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Showing most liked content on 07/20/2023 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    50 000 hours and 75th anniversary. 12°Gruppo.
  2. 6 points
    Getting some F-35C time in. I need to find a color that I can see better for the HUD though
  3. 6 points
    No.11 squadron also had their Mk.XII
  4. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    MiG-25PD cockpit by Centurion-1 with fixes Notable fixes include: - removed gunsight. 25 doesn't really need it, most of the footage shows 25s without gunsight - fixed G-meter: added negative Gs and redid the layout to be more in line with the real thing - original model actually had airspeed indicator and altimeter confused - this was corrected. Altimeter is above (shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds, plus analogue counter), airspeed indicator is below (likewise - shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds) - fixed vertical velocity indicator. It wasn't working due to "values" being put in the wrong order (could be that it was working on older patches) - fixed compass and course arrow. They were calling non-existing nodes - added over-G and too much AoA lights above G-meter: not sure if realistic, but will do - added afterburner light near nozzle indicator - removed some lights and switch animations: they are cute, but very incorrect - MiG-25PD version gets new radar layout taken from MiG-23 radar: it makes sense as PD radar "Sapphire-25" was developed from "Sapphire-23" on MiG-23 - can't do anything about warning lights and gear/flaps indicators not working - cockpit model just lacks any light nodes - added some labels on instruments --------------- Install: remove old cockpit folder, *cockpit and *avionics files, drop in new ones, rename accordingly. Cockpit versions: 25P - for MiG-25P 25PD - for MiG-25PD/PDS 25PD uses avionics70 dll! Make sure to address it in the init file: AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll 25PD is tuned for MiG-25PD from Coyote Airspace. It is easily adaptable for older versions of PD/PDS, just change position values in *cockpit file.
  5. 4 points
    thats wicked you guys are really taking it above and beyond my original concept. i just figured on show casing two different aircraft at a given transitional point in the unit's history like the 706th TFS swapping Hogs to Vipers on a rainy New Orleans day....
  6. 3 points
    to many polys in one node can cause the wrong presentation in the game...if your fuselage is one mesh then I can see from here that it is too many polygons indeed. You will have to divide it into a few nodes - just do it smart and 'cut' pieces in 'smart' places. smoothing groups will work but I gues you have unwelded vertexes, then it means you have double or triple count of polys. Select by drag and click one vertex - if it will display vertex (example ) 235 selected than it is ok...if menu will display '3 vertexes selected' than you have to Select vertexes in area and click target weld and set range to 0,001 this should solve problem. And you have to do it probably to whole model.
  7. 3 points
    Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII - No.6 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1946
  8. 2 points
    I was working hard on a very historical skin and then I don't know, I lost it... a little update / the anti glare panel is needed for the real bird Something related but still not the bird I want to do (LOD is done since 18 months) And this is the bird I wanted to make at first : Still some details to do
  9. 2 points
    Exactly the solution! Thank you very much!
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    That means good news! We look forward to that new version you said. 😊 Thanks for all your work in this mod. It is awesome because the big content and for the presentation (that CD/DVD style box art). When flying a mission or even when using the menu screens one can imagine all the hours of work to create this. Maybe, with a bit of luck we will see a flyable Su-24 with cockpit in the next update 😉
  12. 2 points
    Does we have already the GPU-2/A gunpod for the A-4 Skyhawk?
  13. 2 points
    You have the latest if you downloaded it after January 19, 2022. A new version with many additions and improvements hopefully happens by the end of the year. I might include the complete change logs of all released and unreleased versions in it, if users are so keen to know about its development history.
  14. 2 points
    Okay. Yeah I did this video and it shows how stealthy the F-35C is compared to the Growler. The RWR works just well... it takes a while for the radar to lock onto the target, as in this video:
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.3


    F-22A Raptor Add-on October 13th, 2021 (1st Release) by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage. Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on. A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all. I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first. Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012. Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies. Notes: -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release. -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model. -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property. -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already. >Credits (in no particular order): -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model. -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it. -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude. -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks. -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles. -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds. -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models. -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals. -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod. -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins. -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model. -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavours. Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
  16. 1 point
    P.S. After about a week, I finally got the max2009 available again, and the import problem of the animation has almost been solved. The only problem that has no progress at this stage is the previous (Apparently I've also had problems with smoothing group after switching to max2009, I hope I can fix it myself, but if any sir or madam would give me a light bulb of wisdom, I'd appreciate it) Still on the way to learn more! BTW, I would like to clarify that I will not release the Sukhoi model in the picture. The model does not belong to me and it is unethical to release it. I am only using it to learn the necessary modding skills
  17. 1 point
    I haven't flown a combat mission in the game for a long time myself. But if I do fly I tend to just use the EA-18G depending on the map, but usually the EA-18G. I may try the F-35C though.
