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  1. 6 points
  2. 5 points
    The wingmen reach out of fuel, the propellers stop but the aircrafts don't slow down, and they held the formation until WP 9 to finally crash when doing the landing approach. If you're cheating, do it til the end damn !
  3. 5 points
    Wear some sneakers that are sneakier than your last sneakers.
  4. 5 points
    tanto que hacer que no sabes por dónde comenzar
  5. 3 points
    Fly Low - Pretend Dead - Circling to further route from WP 5 and attack enemy when they turn their back - Pray a lot
  6. 3 points
    Making the plane use up all its fuel is not an easy task in this game. For me, the most frustrating thing about AI is when the plane starts flying in circles. Circle after circle without fireing in case it have AG guided weapon. Or guided bombs. I made a trick for myself using JSGME.exe program which make AG guided weapon unguided but with some features which I looked at Guuruu's inis. Another disappointing moment is when your escort sticks to any Shilka and loaded with a dozen AA missiles all commit suicide against this Shilka trying to kill it, at a time when you are attacked by bandits. Appeal to reason using TAB menu or call help in this situation is completely useless. Knowing these issue, sometimes I want to laugh and arrange funny fights using the mission editor. There is also such a issue of the game that when you choose the CAS mission, the enemy aircraft, no matter what AA missiles it is armed with, will attack ground targets until it uses up all its weapons. And only after that he will pay attention to you. I sometimes fly nearby and watch the enemy attack. Sometimes I shoot off something from him, for example, a tail, or aileron and I watch how he hardly tries to attack tanks and I laugh. I mock him. But one day, not expecting resistance at all, I suddenly received a missile from such an aircraft. But that was once. And I also really like to arrange a helicopter fight. 50 Mi-24s versus 50 Mi-24s. Only they need to specify the role of fighter instead of Attack and add Sweep and arm AA-8 and AA-11. The fights are amazingly funny. Especially when they got out of missiles, they begin to rotate their cannon turrets and pour bullets at each other By the way 25% it is "bingo fuel" in most normal games ha-ha. But not here. With bingo fuelb here you can reach the end of the universe and back twice
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    Haha, I originally planned to put the HSI where the EOTS is now, but I found that I can't seem to switch to other screens when I don't need the EOTS, so I have to reconsider moving it to other suitable locations now, maybe between the legs? Maybe replace the radar screen? Or integrated on ADI? (forget about it) Still need to think about it,but It'd be there for sure.
  9. 2 points
    Yeah I feel you without the wingman, I fly solo all the time myself.
  10. 2 points
    I can't help you as my old DACT reports say that they get the evil eye modifier, i.e. they see you regardless when in real life they would be snuck up on easy. I mean if you're using your radar that may be the reason too. It's an active thing and they will detect it.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    In 2022 I tested the AI with a what if project "Rafale NG and the Remora UCAV" from an old UCAV mod. This seems to be interesting to do despite SF2 AI limits.
  13. 2 points

    Version 4.0.0


    Mirage F1EH-200 In December 1975, Morocco ordered 25 Mirage F1CH interceptors. In March 1977, an additional contract was signed, stipulating the delivery of five additional Mirage F1CHs, as well as 20 Mirage F1EHs (including six aircraft equipped with in-flight refuelling probes). F1EH-200 specifics: same as EH_Early + S530F (1990+) AN/ALE-40 Chaffs/Flares dispenser (control panel on left bench) ALR-66 RWR instead of BF ELT-### ECM Pod capability AAQ-8 IRCM Infra-Red CounterMeasure pod capability HARES pod capability Long fuselage version Refueling capability This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F.1 Team
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    Plan to release with J-20AS, I want to enhance it as much as possible at the AI level
  16. 1 point
    No worries, this is just a free discussion session. So basically, I was recently testing the WIP cockpit features. And in a flight, I'm staring at my fuel indicator,looks like I'm using less than 25% of the fuel I'm carrying, I said to myself: "Oh good, I can travel the whole pacific. " Then....... my wingman said: "Two's bingo fuel!" "You what?!" A WTF situation happened. ================================================================================================== Lol,so, as far as I know, the AI does use a different flight and combat system than the player-controlled aircraft,like they are in easy mode. And even they say "bingo fuel" ,they will still fly through the whole pacific, in this case I just wondering what push them to say "bingo fuel"? Like in my view,we are far from bingo. Besides that, I want to hear some interesting AI behaviors from you too haha.
