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Showing most liked content on 06/06/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    HAF F-16s launching for a patrol over the Aegean on a beautiful day for flying..
  2. 4 points
    We all know what date it is today....
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    Gatling20 made a new skin for the Cruiser Mk.1 placeholder, so that it now looks more british.
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    Did some more work on the file structure for the TB2 HangarScreen LoadoutImage LoadingScreen
  8. 2 points
    And now it's up to the Mirage F1CK2 to be upgraded to version 2.5
  9. 2 points
    Version 2.5 of the Mirage F1CK2 is waiting for approval. Specificities : - Radar Cyrano IVM - radio-altimeter (but no needle indicator, HUD only) - Seat Mk10 - RWR BF - REMORA ECM Pods - SYCOMOR C/F Pods - RPM Indicator in % - Fuel in LBS - Combined Remora-BF control panel
  10. 2 points
    Don't know if anyone has seen this...
  11. 2 points
    Spits and Hurris engaging Stukas... 'It's like shooting rats in a barrel' 'You'll be in a barrel if you don't watch out for the fighters..'
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    I think Rick stated that we could do 3 minimum, or up to 7 maximum per week if I remember right...
  16. 1 point
    OK, from the book Century Jets( itself a compilation of AIRTime Publishing magazine articles). the prgramme, called Thunderstick II, applied to D and F models. it involved installation of AN/ARN-92 LORAN and put solid state components in the NASRR radar system, now being designated R-14K. with these systems a Thud pilot could reasonably expect a CEP of +/- 50 ft from and altitude of 15000 ft they were easily distinguishable by teh large dorsal spine to house the LORAN and Doppler equipment. at least 30 d models were modified. although designed to help the crews in Southeast Asia, none of the Thunderstick II aircraft left the US. they were assigned to the 563d TFS, 23d TFW at McConnel AFB KS; then transferred to the 457th TFS (AFRES) at Carswell AFB TX remaining until 1980 when they were replaced with LORAN equipped F-4Ds NIELS top pic would be the 563d TFS, his bottom pic would be the 457th. dig a little deeper into pics on google, as Guard/Reserve units tend to change fin colors by flight (four aircraft) rather than squadron (18-24 aircraft) like the Active duty folks
  17. 1 point
    Couple of pics of ‘T’ Stick II modded THUD’s. I think there was only two reserve units that flew these beasts. One was a Carswel AFB Texas. Not sure about the other unit?
  18. 1 point
    Catch, you obviously managed to climb out of the wreck and sprint clear... well done that man
  19. 1 point
    Anatolian Huns...
  20. 1 point
    I’m reminded by all this that round about 1970 I saw a report in the aviation press of the F-105 “Thunderstick” mod. This was a complete modernisation of the ac’s avionics to give it an all-weather strike capability. Must have made the Thud’s Vietnam veterans smile (sidebar: the USAF exchange instructor when I was at RAFC Cranwell in 1976 was a 100-mission Thud driver. Although RAF exchange pilots with the USAF weren’t allowed to fly in Vietnam, with our traditional extensive cross-embedding we still got to learn all the operational lessons. Thank you USAF) The Thunderstick’’s visible difference from a regular Thud was a much bigger spine fairing, with the canopy cross-section being carried back all the way to the base of the fin. I don’t think many were converted though, maybe only a couple of dozen.
  21. 1 point
    Ah memories. I had a feeling you were involved in WoW Pol but was unsure. Back in the day when one bought games from a shop I saw Wings of War and snapped it up. I still have it. In those days I wasn't a PC gamer and had the xbox version (influenced heavily by my teenage son who, thanks to his old man had an xbox and PC and was an avid gamer). RL had kept me too busy to really consider gaming until this point. But I mean, hey a WW1 flight game! I really enjoyed it, arcadish as it was. I had no idea what the modded PC version was like of course and didn't even know it existed. Anyway, not too much later I think and getting the bug, I stumbled across OFF phase 1 or whatever it was called, around 2006? This prompted me to acquire a PC that could run the thing and join in the antics of the forum (from work shhhh) didn't have internet at home then. And here I am 15 or so years later, older but no wiser, still at it. Life's a funny thing.
  22. 1 point
    Got jumped by high flyers The Barons Bunch. made a firing pass then had a chap drop om my tail couldn't shake so ran for it.
  23. 1 point
    I just took a closer look at this picture catch, were you being attacked by the Death Star?!? mandrews_2, I've just consulted with the gods of thunder, and while they said that mandrews_1 was screwed, you were fine and escaped! Stache, I'm only, like, twelve posts away from editing privileges!!!
  24. 1 point
    Wow! We have some fine activity for the end of the week. It sure was close for a few of you. Drinks on the house. Week 2 is coming.
