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Showing most liked content on 07/13/2023 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Some more WIP for B/D model. The meshes work mostly finished.
  2. 6 points
    escorting lancaster on the argentine coasts
  3. 6 points
    Please bigstone ... use Alt-D to remove HUD on your screens. They are cool , but this HUD is annoying .
  4. 5 points
    I couldn't help loading a Kh-41 on the Su-33. Yes, it is not equipped with the required pylon, but anyway...
  5. 5 points
    That's what I mean regarding cars on a road, it adds flavour and liveliness. What terrain is that?
  6. 5 points
  7. 3 points
    https://www.pucara.org/ediciones-2020 By Santiago Rivas, known for instance for his books about Argentinian Air Force during the Falkland war Lot of interesting articles (around 20 issues up to now) about south American Air Force For instance in issue 1: South American Spookies Cenepa Conflict ....
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
    for NightshadeP/R..... anti ship loadout* * Wagner CD not included
  10. 3 points
    i find your lack of water injection..... disturbing who knew Keflavik would become a reconstition field after round 1? you know how this goes Toto........
  11. 2 points
    View File Spitfire Hydroplane Mk1 / Mk5 / Ki-65 --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce --------------- SF2 version 2021 TurboSquid : original 3D model Snapper21 : source file donated to CA, project development and textures editing Wrench : project development origin and weapons pack Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis. Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing. Thirdwire : textures and inis. Bunyap and Killerbee : weapon packs The guns come from the "SF2_Gun_collection" by Flogger23 These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file. It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way. The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else. Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model. - Spitfire Mk1a Hydroplane - Spitfire Mk1a Hydroplane Long Range - Spitfire Mk5b Hydroplane - Spitfire Mk5b Hydroplane w Vokes filter - Ki-65 Hydroplane Only two aircrafts of this pack actually existed : R 6722 and W 3760 Submitter Cliff7600 Submitted 07/13/2023 Category What If Hangar  
  12. 2 points
    Is an amazing publication, with outstanding pictures, and for free!
  13. 2 points
    quick little trip, in and out 20 minutes tops if you can keep up (20 mins later) ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap would you get your fat ass down here?!?!?!
  14. 1 point
    Dear Friends, As the summer goes on, the work continues. One of the collector planes in development, Li-2, is nearing its release. Here are some of the WIP shots we wanted to share with you (no airborne operations shots yet - the paratroopers will learn how to jump from it next week). As you can see, unlike its unarmed C-47 cousin, this one was like a gunship wannabe - it had turrets AND a forward-firing machine gun - who knows when it might come in handy, right?! An armed transport aircraft with paratroopers and cargo inside - how much more versatile can you get? Well, add the bomb-carrying capability to this mix as well and you get a machine that ticks nearly all the boxes you ever wanted. Usually going the 'jack of all trades' route meant sacrificing something in every trade, but the USSR needed versatile aircraft. While the Western Allies during the war had plenty of long-range fighters to cover their bombers and mainly unarmed transport aircraft and had air superiority most of the time, Soviet VVS resources were always not enough. You may notice many other differences to the C-47 - different instruments and cargo doors, for instance. Even the engines were different, being Soviet-built. We hope to release this interesting aircraft later this month or in early August. See you in the skies!
  15. 1 point
    Everything is possible.
  16. 1 point
    Good to know Kevin ;), thx
  17. 1 point
    Maybe this has been posted before, but I could find the answer using the search option. If you want to start from the ramp in a single mission. edit this line in the MSN File. Change Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF in to Waypoint[01].Command=TAXI [AircraftMission001] Name=SHOWTIME AircraftType=MiG-21bisN Size=1 Alignment=ENEMY RandomChance=100 MissionType=RECON TargetArea=Bad Hersfeld ObjectiveID=5 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=TRUE CarrierBased=FALSE Position=569000.000000,557000.000000,500.000000 Heading=239.487961 Speed=207.887314 StartTime=0.000000 BaseArea=Köthen Airbase LandArea=Köthen Airbase Waypoint[01].Command=TAXI //Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Position=568081.500000,557000.000040,0.000000 Waypoint[01].Size=100.000000 Waypoint[01].Speed=202.929993 Waypoint[02].Command=DEPART Waypoint[02].Position=559147.825109,554563.392422,3048.000000 Waypoint[02].Size=1500.000000 Waypoint[02].Speed=202.929993 Notice the different "Tower" command (Tower taxi to runway 27 etc)
  18. 1 point
    A plane I think is very interesting is the YAK-11 Trainer, derived from the Yak-3 with a radial engine that I feel is not a very smart decision for train young pilots but it served in several AF of the Warsaw pact and countries close to the Soviet Union. It even saw combat in Korean War and Yemen. I can find some info on Yemeni conflict: Egyptians used the aircraft extensively during their intervention in the Yemeni Civil war. Egyptian aircraft were modified with Sakr 78mm unguided rockets and two .303in guns in the wings (no idea if in pod or inside thee wing). And were used in the ground attack role. but nothing on Korean War, only that one was the first aircraft shoot down in June 1950. Some pics:
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Lion : ROAAAAR! Puma: FFAAAAR!
