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Showing most liked content on 05/22/2020 in Posts
6 pointsPits done.basically......just doing data.ini and lights and a few gauge things to add..plus removing stuff you cant see...polys mostly...like seat for instance...seats were say 1000 polys are now 400 etc..trying to do it so everyone can fly it ...with lesser pc`s ...planes 99% ready too.been doing low poly distance lods etc too.......should be done by midweek next week ...hopefully. This is clean cockpit...also supplied will be options for a used look...
6 pointsHey guys! I am one step closer to make the space fighter based on the Orion capsule. Our engineers and scientists had already made the first orbital tests of this capsule and they have already retrieved it from the waters of Dhimar! (By the way thanks a lot for all the skinning tips and examples, specially to russouk2004 ) I will start now with the following service modules!
6 pointsI think I found a replacement for the P-40 radar how about another SAM missile? like the SA-16 Gimlet
5 points
5 pointsAs I said many times before. Research. Provide modder with all available info on the subject. This makes life easier. Just in case someone wants to help. Not only demand.
4 points
4 points
4 pointsRAF Detling Coastal Command At the moment i make one airbase per day. 38 bases of the RAF are on the map. So you can calculate when the terrain can be finished. I think X-mas this year is realistic. Or in two weeks.
3 pointsyou think that's bad? I've been calling it "C-19". Maybe we can transport this shit outta here!!
3 pointsHere's some shots of the SA-16 and SA-18: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SA-16_and_SA-18_missiles_and_launchers.jpg SA-18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K38_Igla#/media/File:9K38_IGLA_(4968730444).jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K38_Igla#/media/File:9K38_Igla-Slovenia.jpg https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS859US859&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=SA-18&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi00_vMiMjpAhXCoXIEHUePBZcQiR56BAgREBA&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25 SA-16 https://www.google.com/search?q=SA-16&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjFjJiqicjpAhWHBd8KHX4-ASwQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=SA-16&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAOgIIKVD1pQRYnK0EYNC5BGgAcAB4AIABqgeIAa4NkgEDNi0ymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=PBbIXsX-A4eL_Ab-_ITgAg&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS859US859
3 points
3 pointsTurned out well m8 looks the biz maybe we need Cape Canavaral now and an Apollo rocket....I remember my Airfix model of Apollo Saturn 5 back in late 70`s
3 points
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3 pointsPhinally Phriday! CVW-3, VF-31 & VF-103, 1972 USS Saratoga.
2 pointsBogey identified and escorted out of UK airspace. QRA flight heading for home..
2 points
2 pointsThis might be of use for the StarStreak https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/starstreak-ii-hvm https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/database/document/2018-11/STARStreak_02_16SM.pdf https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/database/document/2019-06/PCS7346_LML-NG_Datasheet_0619_004.pdf https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/database/document/2018-11/SSAVS _07_14_0.pdf https://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/uk-complex-weapons/starstreak-high-velocity-missile-hvm/
2 pointsWorked like a charm. Thanks to everyone who I have been bothering about this mod. This is an awesome community.
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2 pointsCould use some more current MANPADS, the SA-7 has been done enough I think.
1 pointLately I've been working on an environment package, which combines various mods (cellinsky's widesky, Stary's SARCASM, ShrikeHawk's Cloudscape v3, etc.) into one. The idea is to produce a realistic sky, with better colours, lens flare effects and numerous clouds. The Overcast and Inclement weather have always lacked 3d clouds, now they are present as it always should have been. I tweaked Night and High Altitude colours as well, among other little things. The authors of the various mods I've been tweaking are going to be properly credited, of course! I am still not 100% convinced about some details, but I plan to release it early 2019, together with my SF1 GUI mod I showed at another thread. Enough talking, here's some WIP shots; Clear weather Scattered weather Broken weather Overcast weather Inclement weather Night colours Space colours
1 pointCORRECTION: First Flight Date 08/17/2004 = 15 years 9 months. Regarding Fuel Starvation- This flight did not go beyond it's reserves for flying time and there was a substantial post crash fire.
