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  1. 3 points
    All of the terrain tiles should be in the terrain folder, or in one of the CAT files. (If there are seasonal tiles, each season will be its own folder inside the terrain folder.) If there is water on the tile, it will be in TGA format and you won't see a preview when you look in the folder on your desktop. The rest of the tiles will be in BMP format. Each terrain has a _data.ini and that assigns a Texture number to every tile. In Mue's TFD tool, missing tiles will show up as pink squares, if you align the cursor over that square, you will see the number of the missing tile at the bottom of the window. Then you can look in the data.ini to find the name of the tile - that at least tells you what you're looking for.
  2. 2 points
    Today I uploaded a new plane - the Russian Lebed 7. The Lebed 7 was a Russian copy of the Sopwith Tabloid. It was intended to be used as a fighter, but was quickly outclassed and was used mostly for recon and later for training. I have made a fictitious version (or perhaps a field mod) with a Lewis gun mounted on the upper wing. My thanks to Ojcar, once again for making the FM. By my count, this is the 60th plane that Ojcar and I have made over the years.
  3. 2 points
    Thanks for the encouragement Geezer, but I haven't done any original artwork up to now, just using the existing tiles, copying, pasting and realigning with the TDF editor. I have made the flooded plain, using the existing coast/lake files but then that has freed up six coast/lake tiles that could be adapted for other uses with a minimum of fuss, I hope. However in the Flanders terrain folder, only two of those six coast/lake tiles show up, and these two tiles are used only once where the front line met the sea, which I have replaced with the flooded landscape. I will be looking to alter these and reinstall them in jpg format. The other four tiles I cant find anywhere. I suppose they might be 'hardwired' into the game and only available for use with the TDF ie copy paste and realign. That would severely limit my editing hopes.
  4. 1 point
    View File Lebed 7 The Lebed 7 was a Russian copy of the British Sopwith Tabloid. It was produced in 1915 and was intended to be used as a fighter. But with an 80hp Gnome engine and wing warping controls, it was quickly outclassed and was used primarily for recon and later for training. The Lebed 7 was shipped from the factory unarmed. The British plane had a machine gun mounted on the upper wing, so it isn't unreasonable to think that a Russian pilot might have tried mounting a gun on his plane. I have made a (possibly fictitious) version of the plane with a Lewis gun mounted on the top wing. My Lebed 7 has a fully functional cockpit, three skins - a grey paint and two clear doped linen, and a full set of number decals. My skinning templates are included. The plane comes with a helmeted Russian pilot; instructions for installing the pilot are included. Or you can change the data.ini to use one of the stock FE pilots. Many years ago Nixou recorded a a large number of sounds for First Eagles. I have included the sound file for the 80 hp Gnome Monosoupape engine, but you may already have it. Credits Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Lebed 7. Thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Gnome 80 hp engine. Installation Instructions For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Lebed7" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Lebed7" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "Lebed7". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/Lebed7 folder into the Decals/Lebed7 folder you just made. In case you don't already have it, I have included the sound file for the 80 hp Gnome engine. Move the file named "gnome80m4.wav" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder. You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and has been included with other planes. In case you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing it in a separate folder included in this download. Submitter Stephen1918 Submitted 06/13/2018 Category Other Entente Aircraft  
  5. 1 point
    On March 3, 1969 the United States Navy established an elite school for the one percent of its pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to insure that the handful of men who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world. They, Succeeded Today, the Navy calls it Fighter Weapons School. The flyers call it TOPGUN! What is it all about? Afraid you won’t be singing in bars and dating civilian flying instructors but you will be flying non-stop Air to Air against a selection of Navy Aggressor A-4s. So, if you have not flown much A-A recently this could be the thing for you with three campaigns set in different years with a selection of Jets to fly. The lesser striped A-4F Mongoose does not take prisoners -- great balls of cheese! The campaigns consist of: Campaign 1 1970 Select from the US Navy / Marines F-4B (1965), F-4B (1967) and F-4J to go up against A-4E aggressors. Campaign 2 1974 Select from the US Navy / Marines F-4J (1974) and F-4N to go up against A-4E aggressors. Campaign 3 1978 Fly the US Navy F-14A (1974) and go up against A-4F Mongoose aggressors. Oh yes and you need to try and survive 20 missions with only about 3 wingmen. Check your six or else an A-4 flown by such celebs as Viper and Jester will blow you out of the sky! The environment This is set over a reworked South West US Terrain and has a NAS Miramar runway layout like the real thing and some very nice looking features. Think Tactically So, as you can see you ideally want to avoid getting sucked into any turning fights and that also applies to the F-14A because the up-engined A-4F kinda cancels out the F-14s better turn ability. Keeping and supporting your AI wingman is a must and is key to dealing with the A-4 hoards and keeping your wingman alive is a must to complete the target of 20 missions. Your wingman is although not the most intelligent of pilots he is also vulnerable to your wayward sidewinder shots and general incompetence in issuing commands. If you have not flown the Mirage Factory F-14 the mod comes with, then there are a few different key presses for the radar and also advise learning how to use the radar (it helps!). Where'd Hollywood go man.......oh there he is - never never leave your wingman! We are the Mods The music it comes with is ace and (thank god) not a sign of “Lead me on” by Teena Marie. Those who had the soundtrack might still have flashbacks to some of the tracks on it. Anyway no need to touch the music or the terrain. I am using Starys SARCASM mod in this for environmental effects and also some Top Gun themed 1080 menu screens by Viper63a. The screens can be simply dragged into the Menu and Flight mod folders depending – also remembering to rename them to the correct file name so they show. You can of course change whatever else suits you for the environment you wish to replicate. Here Viper is telling me how my name will never be on the Top Gun trophy after losing all my wingmen in about 3 missions. Starting a campaign Important here suggest setting Campaign Difficulty as normal, and set Weapon Supply to Unlimited otherwise you will be down to AIM-9Bs by about mission 5. My first several campaigns had a distinct theme of running out of wingmen Do you think your name is going to be on the trophy? – You will need a lot more than ego to beat Viper and his souped up A-4 The F-14A took a while to get used to and best to use its advantages of radar with IFF. I have only used AIM-7Fs in these campaigns and do advise taking out the bad guys BVR if you can. With the F-4s you have less advantages but again playing to your strengths will allow you to prevail. Every now and then a cargo plane takes off on its flight to Hong Kong full of Rubber Dog s***. If you screw up just this much you might be on the next flight.