  25. 1 point
    17 November 1917. In which, oh bloody 'ell Well my claim from 15 November was denied due to lack of witnesses. I had rather assumed that would happened; but it's disappointing nevertheless. Oh well, I've got another mission today that I need to concentrate on. 'Tud', 'Harry' and I are sent over to take down one of the sausages that seems to be giving a good look at our chaps to the artillery. Off we go. There's the usual archie as we cross the lines and as we start to approach the german balloon, we get jumped by a whole German Jasta. I start taking hits and as I dodge one set of tracers, another trace starts from a completely different direction. I count 4 on my tail. All I can think is "bloody 'ell what a mess this is". I rather quickly lose my lower wing (oh bloody 'ell) and I figure I'd best get to the ground -- better to some time with the gerries than to either crash or burn or both. I do quite well for myself. I dive under control; and get myself lined up on a clearing. Just as I think I'm going to make a smooth landing, I take some of the rudder away and the plane flips and catches fire. Lucky I'm relatively unhurt I manage to scramble free and I watch her burn. Just as I'm thinking the smoke might draw some attention, it does and my capturers show up. I get taken to the Jasta 30 airfield at Phalempin where they treat me well. Over dinner, the discussion kept coming back to who should get credit for my downing, and they kept wanted me to settle the matter. I kept telling them I had my hands full and couldn't judge "who was who" or "who shot what". At times, the discussion seemed to get quite animated; but also appeared good natured. The next morning I couldn't believe my luck. A squadron of 2 seaters came over and bombed the airfield. There were several direct hits. In the confusion, I saw an opportunity and ran off and managed to make it to our lines on foot. An infantry private took me back to the command station, and they rang the squadron. A few hours later, the car arrives to bring me back to the squadron. Boy were the lads glad to see me. Both 'Tud' and 'Harry' had made it back safely. Seems I drew most of the attention and the two of them managed to make their escapes relatively unscathed. We didn't get the balloon though, so I expect there'll be other mission to go after it again. Commander wants me "back on the horse" so-to-speak, so I expect I'll have another mission tomorrow. I just hope it's not that bloody balloon. N.B.: I've written the result of this flight up to match the debrief rather than trying to remember the "escape rules" for BEL. In fact, I was rather surprised to see that I'd survived and escaped. The debrief says my plane was "relatively intact" when the image above clearly shows that it wasn't. Anyway, I'll leave it in Ricks hands to say whether this was appropriate or not.
  26. 1 point
    It's ok Rick... I just need to express myself more (by killing more Huns) But then again, I am one of the 20 minuters!
  27. 1 point
    Nordo, Armed and Unafraid Made it ! I knew it Next time I'll take the cameras
  28. 1 point
    God, I only did the minimum, 3 missions I have to up my game!
  29. 1 point
    Will be part of the minor update: British Cruiser Mk.1 with tactical letter code Would be nice if we would have a correct Cruiser Mk.I tank, instead the LT-35 placeholder.
  30. 1 point
    So did I! So much so that I ran off to the workshop right afterwards to make sure I hadn't accidentally turned collisions off. I think it was graphics lag, as you may have noticed I had a few minor stutters right around there. While I was in the workshop, I did notice that I had force encounters set to high and air activity set to medium, so for anyone not 'getting some action' as they...er, say, you might want to check that out. That was a great fight you had there, TROOPER117, it was almost like a perpetual Albatros generator! That first guy really did hang on that half wing forever! My first joystick had a bit of nose wiggle to it that my newer one seems to be better at. I was able to mitigate it somewhat in the config by playing with the deadzone and sensitivity settings, in case you haven't looked into that. catch, glad you are still hanging in there! Everyone, please fill out The Survey (even for our fallen) as soon as you can so I can post our first week exploits, and good luck on week 2
  31. 1 point
    Nice flight Trooper - that first Alb flew on for quite a while with only half an upper wing. Harry - was surprised you were left alone for that long going after that railyard. Reed too survived week one with yet another close call on mission 7. Videos will be posted later.
  32. 1 point
    Crikey catch... hope your man comes through!
  33. 1 point
    Hearty congrats on your victory confirmations and your gongs Troops. A job well done! Rick, I thought you were a goner. Toast! I'd have a chat with your ack emmas if I were you! They must have seen the engine blow when you landed. And made themselves scarce once they saw the look on your face! And Harry, (The Red Harry, nice skin) a funny report lol. But why no sound on the vid? And Baldric, good God man, that Vickers! Don't worry, you will see action soon enough! All in all some very good reports coming through and may I be so bold as to congratulate you all and keep 'em coming chaps!
  34. 1 point
    Well done H and Balders, and what a great shot of the Vickers, ready to dish out 'Rule .303' to Fritz! And Rick, you had pockets full of luck on your last flight... and did I duck when you had that first 'head on' with that albatros!
  35. 1 point
    Nice work, Baldric! Love the "business end" shot of the Vickers!
  36. 1 point
    El Mitsubishi A7M saldrá en estas 3 versiones.: caza naval embarcado, caza terrestre y caza terrestre pesado de alta cota
  37. 1 point
    October 1962 Somewhere over the Cuba
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    early F-104G with CBU-2C/A dispenser
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    I don't think those Top Gun jets served in WW2. Random WW2 screenshot, the Focke-Wulf Fw-200 Condor:
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    this was taken in the F-105G I put a hud and ccip in ,, this for a reference to show you where you might want to set your bombsight was cominng in at -12 degrees,, 1100 ft,, 580knts,, bombs fell where sight was..
  47. 1 point
    how this just using the stock bird
  48. 1 point
    You can turn the radar on, and you can use the guide lines to help you line up on the target,,if you done any edits to the radar range just helps with the su tow realism but it's better than nothin


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