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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-5

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A-5
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to
      the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be
      *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use
      in the MTO will be released seperatly, if required*
      Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the second of a series of FW-
      190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that
      were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for
      This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO intalls. It is
      reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any
      conflicts with THIS mod.
      This package represents FW-190A-5s as deployed in Western Europe. Skins/Decals in this pak are:
      2/JG2 (with partial fues Eagle marking)
      JG26 (once again, the slightly generic FW-190, this time with a slightly mottled fues camo)
      Both represent aircraft from late 1942 onwards.
      Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works
      quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten.
      Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art"
      Hangar and/or Loading screens.
      Please note, the engine sound in this one has been changed to the AVHistory BMW 801 sound. It's
      reccomeneded you make this change to the FW-190A-1 that was recently released. It's a VERY
      simple text edit.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable,
      Wolf's original readme is included for historical purposes.
      *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the
      Notes section for more info*
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    2. North Korea People's Air Force MiG-29

      This is a Korean People's Air Force skin for the Mirage Factory MiG-29, complete with authentic serial markings and propaganda slogans seen on actual NK aircraft. This skin may be used for B and C model Fulcrums as you prefer.
      The MiG-29 Fulcrum is North Korea's most modern and potent fighter, primarily tasked with defending Pyongyang. The DPRK has approximately 35 MiG-29B and 5 MiG-29UB in their inventory, plus an unknown number of MiG-29C models first photographed in 2003.
      MiG-29 by the Mirage Factory
      Original skins and templates by Sundowner
      NK skin and decals by Nengajyou Aki


         (4 reviews)



    3. SF2 WW2 Heinkel He-162 Volksjager

      SF2 WW2 Heinkel He-162 Volksjager by Geo
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment.
      Some small fiddling-with for Geo's Volksjager. Ini work includes a 'cobbled' together SF2 (semi) compliant FM, randomization of the decals, and some (very slight!!) reclaibration of some cockpit insturments. Skin is still in it's original bmp format. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE" for the 15 decals we have. A NEW SF2 'box art' Hangar screen was created for this mod.
      All bits are included: sounds, pilot figure, the gun, etc. Operational years (ok, months!) are set semi-historical, with the correct 'In Service' StartDate (end of service date is conjectural; ie: end of 45)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Geo's original readme is included for historical purposes.
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    4. RoCAF F-5B/T-38A

      A tribute and a little enhacement pack for great Fastcargo's Northop two seaters pack here http://combatace.com...sf2-version-20/ (a real must have for me)
      A skin for each type each with its proper decalset.
      This is only the first install of my new RoCAF line-up .....
      EXTRA STUFF from my personal install (I hope You like it):
      - T-38A userlist
      - new data.inis with tweaked export entries, standard key-10 for canopy open with auto closing at take off.
      - randomized numbers for all skins
      - Fastcargo for the planes & the temps
      - you need original pack (the link is just above)
      - put all in main mod folder
      - as these skin are ultra High Res (4092 x 4092) and even if they work fine on my pc, inside each RoCaf skin folder You will find a sub folder with 2048 x 2048 standard (for this plane) skins.
      @ paulopanz
      PS: don't forget, if You haven't done, to grab this from Carlo http://combatace.com...rea-portuguesa/


         (1 review)



    5. [Fictional] Yak-23P 'Flora' - Parani Air Force

      Yakovlev Yak-23P 'Paran for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Yak-23 'Flora' to give a fictional export version for the Parani Air Force. Since my first 'Flora' mod we've had a superb cockpit by Stary so I've included it within this package.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Yak-23P folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Yak-23P folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PARAN folder into your Pilots folder.

      As always, thanks to everyone at Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Big thanks to Stary for his superb 'Flora' cockpit - it's bloomin' lovely.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 29/01/19  


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    6. [Fictional] Parani splinter skin for Chengdu J-14

      Here's my Parani splinter skin for CadeteBRA's Chengdu J-14.
      I'd like to thank CadeteBRA for the aircraft and skin template.
      To install, drop the contents of this .zip file into the J-14 folder inside the Aircraft folder.
      6 Jan 2013


         (2 reviews)



