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Showing most liked content on 01/25/2024 in all areas

  1. 16 points
    Dressing up an old lady in new (4096x4096) clothes. Decals already reworked, now stenciling....
  2. 12 points
    An F-84E of the 10th Air Force.
  3. 9 points
  4. 9 points
  5. 8 points
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    Republic Aviation F-105D Thunderchief - 107 'Knights of the Orange Tail Squadron' Israeli Air Force, 1967
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    You got it! I'd be delighted to make it happen for you!
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Try adjusting the roll damping coefficient (Clp= ) in the FM-2's Data.INI file. Open the FM-2.Data.INI and look for the lines Clp=xxx. The numbers will probably be something like -0.0125 for the left and right wings, and -0.1765 for the left and right outer wings. Try reducing these numbers to something like -0.0105 for the wings, and -0.1265 for the outer wings. That should give you a better roll rate.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I was running the previous ODS mod, and I thought it was the pinnacle of what could be done with the series. I was wrong. Playing the newest version is like stepping into an entirely new SF, and it blows away the previous mod. And that is saying something. The level of detail and the immersive realism puts it in a class by itself. Just sitting on the carrier deck watching the undulating waves can be mesmerizing, let alone flying over them. The mod is, in a word...superb, and my hat is off to all the creators, contributors, and everyone that had a hand in this. As my daughter would say: "It's Bussin'". I haven't had this much fun with a flight sim in quite a while. If there was a 6th Star to be awarded, I would give it.
  20. 1 point
    Blackburn Barge C.1 - No.30 Squadron, RAF Transport Command, 1961
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    uploaded and awaiting approval
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-1H Skyraider (3W) VA-75 Skin Pack 1/11/2024 -For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended-- must have access to the A-1H Skyraider in your mods folder(s) This here is a new skin for the stock 3W A-1H Skraider, depicting VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" in approx 1962 aboard USS INDEPENDENCE in Southeast Asian waters. Most markings are decals, excepting for the squadron color bands on the rudder. Through the magic jiggery-pokkery of Level 2 decals, the CAG color bands are also available when you select modex #500. The line birds have their correct markings. All serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this unit at this time period. It should be noted, nothing is provided to make this AI aircraft flyable; you should have alread done that. This is just the textures and decals. As is always reccomendified, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings and Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  27. 1 point
    Some bugs to fix and .... grrrr ... files, but not bad at all
  28. 1 point
    Yep, that one in SEA camo wrap-around scheme is in the pack as well.
  29. 1 point
    Hi all, We have just added a new update on the website along with some new screenshots, from the work in progress Belgian Expansion for WOFF BH&H II. Check it out there please! https://www.overflandersfields.com/news.html
  30. 1 point
    Hi All, Regarding the next Expansion for WOFF BH&H II.. new details have just been posted in the News on our website. The Belgians are coming! Plus new aircraft such as the Pfalz D.XII and more. Please see https://www.overflandersfields.com/news.html
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    MiG-19S / MiG-19SF cockpit read the readme for installation informations etc
  35. 1 point
    Attached is an F-80C beta test FM that I have been messing with for quite some time. It is the usual combination of some new stuff [CDL table] some of the original FM, some ThirdWire tables and a whole bunch of tinkering. I recommend backing up the original FM then just drop this new one into the F-80C folder. Cheers.
  36. 1 point
    F-80C beta 0.91 FM attached. Thanks to Fubar I got a T-33 and P-80A flight manual PDF to look at so have made some changes. Also found a bit more online info so have bumped up the lift quite a bit. The T-33 / F-80C could pull quite a bit of "G" even with an unpowered elevator but it did have a problem with heavy buffet when pulling G at higher mach numbers. The heavy buffet zone is considered a "No Go" area due to structural limitations and is a bit of a handicap. Not so bad at low levels but much worse at high altitudes. Here are some numbers based on the T-33 flight strengths chart: Max G at 0.80 Mach limit: 5000ft = 5.9G 10000ft=5.0G 20000ft=3.1G 30000ft=2.2G 40000ft=1.4G At lower speeds the structural G limit is 7.33. I can't replicate the heavy buffet problem in the FM so have just limited the max G available at higher Mach numbers. If you get involved with any MiG-15s at high altitude and find the plane not turning very well all you can do is slow down to about 0.70 mach. Other changes: Fuel tanks adjusted and range reduced. [i like to keep the range numbers conservative] Realistic engine spool-up time. [around 13 seconds from idle to max thrust] Dive bomb and rocket AI adjusted. [Dive bomb AI tested with the An-64 500lb bomb. Results will probably be quite different if using TW stock bombs.] The pilot AI has been adjusted using Fubars F-86 FMs as a guide. The damage modeling has been adjusted using Fubars F-86 FMs as a guide. [ I plan on doing this for any other KAW FM's I do to keep things consistent.] Will leave the F-80C alone for awhile and take a look at the Panther next. F-80C_FM0.91.zip
  37. 1 point
    Those parameters have been available since the October 08 patch for the original Third Wire series (Column5 released am improved FM for the U2, which incorporated those parameters shortly afterwords). They are, of course, also incorporated into the second generation of TW sims. The AI currently uses a simplified FM that ignores any and all MAX G parameters stated in a flight model. For example, I've seen TW default MiG-23s repeatedly sustain 10+ Gs.
  38. 1 point
    Q: what is the relationship between the MaxG defined in an Aircraft_Data.ini and the G amount where actual structural damage occurs? Which role does "StructuralFactor=" and "Elasticity=" parameter play in the damage relationship? A: I think the current damage does start at 1.5x maxG, the amount depending on how far over the max-G and how long. Remember in the game, each component has structural "hit-points", and over-G damages are accumulated over time. Its not all or nothing, if you go over 1.5x maxG at some point, your wings will be weaker later. If you think the default setting is too low damage, you can also set where the damage starts for each component, I think you can add MaxG= to each wing parts. The answer provided by TK proven to be true. You can set G limit for each component and it starts to fall when you pull hard. That only happens to player's aircraft. AI jets are not limited by anything other than the MaxG set in FlightControl section of a xx_Data.in. Meaning it will ignore the G limit you set for wings, go over to reach the global MaxG, and it will not suffer wing breakage.


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