  17. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    SF2 Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign 1.1 This package contains everything you need for an Operation Corporate campaign that uses the HMS Ark Royal with her F-4K Phantom FG.1 and Buccaneer S.2D airwing as if they were all still in service for the 1982 Falklands war. It works solely with the updated version of Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) mod package for Strike Fighters 2 (SF2) uploaded by Dave https://combatace.com/files/file/11627-sf2-falklands-mod/ In this ‘what if’ scenario the Royal Navy Invincible class carriers have been delayed entering service requiring the HMS Ark Royal to remain active along with her FAA aircraft into the early 1980’s. As such the HMS Ark Royal leads the Royal Navy Task Force to recapture the Falkland Islands. The HMS Hermes serves as her sister carrier in the Task Force operating Sea Harriers and RAF Harriers. However the size and role of her Sea Harrier airwing is more reflective of the ships role as an ASW/ Commando Carrier as it was when the HMS Ark Royal was still active in real life. Meaning the bulk of the air war will be fought by the Phantoms and Buccaneers from the Ark Royal. The F-4K Phantom (75) are as they were at the end of Royal Navy service but with the addition of Skyflash and G model Sidewinder missiles (RN Phantoms only ever carried the D). One would assume they would have received these alongside the RAF FG.1/ FGR.2 Phantoms had they remained in service with the Navy after 1978. AIM-9L Sidewinders are also available for the Operation as they were for the Sea Harriers in real life. I have also made the SUU-23/A available but it is not used in any loadouts as it was only integrated onto the FG.1 after they were handed over to the RAF and upgraded with lead computing gunsights. The HEI rounds do not have tracers. The Buccaneer S.2D is also as it was at the end of Royal Navy service but with the ECM pods carried by the RAF Buccaneer force in 1982 and the ability to carry the Pave Spike pod. As I imagine these capabilities would have been transferred over from the RAF Buccaneers if this ‘what if’ had scenario had occurred. As well as using the G model Sidewinders of the Phantoms. Both aircraft have a big single shot of Chaff simulating how they loaded it inside the airbrakes of aircraft without dispensers in that era. Installation: In addition to the requirements for SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 you will need Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V) for the F-4K cockpit as the F-4J cockpit is more accurate for a Royal Navy F-4K than the Third Wire DLC F-4K cockpit or Third Wire F-4M cockpit. STEP 1: If you don’t already have a working version of the SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 download and install it by following the instructions here This mod requires a separate Mod Folder from the StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have or created in step 1. - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of the StrikeFighters2_Falklands.exe you already have, Rename the copy to StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe - Run the newly copied and renamed StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your Falklands'82 Ark Royal mod install will have been created in the same location as your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have. - Open your Mod Folder named StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it). STEP 3: INSTALL MAIN COMPONENTS TO MOD FOLDER - Copy and paste everything from your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already had into the StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder you just created in step 2 EXCEPT the Options.INI file and the Version.INI file. - Unpack the SF2_Falklands82ArkRoyal.7z archive package to a location on your hard drive. - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder (created in Step 2 above) YOU MUST OVERIDE WHEN ASKED! STEP 4: EDIT OPTIONS.INI Open the Options.INI in your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following: [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4K_75 MissionMap=Malvinas StartTime=15:15:00 StartDate=05/21/1982 StartTimeDeviation=10 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1983 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows: StartYear=1982 EndYear=1983 Save your changes and close the Options.INI file. THAT'S IT. Your "Falklands'82 Ark Royal for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. Credits: F-4K by Sundowner and the Mirage Factory. Ark Royal v3 by MigBuster, original by eburger68 and Hinchinbrooke. Bucaneer by ravenclaw_007. - original Model by Russouk2004 - Skins and decals by Paulopanz - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff1 - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory -testcrew,Dave,Soulman,Crusader,Florian,Slartibartfast,Paulopanz, Baffmeister,76.IAPBlackbird,Hgbn,Pureblue,Thetestpilot,Kelsh002,Cliff1 - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007 SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 by eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL). comrpnt .......................... Falklands Mod & Mission Pack ChrisBV .......................... Sea Harrier Pack NeverEnough ...................... IA-58a Pucara for SF2 Tracker & Syd Adams .............. Twin Otter ID(io)T Team...................... MB-339A Banidos Team ..................... Static Malvinas Models Banidos Team ..................... Trucks Camiones Banidos Team ..................... Type 12L, 21, & Type 22 frigates bobrock .......................... Invincible re-paint skin Adrian Benetti ................... Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft Adrian Benetti ................... Malvinas Weapons Pack ChrisBV .......................... Falklands War-era Weapons Mini-Pack Cellinsky ........................ WideSky cloud mod SayWhat?! ........................ IA-58a Pucara skins JefeFOSS ......................... Canberra FAA Oscuro skin PGC .............................. Mirage IIIEA skins torno & HrntFixr ................. C-130/KC-130 skins torno ............................ ARA Sea King skin Falls, nosecone, Banidos Team, ... A-4CA/P/Q skins Fallschirmjager, & 3-A-305 PanamaRed ........................ Harrier FRS.1/GR.3 fixes, Hermes fixes, Mentor fixes, Pucara fixes Elephant ........................ updated Harrier FRS.1 skins & decals STORM ............................ updated/expanded SquadronList.INI w/ a/c .INIs luk1978 .......................... new WaterNormal.BMP versions Ice Man .......................... Argentine pilot pics dtmdragon ........................ Lynx & Sea King upgrades torno ............................ Dagger skins & antennas for 3rdWire Nesher Soulfreak ........................ Canberra B.Mk62 (3rdWire B6 model) ataribaby ........................ Super Etendard fixes Wrench ........................... Exocet ASM fixes Additional skins from Edward's "Falklands Mod and Campaign for SFP1." Credit for the original "Falklands '82" mod package goes to Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1.
  18. 1 point
    That'll work, as it's nice to not to always have to switch to the in-flight map to orient yourself.
  19. 1 point
    Nvm, imma just running a quick test on EF-2000,it's nice, But stupidly I forgot that there is also a MFD between the legs which I plan to use as a moving map panel,maybe it would be a good idea to integrate HSI into it, Or adding a simplified HSI function to RWR's compass is also a good idea too, imo
  20. 1 point
    Well on the current EF2000 the HSI is linked to the RWR, so you can still navigate and then still have the RWR visible. How to do it I don't know of course, but it looks like it can be done though. Or I could be wrong, it's been a while since I flew it.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Yeah then again with my DACT reports I never really used the radar (cold nose) and they would "sense me" and then dodge, but I needed that to do maneuvering and such to get them to react, so it wasn't an issue. But yeah, some of them would be easy if they didn't have it. Maybe it models the mirrors, and you get close enough to "see" you, which could be an explanation. I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't know how to fix that issue, so we're stuck with it.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Okay try to travel universe next time
  25. 1 point
    View File Mirage F1EH-200 Mirage F1EH-200 In December 1975, Morocco ordered 25 Mirage F1CH interceptors. In March 1977, an additional contract was signed, stipulating the delivery of five additional Mirage F1CHs, as well as 20 Mirage F1EHs (including six aircraft equipped with in-flight refuelling probes). F1EH-200 specifics: same as EH_Early + S530F (1990+) AN/ALE-40 Chaffs/Flares dispenser (control panel on left bench) ALR-66 RWR instead of BF ELT-### ECM Pod capability AAQ-8 IRCM Infra-Red CounterMeasure pod capability HARES pod capability This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F.1 Team Submitter ludo.m54 Submitted 08/07/2023 Category Mirage F1  
  26. 1 point
    Indeed, these super hornets have excellent combat capabilities, Even if it has nothing to do with AI, EricJ's project is a MUST HAVE for modern script players!
  27. 1 point
    The Mirage F1EH-200 is uploaded and waits for approval. It includes ELT-460 fix. The preview
  28. 1 point
    Swiss P-51 Infos: North American P-51 Mustang - Aviation History of Switzerland (swissair00.ch)
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    el viejo modelo de mig 21 i de Ale, hoy ya con tren y algunas cositas mas.