    7. SF2 Republic F-105G Thunderchief Wild Weasel by ArmorDave

      SF2 Republic F-105G Thunderchief Wild Weasel by ArmorDave
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: the destroyed model referenced herein 'looks' for the stock destroyed F-105D lod. So, at the very least you MUST have either SF2E, or SF2V to gain access to said destroyed model. Hence the Full 4/5 Merged reccomendation*
      Some major upgrades to ArmorDave F-105G "Wild Weasel" Thunderchief, bring it in line with SF2 at the Full-5 Merged/Latest Patch level (as of July 2012).
      This mod is desinged to REPLACE any eariler SF2 update/upgrade versions of AD's aircraft that may be availalbe.
      Skins remain in bmp format (as they're not excpetionally large in size), and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions.
      The data ini has all new FM parameters, loadouts have been 'adjusted' for Game usage (and may not reflect Real World situations, but =WILL= reflect Game World situations). New engine sound, and some other small tweeks. A new SF2 version of my 'box art' Hangar screen is included.
      No weapons are included, other than the drop tanks, as I've referenced all stock 3W items.
      See the "Notes" section for more info on the changes.
      When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Drop-Down Menu
      F-105G Thunderchief WW (AD)
      This will differentiate this aircraft from any others you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. And notes about any SF2V campaign that may use this aircraft; some slight editing of the campaign ini WILL be necessary due to the 'name change'.
      A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein
      Ver.2 uploaded ... fixed/added missing control surfaces!!!


         (4 reviews)



    8. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190A4, JG2, MTO
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the MTO envrionment.*
      **This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 MTO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the skin and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod.**
      Reskin/Redecaling for the recently released FW-190A4 recreates JG2 'Richthofen' as seen in North Africa/Tunisia region during late 1942 (early 43??) and onward.
      The aircraft is finished in a 'solid' desert tan, with white ID bands. Skins are in jpg format, decal randomization is set to TRUE. This set contains the markings for the various gruppe officers (<, <<, etc). With luck, they're pretty close.
      If you don't have the aircraft yet, you can get it here:
      However, you WILL be doing some light ini editing BEFORE adding this skin. See "To Install Notes" for more details.
      Remember, this is for a WW2 MTO-centric mods folder ONLY!!!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    9. ****World War Two period music for SF2****

      ****World War Two period music for SF2****
      Ever since I first attempted a WW2 install for SF2 many moons ago, I have strove to make it as much "period" as possible. Of course, the music on each screen was modern and didnt fit in with WW2 in my estimation. I decided to try to locate some music from the era. Well, it wasnt hard at all! My first search located a wonderful plethora of websites and stations that still play and love the era and its music. It was all quite fun and interesting. Out of them all, my favorite has quickly become the VI corps music website located at http://www.6thcorpsmusic.us/. This is only a small part of a website put together by a woman in honor of her father who fought during WW2 in the 6th engineer corps.
      I was able to download a number of songs from this website, my favorite being Glenn Miller, and convert them to .wav format for use in SF2. Install is simple. Just unzip the file into your StrikeFighters2 folder. Let it overwrite your menu folder. For the hangar music, I have included my hangarscreen.ini. As long as you havent extracted yours from your SF2 install for any other purpose, simply do nothing. If you have extrated it for whatever reason, its still simple. Just open the ini in a txt editor and add this...
      And there ya have it. Hope you enjoy this music as much as I do. If not, visit the VI corps website and download and convert your own favorites, it was fun! Of course, this is oriented towards U.S. tastes at the time. I'd love to see a German, British, or even Japanese version of menu music come out. The .mpg files can be converted here... http://media.io
      These music files are considered public domain and are released under the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. You are free to modify these files and use them as you wish as long as the files are not used in payware of any kind. If you use them, please remember to give credit. These files are released to a great community of simmers at CombatAce and SimHq. Have fun and God bless.
      Jeff "pcpilot" Gerald
      PS. Dont sit under the apple tree is dedicated to my mother Mary.


         (1 review)



    10. SF2 Republic F-105F/EF-105F Thunderchief Pak by ArmorDave

      SF2 Republic F-105F/EF-105F Thunderchief Pak by ArmorDave
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *Note: the destroyed model referenced herein 'looks' for the stock destroyed F-105D lod. So, at
      the very least you MUST have either SF2E, or SF2V to gain access to said destroyed model. Hence the Full 4/5 Merged reccomendation*
      Some major upgrades to ArmorDave F-105F Thunderchiefs, bring them more in line with SF2 at the
      Full-5 Merged/Latest Patch level, as of July 2012.
      This mod is desinged to REPLACE any eariler SF2 update/upgrade versions of AD's aircraft that
      may be availalbe.
      The package contains 2 complete aircraft:
      F-105F (standard NM finish)
      EF-105F Wild Weasel II (SEA camo)
      Skins remain in bmp format (as they're not excpetionally large in size), and Decal
      Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions.
      Both data inis have all new FM parameters, loadouts have been 'adjusted' for Game usage (and
      may not reflect Real World situations, but =WILL= reflect Game World situations). New engine
      sound, and some other small tweeks. New SF2-style Hangar screens are included.
      No weapons are included, other than the drop tanks, as I've referenced all stock 3W items.
      See the "Notes" section for more info on the changes.
      When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Drop-Down Menu
      F-105F Thunderchief (AD)
      EF-105F Thunderchief
      Although the F-105F as used in the Wild Weasel configuraion never actually "officially"
      recieved the "EF" moniker, I've done so here to diferentiate it from the standard or garden
      variety F model.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -
      READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions,
      illuminations and so forth. And notes about any SF2V campaign that may use this aircraft; some
      slight editing of the campaign ini may be necessary due to the 'name change'.
      A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    11. HMS Centaur (R06) Hi Res Deck

