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20 points
Version 1.0.0
I know this has been a long way, but finally, we are releasing the first variant for the swing wing Su-17 series. The Su-17 (Sans Suffix) is the first production swing wing series coming from the fixed wing Su-7 series, which has been in service since 1959. the plane still shared some common parts with the 7, like the tail (same as the Su-7BKL series) and fuselage fuel pipes, to mention some external ones. The same store payload (more or less) was hanging from 6 external hardpoints, all for unguided munitions, the only real advantage with the Su-7 series is the swing wings that shortened the takeoff and landing runs. Unless its predecessor this specific variant was not widely exported, only Egypt was provided with a few examples (named Su-17K). CombatACE team who deserve credits on the project is mentioned below, please if someone is missing (Hey, this has more than 10 years in the making) is listed below: For the 3D aspects: Martin K. A.K.A. 76.IAP-Blackbird. Laszlo B. A.K.A. Logan4. Enoc M. A.K.A. FLOGGER23. The FM: Cliff7600 Armament Department: Snailman Cliff7600 Skinning: FLOGGER23 I want to thank the advice to the following guys: Snailman for the references Soulfreak for the stencil pics Stary for general skinning tips General installation tips. As this is a first release and the plane was operated by the Soviet Air Force, I recommend using it in the European/Asian-Ish terrains for realism. All squadrons and decals have been verified as historical, but errors may have been made, be nice to us (me) All of the mod folders have been arranged for you to drop them in the main game folder of your preference. Some weapons have been made from scratch, please review what you have and what you need. Some effects have been made, also, please back up what you have. Su-17K as mentioned above, will be released as separated for SF2:I Thanks to all who stayed this long with us to (hopefully) enjoy this release, we will work on the next variant as time allows, as they are in the final stages of release. Safe flights everyone! -
14 points
Version 1.0
EF2000 Typhoon Add-on February 13th, 2025 (1st Release) by GKABS, Bongodriver, ace888, compufat and Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is a complete add-on of the EF2000 Typhoon aircraft, featuring all of its Real World operators. The original model by Bongodriver has been overhauled by GKABS with additional details, including a proper PIRATE System built into the aircraft's 3d model. The package currently includes the following operators and relative skins produced by ace888, GKABS and compufat, with tweaks by yours truly where needed for quality consistency: -Royal Air Force, 15 skins -German Air Force, 14 skins -Italian Air Force, 9 skins -Spanish Air Force, 5 skins -Austrian Air Force, 2 skins -Royal Saudi Air Force, 2 skins -Kuwait Air Force, 2 skins -Qatar Emiri Air Force, 1 skin -Royal Air Force of Oman, 1 skin I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts for all operators throughout the years, my own selection of sounds, new cockpit and HUD textures and other smaller tweaks here and there. The incredibly detailed weapons included in the package are the courtesy of ravenclaw_07. Notes: -The aircraft folder is named "EF2000". In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename any pre-existing "EF2000" folder you might have. -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already. >Credits (in no particular order): -GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver, for skins and decals for Kuwait and Qatar and for his reworked templates. -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods. -ace888, for reworking the original add-on by Bongodriver with several new skins and decals for all operators of the time. -compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries. -Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates. -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors. -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits. I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development). What's inside: 1. Improved central panel texture 2. Improved radar texture Installation: 1. Make a backup of your files 2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format) 3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup) Thanks: Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack F3H here: -
4 points
Version 1.0
EF2000 Typhoon Skin Pack February 13th, 2025 (1st Release) by Menrva and compufat >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is an extra skin pack for the high quality EF2000 Typhoon aircraft add-on. Skins are based on ideas and depictions from other sources. Here below a list of the included ones: -NATO Euro Consortium (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks) -NATO Euro Consortium, Alt. (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks) -USAF Livery (as depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 v2.0) -RSAF Camouflage (inspired by some pictures and model kits available online) As a bonus, the package includes weapons depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 game such as the Sea Eagle, the BLU-107/B Durandal and the BL-755, as well as the prototype S225XR LRAAM (a reskinned Meteor, whose 3d model is the work of ravenclaw_07, featuring its own stats). >Credits (in no particular order): -GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver. -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods. -compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries. -Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates. -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. -
