And I am an Ex Serviceman, and NOT a Civvy, and I still dont give a damn. We shouldnt be involved, most of the issues in the near and middle East have been caused and exacerbated by Western and Soviet meddling, and as I said previously, we cant do bugger all about it, and our respective Governments sure as hell wont do so either, and even if we all stood up and complained, demanded, ranted and raved, they wouldn't take heed anyhow, as Governments are no longer ( if they ever were in the first place ) for the people, by the people, I mean shit, we live in so called enlightened and civilised countries, but still we, in the 21st bloody century , are seeing increases in food banks, and homeless people living on the sodding streets, but our Governments can afford to piss about playing fuckin' war in places where they are not wanted, not liked , and certainly far from welcome, and the bastards who SHOULD be helping out in their own region, sit on their fat entitled arses with thumbs firmly rammed up where the sun dont shine , I will mention no names of these countries, but I am sure you get my drift !! Sick of all the international brinkmanship and pissing contests , my guns bigger than yours bullshit, but hey ho, sod all I can do about it, so no, fucks given = zip, zilch, zero, nill, nada .