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  1. 6 points
    G.91 overhaul status: G.91R.1/B - finished G.91R.1/B PAN - Decals left to do <--- anyone has good references regarding tail numbers? G.91R.3 - Germans finished, Portuguese to be done G.91R.4 - to be done G.91T.1 - finished G.91T.3 - finished
  2. 5 points

    Version 1.1


    Third Wire F-8A & F-8B Crusader 1.1 Modification of the Third Wire Crusader model into the F-8 A and B model Crusaders. Included is the 2.75" Mighty Mouse air-to-air fuselage rocket drawer but it is not loaded by default as it was reportedly never used operationally. F-8A - The F-8A (F8U-1) entered service in 1957. F-8A is powered by the J57-P-4 afterburning turbojet and can reach speeds of Mach 1.5 F-8B - The F-8B (F8U-1E) was the search radar equipped version, entering service in 1958. It is equipped with the AN/APS-67 radar. To install: 1, Unpack and drop into your main mods folder. 2, Override when prompted. Credits: - Crusader for the F-8A cockpit gauge placement. - ‘F-8 DATA & LOADOUT v1.0 update’ by FANATIC MODDER. - ‘SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion v.2.0 Gold’ by Eburger68 and team. - Weapons by Ravenclaw_007. CombatAce fair use agreement applies. Enjoy, Dan.
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    Evreux Air Base reworked. (WIP) In original the base has 4 of the funny round desipersal areas on the right side. But on the tile i can place only 2 of them.
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Have a look here for SF2 Pilot Mods - CombatACE And here for SF1 Pilot Mods - CombatACE
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    much as you wont like this answer make your own list. go through google, airfighters.net, pinterest, FB, etc gathering as many pics as you can and logging what ones you find. and feel lucky to only be doing 26. my OCD kicks in and im trying to place EVERY F-16A/B made by General Dynamics where they were in 1983, 1986 and 1989
  11. 2 points
    ADM-160C MALD-J (So, is there any way to get these decoys to hover over the target?)
  12. 1 point
    "The Heatblur Simulations F-4E Phantom II is the culmination of over 2 years of intense development, preceded by countless hours of research and built with our next-gen technology that brings many new features, leaning on all the know-how gained from our previous modules. DCS: F-4 represents some of the most immersive cold war fighter jet simulation available. Climb into the cockpit of this beast and announce yourself with thunder, as you experience the thrill of riding a primeval spirit. DCS: F-4 includes, and models, both the DMAS and non-DMAS equipped F-4E Phantom II variants using the powerful J-79 engines. It utilizes our next-gen components based simulation framework - the aircraft is simulated as a connection of thousands of individual components. From an instrument needle to control surfaces, each component influences the state of the aircraft and even comes with its own wear and tear. Enjoy in depth fluids and electric simulations, a dynamic flight model and many new “firsts” in DCS, when flying and fighting in the F-4! With the DCS F-4 we are introducing JESTER 2.0 - a completely rebuilt and redesigned JESTER AI to help you as your WSO, with improved and updated intelligence, a new interface and new immersive features, like pro-actively asking you questions depending on the situation - changing his behavior based on your answers. Teamwork is key in the Phantom. With JESTER 2.0 you will be able to not only enjoy this multiseat fighter in multiplayer with a friend, but also in singleplayer on your own. " There are 4 options to choose from on the Heatblur store only for now - Order at your own risk. https://store.heatblur.com/products/dcs-f-4-phantom
  13. 1 point
    Alaskan Air Command F-4E , 18th TFS and 43rd TFS
  14. 1 point
    yup, was there last night!!! got several, even with their 'modex' numbers! I'll just fiddle-faddle the other ID numbers from what I have
  15. 1 point
    Check here: http://www.forgottenjets.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/F-84G.html
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Great mod ! Beauty full early Crusaders... Thanks a lot ! P.
  18. 1 point
    hahahaha, its funny picture fireing with Mighty Mouse . I didn't even know version "A" had them
  19. 1 point
    It looks more beautiful without the lower fins. Thanks
  20. 1 point
    View File F-8A & F-8B Crusader (TW) Third Wire F-8A & F-8B Crusader 1.1 Modification of the Third Wire Crusader model into the F-8 A and B model Crusaders. Included is the 2.75" Mighty Mouse air-to-air fuselage rocket drawer but it is not loaded by default as it was reportedly never used operationally. F-8A - The F-8A (F8U-1) entered service in 1957. F-8A is powered by the J57-P-4 afterburning turbojet and can reach speeds of Mach 1.5 F-8B - The F-8B (F8U-1E) was the search radar equipped version, entering service in 1958. It is equipped with the AN/APS-67 radar. To install: 1, Unpack and drop into your main mods folder. 2, Override when prompted. Credits: - Crusader for the F-8A cockpit gauge placement. - ‘F-8 DATA & LOADOUT v1.0 update’ by FANATIC MODDER. - ‘SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion v.2.0 Gold’ by Eburger68 and team. - Weapons by Ravenclaw_007. CombatAce fair use agreement applies. Enjoy, Dan. Submitter dtmdragon Submitted 10/28/2023 Category F-8  
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    This is why I give this type of building a high point value (for strike missions)
  25. 1 point
    Bloody Hundreth '98 The Reluctant Dragon Jokers Wild
  26. 1 point
    Just got an update from FastCargo and it looks like he's having the same Win11 issue that swambast is having, and more than likely not be able to work on the models as I had hoped. I can talk to other people about it but for now the Super Hornet package is what it is for now, and for the foreseeable future I can probably enlist somebody, so it's not dead, just delayed for now.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    I don't think so, decoys I'm sure weren't on TK's priority list, but who knows I could be wrong.
  31. 1 point
    That would be amazing, with a J-6 too...
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Metrea. They operate four KC-135s that were previously flown by Singapore.
  34. 1 point
    Last USAFE Super Sabres. 48th TFW, 1971.
  35. 1 point
    Turkish Air Force F-100C
  36. 1 point
    This is The Way...
  37. 1 point

    Version 2.6


    Dogfight version 2.6 for Strike Fighters and First Eagles (Series 1 and Series 2) Major changes in 2.6 The Loadouts of the aircraft as defined in each aircrafts loadout.ini can now be selected. If you hover over the loadout in the list it will display the ordanance carried. Fixed bug which prevented some aircraft textures from being displayed. Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder. This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor. So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!). The action begins at a seperation of 0.5-4 km. To use you: 1) Start Dogfight. 2) Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc. 3) Press the Red WRITE MISSION button. 4) LEAVE Dogfight running. 5) Start the Thirdwire Simulator. 6) Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu. 7) Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight"). 8) When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously. 9) Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red WRITE MISSION button. 10) Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer). 11) ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Mission Menu to update the information. 12) Play the mission! Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it. Installion ------------- Unzip Dogfight.zip. Find the folder called Dogfightv2.6 containing: templates (folder) df.cfg dogfight.exe readme.txt COPY Dogfightv2.6 INTO THE TOP LEVEL OF THE DIRECTORY WHERE YOU INSTALL YOUR MODS. There is an Options.ini file in this directory as well. i.e Dogfightv2.6 and Objects are at the same level. OPEN THE Dogfightv2.6 FOLDER AND CREATE A SHORTCUT FROM dogfight.exe TO YOUR DESKTOP (or wherever you want to launch if from). Testing -------- DogFight has been tested with: FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms) SF1 (chiefly SCW) WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa). SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in. I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets. Only briefly tried it with more modern types. The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2017 C++ and FLTK. FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily. Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program. Thanks Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming. I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users. Gary Ireland See the Readme for more in depth instructions


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