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  1. 6 points
  2. 5 points
    Quick bump to this thread -- good news: Swambast has managed to retrieve all of the Bleriot XI files after a hard drive crash of last fall. Next up are some final additions to the model, and then proper mesh splitting, pivot point adjustments, and other related features. After that comes the ini file crunching phase and FM testing. This will all of course take several more months -- ideally, I hope to have a working beta model, and that flies, by sometime next spring -- but it all depends on how the project develops further since both Swambast and I are also busy with other duties and real work. Will post again under this thread when important developmental milestones are reached with the Bleriot. Pic. below is one of the latest Bleriot renders done by Swambast. Cheers all, Von S
  3. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The SA-4 Ganef was a long-range mobile system first deployed in the mid-1960s; the missiles, carried in pairs on a tracked launcher, used drop-off solid-fuel boosters and a ramjet sustainer motor. Employing a combination of radar command guidance and active radar homing, and supported by an array of mobile radars for target acquisition, tracking, and guidance, they could engage targets over the horizon. (Because the SA-4 strongly resembled the earlier British Bloodhound, NATO assigned it the code name Ganef, meaning “Thief” in Hebrew.) Beginning in the late 1980s, the SA-4 was replaced by the SA-12 Gladiator, a more compact and capable system. INSTALLATION: Drop everything from archive to your OBJECT folder. LICENSE: All models are made by me from the scratch. You can use them and everything included for personal non-profit use for Thirdwire Strike fighters 2 game only. CREDITS: ThirdWire for making this outstanding simulator. Yakarov79 for 1S12 radar grill texture. Combatace.com for its dedicated support for this game. SOFTWARE USED: Blender 3.0 Substance Painter 3d Max 2009
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    A few days back, i had the chance to travel to Europe, this was a long delayed (for several reasons) trip i had and had also the opportunity to meet some of the CA old timer guys, must say pics speak a thousand words, so, i will spam with some: The first guy i met as i arrived to Amsterdam was my master @logan4 and we made a visit to the Lelystad Museum, my first time watching up close with a MiG-21 Love at first sight! Many More planes seen that day Next day i met another long time friend @Muesli and went to met some places: And the next day, we had a very nice day, we mat @Derk and he kindly made a guided day on the National Militair Museum, 4 CA team members together! Later in the week we met @76.IAP-Blackbird and headed for Germany, no planes this time, but good plans (and stairs) and good times! After some (not much) days, i moved over to Cracow to met the final guy, our very @Stary and we were able to have some good time (eating pierogis) that night Next day, i HAD TO pay a visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau Museums And for the last day, we met again with Stary to go to the Lotnictwa Museum in Cracow, where i was a kid in a candy shop with so many MiGs, Sukhois and others around! All in all, it has been a hell of a trip, and, once again, i would like to thank you guys for making it to happen! And the saddest part of the trip... Thanks CA for the friendship!!!
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    Without a doubt one of the greatest trips to ever be photo blogged to the site. I'm with Kevin on this, I'm jealous but also proud you guys had a wonderful time. S!
  9. 1 point
    TOTALLY forgot about this!!! On this day in 1947, Chuck Yeager went supersonic in the Bell X-1 for the first time. Enjoy!!!!!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    View File Su-27 Ukrainian pixel skin Ukrainian modern Su-27 skin Submitter ShaKhrai Submitted 10/09/2022 Category Su-27  
  12. 1 point
    well, he could always upload empty zip...that would be less than less.
  13. 1 point
    Nice skin, thanks. Its very needed thing. Пiдтримаю Нацiнального виробника 5 зiрочками
  14. 1 point
    I will take a look at the it and see if it need improvement or just make something else instead of wasting my time on something that is already made and it's perfect.
  15. 1 point
    LOL... Yes "The Final Countdown" movie came to my head when I saw that flash.
  16. 1 point
    I didn't know that we have the model. This is the URL for the model.
  17. 1 point
    Been playing with the YAP carriers to add some more ships to my USN Nimitz Class fleet... CVN-68 USS Nimitz CVN-69 USS Dwight D Eisenhower CVN-70 USS Carl Vincent CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-73 USS George Washington CVN-74 USS John C Stennis CVN-75 USS Harry S Truman CVN-76 USS Ronald Reagan CVN-77 USS George HW Bush
  18. 1 point
    There are some free model in the net we can use them, or I can pay for one if you need it gentlemen. also I can get the model prepared and ready for the game (but someone has to do the data files). let me know. I Forgot to add a photo.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Interesting Travel Report. I have seen a lot of aircrafts but iv never seen MiG-21UM so i envy).Rare thing. But I have seen Su-27 T-10-10 (ha-ha!) Nice sights of places you v visited and thats funny to meet guys. Watched photos with interest. German flying bomb V-1 impressed a lot. Thought its only on pictures and no one preserved in metal. My photo of T-10-10. Pity i cant invite you cuz the city is occupied and who knows may be this aircraft is lost already
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    what an amazing odyssey . so cool to see so many people from so many distant places connected by love of a game and common interests come together. It's things like this that give me hope for the future of mankind.
