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Showing most liked content on 06/13/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    Whats wrong with a classic silver bullet? and some of us are perfectly content with 2000 lbs worth of light show. just depends on what you make go boom
  3. 2 points
    Lobos against the goddamevilcommbuilding or "oh no, you did not shoot that green shit at me"
  4. 2 points
    Oscar EW-5894 Fallus tactical figter bomber (single and two seat variants).
  5. 1 point
    I've been playing this game for 20 years. Yeah 20 years. I was just wondering if there is a way to change what fighter type is the standard type available when you request help. Yeah I've searched around the forum; I've come across answers that aren't really related. These forum discussions are from 2008, If I've missed the topic that answers my question I apologize. I've never really needed this info, but I've since really enjoyed flying bombers (so I get blasted apart by interceptors). Please just asking anyone if there is a way to edit this, I play this game rarely now when I have the time, so I don't really have a lot of time to figure this stuff out. Thank you to all the support I've gotten from this site since I was a teenager. Long live Combatace and all the wonderful founders of this site who have helped me for nearly 20 years.
  6. 1 point
    Beginner's luck I guess, but I found it almost immediately - in the F-16A_SMS_WPN2E.TGA file. It looks like those files only support 5 letters in lenght, so I think I'm just going to go with "AIM-7M". [Edit ] And I'm guessing for the sake of thoroughness, I should change the SHFR2 to AIM-7E and the PYTH3 to AIM-7F? At least those 2 other sparrows varants are also showing in my F-16A's available stores and are available on the mid pylon drop-down.
  7. 1 point
    Yeah was going to say good luck with that. I don't know which cat it's in (I extracted all for myself, was hunting down some stuff for the F-14A to use on a TMF bird I was thinking of doing) so good luck with that!
  8. 1 point
    Thanks for the info. I've at times done similar graphics editng for button and labels to mod a Virtual TableTop app, so I'll give the latter suggestion a go. I have no illusions though, that finding it is going to be a challenge. I'm using Mue's CAT extractor though, so maybe with some logical filtering I can track it down.
  9. 1 point
    From what I gather through working with the Super Hornet cockpits is that the cockpit has that stuff already embedded. Or to make a long story short you'd need the original max file to edit it so it would say Sparrow. Failing that you're just going to have to live with it unless you change the image file, which can be a workaround too. You'll have to find that file and use an image editing program (PS, GIMP, etc) to do it.
  10. 1 point
    There appear to be only two options for generating a help flight in the Mission Editor. They are Not Available and Generate Randomly. It does not appear that you can change the type available. See the attached pictures. If you need help with the interceptors then do as the person above suggests and assign an escort to your flight. You can also have a sweep mission go in before you get to the target.
  11. 1 point
    It is easy, when selecting the mission, use the editor that the same simulator brings to select an escort and which model you want to escort you, you can also look at the different opponents
  12. 1 point
    Just another red Mustang...
  13. 1 point
    Don't be such a prude. Just because I get a vicarious thrill out of microwaving large parts of the countryside is no reason to try and take away my ability to get off on being a Galactic Class pyromaniac involved in mass urban renewal.
  14. 1 point
    Buenas per tutti.. Tuve menos tiempo del esperado y más complicaciones al momento de ponerlo en vuelo que las que podía suponer.. un poco porque hace mucho que no agarro esto y es casi como aprender de nuevo y otro poco porque de veras el data ini se puso complicado con el tema del vertical lift. Igual me acordaba lo suficiente como para por lo menos llegar a carretear jaja Mirando a la cámara Se supone que por su condición V/STOL es embarcado, entonces lo lógico es que tenga las alas plegables. Por las dudas, y por el mismo precio, también le puse sonda.
  15. 1 point
    almost through with what was the worlds 6th largest airforce in 1989...... you wouldnt believe how hard that ANG bicentennial badge was to find. Googles great, except when it aint
  16. 1 point
    Came in real nice but ended up in a bolter. Not that I had problems, but I did forget to drop the hook...
  17. 1 point
    76th TFS 75th TFS (with the checker you remember) and to round out 74th TFS you are right about the base though. they kept similar schemes through the A-10 years. 76th deactivated until a couple years back, the 74th stayed same until they traded Vipers back for Hogs, and the 75th has only gained a "75th" title in the checkers, otherwise staying the same through the years
  18. 1 point
    Will it ever see the light of day?
  19. 1 point
    Microprose announce they have reacquired the copyright for the Falcon series and sounds like there will be upcoming work along with continuing to work with Benchmark Sims (BMS).
  20. 1 point
    Sorry , for the next weeks i will do nothing else but enjoying Los Angeles and San Diego and not to forget Disney Land with my grandchildren if i´m back i will take a look at it , it is on my to do list anyway
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Lightweight Heavies, Navy Style...
  23. 1 point
    Dagger One, up and ready on catapult one.. Dagger Spare standing by... Dagger Four up and ready... Dagger Three, up and ready... Dagger 2 up and ready... 'Send them'
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Well maybe 2020 was a bit optimistic! Top Gun: Maverick (2019 2020 2021 2022) 'It's been a minute, huh, Mav?' 'Why are the wings coming out Mav?' 'Here they come. What's your plan?' 'Just put your mask on. Remember, we're on the same team. Just wave and smile' 'Oh sh*t! His wingman's moving into weapons envelope...'