3 points
Version 1.4
F-22A Raptor Add-on October 13th, 2021 (1st Release) by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage. Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on. A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all. I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first. Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012. Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies. Notes: -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release. -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model. -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property. -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already. >Credits (in no particular order): -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.-Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model. -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it. -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude. -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks. -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles. -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod and for reproducing the experimental chrome coating skin seen on Raptor 04-4065. -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds. -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models. -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals. -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins. -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model. -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors. Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. -
2 points
Version 1.0.3
F-4D Cockpit Pack includet in this pack are F-4D cockpit F-4D_67 cockpit F-4D_71 cockpit ( full aircraft folder ) F-4D_75 cockpit F-4D_78 cockpit weapons pack nuclear effects for B61 and Walley Mk6 ( only in case you dont have this files ) if you have the BETA cockpits for testing than PLEASE delete them before you install the new ones , to install just drop the files in to the respective aircraft folder i corrected the existing position lights and added the missing position lights as well as the landing lights , i also addet the cockpit open/close function and the functioning arresting hook , the top fuselage position light ( behind the cockpit ) is more or less on the right position ( i did not change this position ) but the texture for it on the skin is on the wrong position , maybe somebody can come up with some new and corrected skins for this F-4D aircraft NOTE: the files includet in the Effects folder are only in case you dont have them , if you have this files than there is no need to install them again , the files are neede to have the nuclear effects for the B61 bombs and the Walley Mk6 NOTE: Before installing the new weapons i strongly recomend to delet or remove the existing ones with the same name as the new ones ( i know that this is time consuming but this way you make sure that this weapons work as they should ) i made a lot of test with the cockpits and the changed data.ini´s and loadout.ini´s if there are still problems please let me know have fun , ravenclaw_007 -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
This is my C-130 Hercules Megapack. It includes all the files for the 48 versions of the C-130 Hercules listed below: AC-130A ---------------- USAF SEA Camo AC-130A_83 ------------- USAF Gunship Grey AC-130H ---------------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF Gunship Grey AC-130H_93 ------------- USAF Gunship Grey AC-130H_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey AC-130J ---------------- USAF Dark Grey AC-130U ---------------- USAF Dark Grey AC-130U_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey AC-130W ---------------- USAF Dark Grey C-130A ----------------- RAAF Silver, USAF Silver C-130A (Roman nose) ---- USAF Silver C-130B ----------------- USAF SEA Camo C-130E ----------------- RAAF Grey/White, USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF SEA Camo C-130E(I) -------------- USAF Blackbird Camo Light Grey Underside C-130E (SKE) ----------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF SEA Camo C-130E (SKE & ASE)------ USAF Grey C-130H2 ---------------- RAAF Camo C-130H2 (ASE) ---------- RAAF Camo, RAAF Dark Grey C-130H3 ---------------- USAF Dark Grey C-130H-30 -------------- French Camo C-130J (ASE) ----------- RAAF Grey, RAAF Dark Grey (fictional) C-130J-30 (ASE) -------- RAAF Grey, RAAF Dark Grey C-130K ----------------- RAF Camo Light Grey Underside, RAF Camo C-130K (ASE) ----------- RAF Camo, RAF Green C-130K-30 -------------- RAF Camo Light Grey Underside, RAF Camo C-130K-30 (ASE) -------- RAF Camo, RAF Green CC-130H (SAR) ---------- RCAF Dark Grey DC-130A ---------------- USAF SEA Camo DC-130A_USN ------------ USN Grey/White/Yellow DC-130E ---------------- USAF SEA Camo EC-130H ---------------- USAF Grey HC-130P ---------------- USAF SEA Camo KC-130F ---------------- USMC Grey KC-130H ---------------- Spanish Desert Camo KC-130J ---------------- USMC Grey KC-130J (Harvest HAWK) - USMC Grey KC-130R ---------------- USMC Grey KC-130T ---------------- USMC Grey L-100-30 --------------- Kuwait Grey/White MC-130E ---------------- USAF Blackbird Camo, USAF Euro1 Camo MC-130E_92 ------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130E_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130H ---------------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF Dark Grey MC-130H_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130J ---------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130P ---------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130P_12 ------------- USAF Dark Grey MC-130W ---------------- USAF Dark Grey Please read the readme file (included) for installation instructions and credits. Dels -