  24. 1 point
    Dude, you need to head to Ohio and I'll give my tour of the USAF Museum :)
  25. 1 point
    Happy and proud to have been part of this epic Road Trip! As I said... there is always room at the Muesli Inn, and who knows what the future will bring!!! Damn, what a fine community we have here, guys! <3
  26. 1 point
    A great trip you made Enoch, seeing so may CA members, wonderful to meet you and Lazslo and an honour to take you guys and Muesli through "my" National Military museum (I am a tourguide there)... Good to see Stary alive and kicking, we met at Cracow in 2019. And a good thing too that you paid a visit to Aschwitz , very much part of our history........... Proudly wearing your El Salvador Tshhirt !!!! Viva CA !!!!!!!!
  27. 1 point
    I guess a very brief description of the differences would be that provided in Wikipedia for EQ-6 - new Sherloc digital RWR, new Cyrano IV-SP1 radar, and capable of carrying two Exocet missiles at once. 30 built Mirage F1EQ-5 is capable of carrying a single Exocet under the fuselage. Other sources indicate Cyrano IV-MR radar with terrain avoidance capability for the EQ-6. An interesting piece of information on the EQ-6, that I came across, is that back in 1989 those were equipped with rails to carry and launch Kh-29L soviet/russian laser guided A2G missiles. On a different note, I am happy to see new Mirage F1 variants with later cockpits and more recce, ECM, etc. pods included in the weapons list, so I hope we are close to the moment when it will be time for updated Mirage F1CT/CR versions.
  28. 1 point
    i didnt figure you would be interested Menrva. You have said in the past that Balkans had sort of worn you out and I know that you still keep fine tuning ODS 30AE. It is impressive how you keep improving it so far out after its release when many modders and teams would have stopped and declared it finished when i make posts like that, it is to try to get other new interest in it. the game is up to the modders and those that still enjoy our work. everyone starts somewhere, maybe the Balkans gets someone new interested in modding. that interest goes further when we encourage new skinners, modelers, terrain builders and campaign writers rather than decrying the lack of interest. for the folks that dont have interest tweaking their work for a future update, i would hope they would be willing to help a next generation with interest learn. besides, like i mentioned theres quite abit of time to work on it. and even Allied Force wasnt as intensive as Iraq 91, let alone Deliberate Force or fictional strikes durng Deny Flight
  29. 1 point
    October 4, 2022. Hi all, We have posted more info and pictures on the website news section, for the recently announced BATTLE OF FRANCE Expansion coming soon to WINGS OVER THE REICH! Please check it out here !
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Is Andre (Laton) Simpson still active here? I Hexa edited the LODs files of their Fokker EIIa that had wire wheels. I converted them to wheel covers. as they were usually in combat areas. Would be great to be in contact with him and ask their permission to upload these files. The last login of Laton was 2017 Is anyone here still in contact with him? Would tell me if Laton still following this forum? I sent a PM to him, but no answer.
  32. 1 point
    I totally understand your desire, however, I see no real way around the issue, sometimes we have to work with the tools we are given. However in this case, we are looking at a rather unique set of circumstances, where obsolete equipment is in general use when more advanced types are in general issue. I dont know how one could address this problem satisfactorily to be honest, it would be brilliant to be able to merge both FE and SF into one, however, it is not really a viable option, without huge amounts of tinkering and modification "under the hood" Unfortunately, due to TK's silly stance on this, we are not able to get to the core of the 2 sims , or rather not in enough detail, to be able to re calibrate the whole thing and make it "better" On one side of the coin, I sort of understand TK's attitude, it is his intellectual property after all, however, there are also arguments to be made that as the 2 sims are getting on in years now, and that any modification to the whole setup, would not be a financial issue for TK. But this is a long standing conversation, and one it would seem, that has no logical solution to it. Waiting for TK to extractum digitum, is a vain hope, we are still awaiting his promise of updating SF to bring it into Win 10 added compatibility, another forlorn hope methinks !!


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