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Showing most liked content on 04/18/2024 in Posts

  1. 11 points
  2. 9 points
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
    I hope so. Perhaps the publishing house finds an english publisher, how it was with the Mi-24 book.
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    Virginia ANG recce.... aint nothin in this world faster than a scar'd Thud on the deck i said nothin Mr Flogger back at home
  12. 2 points
    A parked plane middle on the runway is a sign, that one of the parking positions in the airfield.ini is wrong. It's the terrainbuilders fault. Mandatory screenshots: Belgian Thunderstreaks over the English Channel.
  13. 2 points
    I bought this title again this morning and just flew my first mission as a newly minted German Albatros pilot. Probably a true experience of many newbies, I did not fire a shot and but got shot up badly till my engine stopped working and started smoking. I managed a good dead stick landing and miraculously survived despite a myriad of holes in my machine. The game loaded and worked flawlessly on my Windows 11 setup. Despite being downloaded from the Windows 7 tab on the Thirdwire site it worked flawlessly. Thanks Wrench for telling me it would.
  14. 2 points
    this are the only pictures i have from the AIM-7R , the AIM-7R is basically a AIM-7P with a IR seeker and more modern avionics after the AIM-7R program was canceled they used the new MHIP (Missile Homing Improvement Program) seeker on the RIM-66M Block III B
  15. 2 points
    after all this years i´m finally made the AAM-N-2 / AIM-7A Sparrow I and that is how it looks like the 2 flares / tracer on the rear are made as self illumination , i have to try if that works in game , it is the first time i do it this way based on a special request i made the AAM-N-3 Sparrow II , there are 2 versions the USN one and the one from the RCAF and based on the RCAF version i made a what if AIM-7B production version from the top USN , RCAF and the what if AIM-7B and i made the last and final version the AIM-7 the AIM-7R , the missile had a IR-seeker in the radome and an updated avionics , the missile program was stoped due to budget cuts and the high cost of the program but there a some rumors that some of this AIM-7R where used in the Gulf War but no deffint prove of it though
  16. 2 points
    ♫ I was a creature before i could stand ♫
  17. 1 point
    Written by me. Released by Motorbuchverlag Stuttgart in german language "MiG-23". ISBN 978-3-613-04632-0 Hope you enjoy it.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    There are some good valleys and canyons in these terrains that I regularly fly training missions over: Photo Real UK Terrain V2. - Full Terrains - CombatACE Southwest United States for SF2 - Full Terrains - CombatACE Also the Desert 4 terrain and it's various updates has a great , really deep and twisty canyon in the south near a Parani nuclear facility that's just perfect for a Top Gun: Maverick style mission to take it out!
  21. 1 point
    with or without mountains, my rebuild of the stock IsraelME terrains adds a boatload of detailing (and corrects numerous problems of the original) My usual respons is "anything with my name on it'. But Menrva is my worth successor
  22. 1 point
    the title does reminds me on this song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j6kjUziksYk&pp=ygUebW1tIG1tbSBtbW0gY3Jhc2ggdGVzdCBkdW1taWVz
  23. 1 point
    The fact of the issue is that there isn't much out there really, so you'll only get so much traction with this post. Unfortunately, the terrain system isn't as detailed and I like to fly in mountain ranges low level too. But this isn't DCS, and not a good sim to do it. Go fly DCS if you want that.
  24. 1 point
    pretty sure theres a shot for that lookin good, tho im patiently waiting on teh E TRAM version....
  25. 1 point
    Agreed, but I'm afraid that it won't be mountainy enough
  26. 1 point
    A new map of Afghanistan would be really amazing!
  27. 1 point
    All the terrains from Menrva are great. You are just spoiled for choice.
  28. 1 point
    I have FE installed and working. I've installed some mods so long ago that I have forgotten the somewhat complicated process to install later-made mods. Wanting to install other mods to "complete" the game. Forgive me but will need some "guidance" in doing so. Will appreciate all help! For the moment, disregard my past installations of mods, and therefore treat me as a complete ignoramus.
  29. 1 point
    There's Gepard's Afghanistan map, but that's pretty old. Really not much maps unfortunately with mountain ranges to satisfy that itch, and I'd just recommend browsing through the Downloads section and going from there.
  30. 1 point
    added new decals, but i forgot how to make certain decals only pop up with specific numbers, if anyone can remind me (from what i know s-55 s.n 03 is the only one with the 6 rescue marks and the swan delivering a baby and some others didnt have the tail markings in the back)
  31. 1 point
    "lead, what the hell is on your speed brake?" F-15C 80-0002, also known as Opus https://www.twz.com/38216/an-eagle-named-opus-the-legend-of-the-air-forces-most-notorious-f-15
  32. 1 point
    I have this.... A-6A_Intruder-EA-6_Prowler_text.pdf
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    cockpit is a razbam, not orginal.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Yeah, a hard drive crash would be easier to recover from. In this case the software itself died. My copy of 3D Studio Max was about 15 years old. It started shutting down unexpectedly, then it started throwing error messages, then it refused to start. Autodesk stopped supporting it years ago, so no help there. I contacted everyone I know and tried everything I could think of, including reinstalling it from scratch. I finally gave up. This happened more than a week ago. I am over the bitching phase, and the feeling depressed phase, now I'm in the "Let's carry on from here" phase. I'm making good progress with Blender. The biggest downside is that I lost a huge library of components that I had created - but if I did it once, I can do it again, it's only a matter of time...
