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Showing most liked content on 12/27/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Argentinian Dagger, hunting for british tanks. (Rio de la Plata terrain WIP)
  2. 4 points
    My original plan was to release a simple version of the Rio de la Plata terrain for X-Mas. But i'm still debugging the files. Mostly it are parked aircrafts, which appear, where they are not should be. I hope i can finish it till end of the week. The scenario so far is: 1982. After the argentinan attack on the Falkland islands the Royal Navy is striking back, with an invasion of Argentina. Beachheads were formed and the Argentinian Army is trying to push the British out of the land. For the RoyalNavy and the allied Brazilians you can fly: SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,SEAD,ANTI_SHIP,RECON,CAS,Armed_Recon For the Argentinians you can fly: SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,SEAD,ANTI_SHIP,CAS Since british and argentinian carrier groups are in the area STRIKE missions are always flown against the enemy carrier. Dagger over the Pampa, hunting for british tanks.
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    Take off from Buenos Aires Airport.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    Any news? Hope it´s alive...
  8. 2 points
    Gloster Meteor F.6's - No.500 Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force, 1953
  9. 2 points
    I used some of GKABS civilan airport buildings, some of my usual runway and taxiway files and the stock airfield4 to create Buenos Aires Airport
  10. 2 points
    The EAW Launchpad group and I hope everyone will still enjoy these festive days, in spite of the looming darkness in some parts of the world. Fortunately one doesn't have to be of a certain belief for that in our part of the world, or stay in hiding. Stay healthy and safe and make the best of it! VonBeerhofen
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.7


    realSKY Environment January 13th, 2019 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is my sky enhancement mod. It also combines the work of many other modders, in order to provide a realistic, better looking sky. Here below a quick summary of the changes: -Tweaked sky colours, something in between Cellinsky's widesky and the stock SF2 colours. -More realistic Night colours, sky and ambient are much darker. -More atmospheric, reddish transition from Twilight to Night. -New "dark blue" High Altitude colours (fly near space with a NF-104). -Moon produces a yellowish light instead of the default purple. -Sky is "wider" much like Cellinsky's widesky mod (background horizon clouds are bigger and more noticeable). -Added beautiful cloud graphics made by Cellinsky and ShrikeHawk, tweaked for each weather type. -Added a low number of stray clouds to Clear weather. -Added noticeable clouds to Overcast weather and Inclement weather, "fixing" a known SF2 "bug". -Combined various mods to produce a more interesting Rain Effect under Inclement weather. -Added Stary's lens flare effects from the SARCASM 2 mod, in place of Cellinsky's widesky effects. -Added Cloud Layer graphics by Stary, Fubar512 and Brain32. -Reworked secondary atmospheric effects, such as contrails and wingtip vortexes. In addition, the package includes alternative environment configuration files in the Alternative Weather folder; they enable different effects for the Inclement weather. You can choose between thunderstorm (default, adapt for most terrains), snowstorm (for cold, icy terrains) and sandstorm (for hot, desert terrains). For those who wish not to change the effect globally, I highly suggest to try the included terrain-specific environment example provided for stock SF2 terrains; the default global effect is thunderstorm, while terrains with their own environment file either use sandstorm or snowstorm as appropriate. Use this as a basis to customize other terrains. By setting the Effects to Unlimited, the game makes use of a DirectX 10 post processing effect; the stock game's post processing shader generates a pointless and horrible bloom effect which excessively blinds the player during twilight transitions. By default, realSKY includes a reworked post processing shader (TWPOSTPROCESS.FX) which provides more contrast, more vignetting, minor color correction and a daytime-only bloom effect, so it's miles better than what the stock game offers. Alternative post processing tweaks are included in the Alternative Shaders folder; choose the one you wish to try (check the included screenshots for fast comparisons) and overwrite the default one in your mod's Flight folder. If you don't care about the post processing effect, you may want to set the game's Effects to High in the Options menu. >Credits (in no particular order): -Cellinsky, for his fantastic widesky mod from which I borrowed some tweaks. -Stary, for his Thunderstorm and Heavy Snowfall weather mods, and his SARCASM 2 beta mod from which I borrowed some effects. -PanamaRed, for tweaks in regards to Clouds (especially the Broken weather ones). -Fubar512 and Brain32, for their Cloud Layer Top bitmaps, which I have smoothed for a better looking effect. -ShrikeHawk, for his CloudSkins mods, from which I took the spectacular cloud graphics. -BearGryllis, for his Thunderstorm Pack With Enhanced Lightnings 2.0b package. -Orsin, for his Improved Rain Effect and Heavy Rain 0.8 mods. -luk1978, for his interesting WeatherEffect package. -ArmedLightning, for his Special FX v2.2 mod for the GTR 2 game, from which I borrowed a lens flare effect. -baffmeister, for the idea of recreating sandstorm weather effects. -tiopilotos, for suggesting improvements on other subjects. -Eagle114th, for his Improved Wingtip Vortex mod which I have reworked. -JosefK, guuruu and Coupi, for their interest and support. I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
