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Showing most liked content on 07/23/2023 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. 4 points
    Uploaded a modified version of my personal skin, awaiting approval from the admins.
  9. 4 points
    If someone of the modders can build a Godzilla, then i will include it as easter egg.
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
    how did you.... how...... does this mean there'll be a Godzilla in the new one?
  12. 3 points
    Grumman F8F Bearcat - Night Attack Flight, Skadron 7, Indonesian Air Force, 1958
  13. 3 points
    Some more flying. I've been mulling over making a variation of this skin. It's not hard just not sure if there's interest.
  14. 2 points
    I see what you did there..
  15. 2 points
    "ok lead, im getting thirsty over here"
  16. 2 points
    75th Anniversary, 20 years in service. 23°Gruppo F-104S-ASA MM6737
  17. 2 points
    Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII - UN Flight, Aeronáutica Militar, 1949 In June 1949 an appeal was made by the United Nations (UN) for military support in the ongoing UN peacekeeping mission in the Kernan Valley district on the border between Dhimar and Paran. In response, the Portuguese government sent a combined Aeronáutica Militar force using men and machines drawn from Tancos Air Base and Ota Air Base to form a new squadron designated as the 'UN Flight'. Initially formed at Tancos Air Base in July 1949, the UN Flight were equipped with eight Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII fighter aircraft and deployed to Dhimar later in the same month becoming the first combat aircraft to operate on behalf of the UN. All eight Spitfires received UN identifying markings on their fuselage and wore large Cruz de Cristo roundels in all six position with their two-digit Aeronáutica Militar serial numbers carried on the fin and fuselage. Used mainly in the ground-attack and reconnaissance roles the Spitfires occasionally encountered Parani fighter aircraft including Avia-built Fw-190D's but combat was avoided by both sides with the Parani aircraft being escorted away from the Kernan Valley area. The Autumn Truce of 1949 saw the deployment come to an end and the UN Flight returned to Tancos Air Base in November 1949 remaining in service until March 1955. Skin Credit: Adapted by me from skins contained in the recent floatplanes released by Cliff7600
  18. 2 points
    Does we have already the GPU-2/A gunpod for the A-4 Skyhawk?
  19. 1 point
    Carrier Quals with a new PC..... Got a little distracted 1/2 mile out, but managed to get back on deck safely.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Sure. I am a picture. I am not real
  22. 1 point
    Oh! So you ARE a girl. LOL You never told me that, what kind of friend are you ? LOL
  23. 1 point
    Actually, there are several variations.. First is where you have multiple vertices on the same place that need welding. On the pic, A and B shows seemingly fine mesh, yet on C you can see there are 3 vertices in the same location, this will create shadow if unwelded. Also the same introduces an other problem, as 3dsmax will not weld things that cross into each other. So first have to separate the pin, then weld the double vertices and after that pactch up the hole on the original mesh where the pin come from. On picture D there lurking a stray polygon, highlighted on E which will also create shadow issue, this either has to be deleted or mated to the correct mesh it belongs too. Picture F and G shows a bit trickier shadow culprit.. Seemingly everything is fine, but unfortunately depend on the graphic engine how it decides to display a multi shaped mesh, the creation of triangles may cause overlap of polygon - for better illustration look at the part of I and the green circle. In this case on part H the outer vertices (black line) are out of line with the inner vertices (green line) shown on pic which will create a shadow in game. here you can either move the outer vertices to a location that not intersects or connect to vertices that will make the displaying different as it was done on pic J. These are a few and their variations. a stray vertice also similar to the item discussed with pics F to J.
  24. 1 point
    I played Wildlands one time, but never got into it because of some personal issues.
  25. 1 point
    nice videos i´m still on Ghost Recon Wildlands
  26. 1 point
    Heeeey ! I am not a girl. At least not anymore :))))
  27. 1 point
    I was working hard on a very historical skin and then I don't know, I lost it... a little update / the anti glare panel is needed for the real bird Something related but still not the bird I want to do (LOD is done since 18 months) And this is the bird I wanted to make at first : Still some details to do
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    This is awesome! Because, now, I have this kind of chaff around the ships (I do not remember what happened on this screenshot btw):
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point

