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  1. 4 points
    The town of Energodar is finished now. 481 buildings. It looks like a typical soviet town of the 1980th.
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    slowly but surely we're getting there
  4. 3 points
    Over the town of Energodar. (Donbass WIP terrain)
  5. 3 points
    Just a quick flight over Italy . Tweaking the buildings :)
  6. 2 points
    Seems like people have problems unpacking the addon. 1. Download BOTH files (SF2 VietnamScooters - Addon 1 - v0.02.7z.001 and .002) 2. click on file 001 and extract to a directory of your choice 3. THAT'S IT The AddOn is split into 2 files and after extract of file 001 is done, 7zip continues with 002. No manual extraction of the second file... I hope that helps.
  7. 2 points
    and then it was October. the necrothread rose from the depths.... with a low gutteral breathe it kept calling out... Moddddds.... and with that the bump. we have a damn good terrain for this finally, and many objects and skins since this was last visited. any (serious) thoughts on getting this back on track? not trying to rush it at all here. 30th anniversary of Banja Luka engagement (NATOs first active combat action) isnt for almost a year and a half. but It would be nice to revisit the major military actions that were ongoing in the 90s (besides occasional actions in Iraq) its a good excuse to break out the Euro Herks too going into Sarejevo
  8. 2 points
    October 4, 2022. Hi all, We have posted more info and pictures on the website news section, for the recently announced BATTLE OF FRANCE Expansion coming soon to WINGS OVER THE REICH! Please check it out here !
  9. 2 points
    uploaded as an update. The first pack (v0.01) isn't included in the new pack (AddOn 1 - v0.02), because of it's size. Once the pack is complete, it will be combined into a single pack. Should be available soon. Have fun!
  10. 2 points
    I can't wait these beautiful Stafighters... Screenshots needed From an old SFP1 Mirage Factory mod (2006), their (early delivered from 1976) F-15A Baz runs perfectly after several SF2 tweaks.
  11. 2 points
    Over Energodar Nuclear Powerplant. (Donbass terrain WIP)
  12. 2 points
    "The Hunters"...Taking off of the "Mighty O"...
  13. 1 point
    The F-4X and RF-4X were proposals for advanced F-4E derivatives designed by General Dynamics to carry the HIAC-1 long focal length camera as part of Project Peace Jack. This project was a joint Israel-USAF study for an advanced photo-reconnaissance aircraft capable of Mach 3+ performance. The HIAC-1 camera was an advanced high-altitude reconnaissance camera that had a focal length of 66 inches which offered unparalled resolution at extreme ranges The HIAC-1 camera was originally so large and heavy that it could only be carried by the Martin/General Dynamics RB-57F. However, later versions were sufficiently slimmed down so that they could potentially be carried by smaller aircraft such as the F-4 Phantom. Israel had always wanted the HIAC-1 camera for its own use in keeping track of its Arab neighbors, but its requests had always been turned down. However, in 1971, US attitudes towards export of the HIAC-1 camera changed and approval was given for the development of a pod (designated G-139) which could carry this camera on the belly of a Phantom. The prototype G-139 pod was over 22 feet long and weighed over 4000 pounds, and was first tested on an RF-4C in October of 1971. Unfortunately, the G-139 was still so large and bulky that the performance of the Phantom when it was carrying the pod was unacceptably poor. The Peace Jack project originated in an attempt to improve the performance of the Phantom when carrying this camera. Both the USAF and the government of Israel contributed funds for the project. Rather than trying to slim down the reconnaissance pod, the original goal of the General Dynamics team was to improve the performance of the Phantom that was carrying it. The improved performance was to be obtained by using water injection for pre-compressor cooling, which would provided increased engine thrust at high altitudes. A similar system had been used successfully in the past in various F-4 record attempts. The water was to be contained in a pair of gigantic 2500-gallon tanks which were to be attached conformally to the intersection joints of the fuselage spine and the engine nacelles. The water injection system promised to give a 150 percent increase in engine thrust at altitude. In order to accommodate the increased engine thrust that would now be available, new air intakes had to be designed. The area of the intakes was to be made much larger and they were to contain a sophisticated system of internal cowls, splitter plates, vortex generators and bleeds. With the new intakes