  18. 1 point
    It certainly runs on Win 10 x64 ! My installation is for years and never had a problem runing it on Win 10. If it doesn't work it's not the OS, it's your configuration, there I think you should start searching. Win 10 has the same NT core as Win 7, that is why is running without issue.
  19. 1 point
    View File MiG-25 cockpit fixes (actual MiG-25 cockpit by Centurion-1) MiG-25PD cockpit by Centurion-1 with fixes Notable fixes include: - removed gunsight. 25 doesn't really need it, most of the footage shows 25s without gunsight - fixed G-meter: added negative Gs and redid the layout to be more in line with the real thing - original model actually had airspeed indicator and altimeter confused - this was corrected. Altimeter is above (shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds, plus analogue counter), airspeed indicator is below (likewise - shorter needle shows thousands, longer hundreds) - fixed vertical velocity indicator. It wasn't working due to "values" being put in the wrong order (could be that it was working on older patches) - fixed compass and course arrow. They were calling non-existing nodes - added over-G and too much AoA lights above G-meter: not sure if realistic, but will do - added afterburner light near nozzle indicator - removed some lights and switch animations: they are cute, but very incorrect - MiG-25PD version gets new radar layout taken from MiG-23 radar: it makes sense as PD radar "Sapphire-25" was developed from "Sapphire-23" on MiG-23 - can't do anything about warning lights and gear/flaps indicators not working - cockpit model just lacks any light nodes - added some labels on instruments --------------- Install: remove old cockpit folder, *cockpit and *avionics files, drop in new ones, rename accordingly. Cockpit versions: 25P - for MiG-25P 25PD - for MiG-25PD/PDS 25PD uses avionics70 dll! Make sure to address it in the init file: AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll 25PD is tuned for MiG-25PD from Coyote Airspace. It is easily adaptable for older versions of PD/PDS, just change position values in *cockpit file. Submitter OlWilly Submitted 07/19/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  
  20. 1 point
    Cool, I usually like to use F-35C and EA-18G paired to suppress enemy air bases
  21. 1 point
    It has been far too long since my last post. Between my own health issue and my wife suffering from a nasty fall on the stairs, real life has precluded much campaign flying. I am well behind but will try to catch up. At least I don't have to worry about being out of sync with other contributors. With luck others can rejoin the campaign in time to take advantage of the two promised updates/expansions from OBD. These sound tremendously exciting. Journal of FLt Douglas Bell-Gordon, RNAS Part 18 30 April 1917. Auchel, France. "A small but intense puddle of flame appeared in front of the pilot." The battles around Vimy continued through until 12 April, but we were grounded for three days by bad weather – including sleet and late snowstorms. On 11 April, I led a flight of five machines over the lines near Arras and spotted a Hun two-seater. It dived away after I expended more than 200 rounds, but we could not tell if it crashed. Meanwhile Huntington continued with his claims. According to routine orders, he is to be awarded a bar to his Distinguished Service Cross. On 12 April, I was with a flight that encountered four Albatros scouts over Vimy. Because of the poor weather that day we very nearly collided before seeing each other. The fight was chaotic for the first few minutes – machines flashed past leaving time only for the briefest burst before one had to zoom or jink violently to avoid enemy fire. Then, as quickly as it had started, the “dog-fight” (as they are coming to be called) broke up. I spotted and dived upon a lone HA, a black Albatros with a white band around its fuselage. Closing to 50 yards, I fired a long burst and saw flames erupt from the engine. It was a horrible sight and I climbed away with only the briefest glimpse to confirm that the Hun was falling vertically streaming flame and thick black smoke. This one was confirmed for my eleventh victory. We flew once or twice every day in the week that followed and had several inconclusive scraps. On the ground, however, events were more interesting. Simpson, Reggie Soar, and I continued our correspondence with Huntington under the pen name of “Apollonia Willing.” And Huntington for his part gave into his baser instincts and fell head over heels for the young lady that we had invented. Every few nights, the three of us conspirators retired to Madame Girouard’s estaminet in Auchel, ordered a bottle or two of plonk, and wrote another letter to our boastful colleague. Things began to turn steamy when Apollonia regaled Huntington with the theme of a novel by Elinor Glyn that she had just read – one involving the heroine playing horizontal rugby on a tiger skin with a dashing young nobleman. Huntington rose to the bait. His return letter a day later was intercepted by Simpson. In it, Huntington described a