      HMS Centaur R06 Mod Hi Res
      Includes 2 different deck styles from the 1950s/60s
      You need the Centaur model from eburger68:
      Really for SF2 with SF2NA ship capability


         (1 review)



    12. Iranian Tigers

      3 Skins para el F-5E de Mirage Factory
      Representan tres escuadrones 21º (Bandera), 41º (Aguila) y 43º (Tigre) de las Fuerzas aéreas de la república islámica de Irán.
      Los numerales no son históricos
      Archivos incluidos/modificados y Agradecimientos en el LEEME
      3 Skins for F-5E of Mirage Factory
      Represents three squadrons 21st (Flag), 41st (Eagle) and 43rd (Tiger) from IRIAF
      Numerals are not historical
      included/modified files and acknowledgements in README
      ¡¡¡Espero que lo disfruteis!!! --------- I hope that you enjoy it!!


         (2 reviews)



    13. SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190F Jabo Pak

      SF2 WW2 Focke Wulf FW-190F Jabo Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable.*
      *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment.*
      Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Wolf's FW-190. This is the next of a series of FW-190 upgrades, that will cover those models (while still based off Wolf's original LOD), that were/are available from the 1stGen SF/Wo* mods previously released. With required upgrades for SF2.
      This mod is designed to REPLACE any 1stGen variant you may have in your WW2 ETO/MTO intalls. It is reccomended you delete the aircraft and decals folders of the originals, as to NOT cause any conflicts with THIS mod.
      This package contains 2 variants of the FW-190F as deployed in Western/Southern Europe, and North Africa/Med regions. Skins/Decals in this pak are:
      9/SG4 (Western Europe, crica 1944)
      I-SG4 (MTO desert camo, as based on Sardinia)
      *Please note, you should =NOT= mix/match the ETO and MTO skins in an ETO only install (or MTO only install). See 'Special Install Notes' for further instructions*
      All Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.
      A (semi) compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together from various sources. As always, while it works quite well, further fine tuning is required by Experten.
      Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as well a new SF2 version of my "box art" Hangar and/or Loading screens.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, the "Notes" section for other important stuff of interest. When discoverable, all original readmes are included for historical purposes.
      *Due to the age of the physical model (LOD), this mod is being released "as is"; PLEASE see the Notes section for more info*
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    14. Decals for the "Royal Dhimari Navy" and the "Imperial Parani Navy"

      Roundels and FinFlashs for
      These roundels are created based on the assumption, that both countries have
      naval vessels and aircraft protecting coasts and their fleets.
      The roundels and finflashs are of simple design, both reflecting their alignment:
      Dhimari => Western
      Parani => Eastern
      Use them as you may see fit. Since the russian navy uses the same roundel as the russian airforce, the parani air force and navy are assumed to do the same.
      All components of this package use material created by TK as base, so the credit goes to him. The original dhimari finflash was created by Spinners.
      Have fun


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    15. Template Set for A6M Zero

      MANY layered (really! lots!!) PSD template set for ArmorDave's A6M2 - A6M5 "Zeke"
      includes seperate layer sets for the A6M2-N "Rufe" floatplane (based on AD's Zeke)
      Happy Skinning!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    16. SF2 WW2 ETO Spitfire 9C, 411 Squadron Skin Pak

