirage 5SDE (TMF)
      So you can't mistake it for anything other than TMF Birds (tm). This will also differentialize these from the 3rd Wire stock & DLC versions.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      For Oli and The Mirage Factory


         (0 reviews)




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