lengthy and breathtaking conflict with Baron von Richthofen, the master Hun pilot who had made a considerable name for himself of late. He claimed to have come within a hair’s breadth of downing von Richthofen. According to the letter, the Baron pretended to surrender before cravenly diving away home when Huntington drew alongside him to salute his skill. “I am quite sure that I should have earned a Victoria Cross had the dastardly fellow not done me such a caddish turn,” he wrote. He then professed his deep love and shallow lust for Apollonia. In her response the following week, Apollonia fantasised about their future racy encounters when Huntington next came to England on leave. The jape was getting somewhat beyond our control. Huntington sent a package of lace underthings to Apollonia, which Simpson discovered and intercepted moments before it was picked up by the outgoing post despatch rider. Huntington had spent a fortune on this gift and we felt somewhat guilty that the woman he’d lavished his pay on was a figment of our evil imaginations. Reggie, however, secreted the items away and confided that he knew a place in Amiens where such things would be appreciated. We headed back to the estaminet in Auchel on the night of 19 April and, persuaded by a third bottle of wine, created an erotic masterpiece of a letter from Apollonia to Huntington, one that would certainly render him mad. Huntington continued to file claims, several of which were completely genuine but more of which were dubious. He was indeed a good scout pilot and a fine shot, but at least four claims were unwitnessed yet confirmed by Wing. One of our colleagues – I shan’t say which – voiced his scepticism in the wardroom and brought the wrath of Squadron Commander Bromet down on his head. Yet we were all of the opinion that the skipper was himself beginning to question Huntington. Still, Huntington now had twenty victories to his name and was due for leave. Indeed, if it were not for the current offensive and the pressure we were coming under from the number of superior German machines over the lines, he would likely have already headed back to England. Simpson, Soar, and I began to discuss ways to bring the whole charade to an end. On 25 April, I led a patrol of five Triplanes on a defensive patrol to the north. There were reports of several enemy observation machines on our side of the lines. After an hour of fruitless searching as far up as Armentieres, I turned south for one more sweep. A couple of miles ahead and to starboard, several light grey puffs of Archie betrayed the presence of a lone Hun. I signalled to the others that the chase was on. They soon left me behind as my machine was not giving full revs. This would not be my day, it seemed. But then it all changed. Crundall and Rex Arnold were well above and banging away at a DFW. The Hun turned on its side and fell into a vertical spin. I watched as it dropped past me and passed through a thin cloud. For whatever reason, I became suspect and dived after the two-seater. Sure enough, the Hun pulled out of the spin a couple of thousand feet above the ground. The observer was angrily pounding on the shoulders of the pilot. Poor fellow had been holding on for dear life all the way down. But this was no time for sympathy and I began firing from 150 yards. A small but intense puddle of flame appeared in front of the pilot. I watched in horror as a plume of black smoke poured from the stricken machine, which rolled slowly onto its back and fell in flames directly downward. The observer, just moments before angry after narrowly avoiding death, now fell free of the DFW and momentarily hung spreadeagled until his leather coat was torn away by the wind and he tumbled, disappearing into the backdrop of fields below. The Hun was confirmed as my twelfth. After the intensity of the past few weeks, April ended with a succession of uneventful patrols. It was announced this evening that leaves will be reinstated shortly. Huntington is off to Dunkirk tomorrow to receive his second DSC from the Admiral. He complained at dinner that he should really have received an invitation to an investiture at the Palace. “I really had planned on taking Apollonia along to meet the King,” he said. “Poor girl will have to make do with meeting my parents.” “We’ll need to meet for our correspondence club soon,” Simpson whispered to me over coffee and brandy. “This thing needs to be put away.”
  22. 1 point
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1182949065401537/?hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&multi_permalinks=1950343915328711 dont know if youre still working on ANG Mustangs, but heres a few more pics from a FB group i watch
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I think honestly I'm glad they went with the F-35 as it looks better than the X-32 ever did. I don't think the X-32 could carry as much as the F-35 either though.
  26. 1 point
    I hope this Fencer will be uploaded... P. 2007 : QRA mission for this early RAF Typhoon F2 !
  27. 1 point
    KAF Typhoon. Big thanks to @compufat for making the repaint.