  31. 1 point
    los modelos de l-188 Electra de la Armada Argentina
  32. 1 point
    Is it possible the ex-Egyptian now ex-Iranian Su-35s were pressed into VKS service to make up for losses?
  33. 1 point
    Not to diminish from above post, but I suspect poster RWatson has passed. Full name Russ Watson. A USMC vet and a survivor of the Khe Sanh experience. Always a friend and mentor to me. I honor his experiences and mourn his passing.
  34. 1 point
    Buenas per tutti.. Tuve menos tiempo del esperado y más complicaciones al momento de ponerlo en vuelo que las que podía suponer.. un poco porque hace mucho que no agarro esto y es casi como aprender de nuevo y otro poco porque de veras el data ini se puso complicado con el tema del vertical lift. Igual me acordaba lo suficiente como para por lo menos llegar a carretear jaja Mirando a la cámara Se supone que por su condición V/STOL es embarcado, entonces lo lógico es que tenga las alas plegables. Por las dudas, y por el mismo precio, también le puse sonda.
  35. 1 point
    Hoy tengo un rato libre y lo pongo en vuelo en el sim. Si más o menos anda este finde lo subo SIN TEXTURAS a modo de beta jugable, y también al Checkmate y a otro What If más que tengo bastante avanzado.
  36. 1 point
    Vought V-156s aboard PA Bearn
  37. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    This is my Pilatus PC-21 in RAAF service. Photoshop templates are included in the aircraft folder. It uses my AT-6B cockpit but I am working on a PC-21 cockpit and will release it along with some other minor changes later. Please read the readme file (included) for installation instructions. Let me know if you find any issues and I will fix them for the update. Dels
  38. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    -------------------------------------------------- Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) for Strike Fighters 2 -------------------------------------------------- This package contains an updated version of Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) mod package for Strike Fighters 2 (SF2). In addition to making the original mod compatible with SF2, this updated version also adds a number of other mods that were released in the years subsequent to Kesselbrut's original effort. This update pack should be applied to SF2 or SF2V installations (or merged installs incorporating SF2 or SF2V) that are patched to the Dec2009 or later patch level, including Feb2010, Mar2010, May2010, Jun2010, Dec2010, Jan2011, May2011, Jun2011, Jul2011, or Aug2011. If you are running SF2 or SF2V at an earlier patch level and do NOT intend to update to one of the later patch levels mentioned above, you should NOT install this mod package. Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install the original "Falklands '82" mod for SFP1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before installing this mod package, please ensure the installation of Strike Fighters 2 that you intend to use is updated to at least the Dec2009 patch level (the Jun2010 patch level is recommended). The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire: http://thirdwire.com/downloads.htm Also, please be aware that the mod requires either the original Strike Fighters 2 (with the Desert terrain) or Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V). If you will be using SF2V as a mod base, then you will have one additional step at the end of the installation process. The main installation process consists of three main steps. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly. NOTE: If you installed the verison of this mod released in Dec. 2010, we recommend that you NOT install this newer version over that older version. Instead, start from scratch, using a fresh/new Mod Folder. STEP 1: PREPARE THE MOD FOLDER This mod requires a separate mod folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as NATO Fighter 4+ or the SF2V Expansion Pack. - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2.exe or StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.exe, Rename the copy to StrikeFighters2_Falklands.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer). - Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your Falklands'82 mod install will have been created in one of these locations: Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder] ...