  21. 1 point
    Stumbled on a video on YT about 617 Squadron, and the last of their Vulcans. Thought this would be a nice shot...always loved the way the look, since 'Thunderball'. Just have the Gerry Anderson feel to them
  22. 1 point
    New Daddy On The Block..
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Was somebody waiting for a bus ???
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    Wow, 3rd post and already p***ing me off...
  31. 0 points
    It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we now tearfully announce the loss of our greatest contributor, our biggest fan and a wonderful person…Marty James Nielson ("NIELS" around here). “Utah Air National Guard, Senior Master Sergeant, Marty James Nielsen left the airspace of this world on his last refueling mission with God's angels on May 21, 2023, surrounded by his loving family. Marty was born on July 7, 1960, the first of three sons to James Nielsen and Nancy (Fullmer) Nielsen. Marty grew up in the Glendale neighborhood of Salt Lake City...he joined the Utah Air National Guard, where he served honorably for 30 years as a boom operator, refueling military aircraft in mid flight, and as a crew chief." Marty was a constant supporter and advocator of the When Thunder Rolled Project since Day 1. He was always willing to help out wherever possible with enthusiasm and passion and was an official team member. Marty provided helpful research support, but more importantly, was one of the masterminds behind our target area creations. He became known as the target placement king; having a keen appreciation for detail and creating some of the most meticulous target areas ever created for this sim such as the North Vietnamese rail yards (the last he was working on before he passed). Many of our custom assets were directed by his requests. And we would happily create them; he always put them to great use and genuinely appreciated them. Moreover, among many development lows resulting in slow downs, Marty was always there providing motivation, encouragement and willing to help out whenever called upon. His presence and influence alone greatly contributed to getting back in action, delivering the goodies he needed to do his placement magic and feeling blessed to have such an amazing supporter with us. I personally enjoyed my discussions and collaboration with Marty, and felt so fortunate that our paths would cross sharing a common passion and hobby together. A foundation in Military Service, Family and Faith further helped unite us. My last communication from Marty was as follows: Thank you for the reply Steve and the kind words. Got home yesterday from the hospital. Struggling a bit today can’t guarantee much progress. I will do my best in the next few days…Godspeed my friend. Bless you and your family. Marty Well my friend, I know it’s too late for you to respond…but you have ALWAYS done your best for this project, for me and for the greater good. Today we lit a candle in your honor. Today we immediately thought of you when we heard the words: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Right back at you: Godspeed Marty, Blessings to You and Your family…and until we meet again...rest in peace and thank you for the impact you had on my life, it was a true honor to know you. Post Script and Lesser Thoughts Beyond just the WTR Project, many members here have interacted with Marty in various ways as he was an avid fan and supporter of this community. I’d ask for each of you to please remember him and his family in your thoughts and prayers, his enthusiasm and appreciation for all the collaboration and modding work here will truly be missed. Feel free to share in this post any fond memories or other thoughts you may wish to share, he would love that. In Marty’s memory and honor, we will be memorializing him within the WTR Project. We have finished our tribute plans for him and are currently collaborating with an artist to make this a reality which includes Marty featured as the KC-135A Tanker Boomer, a renown F-105/Thud Pilot (among his favorite aircraft ever) and even more. We will post more details as that tribute continues. With Marty’s passing, he takes with him most of the WTR target area lay-outs we planned and nearly finished. Obviously, this is a significant set back and therefore another progress update will be delayed until late Summer. As usual, if you have an interest in helping please send a Private Message. Take time to reflect on this loss, how Marty might have made your day in some way. Time is short and yesterday is not promised, so remember to love and appreciate today...take this moment right now to thank someone for their love and support. All of you, be well. In sadness for the loss, in gratefulness for the friendship... Steve (aka "Swambast")


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