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Showing most liked content on 03/30/2020 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 5 points
    Few tweaks and will post monday afternoon ish
  3. 5 points
    When you're painted this way over South Vietnam in 1972, I would suggest your keeping the speed UP. Jus' saying.......
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Jeez !! Even real planes look worse . Amazing job.
  6. 4 points
    Back in the day, it was a different story with a different answer - today more efforts around brute force converting other helo models. In my opinion, Jarek/Yakarov79 makes the best helos for this sim - period. My recommendation would be enjoy the helo experience he delivers - he offers the full package from great mesh/optimized models, texturing, flight dynamics/physics, etc. and also has a great selection to choose from.
  7. 4 points
    Another Philippine 'sader.
  8. 4 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    update to Provosts and an extra package uploaded...awaiting approval
  11. 2 points
    going a bit fanciful with this project. presenting the B-1Cs of No 460 Squadron RAAF
  12. 2 points
    ok toned down a bit as i'm getting a bit burned out on Bones (say that three times fast) but heres what i got...... in order to both bolster a request from Austrailia as well as reduce the inventory of B-1 bombers a total of 8 were approved for lease to the RAAF in November 1996. Crew training and refurbishing meant that the first bombers didnt actually arrive until February of 1998. All 8 airframes came from lots II and III of the production run (FY83 and FY84) and were assigned ADF serials starting with A55 and ending in the last three of their USAF serial. No 460 Squadron was reformed to operate the bombers in a primary long range maritime patrol mission with a secondary long range strike capability retained. The first aircraft featured nose art named Leader with a kangaroo playing bagpipes in honour of the squadrons role over Europe in WW2. Squadron marking include a toned down squadron badge below the DSO window, and a silohuette of a kangaroo riding a bomerang in orange serial as indicated, with the A55 number and the original USAF serial in the number.lst, looking up a few more nose arts and figuring out a couple serials from 2003 for a second batch. also thinking they may go back to the Strategic scheme in the 2000s for the local overland role. any suggestions? hope to have the skin portion to you withing the week depending on RL
  13. 2 points
    Three Su-30s out on a SEAD mission.... against Hokkaido
  14. 2 points
    2009 for SF2 stuff with this CV19 epedemic and time in house,might do some tutorial vids..
  15. 2 points
    just another Sunday in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik scooting in low as i like to do now, i did destroy a hardened shelter. just not the one i was supposed to.....
  16. 2 points
    There are loads of Jet Provost and Strikemaster skins out there on the FSX sites that only take about 5 minutes to convert for Russo's Provosts as he has kindly kept the same mapping as Rick Piper's original. Saudi Arabia Oman Ecuador Another New Zealand skin RAF from various time periods.. And some civilian owned display birds This desert camo skin could be converted to be used by Oman, or Dhimar..
  17. 1 point
    a) You got my Israeli idea right b) Well I meant K for former Aussie Finance Minister & Prime Minister Paul Keating but yeah B-1C also works. There was the F-111C for the RAAF, which was then augmented by FB-111s that became F-111Gs.
  18. 1 point
    hell, unless you were doing a seperate desert skin i can knock out the israelis too. should just be a matter of "painting over " the Aussie markings an most numbers and leaving the last 3 of the serial on the tail. by paint over i would put a grey patch UNDER the new marking in the tga. no need to adjust anything other than a folder directory but i also had a thought of doing a flying gerbil, like the orange kangaroo but on the nose while the IDFAF is borrowing them. just gotta know how many they borrow (all arent realistic in any fashion) took one serial off for 2012, adding 4 that IRL went to AMARG in the early 2000s. finally B-1K is more British (F-4K, english version of the Aardvark was to be F-111K). I was thinking B-1C like the F-111 became in RAAF service. but can rename it all to K if you like (currently the folders are B-1B_RAAF)
  19. 1 point
    Unfortunately Razbam's models are no longer for sale and they broke their promise to deliver existing customers shadow-fixed LODs before closing their Strike Fighters "production line". They were good for the era, but have almost all been replaced by either TK's or the community's alternatives, including for the pits, or have unfixed problems. The Banshee is about the only thing we don't have a replacement for but it's kind of a niche plane. YAP is a mixed bag, some aircrafts we already have, others are outdated, some are pretty fine. Unfortunately they're all to SF1 standard so might require some adaptation, plus most textures have everything baked in, making it not always that simple to reuse them for something not intended without some serious skinning work. Some of the helos are interesting but we've been spoiled by Yakarov on that front already and it requires some work to get YAP's helos to his standard, but it's mostly the various ground objects, carriers and ships that can become very interesting. Also, YAP's way of downloading files and handling updates is... let's say... primitive... which is fine, it's not their job, but it can get infuriating at time.