  14. 1 point
    I've used some new and old info to complete this new page on my web site. Its a performance record. Of my test of EAW. I haven't recorded anything for v1.2 as it does not have a Frames counter, so I'll have to use an nvidia program to give me results overall. I have used the un official versions,. I use v1.28 a lot, both GoG(w/wrapper) and without a Wrapper, both in DX3D mode. Here's most of my tests currently: https://eaw.neocities.org/performance.html Anyhow if your interested in posting your results I'd be glad to see them. I'm going to ask them to be for a certain version of EAW and one resolution, as this is best to get everyone's results. (see Help Doc)
  15. 1 point
    . "A Story for the Season" 1916: Christmas Eve at the Front. The War has dragged itself along on its steely, mud-caked claws for over two years, and the end seems no closer now than when it all began. At an RFC aerodrome not ten miles from the first line trenches, a group of airmen sit through the morning’s briefing, and prepare themselves for the day’s work. They are nearly all young men, at least in years. But with war comes age beyond a calendar’s mark, and one would find that each man is far older than first appearance would tell if a moment were taken to look into his eyes. As the meeting breaks the jovial banter can be heard amongst the group: the good-natured ribbing and warnings, the verbal jousting, the camaraderie and the closeness that bonds souls together in such tenuous and temporary times. Across the mud at a German aerodrome, a similar scene is being played out. The Jagdstaffel pilots there are also preparing themselves for the task at hand. To look at them, you might imagine they were schoolmates of their British counterparts, rather than enemies soon to be locked in mortal combat. For they too laugh and joke, and share that same bond. And they too are of the "old young". The hour is at hand. On each side the signal is given and the small, fast scout planes skim along the cold, icy ground, and one by one lift into a winter sky as grey as the earth below. They form up, and after climbing to their prescribed altitudes, they head towards No Man’s Land and on to do their best; for King and Country; für Kaiser und Vaterland. They meet, and there is the initial gun pass as each sizes up the other. A few moments later and the aerial battle begins in earnest. To those in the fight it is a mind-numbing blur of action that runs in both accelerated and slow motion simultaneously. A split second given to pull the trigger as a plane zips across the sights: an eternity spent to try and twist out of the path of the bullets. An entire lifetime won or lost in less than an eye blink. To those on the ground it appears as a graceful ballet of the sky, the canvas-feathered birds turning and rolling and climbing and diving. But it is a dance to the death more often than not, and it will end when one or more has fallen. And one has fallen. The long, slow, spiraling pirouette as the finale comes to the dance. The others have now tired and as if by mutual agreement or unseen signal the partners separate and turn away. The audience below does not understand how it can be over so quickly. They cannot see the fatigue and exhaustion of those in the air; cannot see their battered ships, or their bruised and aching bodies; or their tired, aging eyes. No, they can see none of these things, any more than the men in the air can see the pain or the agony endured by those who must fight on the ground. Each sees the other from afar, as through a glass darkly. It is an irony of war that in each case, either in the Sky or on the Earth, a man better understands and is more akin to the enemy he fights in his realm than to his own countrymen above or below. Christmas Eve at the Front. Night has fallen and the pilots sit about the dinner table at their respective aerodromes, and talk of flying and fighting, and of family and friends. Wishes of the Season are shared, letters from home are read. Songs of hope are sung and toasts are made to fellow flyers, and to mothers and sweethearts. At one of the tables an empty chair stands in remembrance of the comrade lost that day, and to whom the final toast is made. He will be missed, and to a loved one back home he will forever be a young man with bright, happy eyes; forever a photograph, a memory of a life that could have been. It matters not which side he fought for. He was a man, a part of human kind, and with his passing we are all the lesser for it. . May you have safe and blessed holidays wherever you are, and may we each remember the true message of this season: Peace on earth, good will toward men.
  16. 1 point
    Gloster Meteor F.6's - No.611 Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force, 1955
  17. 1 point
    Wich map's that? BTW, SUE's computer is not prepared to carry two Exocet missiles, and, mandatory screenie: "what if" CF-115 taking off on a SEAD mission...
