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  1. 13 points
  2. 7 points
    Korea 1950 ( in another world of course )
  3. 6 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Embraer E/R-99 AWACS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embraer_R-99 Special credit goes to my dear friend and brother in arms, Angel.
  4. 5 points
    the plane got smallpox. it happened because he had not been vaccinated. warning to all antivaxers
  5. 4 points

    Version 1.0.0


    There are two models in this package, military and civilian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dassault_Falcon_50 https://theaviationgeekclub.com/the-story-of-suzanna-the-modified-iraqi-falcon-50-business-jet-that-almost-sank-us-navys-guided-missile-frigate-uss-stark/ Special credit goes to my dear friend and brother in arms, Angel.
  6. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    (TMF) E-3A SENTRY RSAF by PeacePuma In the late 1980s the Royal Saudi Air Force purchased 5 E-3A Sentry aircraft which were assembled in the UK with the new CFM56 engines. They had a relevant participation in the Gulf War, being part of the more than 300 missions that prevented Iraq from doing something in secret. They are currently based at 6 Wing and No. 18 Squadron of the RSAF This mod recreates current and early 90s liveries Credits The Mirage Factory...... for the original Aircraft PeacePuma ................. addons 3d, skins, decals, ini edits Strahi............................ ini edits Wrench ........................ approval on behalf of TMF members You must know: This mod does not include a virtual cockpit (if you find a suitable one you can include it yourself) The engines are not animated as it is just a mod overlay for the false seat technique. You must not distribute without permission of its original authors!!! PP Mar, 2023
  7. 3 points
    My 2 cents. The idea to use a "nonflyable" aircraft as target for the AI gunners of combat helicopters or planes is worth to think about it. For scenarios, wher only one side has planes, like Afghanistan, i see no problems. But i fear, that if both sides have planes, the AI could use the "nonflyable" planes/groundtargets like real planes, what could cause troubles, so that the targets of a mission could not reached. The idea needs some tests. Perhaps the result is good.
  8. 3 points
    My good friend, Yes it's the old TMF sentry, I've given it a new life with a simple fake pilot (seat) addon... In fact veltro2k made a similar mod but with their own 3d models, the difference here is that the TMF model It allows you to work with more detailed skins and it has more animated elements... there were also certain inaccuracies that I managed to solve with this mod... taking advantage of the comment I anticipate that I will follow the logical course with a next E-3f sentry and then I will end this series with the AEWS Phalcon and Condor from Israel and Chile respectively
  9. 2 points
    Here are mine, it's for the only one we got, the FastCargo one (I believe that's it) but has everything, for the A, B, and C models. F-35Templates.7z Wrench, is it possible to add a Texture template thing for the Downloads section? I tried to find them under Utilities/Editors (where I believe that they were initially) but now gone.
  10. 1 point
    View File Dassault Falcon 50 There are two models in this package, military and civilian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dassault_Falcon_50 https://theaviationgeekclub.com/the-story-of-suzanna-the-modified-iraqi-falcon-50-business-jet-that-almost-sank-us-navys-guided-missile-frigate-uss-stark/ Special credit goes to my dear friend and brother in arms, Angel. Submitter strahi Submitted 03/14/2023 Category Other  
  11. 1 point
    Yeah, I think it has more interestin in COIN scenarios like Vietnam, Afghanistan for Soviets and americans, or central american style ops.
  12. 1 point
    I don't want to steal the Rio de la Plata terrain post, so I will post this as a new threat. I asked permission to the new YAP manager in order to post this here, and got it, so everything is clear and approved. I attached the data of their "Target aircraft", is a "plane" that is on the ground and that is attacked by helo gunners. It works, as I tried in my own missions. Maybe someone here can find it interesting and maybe even improved. Thanks to the members of YAP Revamp Works Project by allowing me to post this on CA. Target_DATA.INI
  13. 1 point
    Oh snap, I was wrong, sorry looks like I'm the one having a senior moment here.
  14. 1 point
    I thought there WAS a section under skin for templates? Or was I having a senior moment (again????)
  15. 1 point
    Sorry, i made a mistake In 1981 we get some Roland 1 trailers (not active today) and two years later the roland 2 arrived to the country and continue to be on service. Also, the argentine navy has at least 1 triple tigercat launcher, but cant find info about it.
  16. 1 point
    We have some Roland II Trailers There was a canceled proyect named: TAM VCLM, it was a TAM Chassis with a Roland II turret (it can be found on the SF1 section) And we had Strela 2M, Blowpipe and RBS 70 NG
  17. 1 point
    Top notch GKABS! Thank you.
  18. 1 point
    Pilar industrial complex is finished. I placed some Flak in the middle. Make a nice firework. Its astonishing, that Flak hits something. This time the tailsection of my wingman. BTW: Does Argentina has SAM?
  19. 1 point
    Vote for Gepard, he's the only one currently creating jobs in the SF2 world....
  20. 1 point
    I have started to create an industrial area near the town of Pilar, north west of Buenos Aires.
  21. 1 point
    If you have the floating pilot it means that the position and all the ini edits are working. So you change PilotModelName= to PilotModelName=Photo and then you should have the photograph where the floating pilot was, unless something is wrong with the Photo (3D model) folder.
  22. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a another Skin pack for A-Team model. I wish you good hunting. Relax and try to enjoy, thank you.