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Hi All, Have been doing a bit of tinkering lately with my FlightGear install - and results are pleasing enough in what is a free, open-source flight sim. Managed eventually to get accurate photo-scenery working in FG, which is a noticeable improvement over the stock (dated) scenery that has been available in that sim for years on end (see pic. below for photo-scenery at work in FG, in this case in the Mesopotamian/s. Iraqi area; the Alb. D.I is a re-skin and FM-overhaul of a model done by Lester Boffo). On a hunch, I then converted a bunch of the photo-tiles from FG (stock format is DDS) to BMP format - so that they become visible in the FE2 terrains folder - and it does indeed work - but would require careful, aesthetic choices regarding what tiles to replace in the terrains folder, such as farms, cities, deserts, etc. - for best cohesion and not too many jarring disconnects between tiles. Nice to see that stock trees and buildings are populating over the satellite/ortho-terrains too, in FE2. Photo-scenery is simply an improved "satellite" carpet that covers the stock scenery and terrain framework in FlightGear - and by extension works the same way in the ThirdWire sims but requires manual conversion to BMP format and manual placement in the terrains folder (perhaps the DDS format would work too, but I didn't bother tinkering with the various settings/text files this time around in the terrains folder). The other good thing about FlightGear is that it is fully under the GNU GPL (General Public License; i.e., "copy-left" license) - so there are no copyright problems that I know of if one borrows such ortho-scenery for FE2 too (haven't bothered to test with SF2). And if working on such a terrain swap as a personal project - that is of course even simpler. A few representative pics. below with just a few ortho-scenery tiles placed over Stephen1918's upgrade of the Mesopotamian theater for FE2. Results look pretty good, particularly when flying higher up, and I haven't noticed any FPS drop with the photo-scenery tiles loaded. Some old tiles are still in place in the pics., for comparative purposes. Any empty areas are where I didn't bother to load tiles. Anyway - I hope you find this post interesting - it's perhaps the "cheapest" way of upgrading tiles across the various theaters available for FE2. If I find enough free time I might tinker further with this side-project; will post comments if the results prove particularly successful. Cheers & good flying,
  39. 1 point
    One more small update for this thread before I retreat temporarily into work mode - as per relevant info. in my previous post, have now done further tests and it is indeed possible to load DDS terrain files directly into FE2 (simplest is to point to relevant DDS files from within the general data ini file that resides in the "Terrains" folder). Having said that, one peculiarity about loading of DDS terrains, instead of BMP ones - is that trees, buildings, other objects, etc., do not show up anymore. Once DDS files are converted to BMP format, on the other hand (as seen in the pics. in my previous post) - trees and buildings once again nicely come through. So, unlike FlightGear that siphons in PNG-to-DDS converted satellite imagery (when its photo-scenery option is set up), FE2/SF2 would require conversion of DDS to BMP files, so as not to smother out the added immersion of objects and trees already present in/on the ThirdWire terrains. Couple of pics. below with DDS ortho/photo-scenery being tested in the Mesopotamian theater in FE2. Graphics look quite good to me but unfortunate is the loss of trees and whatnot - so it's back to conversion to BMP format. Also, as evident in the pics. below, with careful choice of satellite photos the effects are not too jarring between different tiles when all are placed together. Not too bad for initial, manual placement of tiles - but very tricky to place correctly once you get towards rivers, seas/oceans, shorelines, and so on. The job of a terrain modeler is not an easy one - virtual drinks on the house for all terra-formers, also for object-placement ini file crunchers. One thing I particularly like about the satellite photo-scenery options in FlightGear is that, if you like, you can set things up in such a way that the scenery downloading/siphoning mechanism follows your aircraft as you fly, and nicely drops correctly placed terrains below, around, and in front of your flying path. Such a feature requires, once the photo-scenery siphoning system is set up, that you make sure to feed the following command/property to FlightGear itself: --telnet=5000 The photo-siphoning mechanism then connects to local IP no. (i.e., "localhost") on port 5000 and "feeds" satellite imagery to FlightGear as soon as terrain images are downloaded. Such an automatized process makes unnecessary the hassle of manually attempting to place photo-scenery tiles in correct places and positions. (Scenery can also be saved locally, for later offline use - without always having to re-download images.) While there is no multiplayer capability in FE2 - theoretically, if the "telnet=5000" command could somehow be fed to the FE2.exe itself - then a simple re-duplication of one of the more accessible photo-siphoning mechanisms used by FlightGear (e.g., the Julia programming app linked to a photo-scenery Julia add-on) - might work for FE2 too. Will post further thoughts in this thread if I find that there is any way to get the photo-scenery siphoning system to "talk" (establish a telnet connection) with FE2. Otherwise, it will be a very slow process of manually picking through, and choosing, satellite tiles - and that will be called up via the general data ini that's in the terrains folder. Cheers all (& good dreams about auto-loading of satellite imagery in FE2),
  40. 1 point
    Came up on my YT feed yesturday. Always liked the song, and what better subject, eh?? Also, watch near the end for the RAF Phantom -- with the rocket pods!!
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    MiG-21K, the carrierborn naval Fishbed version, in action over Socotra island.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    A long time for a short combat
  46. 0 points
    I had started to write a MiG-21 book some years ago, but an other author was faster and offered his manuscript to the publishing house, while i was still on writing. Bad timing.
  47. 0 points
    Bad news. My copy of 3DS Max has died and I am not able to resurrect it. So all the 3D models I've done for First Eagles are gone. However, Mue has made an LOD exported for Blender. I'm starting to learn Blender and hopefully I'll be able to make planes for FE again soon. Mue's exporter only works for FE2. I'm going to have to dust off my copy and get FE2 set up.


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