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Showing most liked content on 01/10/2025 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Hello everyone After testing with various texture as color filter for TV, this is the best I can do that would make it seem like you are using old CRT TV: UPDATE: WIth excellent ideas from Menrva, added the noises' to CRT effect layer, here is latest screenshot: Created four textues for testing color filters This one is the best, not too transparent (clear) nor too dark Along with top layer (TGA) containing CRT style texture: Eagle114th
  2. 5 points
    the VF-1 had several F-14 aircraft painted in this camo , picture from the 111 showing the aircraft during the painting and some F-14 aggressor camos
  3. 4 points
    For now, by color sampling methods, I am doing my best to give it a 'feeling' of old 1960s CRT and grayscale sorta of. Based on this: Here is top layer (1960s CRT effects) PLEASE NOTE, I am not trying to make TV actauly being grayscale because it is not possible right now. Rather, by arts and styles, I am making it feel like you ahve ojld CRT TV from 1960s, by adding the gray hue / tilt on top of TV with old CRT style on top of it. This is the result: However I am still exploring to see what more I can do to further improve the sense of 'grayscale'. Eagle114th
  4. 4 points
    I hate to be the Grammar Police, but shit man TRY at least!! This title should be: Has this ever happened or Is this Tomcat camo real??? *&^%$#@!
  5. 3 points
    Going to Grandma's.....to blow it up.
  6. 2 points
    FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II - Egyptian Air Force, 1960
  7. 2 points
    If possible, please tell him to modify the FlightEngine.ini inside the Flight folder of the ODS 30AE mod. Aside from the Options.ini, there's also this value that needs manual fixing for supporting another aspect ratio:
  8. 2 points
    F-4J(UK) near power station in southern England
  9. 2 points
    I mean yeah, but when you're used to foreigners you just gotta roll with it.
  10. 2 points
    Take a look at some of the stock Lightnings, their gunpack works similarly to what you want to achieve.
  11. 1 point
    Hello everyone! This week have been very interesting with tons of researching, experimenting and testing the TV filters and FX (Shader) files. What I have learned so far with this theory from observation and countless testing; SF2 Engine does not allow us to direclty mix the shaders with 3D world for TV screen via radar texture methods. (UseRadarTexture=TRUE), BUT it does allow us to use sampling to add the 'tilted / hue colors' to the TV. After testing various .FX, including FLTDTVFILTER.FX, turns out that TWCOLOR1.FX and TWCOLOR2.FX works because it uses sampling methods. However, after testing TWCOLOR2.FX, what I learend is that only one of colro can be used with taht FX due to Alpha being 1.0 by default, which mean, the last texture laoded will overwrite the first one. Fortuantely, it got fixed, by setting Alpha to 0.5, which allows me to combine any two colors that would give me various colors. For example I have various color texture (mostly JPG, except for Alpha one that have invisible color) When testing with two colors with updated TWCOLOR2.FX, used this folowing codes in .INI FILE: The result in-game (A-4E '65) I was even more curious, what happens if I add third color? The resault: I have many files to share here, so anyone can have resources, information, and files to experiment with, not only TV, also any thing else in SF2. IN the files "TW SHADER FILES.zip" it is extracted files using SF2 Extractor and the file names inside each file's header are corrected to avoid the confusion. TW SHADER FILES.zip And in the file "TW SHADER FILES - NEW", there are updated TWOCOLOR2.FX, along with new TWCOLOR3.FX and TWCOLOR4.FX, you can experiment with various texture files. TW SHADER FILES - NEW.zip In the file "TW FX FILES INFORMATION.txt", it contains summary of each shaderas. It seems too bvious for us who already are familiar with it, but it does not hurt to at least have it. I used SearchGPT to assist with me. WIthout it, it would have taken me too long time. TW FX FILES INFORMATION.txt Finally, the file "FX FILES CONTENTS.txt" have long list of Shader's codes, consdier it as 'hand book" for quick references to any shader codes. FX FILES CONTENTS.txt RIght now I am continuing to experiment with many thories I have about sampling techniques to turn TV into grayscale for early CRT TV in early cold war aircraft. Eagle114th TW FX FILES INFORMATION.txt
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Thanks alot! It was Nr. 1. I never noticed, that for internal cannons it's "MaxAmmo", but for the Gunpod in needs to be called "MaxRounds". You never stop learning. Now it's working as intended! Thanks to all involved!
  14. 1 point
    I noticed to things: 1. Try 'MaxRounds' instead of 'MaxAmmo'. 2. You might also need to add the line 'AimDirection=0.000000,1.000000,0.000000' under 'LightPosition='.
  15. 1 point
    It's not that difficult to do...I have my own Dhimar vs Paran install (with Sharnak and Dohar as allies)..
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Vietnam vets and other random shots around an airfield
  18. 1 point
    I LOVE these alt-history Dhimar/Paran posts, please keep them coming. I'd love a mod that allowed me to play as Dhimar (or Paran) through the ages. The base game does a great job but I wish there was more.
  19. 1 point
    If it's part of the main LOD, you can remove with the ye ole remove component trick. but you can't add them back. you'd have to have two (or one large add-on LOD, like the IRM rails for the Pakistani J-6 Farmer), and add them via the normal way in the data and loadout inis. Obviously, you'd need someone to build the 2 gunpods or one large set of gun pods. But you'd still need to "mount" the ammo someplace (ie: 2 seperate pods would be best) Then, they become just another weapon to be added.
  20. 1 point
    why not make a normal gun pod with ModelNodeName=Gun_left/Right ? I think you are overthinking this...
  21. 1 point
    it could be that this is one of the experimental camos on the F-14 like the ones below
  22. 1 point
    Thanks to all who voted, it looks like I'll be going with an all inclusive mega pack. Dels
  23. 1 point
    PZL P7a - 2nd Fighter Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1940
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Texas Humpbacks. i think this was like, my very second mod ever...... needs a tune up
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Beautiful terrain, air bases and landscape are superb ! Bravo !!! If only we could have a new F-104G with his new cockpit... Merry Christmas ! P.
  29. 1 point
    Great terrain, thanks Gepard. Amazingly detailed and realistic-looking.


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