1 point
Version 1.0.2
-------------------------------------- Strike Fighters 2: RED EDITION -------------------------------------- This is "expansion pack" for "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA) adds new aircraft, ground objects, guns, weapons, and effects to standard installs of SF2NA. It also supplies an upgraded version of the IcelandNA terrain (expanded version of the default "Northern Sabre" campaign) There are (x4) new RED Campaigns (Playable with Soviet, China, USN, USAF, FrenchNavy, RoyalNavy, RAF... ) 1. Battle for Kuril islands (2031) - [Far East theater] 2. Northern Sabre (2031) - [Iceland theater] 3. Battle for Kuril islands (1986) - [Far East theater] 4. Northern Sabre (1986) - [Iceland theater] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To use this mod, you must have SF2NA installed in a merged install that also includes "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2), "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), and "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package and should be installed to its own dedicated Mod Folder. This Download (because of size restrictions) have not included decals and have lower count of available Aircraft. (Originally Campaign enable up to 210 playable aircraft) ( in 1.0.2. version there are 132 available Aircraft in Gameplay ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMPORTANT: Install instructions and Credits are in the enclosed read me !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I´ve to thank Thirdwire Combatace site owner - Erik Menrva, Wrench, GKABS, daddyairplanes & all modders who granted me permission to use their Models !!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is new: New original "Hangar" images (with all info about certain Aircraft) which will make Strike Fighters 2 RED EDITION of some type of "AIRCRAFT ENCYCLOPEDIA" Where Player can read and learn Specifications about certain type of aircraft and enjoy all that experience ! Examples: Source of information: ... many books in PDF in order to extract information that i need. from authors like Yefim Gordon, Sergei & Dmitri Kommisarov, Vladimir Rigmant and many others ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some of missiles have very useful "Description" : Name + inscribed Range and type of Guidance (as description), so it will be easier for player to use the potential of missile in combination with chosen Radar mode & Range. example: AIM-120D1 (160km Range ARH) MICA NG (150Km Range ARH) Meteor BVRAAM (200Km Range ARH) R-37M Arrow (400Km Range Hypersonic ARH) ARH - Active Radar Homing R-77M (193Km Range ARH) R-27EA (130km Range - ARH 9B-1103K active seeker) R-27EM (170km Range - ARH 9B-1103K active seeker) etc. Many New Stand-off Air-to-Ground missiles are there, so you can test them and place the best one in your LOADOUT. like: Kh-35E "Kayak" ASM (300Km Range) Kh-69 (400Km range Stealth Cruise missile) Kh-38ML Laser Guided Missile (40Km Range) Kh-59MKV "Ovod" [TV & GLONASS guidance] (290Km Range) Kh-102 (Izdeliye 111) ASM NUCLEAR-GLONASS & TV terminal guidance etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x14 (Playable SAM systems) S-400 MISSILE SYSTEM NETWORK - 92N6E , BUK-M2, 2K11 KRUG, S-200D... etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified SAM ground models like S-400 MISSILE SYSTEM NETWORK, that now can fire at multiple targets at once. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (NEW MENU DESIGN): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUKHOI S-37 (3D MODEL) by logan4 RED EDITION Campaign game play, support brilliant models Sukhoi S-37K, S-37KUB, S-37M, S-37UB (that are currently in Final testing phase) S-37 Fighter jets are made by also brilliant modder: logan4 When they were ready, they will be in COMBATACE download section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SF2NA unresponsive Controls (with Joystick) - FIX SOLUTION: This mod is based on SF2NA ExpPack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When SF2NA came out TK messed up the controls.ini file so it doesn't match what the in-game controls show. He released a fix but it not works for all Joysticks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So on this page (Link below) you have explanation what to do - by user "iahn755" he explained all well: You need manually to edit - to place a name of your controller in "Controls".ini this usually fix the problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Play & Enjoy Odzadze Link to video, with instructions how to install game Mod -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it unless it is part of a full terrain package but you still need to ask me first for permission. OK, what we have here are a collection of static aircraft that I've made up myself either from existing max files that I've been involved in before. Or converted from the old Alphasim freeware stuff. ALL maps and textures are made by myself. All markings are painted on. Read the Read Me. Sundowner -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