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. - Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it). Now you're ready to install the Falklands'82 mod proper. STEP 2: INSTALL MAIN COMPONENTS TO MOD FOLDER This is the easiest step. - Unpack the SF2_Falklands82.7z archive package to a location on your hard drive. - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories. STEP 3: EDIT OPTIONS.INI This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention. Open the Options.INI in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following: [instantAction] AircraftType=HarrierFRS1 MissionMap=Malvinas StartTime=15:15:00 StartDate=05/21/1982 StartTimeDeviation=10 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1983 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows: StartYear=1982 EndYear=1983 Save your changes and close the Options.INI file. STEP 4: Optional Step for SF2V Users This last step is for those who are using Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V) as mod base instead of the original Strike Fighters 2 (with the Desert terrain). If your SF2 installation does not include the original SF2 (with the Desert terrain) and you're using SF2V as a mod base, then you must swap out terrain .INIs so that your MALVINAS.INI points to the correct .CAT file. - In your SF2 Mod Folder, open the \Terrains\Malvinas folder. Delete the file Malvinas.ini. - In \Terrains\Malvinas\Alt you will find the file Malvinas_vietnamsea.INI. Copy it to the \Terrains\Malvinas folder (just above the \Alt sub-folder) and re-name it to Malvinas.ini (thus replacing the file you deleted just above). THAT'S IT. Your "Falklands'82 for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation of Optional Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Included in the \Optional folder are a number of optional items that you may consider installing (if your installation has the required base installation items). - Canberra62: this is an alternate version of the Canberra B.Mk62, based on the 3rdWire Canberra B.6 model. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2E Expansion Pack 2. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \Canberra62 folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model. - Harrier3: this is an alternate version of the Harrier GR.3, based on the 3rdWire model included in SF2E. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2E. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \Harrier3 folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model. - IAI-Dagger: this is an alternate version of the IAI Dagger, based on the 3rdWire Nesher model included in SF2I. In order to use this model your base installation must include SF2I. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \IAI-Dagger folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft. The campaigns will automatically start using this newer model. - Mirage IIIEA: this folder contains an alternate Mirage IIIEA cockpit based on the 3rdWire Mirage IIICJ cockpit from SF2I. It is a replacement for the stock cockpit of the Mirage IIIEA and requires SF2I to be part of the installation. TO INSTALL, simply drag the \MirageIIIEA folder to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in \Objects\Aircraft, allowing it to overwrite file as prompted. - WaterNormal: this folder contains various alternate WaterNormal.BMP files, which can be used to change the texture or appearance of the water in the Malvinas terrain. To use any of these alternate .BMPs, simply drag the file you wish to use to your SF2 Mod Folder and drop it in the \Terrains\Malvinas folder, allowing it to overwrite the version already there. Note: the default/original .BMP used by this mod is in the \3rdwire sub-folder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game Play Notes (PLEASE READ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are some important things you should know about playing this updated version of the "Falklands '82" mod. 1. Single Missions vs Campaigns Like the original "Falklands '82" for SFP1, the Malvinas terrain here is set up to use different years for Single Missions (i.e., "Create Mission") and the Campaigns. Campaigns: both campaigns automatically start on May 1, 1982, and continue into early June 1982. Single Missions: when flying Single Missions, set the "Mission Date" to 1983. If you set the date to 1982, you may get a CTD (crash to desktop) when attempting to start the mission. As Kesselbrut noted in his original ReadMe, game-generated single missions ("Create Mission") should be flown in 1983 because the only British air base on the islands was build in late May. If you have a mission date before May 29, 1982, the game will CTD becaue there is no air base for British aircraft to use. User-created missions (with a 1982 mission date) will work normally. British aircraft will still have to take off from a carrier before May 29, though, even in user-created missions for 1982. 