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1 pointMaybe the Mayans were right....just got their dates about face.....world end in Dec21 2012 maybe should read December 12 2021 ?....just a thought.... with the CV19 pandemic..coincidence eh ?....scary
1 pointHow a bout both of them SA-16 and SA-18 as well as the Starstreak
1 pointI was just saying, we have enough SA-7s and an SA-16 would be a nice addition. But maybe also an SA-18 too would be cool.
1 point
1 pointA thought occurred to me this afternoon: You didn't, by chance, install the game to the DEFAULT location on a Windows 7 or later machine? If so, you'll have to MOVE the entire game folder the ROOT of the C drive (ie: C:/WoE) 1stGen games, by default install the the C:/ProgramFilesx86 location. That's a protected region in Win7 and later. Which means you can't make ANY CHANGES OF ANY KIND -- INCLUDING ADDING SKINS, WEAPONS AND NEW AIRCRAFT. So, move the entire folder, make a new shortcut, and see what happens. This is covered somewhere in the Knowledge Base, iirc. If that doesn't work, then you're boned and will probably have to evolve to SF2
1 pointStill trying to get more than the one (incorrectly) marked image of their F-86Es. Along with the T-Bolt, and the Deuce in the works, that'll "complete the set" btw, I'll to borrow you painting skill set to tweek the Hawaii_water.bmp. Just a little
1 pointLike the previous SA-3 system, I am trying to make a new complete system for SA-2,4,5,6,8. Radars, support, TELAR, etc... really sideline projects, in slow progress, but it is ongoing.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointI'm absolutely amazed by what @Menrva keeps coming up with. Frankly this new realSKY will be the SF2 equivalent of what Real Environment Xtreme textures do for FSX/P3D.
1 pointAfter more than a year from its first release, the much appreciated realSKY mod has received a major update. This is a glimpse of what to expect; Added different cloud textures for each weather type. Rebalanced sky colours; twilights have been reworked to be more dramatic and atmospheric, whilst keeping realism as the main aim. Here below, screenshots taken during Scattered weather (plus two suggestive shots with Broken weather). Notice the different cloud texture between the two, and the complete twilight transition. Following a suggestion by baffmeister, the realSKY mod will now include alternative files which provide different weather effects for Inclement; you can choose between thunderstorm (default), sandstorm (for hot, desert terrains) and snowstorm (for cold, icy terrains). Reworked rain effects; lightnings are now rare, added new rain drops as a camera view effect. Added alternative environment files for snowstorm and sandstorm effects. Screenshots show the new effects (especially the ones that look best when the camera is fixed). Sandstorm weather features darker, brownish fog. Snowstorm features a brighter fog than thunderstorm. Suggested by tiopilotos, the mod now will feature additional tweaks for some stock game effects, namely contrails, wingtip vortexes and exhaust emitters. Added better contrail effect (thanks to EMCON360 for an old comment on the subject). Added improved wingtip vortex effect (credits to Eagle114th). Added new exhaust emitter effects (credits to viper63a and NeverEnough). Contrails are no longer flat; they are volumetric and expand as much as possible, within the limitations of the game engine. Wingtip vortexes are brighter, more varied and longer. Those effects now use their own textures, instead of using the same texture for different purposes as in the stock SF2 game.
1 pointhello, today I uploaded the beta version of the fw 190 A8, some things don't work very well, I hope you enjoy it
1 pointI am still tweaking colours, trying to find better balances. They are something in between Cellinsky's widesky and the stock SF2 colours. Fog colours are a real PITA to get right. My huge thanks to Cellinsky, Stary, PanamaRed, Fubar512, Brain32, ShrikeHawk, BearGryllis, Orsin, luk1978, for their respective mod works! Following screenshots are just a work in progress, not the final quality; for some reason the new night colour seems very dark on screenshot, but in-game the environment is reasonably visible. Day Sunset Dusk Night Overcast Inclement
1 pointhttp://combatace.com/files/file/5014-a-6a-intruder-flight-of-the-intruder-special-edition/ Here it is... it's in SF1 Cold War
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