IAR 80/81 PACK. I was not originally going to release this pack, as I was unsure of the reaction to a relativley unknown ( unfortunately ) Fighter. but after the relative success of the PZL's I uploaded last week, I though it would be nice to send these IAR's your way too. The IAR's were only ever used by the Romanians, and was in service until the early 50's so that in itself speaks volumes about this rather attractive aircraft. Anyway, this is a slight rework of Pasko's IAR 80A and 81C, I have also included a <cough> alternative and completely "What if" IAR 80P I shall let you look and see at to what THAT is all about !!! So, the details, I have edited the original skins, and have reworked ALL the decals, I have added the stencilling as accurately as I could, but there maybe a few errors here and there in the actual positioning of them, as finding detailed pictures of the type is just not there. The stencilling is very sparse, so I think I have got it mainly right ( I hope !! ) I have updated the sounds, and the weapons loadouts, as for some unknown reason, the original bomb loadouts were wrong, So the 80A now carries ONLY 2, 50Kg bombs under the wings, and the 81C has the centreline 250Kg and 2, 50Kg under wing bombs. The 80P however has the original loadout, because why not, it is a "What if" innit hehehehehe. The "real" IAR's in this pack carry German weapons, and are armed with for the 80A 6, 7.9mm FN Brownings, and the 81C has 2 MG151 20mm,s and only 2 of the FN Brownings . The 90P's are armed with ITALIAN bombs, 50, 100, and 250 KG's and gun armament comprises of 4, Breda SAFAT 7.7 mm MG's and a pair of Breda SAFAT 12.7mm MG's. All the markings have been replaced from the original ones, which I found too bright and "in yer face" and then I added on the differing markings from later years. Everything is included in the pack, aircraft, decals, guns, pilots, weapons, and sounds. I have boxed everything up so it just a drag and drop kinda deal. One point though, please please PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE ensure that the file GunBarrel20mm is in the Pilots folder, or else you will end up with a very odd looking aircraft ( this is for the 81C. ) I also swapped out the Cockpit, as the faux Spitfire one looked awful, so it is now the YAK 9 one instead, not accurate, as all the dials are in Russian, but it does look better.............Well in my humble opinion it does at least. All the sounds I used are in the sounds folder, including the sounds for the guns. That as they say, is a wrap. I forgot to credit Starfighter, for the Yak Cockpit, apologies to him for that ommision. AS ALWAYS...........................ENJOY !!! -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
F-5E - The F-5 was also adopted as an opposing forces (OPFOR) "aggressor" for dissimilar training role because of its small size and performance similarities to the Soviet MiG-21. The F-5E served with the US Air Force from 1975 until 1990, in the 64th Aggressor Squadron and 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, and with the 527th Aggressor Squadron at RAF Alconbury in the UK and the 26th Aggressor Squadron at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. F-5N - Ex-Swiss Air Force F-5Es used by the US Navy as an "aggressor" aircraft, with AN/APG-69 replacing the original AN/APQ-159. Intended to replace high-time USN/USMC F-5Es in the adversary role, and saw service through 2015. WHAT'S IN: F-5E USAF 65th Aggressor Squadron (4 skins and decals) F-5N USN VFC-111 "Sun Downers" (4 skins and decals) CREDITS: - A-TEAM/Capun: model - Pappychecksix: Blank Skins - paulopanz: decals, screens etc. INSTALL: - (*) you need F-5E-R0c.LOD file from A-TEAM model fix forum (this is the debugged lod) - put it inside F-5 AGG and F-5N folder NOTE: - canopy open 10 key - as I hate textures with serials painted on, I have to thank very much the great Pete, who made these great blank skins I could use to add historical serial numbers and codes. Let's make more aggressor squadrons skins Pappy! Hurry on. Enjoy Paolo & Pete -
1 point
Version 1.3
F-19 Stealth Fighter September 13th, 2022 (1st Release) by Julhelm, Dels and Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This is a rework of Julhelm's fantastic F-19 stealth fighter 3d model, now featuring a centre strut canopy structure (thanks to a cheap trick of repainting the bubble canopy glass) and a new cockpit, a purposely modified F-117A cockpit by Dels. Among the improvements, it now features proper hit boxes and collision points, proper location for position lights and landing gear lights, reworked skins, aircraft characteristics and loadouts meant to resemble the ones of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game. It still features two internal weapon bays (unlike Microprose's exaggerated four bays), but with properly reworked limits; you can have 4x Sidewinders or 3x AMRAAMs per bay, 2x bombs or AGMs depending on their overall weight and size. A 20mm cannon is on the nose with 680 rounds, and an extra 1,900 lbs fuel cell has