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  1. 6 points
    What if New Zealand had decided to re-place emphasis on the fighter/bomber role when It came time to replace the Canberra in the late 60's early 70's?.... Refurbished US F-8H: Upgraded in the late 80's with the AGP-66A and AIM-7:
  2. 3 points
    I must rebuild Paris Le Bourget Airport, then i will add the big french air base Landisviseau, the airfield of Jersey and Dunsfold Airfield in UK. Perhaps i will add the Top Gear track at Dunsfold. Let's see. Afterwards i must rework the british radarstation network. The old radar towers must be replaced by more modern british radars. Unfortunatly there are no Ames Type 80 availabe, which would be perfect.
  3. 2 points
    Looking cool, I guess for the final years a wraparound camo would be nice, like on the Hunters T.7 https://www.airfighters.com/photo/215025/M/UK-Air-Force/Hawker-Hunter-T7A/XL568/
  4. 2 points
    Republic Thunderstreak FGA.2 - No.41 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1965
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    ya know its wierd. i like the top end metal. but hated the bottom metal 6 hours later i see why the bottom wasnt done up as much, one of the weirder mapping jobs ive seen on the older girls
  8. 1 point
    That's awesome guruu. So whenever I use a wingnut, I can have the confidence that he'll actually fly right.
  9. 1 point
    And AI .... Aaaaand yes, I know , I'm not Spielberg ;-)
  10. 1 point
    Ugh found my issue and it was a rookie mistake. When I added the line in for the cockpit data file, there was an extra 'o'. Good Lord my age is starting to show Thanks Wrench and everyone. Gonna have to reread the knowledgebase again
  11. 1 point
    Dear Friends, Another update, 5.108, is live. It adds a new airplane to Flying Circus Vol.III Early Access - this time it is a British two-seater F.E.2b - and fixes a number of minor issues. We have covered it in detail in our Dev Blog #352. In short, it was an unusual design compared to the rest of Great War and later aircraft - a pusher two-seater biplane with the gunner positioned in front of the pilot. Later in the war they switched to a night bomber role. Meanwhile, the preparation of the next update has started already - we're planning to release a lot more new content, including three new aircraft! Please stay tuned, we'll tell you about it in our next Dev Blogs. 5.108 Change List F.E.2 two-seater airplane is available in Early Access for all owners of "Flying Circus Vol. III"; La-5 and La-5F oil temperature gauge corrected; Li-2: the clock shows flight time; Nieuport 17 GBR (British): superfluous parts won't appear among the debris; Normandy and Rhineland Career mode: Attack Support and Defense Support missions added; Overlord campaign updated and is now available in Spanish thanks to E69_Cananas; Achtung - Spitfire! campaign updated; La-5 and La-5F: default trimmer positions are set for horizontal flight at 3000m altitude in nominal operation mode; La-5, F, FN: the radius of the damaged propeller was changed so the nose of the aircraft won't "hang" in the air in case of a nose-down incident; Fixed issue that make it possible to keep an installed modification in multiplayer when moving from the mission where it was available to a mission where it is not allowed; Albatros D2, Halberstadt D2: fire and fuel tank leakage effects corrected; U-2VS: bomb sight added.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I'm impressed by the size of that thing, and how British adopted it so fast for carrier use, so I wanted to share the story here. https://theaviationist.com/2023/11/21/mojave-rpas-hms-pow/
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Those people who put likes to my posts are not generic users, but well renowned modders who clearly saw your bashing of our mods. Not only you are so ungrateful for the mods we make, you dare to criticize high quality add-ons (such as Dels' F-117 or the recent Raptor which has been the result of teamwork with greats like yakarov79, Crusader, baffmeister and guuruu) by pointing out fake issues. I repeated myself something like four times; immediately with the first post I mentioned to look at this MiG-31 or the other Russian aircraft, because they may well have wrong data for avionics and weapons. The MiG-31 does not even have a proper cockpit, it's just a stand-in with wrong avionics. But no, it has never dawned on you that the issue was there, you still insisted in "fixing" what is well researched and correct in the mods I mentioned above. Simply put, you don't deserve any answer to any question you make, given the low reputation you reserve to us. This is not a place for childish behavior, you may want to start from the basics and learn some manners.
  18. 1 point
    So much furore over someone's creative interpretation of what the MiG-31 or R-37's capabilities are. I can only imagine that if Foxhound and Raptor drivers got together for drinks, they'd be like, 'Guys, guys, check this shite out...' Take a look at the [DetectSystem] values under the MiG-31's data.ini and dumb it down. If you like driving the Foxhound (I for one do not) you may want to fiddle around with the [RadarData] values in the avionics.ini as well.
