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Showing most liked content on 03/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    Hello!! I am new putting images in forums, but in CombatAce I have been more than 1 year or 2 if I am not mistaken, a pleasure my name is frank and here I present the planes that accompanied me for 10 years flying over the skies of my city
  2. 10 points
    new historical skin TA-152 and standard skins for the 190a8 and a8-r2
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
  5. 6 points
    VPAF F-5Es solving a dispute with PLAAF J-6s Should have gone medieval on the second one, but got lazy.
  6. 6 points
    Video of the first test of the TNC-45 I need to work next on the guns and missiles.
  7. 5 points
    Not in the campaign. But in single missions you can fly AntiShip missions against convoys.
  8. 5 points
    Testing already complete and FMs uploaded for the B.E.2a and 2c variants. Detailed instructions and the FM package are located under this post: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/87403-tweaked-flight-models-and-realism-pack-for-fe2/?page=8&tab=comments#comment-780396 Ave. performance figures are in the post above. Happy flying in 1915, Von S
  9. 4 points
    Hello again friends jajajaja,today I woke up wanting to bomb a base, so I did this tactical bombing mission with my great friend Carlos (it's the XD bot) and I took these screenshots so you can see what a normal day is like in Strike Fighters 2 a my way This Mirage V Finger is made by Denissoliveira, credits to him
  10. 4 points
    Welcome everyone and many thanks to Todd for the cracking BH&H II pictures!
  11. 4 points
  12. 4 points
    Some more BHaH II beta screenshots. Enjoy!
  13. 3 points
    Well, this technically challenged child had a time getting back in but I’m setting up my tent gents! Drinks are on me!
  14. 3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. 2 points
    This is looking amazing and really imersuve! Looking forward to it
  17. 2 points
    (facepalm) duh!! it's been a hard year....
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. 2 points
    I would like to make the small riverboat to complete the Vietnam boat collections. Round basket sculling Hạ Long family basket Modern DaNang big glass basket
  24. 2 points
    Mini ver. 9.98 FM update "package" included for download: Mar. 23, 2021 - includes FM upgrades for the A-Team B.E.2a (also a re-skin of Lloyd's skin on CombatAce for the 2a) - as well as FM tweaks for the B.E.2c. In the package you will find a "ForDecalsFolder" - the folder inside that one should be copied to your Decals folders for your middle eastern and western front installs. You will also find a folder called "ForAircraftFolder_MiddleEasternFront" - in there you will find the relevant data ini, general ini file, skin folder, cockpit ini file, hangar/loading screens, etc. - make sure to download the A-Team B.E.2a, then rename as "BE2A" without quotation marks and move over all of the files in my BE2A folder into the A-Team one that has been renamed. Recommended is to remove the old/obsolete files from the A-Team folder, for good measure. To complete your B.E.2a install, download Stephen's B.E.2c if you do not have it, and move the 2c's "cockpit" folder into your now fixed BE2A folder, to get the improved cockpit. The other three folders included in the package are self-explanatory and contain data inis for the western front installation of the B.E.2a, also middle eastern and western front data inis for the B.E.2c. You will also find inside the package a folder called "ForPilotsFolder_Geezer" - inside that one is the relevant pilot folder (with complementary moustache) that goes with the tweaked B.E.2a. It was made by Geezer a few years ago and he has kindly allowed that it be included with some models, publicly, for FE2. Another model that Geezer has allowed to be used publicly is the pilot with the green scarf covering his face, but that one will be included as a bonus once the Anzani Bleriot is completed that Swambast is working on. As well, don't forget to download Stephen's armed observers since one of those observer models is used for the re-worked B.E.2a. Happy flying, Von S EDIT: removed download package - now included in the big, ver. 10.0 FM/realism package.
  25. 2 points
    Kind of lite what if, USAF F-86Ks bounce a flight of North Vietnamese MiG-17s, 1965
  26. 1 point
    Lockheed F-104H Starfighter - Grupo 8 de Caza, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1982 During the Spring of 1965 the Fuerza Aérea Argentina formally issued an operational requirement for a supersonic fighter-bomber to supplement and eventually replace it's F-86 Sabre force and to operate alongside the Douglas Skyhawks that were just entering service. The BAC Lightning was quickly ruled out as being short on range and undeveloped in the air-to-ground role and by the end of 1965 Fuerza Aérea Argentina officials declared that the choice was between the Dassault Mirage III and the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. Lockheed had proposed a new variant, the F-104H, a projected export version based on the F-104G but with an optical gunsight and simplified equipment. Following a visit by Lockheed representatives to the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires in early July 1966 the newly inaugurated President Juan Carlos Onganía announced that 36 F-104H's would be procured for the Fuerza Aérea Argentina. Entering service in March 1968 with Grupo 8 de Caza at the Military Air Base Mariano Moreno the F-104H's served until 2006 when the last Starfighters operating anywhere in the world were finally retired.
  27. 1 point
    Yes! Watch out for the six hundred and twenty other MFairs hiding above you in the clouds out there!
  28. 1 point
    Terrific new shots Hellshade! (and yay, I FINALLY figured out my old password (old email was defunct)). Welcome everybody! More and more familiar faces arriving. We should be in for quite a treat with BHaH II.
