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  1. 8 points
    Nice. Split Off to take care of the sams Look Ma... No Nukes!!!!
  2. 7 points
  3. 5 points
  4. 5 points
    los cambios sutiles pero mas exactos en el perfil del JF17
  5. 5 points
    most retired, but a few went south....
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    If you modify your machine guns to carry incendiary ammunition in FE2, be careful to carry a letter from your squadron commander certifying that you are on an authorised anti-balloon mission. Otherwise, if captured with incendiary ammunition in your guns, you are liable to being court-martialled by your captors for using ammunition which is illegal for “normal use” under the Geneva Conventions. WW1 was that kind of war.
  8. 2 points
    got one Mirage F1. but lost both Foxbats before mission end.......
  9. 2 points
    British Aerospace Sea Hawk FRS.1 - 807 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1979
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    ya! totally it was so knightly thing up in the air if i could manage to put the plane on the ground one piece i`d set it on fire NO EVIDENCE
  12. 2 points
    @Rooster, As far as I know, for incendiary choices, the best one is the Le Prieur rocket option available for some of the Nieups., such as the 11, 16, 17 and 23. In terms of the Vickers, there is the Mark I, one or two improvements for the Mark I (designated "I_I"), also the Mk. II, and others, available in a stock install of FE2 under Saved Games/ThirdWire/FirstEagles2/Objects/Guns. If you are using the guns modifications available in my FM/realism pack for FE2, you will find other variants in there as well, such as a "Mk2boost" (Mk. II Vickers with booster on one of the guns, etc.). However, none of those are necessarily incendiary. The aircraft data inis, by the way, that are included in my FM mods pack(s), are linked to the modified gun variant data inis also included in the FM mod pack -- so there's no need to tinker with such details if my FM pack(s) are installed in full (aircraft mods, gun mods, etc.). To experiment further, regarding incendiary ammo, once you go into any aircraft data ini file of choice, search for the "Internal Guns" section. Once there, change the gun listed under the "GunTypeName=" to something other than what is currently listed. For example, in the late Albatros D.II data ini I've tweaked, the GunTypeName entry (for both the left and right M.G.s) is: 7.92MM_SPANDAU_LMG08/15 For Entente aircraft, on the other hand, there will be a Lewis or Vickers sub-type listed there. Then, change out the Vickers, or Lewis that is listed, for some other higher-caliber option that is by default included under Saved Games/ThirdWire/FirstEagles2/Objects/Guns. I recommend trying the "1PDR_VICKERS_MK3" or "11mm_VICKERS_BALLOON_GUN" option, without quotation marks, to see if one of those gives more satisfactory results. So, in short, while I don't think there are any incendiary options beyond the Le Prieur rockets available in FE2 (and while I haven't tweaked any higher-caliber options for my FM mods packages, beyond standard Spandau, Parebellum, Lewis, Hotchkiss, and Vickers variants, to change rate of fire and reliability across different periods of WWI, etc.) -- a higher-caliber option for any of the M.G.s might be worth trying out -- with results somewhat similar to those of incendiary rounds, I suppose. Have never used the gun editor program that Julio has kindly linked to above (I tweak the data ini files by opening them in text-edit programs) -- so I can't offer any comments on those various editors that are available. Happy flying (and flaming),
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    I found this interesting video and I thought it would be nice video to share with you. Enjoy the show
  15. 1 point
    This should explain you how it works in StrikeFighters 2 games:
  16. 1 point
    THANKS! im downloading your tweaks package right now you sir made everything clear and simple i prefer editing in text too
  17. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    Here to get 30sm And basically I made two version of Russian Naval Air Force (BMPφ) Skin for Su-30SM,u can see them in screenshoot page. (I used some oldder version Su-30SM's tex for some parts of mine work,I dont really remember who made that but Thank you for your work!!!) Also I provide data.ini and loadout.ini,I just do some changes to make them act close to reality,hope u guys enjoy. Recommand step: [Squadronxxx] Name=43rd RGT,BMP DisplayName=43rd Attack Regiment,BMP Nation=Soviet to your SQUADRONLIST.INI seeya
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    thanks! ima take a shoot at it and see
  20. 1 point
    Last USAFE Super Sabres. 48th TFW, 1971.
  21. 1 point
    Pienso lanzarlos algún día con el mapa de Malvinas fotorrealista junto con los modelos nuevos de A4 B,C,Q, Súper Etendard, Sea Harrier, Mirage III EA ,DA , Dagger A , B y Pucara
  22. 1 point
    Two out of three (ain't bad)
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Work on progress Fixed the cockpit to almost the correct size
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Ye-8 aka MiG-23F Built in 2 prototypes in 1962. It was nearly as agile as a F-16A, which was developed 10 years later. Development canceled in favor of Ye-231, later called MiG-23S swing wing fighter plane.