  19. 1 point
    do we have a 'beating head against a wall emoji"? asking for a friend.
  20. 1 point
    @alexis99 very childish behavior on your part. Not only you insist in your wrong claims, you even put dislikes to all my previous posts where I took my time to explain some things you totally ignored. So much gratitude for us modders. What a shame.
  21. 1 point
    There was an avalanche of patches/updates during the heydays of SF2. What worked in a certain way with one game version became nonfunctional with the next version. Its possible that before SF2I (which brought the F-16A) RCS "worked" with low negative values. And it changed subsequently. Older posts from years back are or can be connected to a certain game version. not to mention that individual users often did not update to the latest version because of personal preferences or "new bug avoidance"
  22. 1 point
    You are on the right track. Its a bit of confusion/confounding of the [AircraftData] section with the AircraftShortName= This line is only used for in-game text display purposes, not connected to the RWR and The "aircrafts" data ini, e.g. MiG-29M_data.ini which contains the [DetectSystem] section with the important RadarFamilyName= entry And this (example) RadarFamilyName=MiG-29M designation is what goes into the first part of the list in the .lst file, calling the appropriate texture MiG-29M=RWR_MiG-29M.tga If the RadarFamilyName= line is missing, simply add it. Several older mods dont have it or it has been overlooked during upgrade/conversion from SF1 to SF2 This explanation should be more exact
  23. 1 point
    Do you realize that we are on SF2 and no longer on SF1 which was last patched in 2008, thus having less features than SF2? Just because a very old topic says the RWR needs to be negative doesn't mean that what was said there is right. In this case, it absolutely is not. This is the most accurate info on how RCS works in SF2: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/94959-lets-talk-basercsmodifier/ The RWR.lst in EricJ's Super Hornet is outdated, the most complete one is included in the F-22A Raptor add-on and in ODS 30AE, it was compiled by guuruu. But you're free to use outdated stuff, no problem with that. What angers me is seeing people pointing fingers to issues that do not exist in what I release, that is truly not funny. The RWR works in the Raptor I released, all stock aircraft from SF2 are shown clearly by the RWR as far as I'm concerned. I already told twice that the issue is on third-party aircraft, either having a wrong RadarFamilyName or missing it entirely. So, as for the connection between RWR and RCS, there is none. But since it seems I speak a foreign language, I'll let others waste their time on explaining what I already explained.
  24. 1 point
    @alexis99 with due respect, why are you editing the RCS values and the RWR list? The F-22 Raptor I released gets the RCS reduction values pretty right, and like Crusader said, it must not use negative values. Likewise for the RWR, the one included in the latest Raptor is the most complete list ever compiled by our dear guuruu. Either our answers were not enough, or you are determined in finding issues where there aren't or in looking in the wrong place. Editing the RCS means nothing to the RWR issues you're having. If you cannot get the MiG-31 or another aircraft to appear, you have to edit its RadarFamilyName in its data.ini, like Crusader mentioned above. The Raptor package I released is fine as is and its data should not be altered arbitrarily without any clues; it already includes a complete RWR.lst and all needed .tga textures for all objects listed in it. If the RWR doesn't seem to work because it doesn't display all third-party aircraft, most of the time the issue is on those other aircraft and not on the aircraft whose RWR you are using. Last but not least, if the enemy shoots you down so easily, you may have forgotten to activate the ECM (and the Raptor does have it, I created the ECM data myself). Also, most if not all engagements in SF2 happen in WVR and not in BVR, so even a Raptor and an F-117 can be shot down in such conditions, they are not godlike platforms. Moreover, realism in such dogfights much depends on how accurately third-party weapons have been reproduced in SF2; MiGs and Sukhois (and even ground objects) in your mod folder may well be using incredibly overpowered missiles due to their custom data, to the point that flares and chaff have no effect on them. Again, this is not a fault in the data we reproduced for the Raptor addon, but rather on some other outdated weapon and aircraft mods you may be using.
  25. 1 point
    Do not use negative RCS values. More here:
  26. 1 point
    The MiGs data inis must have the RadarFamilyName= entry in the DetectSystem section. This name is referred to in the RWR .LST files for calling the threat symbol tga file. A missing entry in the data ini or .LST or a typo/different names result in no symbol shown. By default, the threat tga files go into the Flight folder. If they are put into a "RWR" subfolder, then the RWR .LST file need the correct path entered, e.g. "....=RWR/MiG-31.tga"
  27. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    fixes include taxi dancing - gunflash position - steering front wheel - weapons needed - proper loadout immage - decals & random sorting - decals positions be aware of skin changes...backup original skins


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