  29. 1 point
    Nice to see more and more familiar faces from SimHQ popping in here - I will now be able to visit you gents' more frequently than on SimHQ since you are now digitally next door to the FE2 forums where I am usually lurking/posting about. Shuffling back and forth between CombatAce and SimHQ was perhaps the digital equivalent of a 20-mile walk. Cheers all, Von S
  30. 1 point
    I'll release this FAA F-104 later this week.
  31. 1 point
    You're right!!! and the last one: RAF (Stanley / Puerto Argentino Airport) "nothing" for Hunter F.6M (Spinners made an excelent skin for this) The AEW can be a game-changer i dont know if SF2 simulates it or they are only for visual-candy but it is worth a try :) I was thinking about an argentine landing on West Falklands / Gran Malvina on Late 70s / Early 80s, keeping Port Stanley / Puerto Argentino on British hands for political reasons Luckily this time the battle will only occurs on our screens
  32. 1 point
    Don’t forget: RN “nothing” for Gannet AEW3 Which, combined with the Phantom FG1’s superb BVR capability, would perhaps give the British a very unfair advantage? ...in other words, exactly the way the British prefer to fight😉 Of course this assumes that the old Ark Royal could make it that far. I was on her for a couple of weeks in early 1978, by when only 3 of her 4 main engines were working, and halfway across the Atlantic she broke down altogether. Luckily it was fine, calm weather, but even in peacetime it felt very odd sitting there motionless while the engine room team frantically fixed things. Reminded us of a key scene from “The Cruel Sea”.
  33. 1 point
    It’s great that see some new faces here, welcome to our New (old) home. ..Man it’s good to be finally back
  34. 1 point
    What a lovely bunch of photos.
  35. 1 point
    Ok, great to be here, exciting times ahead!
  36. 1 point
    (casually strolls in) Oooh hello everyone. Fancy seeing you lot here. I must say those new screenies are looking excellent. The new towns and villages look so good in this new version.
  37. 1 point
    almost ready for the paint barn
  38. 1 point
    it would be great to try, i was thinking about the '82 conflict with an alternative lineup, i know it will not be practical but it can be fun :) Argentine Air Force A4B / A4C for F-8 Mirage III for F-104 Mirage V for F-5 Canberra for Vautour Pucada for OV-10 Argentine Navy A4Q for F-8 Super Etendard for A-7 Turbo Mentor for Alpha Jet Royal Navy Harrier FRS1 for F4K Harrier GR.3 for Buccanneer Please feel free to suggest any changes :)
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Yes, yes comrade, you can fly very close... I don't fly MiGs often, but when I do, this seems to happen a lot! And then... and then... Finally a chance... But nooooo, he has friends jump in. Finally a victory I never thought I'd get...
  41. 1 point
    Yeah, time jump is what it is... a jump time that's it... As for me, even if anyoing to some, i never jump time and fly from start to finish. You have to really consider how you will be doing your mission and give you enough fuel to dogfight or evade a lot of AA/foes over/near target. I ran out of fuel a few times (one time i came short on CV cause no fuel at all at about 1/4 mile from CV) :) But always remember this game is not a hardcore one and you have to put aside some real life things :)
  42. 1 point
    Brief progress report on the B.E.2a FM - now flies correctly, and barely. Stats: - top speed 118 kph at about 300 m alt. - top speed 95 kph at ceiling limit of about 2800 m alt. - stall buffeting below 70 kph - spins below 55 kph or so (get out of spins as quickly as possible or the g-forces will "borrow" your wings and forget to give them back - I think that's about as obtuse as I can phrase that ) - at SL it is possible to push it to about 121 kph or so - loops are not recommended, and hardly possible on the type, unless you are willing to risk losing flying surfaces - elevators are good in dives to about 200 kph, then the nose comes up again (the B.E.2c dives more effectively) - best climb rate about 1.5 m/s at 90 kph can be sustained to approx. 2000 m alt. ----- Have also modified some aspects of the B.E.2c data ini too, in conjunction with work on the 2a: - bit more power from the engine now - top speed about 121 kph at 300 m alt. - can be pushed to about 126/7 kph near SL (this makes sense since recorded historical top speed of about 116 kph on the B.E.2c, if we believe the stats, was taken at around 1800 m alt.) - have also included some prop RPM changes on the B.E.2c, and more subtle power nos. across different altitudes (engine power changes/drops every 500 m now, or so, instead of the stock 1000 m gap that was in the earlier data ini for the 2c); same types of changes applied to the B.E.2a as well - loops not very manageable on the B.E.2c either, from what I've been able to test - best climb rate about 1.7 m/s at 90 kph can be sustained to approx. 2000 m alt. ----- Now to test how the AI lands the B.E.2a, and also to dogfight against it in an Eindecker E.I - hope to have the finished files uploaded here in a few days. Some representative pics. below. Cheers all, Von S
  43. 1 point
    Hallo all here on CA, it's my first posting after my account yesterday, so let me say at first "Hallo". Some of you (or more) know me from SimHQ-WOFF/WOTR. Because Pol has said we are back at CA ... I can imagine, that this forum will be the base for BH&HII probably. The first impression of the OBD-forum here is a good one. I like the background, it has atmosphere! See you later and Greetings.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Lockheed F-104BA Starfighter - 8 Grupo, Fuerza Aerea Argentina, 1981
  47. 1 point
    approved and available for you downloading and flying pleasure!


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