2. Recommended "Gameplay Options" Some of the island-based airfields are a bit rough. It is highly recommended that you change the "Landing" Game Play option to "Normal" or "Easy." If you use a "Hard" landing option setting, you may see aircraft exploding on the runway either because they start without landing gear deployed or because they lose their landing gear halfway down the runway. This is esp. true of Stanley Airfield. You can fly all fixed wing aircraft on "Hard" or "Normal" Flight Model. Helicopters are best flown on "Normal" Flight Model. 3. Canberra Bomb Sight In the Canberra, you can switch between Pilot and Bombadier with "Hook" key to use the bomb sight. 4. Carriers All Carriers have zero speed. Were they allowed to sail normally, they would cruise wildly through the ship formations. 5. Infanty Speed Note from Kesselbrut: "The infantry units have too much speed - when I use normal Footslogger speed there are no ground battles." ~~~~~~~~~~ Known Bugs ~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few bugs (none "showstoppers") that you should be aware of. 1. Stanley Airfield The terrain on which this airfield resides is treacherous. The best we've been able to do is implement workarounds for this airfield's several problems. First, as noted above, set your "Landing" Game Play option to "Normal" or "Easy." Second, you will find that you will start missions off center on the runway. This is done to prevent you from losing your landing gear half-way down the runway. Do not veer across the center line when taking off (stay in your lane). Third, even despite doing the above, you will notice that your aircraft is slow to accelerate and tends to bounce around a bit. You may even need to run off the end of the runway to get airborne. With the exception of Skyhawks (whose spindly landing gear has real problems with this runway), all Argentine aircraft can be used from Stanley. Historically, though, the runway was off-limits to the fast jets -- e.g., A-4s and Mirages. 2. Non-paved Airfields When taking off from non-paved airfields -- esp. the Port San Carlos FOB used by Harriers -- you will notice your landing gear sinking into the ground a bit. Also, some airfield runway textures may not appear. These are other quirks of the Malvinas terrain in SF2 that we have been unable to fix. 3. Rapier SAMs The British Rapier SAMs will not fire in the Operation Corporate campaign due to a bug in SF2 that prevents the game from handling Blue-side static SAMs correctly. 4. Helicopters & AI Pilots All helicopters in this mod have been made flyable. Set the "Flight Model in Game Play Options to "Normal, and use your thrust vectoring controls in conjunction with the standard SF2 flight controls to maneuver and fly the helos. At the end of the day, though, Strike Fighters is NOT a helicopter sim. That means helo flight models are rough, unrealistic, and borderline unstable. It also means that AI helo pilots can occasionally run into difficulties, esp. when trying to land these things. Until someone creates better helo flight models for SF2 (or TK updates the ThirdWire flight engine to accommodate helicopters), that's just the way it is. If you don't like the way the helos fly, then don't fly them. 5. Comrpnt's Missions Comrpnt created an excellent set of historical missions for his "Falklands Mod & Mission Pack." While these work fine with the original "Falklands '82" mod for SFP1, we encountered significant problems when attempting to get them to work in SF2. In particular, there appears to be a bug in SF2 that causes the game to refuse to start an aircraft on the ground at an offset east or west of the defined center of the airfield target area. This bug manifests itself only in user-created single missions for some reason. The consequence is that many aircraft in comrpnt's missions have problems taking off -- esp. from the Hermes or Stanley Airfield -- because they start on the ground in the wrong position relative to the runway (whether it be a carrier deck or a land-based runway). As we could not resolve these problems or find an acceptable workaround for this bug, we have not included comrpnt's missions (though we have implemented other parts of his Falklands mod pack). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes, Fixes, & Additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mod was released in December 2010. In January 2012 it was updated with the following fixes and changes: Fixes & Updates --------------- - campaigns overhauled, with revised AirOffensive schedules, unit start dates, and other minor changes - variant of Argentinean campaign added (Operation Rosario), which bases 3 Esq. de Caza y Ataque (A-4Q) on the 25 de Mayo aircraft carrier instead of Rio Grande Airbase - Operation Corporate campaign now allows players to fly the small detach- ment of 1 Sq. Harrier GR.3s that flew from the HMS Hermes - flak & bomb effects fixed to reduce cartoonishly large debris - Formation.INI updated to reflect changes from the latest 3rdWire patches - terrain Tyes.INI overhauled to