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Showing most liked content on 02/13/2022 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 7 points
    Keeping the Vietnam theme going.....
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
    Hello all, I've been working on the Skoshi Tiger F-5C variant and will be requiring some help (I'll be asking in this thread) so If anyone can help with my questions, that would be great! First, how does one make a weapon pylon jettisonable? (I know I can do it for fuel tanks, but have no idea If it is possible to do with weapon pylons.) Second, Is it possible for the refueling apparatus to be included as a weapon (so that one can select it or not in the weapons selection menu in the game)? Thanks in advance for your help. Sophocles
  5. 5 points
  6. 5 points
    Even though they were trying to wax me over Iraq, this was a fantastic scene...
  7. 4 points
    Operation Red Torch: June 1953. Following the death of Stalin.... ....The Royal New Zealand Airforce equipped with British Fighters as part of the Commonwealth Desert Airfoce stationed in the Middle East, is assigned to take part in the defense of NATO and the Western Allies.
  8. 4 points
    No. 14 Squadron RNZAF, Commonwealth Desert Airforce, Middle East 1953...
  9. 3 points
    Here's the basic coloring as I stuck with Swordsman's decals because well, I just started it. The droptanks are WIP (need to do riveting) but after looking at the TMF colors I went with that.
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
    Nice! You are so creative! Those nasty Russians are trying gain another foothold! Perhaps the French might want to get involved as in the Suez incident and provide Ouragans and Mysteres. I’ve always liked the French comic books Tanguy et Laverdure about the French Ouragans, Mysteres and Mirage llls in action in French Africa.
  13. 3 points
    I was bored with tiling the vietnamese chinese borderland. Because of that i made an attempt to create the island of Alderney for the BoB terrain. It are still a jpg tiles, no water effect so far. That will come later.
  14. 2 points
    Here's what I created so far, just to satisfy that there is something out there. I would recommend having Swordsman's decals available at the minimum, as this supports that mod. I could look into doing other skins though, but this should get somebody started. ONLY for the TW F-14A. I also don't remember who did the templates (I did the drop tank though, for some reason the person didn't do that). In the dropdown menu for the skiin it's "USN Lo-Visibility" USNGREY13.7z
  15. 2 points
    you two know we could use some more modders round here. provided their past work shows them to be tolerably qualified
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Yes, it is possible. It's from my Italian Tornado IDS . [Fuel_probe] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.4, 3.54, 0.22 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0, 0.0 LoadLimit=50 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=Italy ModelNodeName= PylonMass=0.53 PylonDragArea=0.001 LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankNodeName=fuel_body FuelTankName=Tor_fuel_probe NoJettisionTank=TRUE tor_fuel_probe.7z
  18. 2 points
    Thanks Coupi; I realized that I'd inadvertantly made multiple installs, which ended up as a complete cluster f@%k on my machine. Have since cleared everything up and all's good in the world again!
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    The more the merrier, my man. Thanks again
  21. 1 point
    No problem man just thought that it would be a start. I don't have that many decals for VF-103 but I have a few for VF-84, so I'll probably look into doing one of the skins, as soon as I figure out the tails and how their mapped and such.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    My first car was an used 89 Le Sabre. A Semi truck rear ended it less than a year after I bought it.
  24. 1 point
    DA: no, that EXACTLY what I was refering to!! side note, in an old Adam-12 episode (a police show here in the 70s here US for my overseas brothers & sisters), our 2 cop stars were interviewing a witness and he said the car involved was a "Buick Sword". That always stuck in my head.
  25. 1 point
    Bloody Brilliant! thanks a lot Guuruu!!!
  26. 1 point
    I can't make any promises though, I've started to color them in Lo-Viz so it'll be a bit. Right now it's supporting the mod by Swordsman right now (I just started last night). I got most of the drop tanks done, so we'll see.
  27. 1 point
    Hi, sophocles, great news. The refueling probe can be treated and set as a drop tank type of weapon. One would be able to select it and load it through the loading menu in the game. It would require the NoJettisionTank=TRUE line though so as to prevent it from being jettisonned in flight.
  28. 1 point
    Okay. I found some PSDs (no tank but that's easily fixed) so I might do some skins, who knows...?
  29. 1 point
    no im a one trick pony modder, SF2 only. Blender is to try to learn to make some of my own models (at least simpler stuff, dont think i'll have the time for a decade to get as complex as an aircraft) the others were Christmas presents. i get to them now and again but am barely to the point of takeing off and setting down in one piece the entire screen and game collection. beach and forest games are simple shooters in Unreal from a QA class i took years ago. Civilization V is both the game equilvilent of Pringles and the devil. "one more turn" at 6 pm turns into "shit i gotta go to work in 3 hours" at 4am background is artwork from my oldest, a birthday present from a few years back
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Lavi's supporting Syrian coup d'etat against Al Assad.