    Version 2.1


    BELL AH-1S(Mod) COBRA Wings Over There Ver 2.0 for SF2 January 2016. This is a third party add on of the AH-1S(Mod) Cobra using models and cockpits created by me. The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters. I have just modified it a bit. It is designed for and works only in the SF2 series. WeaponPACK for this model is also included. ************************************************************* This is freeware-donationware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Jarek Hereda WARNING! This is totaly new file. I highly recomend to backup your old files. OR just delete all old files. This is totaly new files and will not work in many parts with old. There is still old file available to download. New file is named AH-1S_Ver2.0_SF2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This addon works only with included WeaponPACK. All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack. Standard commands for activating Cobra features: AIRBRAKES - sun filter/shader on off - just for fun no airbrakes so empty animation slot for use. ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station. LANDING GEAR - skid search light on/off at any speed. Dont forget to retract it because you wil be not able to shoot. A2A mode - gunner station TSU guncross for turret. A2Ground mode - pilot M73 cross. ANIMATION 7 - turret doors ANIMATION 8 - ammo bay dooors ANIMATION 9 - gunner door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 10 - pilot door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 1 - NVG (It is not nvg but some greent filter) If you don't like it disable it in cockpitini file. Added eye candy parking animation. Technicaly it is still old G/Q model with few upgrades. Bell enginers just put additional 400horse power, new tail gearbox with tail rotor and some avionics upgrades. Here I also added some extra power. For almost 10 years all new cobra was always S but different modification step model. This one was designated S(Mod) but after 1987 (when they were already extra confused by step models) Army simplified designation system and this one become just S model. Sometiems S(mod) is refered also as Q. But S(mod) had few visual differences compared to previous model. It also received AN/APR-39. Tail rotor and tail rotor housing are borrowed from Marine J model. Inlet screens are removed already from this model onward. In mid 80's lot of S(mod) were sent inot National Guard units. At this point they received wire strike protection system. Some were also equipped with nvg. But still TSU has no nvg capability so it was not much of real night fighter. Some S(Mod) gained C-NITE system for night targeting but it is not in my model. In late 80s some National Guard birds received K-747 blades but it is not here. For take off: Around 75% of throttle vector (small needle on RPM clock in cockpit should be like 65degree up) - (default ctrl + ) and then increase power to 70-85% (or more for quick lift) and pull controll stick little and snake will take off. Then reduce throttle vector as needed and reduce power to 69%. It should fly around 110kts now. 69% is about cruising speed. When on the ground you can see rotating blades for pitch and roll. Just additional and unnecesary thing (not visible so much when flying) but it is possible so it is there. Not working like i want but better then nothing. There are two different pylons on inboard stations one for rocketpods one for gunpods. Just to have a proper angle of fire with GP. It is not proper for real model but in my opinion best what can be done for SF engine. Rocket pods are ok with correct angle on inboard stations. NVG. Unfortunately there is no NVG in this game. I just added green "filter" to cockpit and you can activate it by default Animation 1 key. In external view ther will be little change in cockpit- unfortunately not moving with pilot/guner head. In copit view there is green glow and filter It is definitely not helping during night flight but this is beta version. Maybe one day real nvg will be possible here. If you dont like it disable it in cockpit.ini file. This feature apears only in National Guard 85 model and bonus, Skins: 76 model 334th AHC B COmpany, 503rd Avn Bn, Büdingen 1977 11 ACR, Air Cavalry Tropp, Fulda, West Germany 1982. 2nd ACR, Air Cavalry Troop , Feucht, West Germany 1980. 85 model 19th Air Cavalry, Hawaii Air National Guard 1985. added: 1st Btl,140th Avn Reg,California National Guard, 1991 This pack no longer contains Israel and Turkish Cobra. I've removed it from here as it will be part of new pack. Weapons. All weapons are reskined. TOW models are new. Most of the weapon are same as in previous packs and are common to G/Q/S/P model. Including XM158 and M200 launchers. TOWs BGM-71A/B/C/D One more thing. I am using mostly standard weapon effects. Make sure to edit it your way if you decide to use this weapons. Pilots: I am using helopilots by OldDiego. Some pilots models might be too big for this helo. CHANGES to version 1.0 New skins, fixed some details on model, fixed some ini lines. TOW Weapons redone. Changed loadouts, TOW launchers are part of airframe, now it is loaded diferent way then before and not using weapon rack. Turkish and Israel aircrafts are removed from this pack and are parts of its own pack. Enjoy. Report Bugs. Edit your way. For updates visit on: strikechoppers.wordpress.com ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* Reference: TM 55-1520-234-10 Operator's Manual Army Model AH 1S(MOD) Helicopter TM 9-1425-473-20 Technical Manual TOW Guided Missile M65 TM 11-1520-221-34P Electronic Equipment Configurations... Osprey Combat Aircraft 41 - US.Army AH-1 Units In Vietnam Cobra! The Attack Helicopter: Fifty Years of Sharks Teeth and Fangs Mike Verier AH-1 Tzefa in IAF service, Ra'anan Weiss GUNSLINGERS IN ACTIONS - Squadron Signal WALK AROUND AH-1G Cobra - Squadron Signal Combat Aircraft Series 09 - AH-1 Huey Cobra (1987) Osprey Colour Series Cobra Tank Killer Supreme Aerofax Datagraph 4 - Bell AH-1 Cobra Variants Squadron Signal - Bell AH-1 Cobra In Action Osprey - New Vanguard 125 - Huey Cobra Gunships XM-118 Organizational DS GS and Depot Maintenance XM118 With the 1st Marine Division in Desert Shield and Desert Storm U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf 90-91 MARINE FORCES AFLOAT IN DESERT SHIELD AND DESERT STORM Concord 3002 US Marine Corps Helicopters airport-data.com aerialvisuals.ca planepictures.net


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