been added for a total of 11,800 lbs of fuel; non-afterburning engines are used for stealth reasons. An (invisible) arrester hook has been added as well, since Microprose's version could also operate from aircraft carriers. Skins feature the 83-019 serial number and an F letter on the vertical tails; these two details come from a picture of a menu screen in one of the releases of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game, where you could choose between an F-19 or an F-117A. More serial numbers couldn't be featured as the 3d model of the aircraft does not support decals without decal bleeding issues. Just imagine piloting the only example of F-19 in very black operations! Three new skins were created: a Prototype Black skin created from the specular texture Julhelm had made, and Desert and Arctic camo skins made by modifying the USAF Euro camo skin created by kblomkvist. NOTE: Strike Fighters 2 has no proper IRST functionality, so for the purpose of launching AMRAAMs a very basic ACM radar mode has been added to the avionics file of the aircraft. Moreover, the default cockpit features an obtrusive front strut which makes the cannon difficult to use. You can activate an alternative cockpit LOD in the relative INI file. >What-if Backstory During the development of the Have Blue demonstrators, Lockheed's Skunk Works division also conceived a third experimental stealth aircraft featuring an entirely different shape, rounded fuselage and wings, and meant to have air combat capabilities. The CIA got wind of it, classifying it at the highest possible level and using it as a cover-up story for the stealth aircraft that came to be the F-117A Nighthawk. In 1986, the Testor Corporation released a plastic model aircraft kit, calling it the "F-19 Stealth Fighter". Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1987-88 book listed an RF-19 as a Lockheed development project. The conceptual drawings of it were generally similar to Testor's design. In 1988 a combat flight simulator game, F-19 Stealth Fighter by Microprose, was released just moments before the public unveiling of the F-117A Nighthawk attack aircraft, which is said to be what it sought to represent. The reality is that a single F-19 existed and, during secret flights over Groom Lake, this experimental aircraft showed unique strength and was deemed a super-aircraft. Due to its funding and maintenance costs, the project was officially abandoned in 1983. Unofficially, this single example of F-19 took part in black operations all over the world until 1997. It is named F-19A Nightowl, internally nicknamed "Flying Frisbee" for its rounded shape and also referred to as "Ghostrider" for allegedly being affiliated with the 416th TFS Ghost Riders flying the F-117A Nighthawk. "The view would have been frightening to most men, there were solid clouds overhead at 4000 feet. He flew through the showers, he more heard than saw on this black night and the dark outlines of the trees appeared to reach up and snatch at his speeding fighter. Only a madman would be so low on such a night. 'So much the better' he smiled in his oxygen mask" - Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising >Credits (in no particular order): -Julhelm, for creating this well-made 3d model of the F-19. -Dels, for his kindness in reworking the F-117 cockpit following my request. -kblomkvist, for his USAF Euro camo inspired by Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising book. -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for his improved sound files. -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod. -Crusader, for the more realistic weapons data for AIM missiles. -TaktischesGenie, for his suggestions and chats we've had about the F-19 concept. -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Formosa Republic of China Air Force F-5F Tiger II (2018.08.01) All Squadron Skins & Decals 3072 * 3072 Realistic detail Skins ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Tactical Fighter Group 4th Tactical Fighter Group 5th Tactical Fighter Group 7th Tactical Fighter Group 8th Tactical Fighter Group 4th Tactical Recon Squadron 12th Tactical Recon Squadron 46th TFS Aggressor ----------------------------------------------------------------- good flight ! Taylor Gavin 2018.08.01 -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Reworked pack of RF-101A and C VooDoo. Generally old good VooDoo in new dresses. There are big changes in FM model thanks to baffmeister in data.ini files - so Backup your original file. You might not like it. In game you will find new aircrafts under names *RF-101A VooDoo *RF-101C VooDoo '58 *RF-101C VooDoo '66 note that RF-101C '58 uses non-RWR - VooDoo A cockpit. All new skins in 3072x3072 resolution. New bump maps and specular maps. also in 3072.. plus decals to cover A and C models serial numbers. Pack contains several skin sets for both models. With all research, I was trying to be correct as much as possible. RF-101A have also one skin/decal set which contains few decal skin sets to cover experimental camo trials conducted in mid 60s. Regarding colorful aircraft serial numbers: 54-1513 some say it was dark green some that really black. more info goes towards black so I painted it black (like Rolling Stones in 1966) 54-1514 first was painted similar as represented in this pack, then it was repainted with adding some brown colors. 