standardize data and better organize/ prioritize target types for campaigns - terrain Targets.INI tweaked to fix various minor errors & address problems with front line - front line (Movement.INI) adjusted to correct problems with game engine's handling of certain target areas in campaigns - Exocet ASMs changed to allow them to hit moving targets in Single Missions - ship-based SAMs overhauled to improve performance - most warships tweaked to improve performance of ship-based SAMs - Super Etendard's weapon stations tweaked to correct roll to the left - Super Etendard's cockpit position moved forward - Super Etendard's decals.INI fixed to show all decals - Ajunaidr's Canberra B.62 overhauled to add 3rdWire flight model, remove guns, and bring weapons stations/loadouts in line with Soulfreak's B.62 - AIM-9 Sidewinder rails added to A-4Q Skyhawk - CruiseSpeed for all Skyhawks boosted slightly - mission radii for all Harriers reduced to prevent them from flying missions against the Argentinean mainland - UH-1H flight model tweaked for performance - ground-based SAMs, AAA, & radars tweaked to improve performance In September 2011 this mod was re-released following extensive bug fixes, changes, and additions. Fixes ----- - missing/incorrect Sea Harrier decals - bright white Sidewinder rails on Sea Harrier - A-4 nation decals missing - non-working nozzel on Sea Harrier - incorrect alignment/decals for UH-1H - wrong missiles on Mirage IIIEA - Mirage IIIEA unable to maintain expected high altitude speed - wrong .INI pointer for A-109A unit in Malvinas campaign - Type_12M frigate not appearing in terrain - front line leaves British ships on Argentine side in campaign - wrong alignment for Port Howard target area - wrong model for AR_R-530R - wrong squadron for Harrier GR.3 (No.1 not No.3) - loadout/weapon stations problems with S-2F Tracker - rolling radius on Super Etendard nose wheel too high - Airfields 1,2,5 use mix of old/new runway textures - MB.326 & MB.339 experience nose pitch-up at speeds > 400 knots - Harrier GR.3 & FRS.1 don't sit properly on tarmack/deck - Harrier FRS.1 damaged 50% when landing on carriers - aircraft on use ski jump improperly on Hermes - AI pilots land incorrectly on Hermes - double green Pucara's 1-Tex skin wrong color-depth - AI pilots w/ Twin Otter not take off/land correctly - AI pilots w/ T-34C Mentor not take off or fly correctly - wildly inaccurate squadron strengths in campaigns for some aircraft - "Intelligence" values on wrong force/side in Malvinas campaign - some number decals not appear on aircraft in campaigns - other minor errors in campaign DATA.INIs - ReadMe for Malvinas WP not included Additions --------- - RWR/ECM corrections on Harrier GR.3 - overhauled decals on Harrier GR.3 - engine updates on Harrier GR.3 - loadout updates on Harrier GR.3 - RWR/ECM corrections on Sea Harrier FRS.1 - engine updates on Sea Harrier FRS.1 - loadout updates on Sea Harrier FRS.1 - corrected black skins from Elephant for Sea Harrier FRS.1 - new "blue-black" 800/801 skins from PanamaRed for Sea Harrier FRS.1 - corrected 809 skins from PanamaRed & Elephant - overhauled decals for Sea Harrier FRS.1 based on work by Elephant - Lynx & Sea King upgrades by dtmdragon - Argentine pilot pics from IceMan - new RAF & RN pilots from Elephant & PanamaRed - new SquadronList.INI from STORM w/ texture data keyed to it - WATERNORMAL.BMP from SF2 Desert.CAT - optional verions of WATERNORMAL.BMP from luk1978 New Optional Items ------------------ - 3rdWire Nesher-based Dagger (SF2I only) - 3rdWire Mirage IIIEA cockpit (SF2I only) - 3rdWire Harrier GR.3 (SF2E only) - 3rdWire Canberra B.Mk62 (SF2E Exp. Pack 2 only) - alternate WaterNormal.BMPs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General Changes, Fixes, & Additions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mod is a conversion and upgrade of the original "Falklands '82" mod released by Kesselbrut for SFP1. This version incorporates the following changes over the original: General SF2 post-Dec2009 Updates/Conversions -------------------------------------------- - Hangar/Loading Screens: converted to .JPG format - Loadout Images: coverted to .TGA format - Cockpit Positions: checked & updated as needed - HUD/DTVFilter Materials: added & updated as needed - Effects: added proper shaders to all effects - EnvironmentSystem: added proper Dec2009 shaders & new environment parameters - Menu Screens: coverted to .JPG format - Non-decal TGAs: moved to aircraft texture folders - UserLists: added UserList.INIs to all aircraft - AircraftShortNames: added AircraftShortName statements to all aircraft - Damage models: added aircraft damage models to all air- craft DATA.INIs - Decals: moved all aircraft decals to \Decals folder - Pilots & Seats: moved all pilots & seats to \Pilots