  23. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    Re-upload of the A4D-2 with data and texture ini updates submitted by Cliff7600: Addition of cockpit visual of refueling probe USN & USMC 'Stock' texture numbering not showing Inst: All fixes/additions have been made in applicable ini files - just drop 'Object' and 'Sound' folders in main folder and overwrite. ** Note - if you have added additional units/skins applicable changes will have to be made to your A4D-2.INI file. "Thanks Cliff7600"
  24. 1 point
    Taking off from Isla Martin Garcia Airport It looks like the offending vessel, let get closer and get visual id. yes, this is the right ship Kono, change your course to 120 degrees and prepare to be boarded. No answer? fire a few warning shots Tower, this is flight 452, the ship is turning back, returning to base, over. Safe Landing :)
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Let's go ! THAT is speed Covered by the fury of six mighty J-93, you cannot hear the "StructuralFactor" strongly expressing his disagreement. Once he lost patience ...hit's a wall.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    IMPORTANTE!!! Antes de instalar la skin es importante tener el avión de denissoliveira. IMPORTANT!!! Before installing the skin it is important to have denissoliveira's plane. Español: A fines del 2018 unos 5 Super Étendard Modernisé arribaron a la Argentina a la espera de una puesta a punto, pero lamentablemente para el 2022 siguen sin volar. Esta skin es lo mas similar a la pintura del Super Étendard del ARA, la única libertad que me tome a la hora de hacer la skin es añadir un killmark como tenían los Super Étendard después de la guerra de Malvinas. Si quieren modificar mi skin, añadir algo o lo que sea, agradecería bastante que se me dé el crédito correspondiente, ya que me llevo bastante tiempo debido a la falta de plantilla que me faciliten el laburo. Además darle los créditos correspondientes a denissoliveira por el avión y la skin sobre la que trabaje. Sin nada mas que agregar, espero que disfruten la skin. English: At the end of 2018, some 5 Super Étendard Modernisé arrived in Argentina waiting for a set-up, but unfortunately by 2022 they are still not flying. This skin is the most similar to the painting of the ARA Super Étendard, the only freedom I took when making the skin is to add a killmark like the Super Étendard had after the Malvinas war. If you want to modify my skin, add something or whatever, I would be very grateful if you give me the corresponding credit, since it took me a long time due to the lack of a template that facilitates my work. Also give the corresponding credits to denissoliveira for the plane and the skin on which he works. With nothing more to add, I hope you enjoy the skin.
  30. 1 point
    I'm so thrilled to see you, Stary! Thank you so much for this fix, indeed something can be accomplished by editing shaders; I made a slightly modified shader for changing in-game text color which is hardcoded for subtitles, it's included in ODS 30AE. Thanks! I do plan on updating it in the future, so if you wish to contribute some tweaks to it or have any suggestions about it, feel free to PM me. Welcome back! PS: Admins, please pin this topic! This should be pretty useful!
  31. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    McDonnell Douglas F-4DA Phantom (Argentina) for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-4D to create a fictional F-4DA in service with the Argentine Air Force in the 1979-2010 timeline. BACKSTORY During the early 1960's the Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA) began an ambitious plan to replace the F-86F Sabre then in service as their main interceptor-fighter. The British English Electric Lightning was briefly considered but was quickly dismissed on account of it's very short range. The Swedish Saab Draken was successfully evaluated and FAA pilots submitted a very favourable report as was the French Dassault Mirage III and it seemed likely that a decision would be made between these two competing aircraft. However, the end of the Frondizi government in 1962 and the subsequent turmoil over the next few years saw the FAA's plans put on hold but the Israeli's successful use of the Mirage III in the 1967 Six-Day War saw the FAA finally decide on the French aircraft. However negotiations with the French Government came to an abrupt end in May 1968 when Juan Carlos Onganía, fearful of a coup d'état, dismissed the leaders of the Armed Forces and cancelled the Mirage order. The 1973 elections (the first general elections for ten years) saw Dr. Hector Cámpora elected as President with a campaign based on a platform of national reconstruction. For the FAA this meant that it's F-86 replacement plans could finally continue but with an aircraft from an unexpected source. Despite the turmoil of Argentina's recent history, the US State Department saw Argentina as a bulwark of anti-Communism in South America and US President Richard Nixon sanctioned the export of 28 ex-USAF F-4D's with deliveries to Grupo 4 de Caza starting in August 1973 and deliveries to Grupo 8 de Caza starting in January 1974. The 1976 US Presidential elections saw incoming President Jimmy Carter highlight issues of human rights and eventually secure a congressional cutoff of all US arms transfers to Argentina and the FAA found it increasingly hard to support Phantom operations except by clandestine support. The FAA used the Phantom during the 1982 Guerra de las Malvinas as a long-range strike aircraft but the FAA's lack of aerial refueling capability and the long distance from their bases dramatically reduced their ability. After 1982 the FAA's Phantom force was increasingly supported by Israel Aircraft Industries and although no additional aircraft could be sourced the remaining 17 aircraft remained in service until 2010. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-4DA folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-4DA folder into your Decals folder. That's it! For Argentine weapons I recommend you get them from the excellent SF2 Falklands Mod (Redux) by eburger68. CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks also to sundowner for the F-4B templates used to create this F-4D skin. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - May 8th, 2021
  32. 1 point