  28. 1 point
    Not to go off topic too much, but some feedback as to the status of the Third Wire store since it's being discussed here...I bought SFI from the store about a month or 2 ago. Upon purchase I was immediately presented with a link to download SFI, but I didn't receive an email with my key for future downloads. The problem seemed to be related to the third wire store having an old email address from the time when I bought SFE and SFNA and then not having the opportunity to change it when I made my new purchase. So I emailed Third Wire customer support with a copy of my paypal receipt and I received an email with my new key the same day. Very good customer service as far as I'm concerned.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    I couldn't help loading a Kh-41 on the Su-33. Yes, it is not equipped with the required pylon, but anyway...
  31. 1 point
    kind of , it's chinese J-16, but I did modify it based on a Su-30, the model comes from a model trading website After all it seems that the Su-27UB for torno already exists, I guess I won't do a duplicate
  32. 1 point
    Working on "Chrome Raptor" (skin work only), actually I think its real coating should be more like a mirror, just because the position of the photographer makes it look white But it seems that SF2 can't set the texture independently for some areas of the texture to have independent Glossiness/Reflection settings? So I've chosen to draw it white for now, what do you guys think?
  33. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    AV-8B Harrier II. This is my humble rework of AV-8B. Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. Around 2 years ago - January 2016 - KillerBee approach me with the possibility of updating bobrock's harrier. After some time, we had prepared the updated file ready for upload. Small changes here and there corrected few things. And great skins by Killerbee. And then KillerBee disappeared from CA forum. Honestly, up to now, I have no contact with him. last - 4th May 2016. So harrier stayed on drive waiting for his comeback. But .... I couldn't resist...And iI started to mod this again. Since I had no KB skin templates I had to do all new skins...and more. So now I am here... It ended with a new cockpit and a whole set of new skins and decals on whole remodeled 'old' Harrier. - there is no single part of an original model that hasn't be touched/remodeled etc. First of all...If you want to count rivets....Do not. Many things could be done other way....but I did it my way. So you have to bear with it. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. So you can easily resize down. If you have problems running this in game. Resize skins to lower resolutions Decals are based on my and KillerBee research. All serials are correct for the first version of Harrier II. Not always (but mostly) correct for a unit/year of service etc. Big Thanks to Ravenclaw - He send me file with new ALQ-164 pod. Now it is part of the upload. You will find separate upload soon with Operation Desert Storm skins and decals - Only units that participated in the operation. For some reason, I have added weapons that are present in Loadout.ini. Animations: 1= canopy open - close 4= refueling probe - beware of a speed limit ************************************************************************************ for proper sound work you should add these lines into soundlist.ini SoundFilexxx=xxxx SoundFileXXX=USMComm_1 SoundFileXXX=Equalizer [Equalizer] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [USMComm_1] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=FALSE NumBuffers=1 Looped=TRUE FrequencyControl=FALSE ************************************************************************************ Credits. Me - whole sort of strange things - model-re-model, new cockpit, skins, decals, ini files etc. Ravenclaw - BRU-42 ITER models. ALQ-164 model, weapons. 331Killerbee - ideas, good words, research primary work on skins and decals, work on ini files, loadouts, effects etc. Crusaders - help with avionics ini. bobrock- original 3d model - Thank you and thanks to KillerBee. Sounds taken from sources offering free sound samples. Thanks to a lot of people who helped me with this mod...Stratos, Crusader, Geary, gurru, Soulfreak,76.IAP-Blackbird, and others. Thank you all CA users. Yes I know its huge - but I couldn't make it smaller. Be sure to download all 4 parts and optionally - ODS skins/decals set. Enjoy. I enjoyed it much when making this pack. Expect unexpected. Report bugs. Suggest changes. Reference: AV-8 TACTICAL MANUAL NWP 3-22.5-AV8B vol.I AV-8 TACTICAL MANUAL NWP 3-22.5-AV8B vol.II NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL NAVY MODEL AV-8B/TAV-8B 161573 AND UP AIRCRAFT NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL A1-AV8BB-NFM-000 (June 1983) a whole bunch of marines dedicated websites - that I can't remember now. seaforces.org gonavy.jp navysite.de tailspintopics.blogspot.com Squadron Signal: 1058 Harrier in Action. Squadron Signal: No.209 AV-8 Harrier in action SAM Publications: US Marines AV-8B Harrier II Aircraft Ilustrated.Special: Harrier Harrier Inside and Out by Mark Attril ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Kind regards. Jarek Hereda.


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