  32. 1 point
    During Korea War the MiG-15, flown by soviet pilots, had 3-digit black numbers. The tactical number was made by the last 3 digits of the serial (production) number of the plane.
  33. 1 point
    Ragnarokryan, Good morning! Thank you for the reply. I, too, had the problems with Jane's IAF and I solved it by using both Tackleberry's Jane's FA-IAF-USAF patch and dgVoodoo2. When I used a fix patch only, there was a problem with Jane's IAF where it became laggy / slutter when entering a cockpit / hud mode. I fixed the problems by using dgVoodoo2. Note: With both tackleberry's patch + dgVoodoo2, I am able to use a regular IAF.exe. ------------------------------------------------------------- What I do, in order, to get Jane's IAF working on Windows 10: 1) I Installed Jane's IAF and patched it 2) Tackleberry Patch: https://www.moddb.com/games/janes-united-states-air-force/downloads/tackleberrys-patches-for-usaf-iaf-and-fa NOTE: There is a IAF patch in a folder "JITP 3) Download dgVoodoo2 I copied all files from dgVoodoo2_72\MS\x86 to IAF main folder. Then I copied dgVoodoo.config and dgVoodooCpl.exe to IAF main folder. 4) Run dgVoodooCpl.exe and I tweaked it this way (I am still learning about using dgVoodooCpl.exe): [/img] [/img] 5) Ran IAFCONFIG.EXE and make sure "Run Hardware Acceleration is selected 6) Run IAF.exe ----------------------------------------- By the way, I am able to successfully getting Jane's Fighter Anthology, Jane's IAF, Jane's USAF, and Jane's WWII Fighters running on Windows 10. I am working on Jane's Longbow 2. Since I missed out Super Pro 9.4 long time ago, I want to take an opportunity to fly Jane's USAF again with Super Pro 9.4, so I can enjoy a fully modded Jane's USAF to fullest. Not only for me, also for the community who is still modding Jane's sims to this day. It is my goal to bring Jane's USAF back alive with the community. If you struggle to install and run Jane's USAF on WIndows 10, I wrote an instruction on how to set up Jane's USAF at this link: http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2462 There is none another sims that are as good as Jane's series sim (Having the balanced between simple and complex). Strike Fighters are good but in my opinion, they are too simple. No air to ground locking for long range ATG missiles, no clickable MFD in a simple way, etc. DCS World / Falcon BMS is too complicated. Jane's IAF and USAF is perfect in the balance between both worlds. At the other hand, IL-2 1946 is also perfect for me because I can disable a complex engine management and still experience realistic flying of aircraft, operate weapons, etc... Just like Jane's USAF. Just jump into any plane, take off and fly each of aircraft realistically while operating the weapons, radar, etc...
  34. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    The BAE Systems Hawk is a British single-engine, advanced jet trainer aircraft. It was first flown at Dunsfold, Surrey, in 1974 as the Hawker Siddeley Hawk, and subsequently produced by its successor companies, British Aerospace and BAE Systems, respectively. It has been used in a training capacity and as a low-cost combat aircraft. The Hawk T1 (Trainer Mark 1) was the original version of the Hawk used by the RAF, deliveries commencing in November 1976. The RAF received a total of 175 T1s. What's in: - a new plane; - 4 new and 1 upgraded skins; - Historical decalsets; - open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off; - weapons - "real" sound; - New screens; - loadout.tga; Notes: - This plane uses as stand in Harrier1 cockpit - Coupi tweak (harrier's frame removed) is inside the pack Credits: - RussoUK - plane model 2.0; - MarcFighters original Red Harrows skin; - Ndicki- original Templates; - Coupi pit tweak; - Spillone104 - RR Adour sound; - Paulopanz - Skins, Decals,edits; - Crusader - data, weapons, pit revision; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite - if you haven't SF-2EU or dislike Harrier1 pit open Hawk51.ini [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Hawk T.1 AircraftShortName=Hawk AircraftDataFile=Hawk61_data.ini //CockpitDataFile=Hawk_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=Harrier1_cockpit.ini <---- delete this HangarScreen=Hawk_Hangar.jpg LoadingScreen=Hawk_Loading.jpg LoadoutImage=Hawk_Loadout.tga LoadoutFile=Hawk_loadout.ini //AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll <---- delete this //AvionicsDataFilename=HAWK_AVIONICS.INI AvionicsDataFilename=Harrier1_avionics.ini <---- delete this UserList=Hawk_UserList.ini ---> delete all "//" too and you will use the F-100 cockpit That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz
  35. 1 point


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