  6. 1 point
    As most of you would know in the early part of the war the Belgian engineers who operated the complex system of dykes, sluices, weirs, and canals, at Nieupoort, flooded the land down to Dixmude to prevent the German army from taking the coast. They had a little help from the British Navy who pounded the German positions until the floodwaters drove them back. In WW1 flight sims I have played I have tried to include that piece of history which nicely rounds off the geography of where the front line meets the sea. The other end in the far south had the Swiss mountains to clearly define the end of the front, in the north, a flooded land. What I have presented here is a very simplified version. The land was flooded in several areas. What I have depicted is the main body of inundation. The western side was straight, defined by an elevated railway line that ran from Nieupoort to Dixmude. (Not quite sure I actually reached the Dixmude on the map.) Its simple work with the TFD editor and I'd like to do a few more things including adding that artificial little round body of water at Ostend called the Spitum which served as a seaplane base during the war. I would also like to add some detail to the east coast of England, maybe create Gotha raids over Canterbury. I'd really love to make missions for the 1917 Gotha bombing raids against London, and the earlier Zeppelin raids, but that may be some time later, perhaps using Gepard's terrain. Anyway, when I have worked on graphics tiles for MS and RedBaron3d the tiles were all available for editing and modifying. However when I open the moddified terrain folders of Edward or even Gepard's Battle of Britain folders and even the wwiCambrai and wwiVerdun cats it seems not all the tiles are available for editing. Am I looking in the wrong places? I realise there is a lot to learn. I am reading the Knowledge bases for both SF series, but finding the tiles is my next step.
  7. 1 point
    anther great surprise. thank you for this one!
  8. 1 point
    Wow! Outstanding work - very impressive. Perhaps gterl, Stephen1918, or Wrench can give you some useful advice, as my only experience with maps has mostly been tinkering with colors of already existing artwork. One thing I have learned is, if you are working in FE2, you can convert the artwork to dds or jpg format to reduce workload on the game engine. Back when TK was responding to comments at his website, he once remarked that the biggest performance limitation was processing graphics. Shot below shows how much reduction in file size there is for dds or jpg format, so there would be a corresponding reduction in your tile artwork for the game engine to process.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Thanks Flogger , that is an excellent answer here is one more piece that i have finished , it is the AIM-4E Super Falcon , i still have to finish the AIM-4F and G to complete the AIM-4 familie AIM-4E.7z
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    love those original 30's shots. Northrup, Hawthorne, CA? (I drive past the original plant at Hawthorne Airport twice a week! Where The Wing first flew from)
  16. 1 point
    Busy with Real Life at the moment, but did have time this morning to fool around with the China Skies stuff. Maybe some day...
  17. 1 point
    Lots of character!
  18. 1 point
    @Geezer: Sure no problem, you've a PM From 'A Pass, a King and a Mountain' ... We ran, as the lorries ran, into patches of melting snow, fringed with gentian clumps, heath, and crocus! These patches thickened to sheets, till at the head of a pass we found ten foot of packed snow, all newly shovelled back from the dry, perfectly graded road-bed. It trailed after us brokenly, through villages whose gutters danced with bright water, and closed up abreast of us in sheets once more when we reached Cortina. This was an ex-health and pleasure resort, which of late belonged to the Austrians, who filled it with 'new-art' hotels, each more villainous in design than its neighbour. To-day, as the troops and transport come and go, the jigsaw and coloured-glass atrocities look like bedizened ladies , standing distracted in the middle of a police raid. The enemy do not shell the hotels much, because they are owned by Austrian heyducs who hope to come back and resume their illustrious trade. In the old days, whole novels were written about Cortina. The little-used mountains round made an impressive background for love-tales and climbing adventures. Love has gone out of this huge basin of the Dolomites now, and the mountaineering is done by platoons in order to kill men, not by individuals who read papers before Alpine Clubs.
  19. 1 point
    Trenches cannot be dug, any more than water can be found, on the Carso, for a spade's depth below the surface the unkindly stone turns to sullen rock, and everything must be drilled and blasted out. For the moment, because spring had been wet, the stones were greened over with false growth of weeds which wither utterly in the summer, leaving the rocks to glare and burn alone. As if all this savagery were not enough, the raw slopes and cusps of desolation were studded with numberless pits and water-sinks, some exquisitely designed by the Devil for machine-gun positions, others like small craters capable of holding eleven-inch howitzers, which opened at the bottom through rifts into dry caverns where regiments can hide - and be dug out.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    God I miss Hi-Vis colors....TA-4J of VF-126 "Bandits" during America's Bi-centennial 1976.
  22. 1 point



    In memory of our friend Olivier Anguille "BPAo" Gone but not forgotten. Mirage 2000 French Air Force package by The Mirage Factory
  23. 0 points
    Hello everyone. In this life we do not choose our destiny. Unfortunately I suffered a very serious accident and am unable and recovering. I am sending the work to my friend Denis and he will continue. thank you all. I hope someday to be what I was before


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