    ARA Intrepida modernizada con MM-38 Exocet. Construida en la República Federal Alemana en 1970. Se la conoce con el nombre de "Lancha Rápida" en mérito a la alta velocidad que puede desarrollar. entrando en servicio en el año 1974. Actualmente prestan servicio en el Área Naval Austral en la ciudad de Ushuaia, desde donde opera teniendo por escenario los canales e islas de la zona austral; su casco y superestructura está pintado color verde indomito. En 1998, se reemplazó 1 montaje simple Breda Bofors 40/70mm por un lanzador doble de misiles Exocet MM-38. IMPORTANTE Este trabajo no puede ser modificado, distribuido ni utilizado en otros proyectos sin mi expreso consentimiento. Que la disfruten. Dedicado a los Heroes de Malvinas. Adrian Benetti "TerceraEscuadrilla" ========================================================================================================================================================= ARA Intrepid modernized with MM-38 Exocet. Built in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1970. Is known by the name "Quick Launch" in recognition of the high speed can be developed. entered service in 1974. Currently serving on the Southern Naval Area in the city of Ushuaia, from where it operates from stage having channels and islands of the southern area, its hull and superstructure is painted green indomitable. In 1998, he replaced a simple mounting 40/70mm Breda Bofors twice by a pitcher MM-38 Exocet missiles. IMPORTANT This work can not be modified, distributed or used in other projects without my express consent. Enjoy it. Dedicated to the Heroes of the Malvinas. Adrian Benetti "TerceraEscuadrilla"
  33. 1 point



    ARA A-9 Sobral y ARA A-10 Somellera (Remolcadores Clase Sotoyomo) 3D Modelo y Textura by TerceraEscuadrilla Marinero modelo original de mecanico by Suicidal, adaptacion y texturado by TerceraEscuadrilla Ambos participaron en el año '82 en la Guerra de Malvinas como buques auxiliares. Adrian Benetti Tercera Escuadrilla ------------------------------------------------------------------ A-9 Sobral ARA and ARA A-10 Somellera (Auxiliar Fleet Tug Class Sotoyomo) 3D models and textures by TerceraEscuadrilla Sailor's original mechanical model by Suicidal, adaptation and textured by TerceraEscuadrilla Both participated in the year '82 in the Falklands War as auxiliary vessels. Adrian Benetti Tercera Escuadrilla


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