      SF2 WW2 ETO Spitfire 9C, 411 Squadron Skin Pak
      -- Something for the WW2 ETO players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      **SF2:E Expansion Pak 2 REQUIRED to have the Spitfire 9c**
      A reskinning of the stock 3W Spit 9C to 411 "City of York" Squadron RCAF during WW2 in Western Europe.
      Skins remain in their 'lorez' 512 size, and are still in bmp format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. All marking on the aircraft, excepting the Sky fuselage band are decals. This will make it exceptionally easy for skinners to create other RAF squadrons of this time period.
      Included are modified data and loadout inis. See 'changes' in the Notes section for full listing. And, for you viewing pleasure, brand NEW Hangar and Loading screens. The assumption (oh! that word!!) is being made that you've already made the aircraft player flyable, so no cockpit bits are included. Neither is my "One Click Restore Main Ini" (patent pending).
      The canopy has been activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0
      No weapons or pilot figures are included; you should have them already.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    17. F-5F Basic Templates

      The screenshot is to keep Wrench from pestering me... j/k
      In all seriousness I thought that these were uploaded years ago but maybe not... well here they are to represent the one done by FastCargo. All are in layered PSD format (Photoshop, Gimp)
      Eric Johnson, 2013


         (1 review)



    18. RoCAF F-5E Tiger II Skin Pack

      This is the first pack for new F-5E SF-2 restored here http://combatace.com/files/file/13726-northop-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      13 RoCAF Skins (Grey, Grey Camo, Sea Camo)
      All Rocaf Wings/Groups and aggressor too.
      242 historical planes decals and much more ...
      An edited Userlist to exclude US operators and make RoCAF, NVAF operational is included
      - Boz for temps and SF-1 skins (edited)
      - Ace888 for some decals (reworked)
      - Mike 1 for Sea Skins (updated/edited)
      INSTALL: as usual


         (1 review)



    19. F-5B/T-38A Skin Templates

      Skin Templates for F-5B (and derivatives) plus the T-38A.
      Done by 331KillerBee...thanks Marine!
      Any skins created using these templates are for freeware only.
      13 Jan 13


         (1 review)



    20. F-5E Tiger II Middle East Skin pack 2

      This is the second pack for new F-5E SF-2 restored here http://combatace.com/files/file/13726-northop-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      - RJAF Camo & Silver
      - IRIAF Camo
      - RSAF Camo
      - BhAF Grey
      Lights, Engine intakes, IRM Rails edited to bring skins to new standard. Numbers randomized.
      An edited Userlist to exclude US operators and make RoCAF, NVAF operational is included
      - Boz for temps
      - Mike 1 for original SF-1 great skins.
      INSTALL: as usual


         (3 reviews)



    21. F-5E Tiger II Avionics Update

      This is an avionics update for The Mirage Factory F-5E, updated for the latest SF2 version by
      Available at http://combatace.com...-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      + data ini updates
      + Cockpit updates
      + New F-5E-type sight and radar
      Read the Readme file for additional info


         (2 reviews)



    22. F-5E African Tigers Skin Pack 3

      This is the third pack for new F-5E SF-2 restored here http://combatace.com...-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      - EtAF camo
      - RMAF 2 Camo
      - KAF camo (new)
      - SuAF Grey
      An edited Userlist to exclude US operators and make RoCAF, NVAF operational is included
      - new Sounds fresh made by Hi Ho Silver (thanks Mate!)
      - Boz for temps
      - Mike 1 for original SF-1 great skins.
      INSTALL: as usual


         (3 reviews)



    23. Northrop f-5 engine sounds

      Updated F-5 engine sounds ..engine sound smoothed out and more bass added to afterburner ...download and drop them in the sound folder..GO FLY


         (0 reviews)



    24. F-5E Tiger II Aggressor - Skin Pack 5

      This is the fifth pack for new F-5E SF-2 restored here http://combatace.com...-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      - USN 3 Sins
      - USMC 1 Skins
      - Soviet (?) Skin (Mig-28)
      5/5 textures edited
      An edited Userlist to exclude US operators and make RoCAF, NVAF operational is included
      - Boz for temps
      - Dave for original SF-1 great skins
      - Ferrit for Top Gun's "MiG-28"
      INSTALL: as usual


         (2 reviews)



    25. F-5E Far East Tigers Skin pack 6

      This is the sixth pack for new F-5E SF-2 restored here http://combatace.com/files/file/13726-northop-f-5e-tiger-ii/
      - RoSAF 2 skins
      - TuDM 2 Skins
      - TNI-AU 1 skin
      - RTAF 1 skin (new)
      An edited Userlist to exclude US operators and make RoCAF, NVAF operational is included
      - Boz for temps
      - Mike 1 for original SF-1 great skins
      INSTALL: as usual
      PS: I would like make more RTAF squadrons as I have all the serials. Unluckly there are few pics and not decals/badges to make the job. The 7th and last pack will be RoKAF (ok Arthur?).


         (3 reviews)




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