folder - Radar frequencies: added radar frequency data to aircraft radars, RWR statements, anti-radiation missiles, & ground radars (not ships) - converted weapons & guns to SF2 Other Updates & Fixes --------------------- - added damage .TGAs to several aircraft - tweaked weapons loadouts/stations on several aircraft - updated flight models on Mirage IIIEA, IAI Dagger, Harrier GR.3, Sea Harrier FRS.1, MB-326GB, C-130, KC-130, Super Etendard, T-34C Mentor, & IA-58a Pucara - tweaked flight models on most remaining aircraft to make them SF2-friendly - added additional skins to A-4CA/P/Q, Canberra B.62, Sea Har- rier FRS.1, IA-58a Pucara, IAI Dagger, Mirage IIIEA, & KC-130 - added new Hangar & Loading screens for a number of aircraft - made minor correction/fixes to most aircraft - replaced original cloud mod with Cellinsky's WideSky cloud mod - updated original Menu screens and added a few new ones to round out the set - created new InstantAction.INI - added custom SpeechSystem.INI to suppress some gun-firing radio calls ("He's firing his guns!") - carried over original Nations.INI tweaks to SF2 Nations.INI - added custom pilot pics from comrpnt's mod pack - carried over relevant customizations from original Formations.INI to SF2 Formations.INI - added several new sounds & updated SoundList.INI - tweaked flak guns to improve effectiveness & use new effects - fixed Type 12M (Rothesay) Class Frigate so that guns/missiles are now working - added bobrock's Invincible re-paint skin - converted main terrain .INIs to SF2 standards - added seven new terrain target areas for temporary ship locations to TARGETS.INI - added new terrain items (static models, ships, etc) to TYPES.INI - added new terrain items (static models, ships) to TARGETS.INI - fixed StanleyAirfield_DATA.INI to enable aircraft to take off - tweaked FOB_DATA.INI to allow more than four aircraft to take off properly from Port San Carlos FOB - implemented custom terrain lights from comrpnt's mod pack - updated campaigns for SF2-compatibility (& added MB-339A) New Air & Ground Items ---------------------- - MB-339A ARA - Twin Otter - Type 12L frigate - Type 21 frigate - Type 22 frigate - Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft - Argentine Mercedes trucks (Trucks camiones) - Banidos team static terrain models - several new weapons or weapons models ~~~~~~~ Credits ~~~~~~~ This update pack adds a number of new items to the "Falklands '82" mod package. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use: comrpnt .......................... Falklands Mod & Mission Pack ChrisBV .......................... Sea Harrier Pack NeverEnough ...................... IA-58a Pucara for SF2 Tracker & Syd Adams .............. Twin Otter ID(io)T Team...................... MB-339A Banidos Team ..................... Static Malvinas Models Banidos Team ..................... Trucks Camiones Banidos Team ..................... Type 12L, 21, & Type 22 frigates bobrock .......................... Invincible re-paint skin Adrian Benetti ................... Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft Adrian Benetti ................... Malvinas Weapons Pack ChrisBV .......................... Falklands War-era Weapons Mini-Pack Cellinsky ........................ WideSky cloud mod SayWhat?! ........................ IA-58a Pucara skins JefeFOSS ......................... Canberra FAA Oscuro skin PGC .............................. Mirage IIIEA skins torno & HrntFixr ................. C-130/KC-130 skins torno ............................ ARA Sea King skin Falls, nosecone, Banidos Team, ... A-4CA/P/Q skins Fallschirmjager, & 3-A-305 PanamaRed ........................ Harrier FRS.1/GR.3 fixes, Hermes fixes, Mentor fixes, Pucara fixes Elephant ........................ updated Harrier FRS.1 skins & decals STORM ............................ updated/expanded SquadronList.INI w/ a/c .INIs luk1978 .......................... new WaterNormal.BMP versions Ice Man .......................... Argentine pilot pics dtmdragon ........................ Lynx & Sea King upgrades torno ............................ Dagger skins & antennas for 3rdWire Nesher Soulfreak ........................ Canberra B.Mk62 (3rdWire B6 model) ataribaby ........................ Super Etendard fixes Wrench ........................... Exocet ASM fixes Additional skins from Edward's "Falklands Mod and Campaign for SFP1." Credit for the original "Falklands '82" mod package goes to Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete "Falklands '82" mod, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes. If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP. -------------------------- eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL) 15 November 2010 5 Jan 2012


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