  20. 1 point
    interestingly an actual 460th Lancaster, thought with some modernization by me (letters not the girl) more in the What if Screenshot thread, got 460 Sqn 1998 roughly where i want it. just need some marking input on the rest
  21. 1 point
    View File UH-1H IROQUOIS (PAKISTAN) BELL UH1-H IROQUOIS PAKISTANI ARMY Using Yakarov79's excellent UH-1H I have created 3 new skins for the Pakistani Army, the first is the standard overall green, there is a grey/green camo scheme, and finally what appears to be the latest cam scheme which is sand/green/brown . I have included the whole package in this upload to make it easier to install as it needs really to be installed separate from a general UH-1H installation, as it is a purely Pakistani machine. all the files needed are included, sounds, weapons, pilots etc etc . I have left the decals the same for all 3 schemes, as it appears that standard markings are commonplace on Pakistani aircraft. One thing to note though, is that when the gunners are enabled, it removes the numbering from the cargo doors, not a major issue at all, but I just thought you may need to know. also, the latest iterations of the Huey in Pakistani service appear to be armed with miniguns rather than M60's however I dont have the ability to adjust this , so the Pigs will have to suffice, I am not sure if this modification is for the newer Venoms, rather than the standard UH-1 , however, if it is possible to mod the gunners with the miniguns, that would be totally ace. As I said this model is originally from Yakarov79, so all the main, and important workings are his sterling work not mine, I have merely adapted it to reflect the Pakistan Army's aircraft. As always, any questions or issues/omissions, please feel free to message me. I hopefully will be doing more UH-1H's soon, in fact I have started working on them already, so wait out on that !! Finally as always, ENJOY !!! Submitter trotski00 Submitted 03/29/2020 Category Other Origin  
  22. 1 point
    Effectively about YAP... several interesting WW2 Pacific War mods but these need important ini. file (and skinning) rework in order to be played with SF2 !
  23. 1 point
    i've come acros a few YAP mods over the years while working other projects. not too impressed, esp with the skins. the saving grace for them is the items available that no one else has (ie F-100F, several helos) i've toyed with getting some of the unavailable models. for about 6-7 years running now. as was said RAZBAM is no longer sold. damn shame as it was top of the line, dont ever recall a complaint on them
  24. 1 point
    Don't think the Razbam stuff is for sale - and it certainly has not been supported for about 10 years. Most of the models were for SF1 and needed a bit of work. YAP cant comment on the separate models but was good for the recreation of historical Vietnam missions really.
  25. 1 point
    wow more detailed than i was going on back story, i was just going into what unit got them and how they got them in the 90s (accelerating the "retirement" of the fleet a couple of years). to paraphrase Jules Winfield, that story is some serious gourmet Spinners style shit back to skin and serials.... i've worked 8 airframes for the 90s transfer, figure another 4 for 2000s although one is an attrition replacement in my head (training crash in 2000 timeframe). just gotta do door numbers too and 98 is done. would like your opinions on going back to the old SAC scheme in early 2010s, use of retro WW2 nose arts (some modern touch up) on the birds, and a little more detail on operational use by the Israelis (thats one Dale Brown book i havent heard of) so that one can get done up. there will also be a cartoon nose art thats part of the package (to be shown later today or tomorrow) as said above, ini work i'll leave to you, will send the skins to you when complete. the afterburner bit i mentioned is done, just adjusted the effects (also included when sent
  26. 1 point
    Turn UP the heat....and "cmon and catch me if you can"...
  27. 1 point
    Try animating these I had to animate 35 parts just for landing gears :) Flaps and spoilers have over 50 to do lol
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Supermarine Spitfire..
  30. 1 point
    Representing the AMI in their classic F-104S-ASA-M....
  31. 1 point
    nuevo ARA 25 DE MAYO, en construcción
  32. 1 point
    another beautiful skin. thank you
  33. 1 point
    night operations ... shes natural enviroment
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    some more MB-339A Camos done...
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    August 2008, Indian Airforce Su-30MKI Flankers join Red Flag for the first time.. They're soon in action and relishing the chance to go up against F-16s...
  39. 1 point
    Wrong "fix" ... no laserpods for Canadian Hornets until sometime after 1993 .. they were used for the first time in action over Kosovo, 1999


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