  32. 1 point
    Hello Everyone! Today we bring you some news from the Great War! We are nearing completion of the final trio of Flying Circus- Vol. II aircraft. The Gotha G.V., Handley-Page O/400 and Sopwith Triplane are coming along nicely. The Gotha G.V. will be released in our next update, which we hope will be by the end of this month. The HP O/400 and Tripe will be in a March update. The Western Front map for FC2/3 is also being worked on by Ugra Media, but it is not ready to be shown yet and will likely take more time to complete that we originally planned unfortunately. A clear estimate on its arrival is not possible at the moment, but will update you as soon as we get a better handle on it. Map making is a slow process in general. In some WWII news we have created new USAAF bomber crewmembers for our B-26 to man the gun stations. The work by Alexey is top notch as usual. We have also made more progress on our new sky technology and are currently working to put it into Beta soon. Next week we plan to update our Astro-dome (stars and planets) to be more accurate depending on the latitude of the map. This is a small, but interesting improvement to make our physical world a little more accurate. Work on our remaining Battle of Normandy aircraft continues. As I have mentioned previously, moderate delays have befallen these birds during the pandemic, but work continues and we hope to start showing you more of them in upcoming DDs. However, the Ju-88 C-6 should be ready for Beta testing soon and be included in our next update (provided testing goes well). We are finalizing our skins for it and getting ready to roll her out. We hope to have updated pics for you next week of the beastly Ju-88 C-6. It appears the world is finally ready to move on from the pandemic and we hope this means life will get back to normal. Of course, humanity will find a way to struggle to even get back to normal, such is our nature it seems. However, the long-term disruption to daily life, families, education, travel, medicine, governments and business norms that this pandemic has caused will be felt for years to come. In the face of all this disruption, we want to say THANK YOU to all who have supported us during the last couple years as we have struggled to maintain a steady flow of content and improvements for the Great Battles series. We can never thank you enough and we will continue to work hard for you. Enjoy! The Sturmovik Team
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Second trap since kinda getting back into flying
  35. 1 point
    Don't forget the absent minded guy who tried to do the same in WW2 with a Corsair to help a Zero, but ended up cutting its tail with the prop. Oopsie.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    You mean the outer pylon? If you have any photo of F3 India in this configuration? I'm curious. From my understanding, it's on F3 Standard late variants you can find some photo of Rafale with the outer pylon configuration. From what people say, Dassault did some modification to allow more missile to show that is possible to have a Rafale with this kind of configuration as a selling point. So theoretically it should be possible for the F3 variant or at least as an option (for export?). Personally, i never saw a Rafale from AdA or Marine National using this configuration. (Correct me if i'm wrong.) Here some photos with the outer pylon hardpoints with Mica EM missiles in 2014. (Hardpoint with the bomb could have a missile instead) Just for comparaison here a Rafale without the outer pylon Keep in mind this mod was released in 2014. At this moment France used F3-04T or/and F3.4+, and signed for F3R Standard (which enter into service in 2018/2019), there were few information about F4 Standard variant at this time (2014). So i guess, it's a bit of What if. For exemple the RBE2-AESA radar from @JAT81500 and his team seems to be a little bit too powerful. F3-04T and F3R standard could use RBE2-AESA radar instead of RBE2-PESA. The F4 on this mod use CFT. Here a Rafale B01 with the CFT on the fuselage and the lovely grey camo.
  39. 1 point
    The scandal after the incident of Palmdale and the MightyMouse fiasco led to a rush to phase out these air to air rockets. In many cases, it was solved with new interceptors or replacing them with Falcon missiles in existing types, however a very sizeable fleet of F-86Ds was to remain in service for a while and then be passed on to ANG units. Many of those were refitted with new F-86F40 wings (please play along, I kept the tips out of frame) , new electronics, including capability to operate with SAGE, better engine and, most noticeably a new weapons set up, replacing the rocket tray with the cannon arrangement of the F-86Ks and adding Sidewinder missile rails. The redesignated F-86Ls would become the backbone of the ANG during much of the 1960s, with a few being deployed to Vietnam and Thailand to provide air defense against the odd raid and a good adversary to simulate MiG-17s on training.
  40. 1 point
    Thanks to you! Positive comments are a rarity these days. I would like to improve the mod even more, but nothing I can do without support. We have no third-party tool to edit .STR stringtable files, so I cannot replace call signs appearing in the speech subtitles for every language (Arabic is an exception, hex-editing was possible within file size limits). Also, not sure how the Persian language is actually Persian, I have no transcription of the call signs it uses, so I'm hoping for someone to come with that info eventually.
  41. 1 point
    Dassault Rafale EA-2: The Dassault Rafale EA-2 is an advanced variant of the well known Dassault Rafale, developed for Argentina to replace the Mirage. The Omnirole plane can compplete all types of sorties and has been in service since 2018. It is considered a whole new variant of the Rafale, since all the parts that BAe provided to build it were replaced with russian parts, with some of them being more powerful than its predecessors. It is actually in service with the 6th Fighter and Attack Group, belonging to the 6th Air Brigade. It has participated in the "ECOAS 1", a joint exercise with the US Navy, where the pilots were able to "sink" the USS George Bush, showing an exceptional ability to fly low and engage from long distance.


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