54-1512 green/black camo with added brown during tests. All this skin set with experimental camo trial is quite complicated and hard to put correctly in-game but I hope it will work fine for you. I did not include skin sets for VooDoo operated over Vietnam. This will come in a separate package. Eventually. One day. All new decals consisting of serial numbers for block 20-35 of A version and block 45-75 for C version. Backup your original RF-101 Folders. Also Decals! Credits: Original models ErikGen yakarov - skins / decals / some small ini tweak baffmeister -new flight model. Soulfreak - original skin for an extra thing. Have Fun. May the VooDoo be with you. Jarek Hereda -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Reworked pack of F-101B/F VooDoo. Generally old good VooDoo in new dresses. There are some small changes in data.ini files mostly in weapon stations section - so Backup your original file. You might not like it. Pack contains three versions - In reality, IR sensor was applied to different airframes different block build - not really possible to cover in this game engine limits. To make it easier in this game it will be. This is mostly to cover in some right way decals I've made and units. VooDoo '59 without IR sensor - block build 65-96. VooDoo '65 with IR sensor - block build - 100-120. VooDoo '69 ANG - same as 65 - just different set of skins. (I have an additional nation in my install: USA Air National Guard - that's why I have it as a separate model - but in this pack, it is set as USAF bird). All new skins in 3072x3072 resolution. New bump maps and specular maps. also in 3072.. plus more than 1000 decals so the set is again huge after unpacking. Pack contains 17 skins for Air Defense Command - all squadrons that ever used F-101B (from different time periods to cover years of usage). and 7 skin sets for Air National Guard from different time periods. All new decals consisting 451 serial numbers for blocks 65-120. Plus some buzz numbers decals - not all - as Buzzes disappeared in mid 60's. Serial numbers cover B and F models. Backup your original F-101 Folders. Also Decals! Some time ago (long ago) I started to use specific AIR-2 Genie for Voodoo - to accommodate it in weapons bay it is moded as specific stationcode=AIM4 - so to appear this Genie in a game you have to copy weapon AIR-2_Genie_101 also. Genie has new skin. Credits: Original models ErikGen yakarov - skins / decals / some small ini tweak Plane Number (airbrake decal) for 132FIS ANG from original VooDoo pack by Dave. Have Fun. May the VooDoo be with you. Jarek Hereda -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Reworked pack of F-101A and C VooDoo. Generally old good VooDoo in new dresses. There are some small changes in data.ini files mostly in weapon stations section - so Backup your original file. You might not like it. Despite VooDoo is extremely sexy aircraft it is much useless. Unfortunately. It was designed to be something different but had to serve in a totally different role. Nuclear Strike Aircraft. Because I'm always doing mods my way - to fit my needs. I wanted to have squadrons that used "fighting 101". So the thing is...this is one aircraft - because squadrons contained a mix of A and C versions and this aircraft had very limited use I decided to make one aircraft to cover both A and C version. By default, I used A version limits. Anyway, differences were only in the internal structure of airframe. Airframe 54-1491 served as CO aircraft in 27th TFW. So in the early sixties, it will pop up in special markings for 78th, 91st, and 92nd squadrons. If you want separate aircraft A and C you will have to do it on your own. Decals/serials for C are marked in numbers.lst with 'dot' . All new skins in 3072x3072 resolution. New bump maps and specular maps. also in 3072.. plus decals to cover A and C models serial numbers. Pack contains 11 skin sets for early use by 27th TFW and then 81st TFW - all squadrons that ever used F-101A / C (from different time periods to cover years of usage). All new decals consisting of 95 serial numbers for block 20-35 of A version and block 40-55 for C version. Backup your original F-101 Folders. Also Decals! Pack also includes the Mk.7 Tactical Nuclear Bomb. New model quickly made for purposes of this pack. And an extra thing for squadron/wing geeks - set of skins for squadron hack. Credits: Original models ErikGen yakarov - skins / decals / some small ini tweak / Mk.7 model Soulfreak - original skin for an extra thing. Have Fun. May the VooDoo be with you. Jarek Hereda -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Reworked pack of recon aircraft RF-101B VooDoo. Generally old good VooDoo in new dress. There are some small changes in data.ini files mostly in weapon stations section - so Backup your original file. You might not like it. Pack contains one version of aircraft used by Air National Guard. All new skins in 3072x3072 resolution. New bump maps and specular maps. also in 3072.. plus new decals. Pack contains 1 skin set for 192nd Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron Nevada Air National Guard. All new decals consisting all serial numbers for converted F-101b to RF-101B standard. Backup your original RF-101B Folders. Also Decals! Credits: Original models ErikGen yakarov - skins / decals / some small ini tweak Have Fun. May the VooDoo be with you. Jarek Hereda -
1 point
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