  18. 1 point
    A belated Merry Christmas and a warm Happy Holidays! While not nearly as warm, the recent swing in temperatures here in southern British Columbia (I affectionately call it British California in my location) has been nothing but dramatic. On Friday we were experiencing temperatures of 10 degs F and yesterday it was 50 degs F ! Unfortunately, unlike southern California the warming change here has been accompanied by lots of rain. Buy hey, liquid sunshine is par for the course for this time of year in this part of the continent.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    MiG Prototype Ye-8, proposed service designation MiG-23F.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    We fixed few bugs on the Mirage F1CT Standard 1, the version 4.0.1 have been uploaded.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Merry Christmas from sunny southern California!! We're expecting nearly 80 degs F for Christmas day!! Can you believe that? Half the USA is frozen, and we're toasting! Happy Nude Year too!!
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    F-105B initial production model with AN/APN-105 navigational radar, 71 built a "stand in" by dtmdragon rebuilt What's in: - 12 new High Rez skins an 1 upgraded - all serials needed - some tweaks Credits: - dtmdragon original mod idea - Sundowner templates - paulopanz skins/decals/tweaks Install: - all in main mod folder Enjoy
  29. 1 point
    Arroio landing strip, Brazil
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Checking out simonmiller's modded rocket motor effects on the HARM
  32. 1 point
    Only the national and theater markings are painted on, everything else (including the nose and rudder) are decals.
  33. 1 point
    Gloster Meteor Mk.V - No.34 Squadron, RAF Pacific Command, 1946
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    While the Phantoms and Corsairs slept on another lonely inclement day... The Intruder went out to play... All Weather...
  36. 1 point
    sorry! the problem was with the vanilla cargo ship and every other 3rd party or vanilla cargo/tanker ship, I uninstalled all 5 merged games and re-installed them and the problem was gone...maybe there was something with some 3rd party weapons that came with add-on aircraft, I can't tell exactly what could've been but it is solved! so thanks everyone for the tips and help!
  37. 1 point
    Taking a flight on Menrva's Italy terrain, just flying around and doing a trap.
  38. 1 point

    Version 4.0.1


    Mirage F1CT standard T1 This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him. The Mirage F1CT is a ground attack version of the Mirage F1C-200. Following their replacement in the air defence role by the Mirage 2000, the French Air Force had a number of surplus Mirage F1C-200s, and in 1988 it launched a conversion programme to turn these aircraft into interim ground attack aircraft to replace elderly Mirage IIIEs and Mirage Vs. The Mirage F1CT program brought the avionics of the F1C up to the standard of the F1CR, with the radar upgraded with the additional air-to-ground modes of the Cyrano IVM-R, an improved navigation/attack system fitted, with a laser rangefinder fitted under the nose. It was fitted with new Mk 10 ejection seats, while improved radar detection and warning devices, chaff/flare dispensers, and secure radios were also added. It gained the ability to carry a variety of air-to-ground weapons, including rockets, cluster bombs and laser-guided bombs, while retaining the F1Cs air-to-air armament (Wikipedia). F1CT1 specifics: R550, no R530, S530F, AUF2, no CLB4, no CLB8 radio-altimeter Inertial Navigation System Seat Mk10 RWR sherloc AAR probe laser ranging TMV630 Barax, Barracuda, Phimat, Corail gondolas (P0 station) CC420 pods capability RPL201 EFT no left gun double wingtip position lights A big thank to all on Combatace and C6 forums that helped us solving issues we encountered. Any omission in credits is totally unwanted, if I forgot somebody, let me know, I will correct this. This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F-1 Team
  39. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak 11/19/22 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a complete overhaul, plus numerous additions, to the P2V-7/P-2H Neptune package I released in 2011 (THAT long ago????!!!!). I was going over some things, and found numerous flaws and faults, and chose to fix them up. This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to replace in total the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way will work with no issues. Skin sets NOW included are: These 3 from the original 2011 pack-- VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s plus ... 320 Squadron, RNNAS (now included) The new skins are: JMSDF (2,3,4 & 51 Kokutais)-squadron insginia are randomly applied RAAF (10 & 11 Squadrons) - early Seaplane Gray/White and late Gull Gray/White skins French Aeronavale - Flotilles 21/23(ish) USN -- VP-9 "Golden Eagles, NAS Barbers Point (Early Seaplane Gray/White) VP-18 "Flying Phantoms" NAS Jacksonville, NAS Rossevelt Roads (Early SG/W) Argentina -- Both original COAN skins NOW included! The only country's skins NOT included are the RCAF/CF by 1977Frenchie; his set for the CP-122 which is good enough to stand on it's own :) . All skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active. This can be seen on the Loading Screen, skin/squadron drop-down menu as shown below: VP-9 Golden Eagles (>1962) (before 1962) or VP-69 Totems (<1964) (after 1964) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein


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