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 B-25B Mitchell Pak by Veltro2K 7/25/2014 -- Something for the WW2 PTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: This mod references the stock destroyed Il-28. Also, due to modifications to various inis, this mod will probably -NOT- work in 1stGen game installs at any patch level. This has not/cannot be tested by me.** This is a release of Veltro2K's =NEW= B-25B Mitchell Medium Bomber. This represents the first version (nearly) combat ready, as seen in the last half of 1941 through April, 1942. As such, this version really did not see any wartime action, with one major exception. They were mostly used on costal patrols in the Pacific Northwest. RAF versions (Mitchell Mk.I) were used in training, at bases in the Bahamas. There are 2 skin/decals set(s) in the package: 34th BS, 17th BG "Thunderbirds", McChord Field, WA (circa 1941) Doolittle Radiers (16 aircraft, April, 1942) The skin is in jpg format, All markings are decals. All lighting is historically correct. Damage textures are in DDS format. There are nose arts (matched as best as possible from many sources -including the movie), on the Raider's skin, assigned to their historical aircraft. The serials on the 34th are some generic and some historical, as the Raiders pulled crews and aircraft from the squadrons of the 17th BG. Engine sounds, pilot figures, new Hangar & Loading screen are included. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months'. But be advised, I've given it a VERY short service life, as the C/D models were already entering service after January 1, 1942. Again, the B model would have been relagated to training and coastal patrol squadron around the USofA. When in game, you'll see B-25B Mitchell (v2k) on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This will differentiate it from any other B-25s you may (or may not) have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  28. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 ETO P-47D Razorback Pak -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable.* *Note X2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in the ETO envrionment. Specific versions for use in the MTO will be released seperately, when required (and available!)* Mods to Wolf257's P-47D Razorback Thunderbolt. This package "represents" mid production (-20) Razorback Jugs from the mid war to the end of the war time frame. This is a FULL aircraft pak, designed to REPLACE any others you may have (of Wolf's), with (pretty much) all the trimmings. This pack contains the following skin/decal sets: 61st FS, 56th FG 334th FS, 4th FG Decal randomization is TRUE, and the NEW skin is in Jpg format. Nose arts are included, and are 98.6% historically accurate for both sets. Weapons, pilot figure, and engine sound are included. A New 'box art' style Hangar, now fully SF2 compliant, is included for your viewing pleasure. Any changes that have been introduced, are listed in the 'ChangeLog', in the "Notes" section. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Wolfs original readmes, when discoverable, are included for historical purposes. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Please READ the 'To Install" section after unzipping, but BEFORE installing for an important note about possible conflicts with other Jug mods. Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein
  29. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 DH Mosquito Pak -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable. Plus all the other issues...* Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Pasko's Mosquitos. This is a compilation, in some respects, of many 1stGen WW2 mods of this aircraft. However, ALL the skins and decals ARE new builds. Aircraft and Skins in the Pak are... Mosquite B. Mk.IV 105 Squadron 139 "Jamacia" Squadron Mosquito FB.VI 418 "City of Edmonton" Squadron, RCAF 464 Squadron, RAAF Mosquito NF.XII 96 Squadron Mosquito PR.IV 1 PRU ...and one "just for fun" aircraft -- you all KNOW which movie Mosquito's I'm talking about! When discoverable, the Squadron Crest is used for the 'color chip' on the Loadout Screen. A new (mostly) SF2 compliant FM was created*. All loadouts have been corrected; gun round counts are now accurate. Unfortunately, due to AI problems, the FB.VI has all the guns set as "Primary". Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as are new SF2 versions of the Hangar screens, several of which are COMPLETLY new for this package. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as mentioned, the "Notes" section for other stuff of interest. *See Notes section for more IMPORTANT information! This mod is being released in an "as is" condition* Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein ChangeLog: re-added forgotten Decals for 633 Squadron FB.VI (SOE)
  30. 1 point



    SF2 WW2 CBI Mustangs -- Something for the CBI players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* **Notex2: These aircraft should ONLY be used in a seperate CBI-centric mods folder to prevent them from showing up where, historically, they shouldn't. The Aircraft/GroundObject sets for CBI are substantially different from Central or SouthWest Pacific areas. You'll need the Burma and China WW2 terrains from the 1stGen Terrains Downloads. Be advised, that even though I reworked both terrains some years ago, they need yet another going over to correct many faults; but they ARE perfecly playable as is, with the needed SF2 terrain conversion tweeks that is :)** This pack contains 3 aircraft, by or modded from those build by Wolf257, for use in the China-Burma-India Theatre by the USAAF. They are: A-36 Apache P-51A Mustang P-51B Mustang All aircraft are from the 311th FBG, and represent the various squadrons. These are the ONLY early model Mustangs to see service in the Pacifc Theatre (well, ok, actually CBI!), and no where else. The D model's didn't start to make their appearences until US Forces landed in the Phillipines. Hence, again, the need for a seperate CBI-centric install. New (semi)compliant SF2 FMs were cobbled together. As has become expected, the FM is NOT perfect, and needs further fine-tuning by Experts. New hangar screens, theatre specific weapons (except the WW2 bombs -you should have them already), a pilot figure and engine sounds are included. All skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. As is usual, all lighting is 100% historically correct. Remember, too, the A-36 and P-51A are the Allison engined versions, and therefore not as 'quick' as the Merlin powered models. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes are included for historical purposes (when discoveralbe from the archives) Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein


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