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6 points
5 points
5 pointsKomm lass uns heute noch nach England fliegen, die Straße entlang. Kling-Klang die Straße entlang!
4 points
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3 points
3 pointsDid anyone else know about this US WWII AAM prototype? I stumbled across it while looking up info on the mythological Tiamat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JB-3_Tiamat
2 pointsporque mi trabajo al parecer no es tan de primera clase , solo creo para volar un rato, los archivos ini y otros no son los estándar que la gente normalmente esta acostumbrada en los aviones que descargan este lugar , y hay miles de ejemplos de esto.
2 points
2 points
2 pointsI totally agree, russouk you have given me a new thing to do. look at that I just did for the airport floodlights.
1 point
Version 1.1.0
F-2H Banshee Updated data pack v1.1 This is a further update of the DATA.inis of the RAZBAM F-2H Banshee. In this updated data pack, there are changes in the data.ini, trying to achieve realistic performance specs. So changes are done in almost every aspect of the specs (weight, flightdata, engine thrust etc) for being as close to the real thing as possible. For using this pack you need to have downloaded first - the original RAZBAM Banshee (Go to RAZBAM website for more details) - the Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees of Wrench https://combatace.com/files/file/14889-sf2-kaw-f2h-2-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ https://combatace.com/files/file/15415-sf2-f2h-3-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ https://combatace.com/files/file/15417-sf2-f2h-4-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ Credis should go to - RAZBAM for the original release - Wrench for making this really usable in missions/campaings - Ravenclaw_007 for the AN-M30 bomb - Spillone for - at least - some of the sounds Thoughts for further upgrades - The AltitudeTableNumData & DryMachTableNumData are really very limited and are restricting realism. Please give me help to correct them. DONE - The F2H-3 (F-2C) is without wingtip tanks but in reality all the -2,-3,-4 models had the capability of carrying wingtip tanks. I am planning to substitute the LOD of the -3 with the -4 model (since these two were identical externally) but for doing so I am waiting your feedback.DONE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - Overwrite everything above v1.0. Place the banshee f2h4.LOD (which you can purchase from the RAZBAM website) in your F-2H3 folder. What's new in v1.1 - The Destroyed Model now it's the stock F-84F one. - The F3H-3 (F-2C) now uses the F3H-4 LOD. Indeed, the -3 also used more the wing tip tanks than not, since they had a minimal effect on overall performance. - Further updated engine data. - Corrected ground clearence for the F3H-2. - Corrected loadouts. Now the wing pylon can be loaded with bombs (historical). - Small touches here & there for better overall result. Issues - The -4 used a different radar than the -3 model that had also a different radar screen with different symbology (not a successful one, as it often mentioned). However, it seems that we have the -3 style radar screen for the - 4 model too. - In some sources it's stated that the -4 had 20% more range than the -3 model. I am not convinced for that. Most likely it had to do with the need for full throttle/max power more often than the -4 model in combat conditions, something which indeed reduced endurance. Therefore I kept the same radius for the -3 & -4 models. - The Canadians seldom used their wing tip tanks. I had a hard time to spot canadian F-2s with wing tip tanks when in actual service. The most likely explanation is that with the small canadian aircraft was too much to handle the take off of the approx. extra 1 ton of weight with the wingtips on the weak -3 model. If someone wants a tank-less RCN F-2, I can update the pack. However the final solution will be to add the tanks as loadouts. *** sQUADRONS [SquadronXXX] Name=VF73 DisplayName=VF-73 Jesters Nation=USN [SquadronXXX] Name=VF193 DisplayName=VF-193 Ghostriders Nation=USN [SquadronXXX] Name=VF870 DisplayName=VF-870 of Royal Canadian Navy Nation=CANADA Remember this is a freeware! -
1 point
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1 point
1 pointcualquier persona que quiera ayudar. en la creación de un terreno nuevo de las Malvinas ( como el que alguna vez comenzó a crear Robermirage) , Seria un muy buen momento para arrancar con eso.
1 point
1 point
1 pointIf I had spent a lot of time developing a flight model for payware, I might be upset if someone else took that flight model and used it in other payware without my permission. But if I am experienced as creating/selling products for the SF series, I already know how open the game is and can expect the text based ini files to be borrowed/copied/edited at will by the modding community, as TK expects. What you are really selling are the 3d models, as everything else is readily copied/edited/redistributed. TK came to the same conclusion and started locking up the lods while leaving most of the game wide open to copying/editing/sharing.
1 pointI could not go to sleep without trying it Thanks again russouk for your help
1 pointthis is with self illuminated parts no lights...and beam from ship which is missing texture
1 pointIn the end, I remade the fictive Sea Raptor livery; old games from the 1990s, such as Jane's Fighter Anthology or JetFighter III, portrayed the F-22N Sea Raptor simply as a YF-22 based on aircraft carriers. The Sea Raptor livery I propose is based on the YF-22 paint scheme, but it is stripped of its two-tone camo, so it's just light grey. I also added some USAF stars on both wings, as suggested by two images found on the internet;
1 pointView File Armchair Aces over Italy Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Italian Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the shockingly beautiful CaporettoV2 map by Gterl. You'll have about 25 mini-campaigns and 250 missions per pilot! The beauty of this approach is that you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Austro-Hungarians did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. This mod is intended for FE2. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_170 to AlbatrosD5 or something like that....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course). So, be ready for a downloading fest. Before installing this mod it's better you have an Italy only install for your FE2 Submitter ojcar Submitted 11/10/2019 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns
1 pointpost options ini ...(bottom section) and show us where the files you adding are going...take screen of folders example...my installs are (mods) (in Users\Saved games\ options.ini etc etc point to:...... E:\Strike Fighters\ below is my test install..just basics and no stock a\c etc... so my options ini is thus... [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=E:\Strike Fighters\SF\Test Editors=StrikeFighters2 [ScreenShots] Directory=E:\Strike Fighters\SF\Test\ScreenShots Format=JPG
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1 point
1 point
1 pointEhm guys. Soviet planes never should have the number "00". This number stands for "toilet". The other number, that never should appear is "13". Its bad luck number in Russia.
1 point
1 pointGood to see someone using the Madagascar terrain I've made; I really liked working on it.
1 point
1 point
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