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Showing most liked content on 03/13/2019 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    308; what terrain is that? And now for an obligatory screenshot, sponsored by GKABS: https://gkabs.net/index.php/download-files/ Your papers, please.....
  2. 4 points
    Hello Piecemeal, I am working on a FPS friendly stock desert terrain. Using JSF_Aggie highres desert tiles combined with new created tiles an lod files. A lot of nice maps like Desert4, Rends Germany rework. Make my frame rates drop below 60 FPS (stuttering). That's why I wanted to make a map that looks nice, and runs smooth on modest PC's I also did not like the amount of agriculture in a "desert" terrain and the lack of roads. I am using mostly Third Wire low poly objects to keep everything smooth.
  3. 4 points
    Just found a good photo of the wing spar attachments so now I have to alter the 3D model. Looks like the front wing spar was a rotating tube so the incidence angle could be adjusted by raising/lowering the rear spar. Back to the drawing board...
  4. 4 points
    Got more work done on the Bleriot. Usually, WW1 cockpit openings are so small when compared to the rest of the aircraft, I just make a simple tub and reserve the details for the separate cockpit model. The Bleriot presents some unique problems so I'm going slow trying to figure out which details should be in which model.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. 3 points
    Mod package has been updated to Version 1.2; two new lens flare effects have been added and some issues with fog colours have been addressed, now everything is how it should have been.
  8. 3 points
  9. 2 points
    Northrop F-18L Bundesluftwaffe, 1986 Splittertarn camo Norm 72 and 72d (dark)
  10. 2 points
    The latest build of my cockpit .New x-55 rhino and on-board audio right side .Left panel updated new switches.. :)
  11. 2 points
    Poor GPU and free tools. My 1st cuts also ;-)
  12. 1 point
    Looking good. Keep up the good work! Obligatory screenshoot:
  13. 1 point
    'I don't really care how wide a circuit you make, just stay well away from those bloody RDF masts, got it?'
  14. 1 point
    Why bother with pesky airfields? A 'floatplane fighter' seemed like such a good idea... ...we even tried it again, later. Banzai!
  15. 1 point
    you could always rework existing bases with the wealth of ground objects and buildings out there. ini editing and skinning/decalling are the cheapest mods to work. just go into the guts of it and ask questions (with pics or code to highlight your roadbloack) It captures the mindset of the modders best to quote the phrase "Ooh Shiny!"
  16. 1 point
    Just uploaded 6 models related to the new Airbase.
  17. 1 point
    Another Polish machine in Romanian service on the Russian Front, the PZL P.23 Karas:
  18. 1 point
    fixed mapping stretching....port side front \ middle.....done just need to tweak the spine....and right sides...texture was stretching a lot. 1st pic....left side done right side before being tweaked... mid pic...after tweaking the mapping last shot what looks like on port side now..
  19. 1 point
    I flew in this type of plane between Schipol and Detroit in the late 90's. Mandatory screenshot as an answer for a mandatory screenshot as an answer in a discussion where screenshots are mandatory (this text is not mandatory, but if you want to answer it, a screenshot will be mandatory)
  20. 1 point
    you can say that again mandatory screenie (possibly a rehash, but proves teh point)
  21. 1 point
    It's not easy to reskin a plane without good temps, but with some help from my friend (Kevin) we will have the Impalas from 4th and 5th squadrons we need to fly SAAF campaigns. These pics are dedicated to our flyng lady Spud.
  22. 1 point
    Class Is In Session....Boeing T-43A Gator...Navigation School
  23. 1 point
    Dear friends, The Spring has come and in today's Dev Blog, after some delay, we're returning to our main project - Bodenplatte. This delay in the news has been caused by the fact that during the Winter all the work on this project was made at a deep level - it was hard to make a screenshot of something - but it was a hard work nevertheless. This was known beforehand and planned this way. If you were following us for some time, you may recall that such visible pauses in the development news in the middle of a development cycle happened in all our previous projects and are a result of the effective work and division of labor. But today we finally have some intermediate results to show, and there a lot of them. First, we can disclose more details about the map of the project. Previously we mentioned only its size and location, but today we can tell you more information. There will be more than 200 settlements of various sizes. Air forces of the opposing forces will take off from more than 100 airfields. The total length of all roads will exceed 20000 km. The reachable zone of the map is 129859 square kilometers (400.8 x 324 km) while the entire map is 176947 square km (460.8 x 384 km). The preliminary list of the cities we plan to have ready at the time of release follows: Antwerp The Hauge Liege Frankfurt am Main Dortmund Münster Cologne (Köln) Bonn Gent Rotterdam Charleroi Amsterdam Düsseldorf Aachen Bruxelles Arnhem Duisburg Essen Apeldoorn Maastricht Again, if you have followed our development before, you may notice that the parameters of the new map are breaking the record once again. This is also the first map to be released with all four seasons simultaneously - a hard challenge for the entire team. To be able to complete the project before the set deadline without compromising quality, our Lead Map Artist Evgeny Isaev has found new methods of development and large cities creation. Also, Evgeny has designed artistic approaches that will not simply repeat the visual quality of the previous maps but will also give players a new visual feel that is characteristic for flying over Western Europe. But enough words, it is time to show you something new - on these screenshots you can see the central areas of Bruxelles, Liege, and Köln: But these map development news are not the only ones we have. We can show you the progress we have made on the three coming planes: P-38J-25 heavy fighter, B-25 heavy bomber (AI only), and Me 262 A jet fighter. For the first one of them, P-38J-25, we have used a new approach of creating the exterior and interior 3D models in parallel, not subsequently - at the early stage the model is divided into exterior and interior parts and the coordinates of their seams are stored, then both models are being worked on simultaneously to be connected back at the final step. This aircraft, of course, is unbelievable, what can we say - it's a legend: The B-25 bomber will be AI-only in this project, but we'll try to make its exterior 3D and physical model at the same quality level as our player controllable aircraft. First, this is important for those who will be attacking or defending these planes in the Career mode, campaigns, single scenarios and Coop multiplayer. Second, who knows - perhaps a possibility to make it flyable will reveal itself in the future: The exterior 3D model of Me 262 A "Schwalbe" is completely done, including the official skins. The interior (cockpit) model is almost done (currently the artists are working on its texturing), while our engineers are working on its FM and the physical model of a jet engine. When you look at this legendary aircraft, you can't help but think that it was ahead of its time: To finish today's Dev Blog, we would like to congratulate the beautiful half of humanity on the coming holiday - International Women's Day. Dear girls, be happy! You can discuss the news in this thread
  24. 1 point
    I, for one, am very grateful for all those TBs of pro bono/volunteer (up to you) add-ons Third Wire should have added to their sim. Frankly, in many but not all respects SF2 is what Janes' Fighter Anthology could have been.
  25. 1 point
    Almost done making all our raw data backups, you know in case I screw something up horribly. Good job on all the TBs of download files on the site, they take forever to backup with zero compression. The suck continues and I will keep you updated. E
  26. 1 point
    Great work so far, let me add the photos below from the file:
  27. 1 point
    Today I have some pictures for you from the development team. I apologize that they are in an archive on other site (see my PS). As you can notice (I wanted to be a surprise) the team is doing its best to implement the original rotating cruise missile bays. Enjoy! https://files.fm/u/kc94uuhg PS - I used this method and not direct on this page because I keep getting the message that I can publish 64kb only. I don't know what it means but if it's website related I would ask nicely a moderator to solve this for me. Thank you
  28. 1 point
    Mod package has been updated to Version 1.1; Inclement weather effects are much better now. I suggest to redownload and check it yourselves.


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