and the water injection system, it was anticipated that maximum speeds of up to Mach 3.2 and cruising speeds of up to Mach 2.7 could be attained. The project came to be known as the F-4X, although this was not an official USAF designation. Israel was clearly very interested in the F-4X, as it promised a a performance which would approach that of the USAF's SR-71. This would enable it to fly unimpeded anywhere it wanted to. However, the advanced performance of the F-4X clearly made it a possible candidate for a new interceptor. Consequently, the US State Department became more than a little worried about the export of such advanced technology overseas, since it promised to give Israel a potential interceptor which was more capable than anything currently in the US arsenal, one which might one day pose a threat to the SR-71. In addition, the Air Force was itself rather nervous about the F-4X project, since it might threaten to divert support away from the F-15 program which was just then getting underway. As a result, the State Department decided to disallow export of this technology to Israel. This ordinarily would have been the end of the game. However, in the meantime, Israel had expressed concern about the amount of aerodynamic drag produced by the pod carrying the camera. In response to these concerns, General Dynamics decided to relocate the HIAC-1 camera to the nose, displacing the AN/APQ-120 radar. The project was redesignated RF-4X. The removal of the interceptor capability seems to have reassured the State Department, and Israel was once again allowed back into the Peace Jack program. An ex-IDFAF F-4E (USAF serial 69-7576) was delivered to General Dynamics in December of 1974 to act as a mockup for the RF-4X. The nose was recontoured on the starboard side only, and a paper-mache coolant tank was fitted to one side of the upper fuselage. New intakes with revised variable ramps were fitted. However, in the meantime, the Air Force began to have second thoughts about the project, still fearful of the impact of the RF-4X on the F-15 project and nervous about the safety and reliability of pre-compressor cooling. The USAF withdrew from the project shortly thereafter, forcing Israel to go it alone. By itself, Israel could not afford to continue the project, and the RF-4X program quietly died. The idea for the nose-mounted HIAC-1 camera was later revived to form the basis of the F-4E(S), which was first applied to F-4E 69-7576. The F-4E(S) pilot and systems officer wore full pressure suits from the David Clark Company which also made the pressure suits used by USAF U-2 and SR-71 crews as well as Space Shuttle crews. [MissionData] Ceiling=23800 [FlightControl] MaxSpeedSL=1097.6 MachLimit=3.2 MachLimitDry=2.4 [Fuselage] SystemName[027]=CFTR_fuel SystemName[028]=CFTL_fuel [Engine1] AltitudeTableNumData=40 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.578,0.614,0.652,0.691,0.731,0.773,0.816,0.860,0.906,0.952,0.1000,1.100,1.200,1.300,1.400,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,0.000 [Engine2] AltitudeTableNumData=40 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.578,0.614,0.652,0.691,0.731,0.773,0.816,0.860,0.906,0.952,0.1000,1.100,1.200,1.300,1.400,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,1.500,0.000 [CFTR_fuel] SystemType=FUEL_TANK FuelTankID=9 MaxFuelAmount=1133.98 SelfHealing=FALSE FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition= 3.98,-0.69, 0.25 MaxExtentPosition= 1.32, 2.12, 0.92 [CFTL_fuel] SystemType=FUEL_TANK FuelTankID=9 MaxFuelAmount=1133.98 SelfHealing=FALSE FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-3.98,-0.69, 0.25 MaxExtentPosition=-1.32, 2.12, 0.92
  14. 1 point
    'Ello guys Thought I'd share a campaign I have working with you as the chances of me finishing it on my own seem to be rather slim. Background: Set in 1985 Features flyable aircraft of the USAF, USN, USMC and ROK. Intial enemy is DPRK, reinforced later by Soviets and China Fairly realistic ORBAT for blue side Two carrier groups, USS Constellation and USS Carl Vinson, with period accurate squadrons and escorts A (not yet fully working) friendly Amphibious landing A new comprehensive 60+ node ground war. Can be used for Korean war ops too I think MODs I used, Aircraft http://combatace.com/files/file/13932-f-4e-usaf-pack/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13932-f-4e-usaf-pack/ http://combatace.com/files/file/12096-f-4d-78-loran/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13223-f-15c-eagle-early-production-1979-for-sf2-march2012-and-later/ http://combatace.com/files/file/12743-updated-f-16a-block-10/ http://combatace.com/files/file/9685-b-52gh-mega-era-package/ http://combatace.com/files/file/11898-f-4d-rokaf-1969/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15259-fa-18-series-update-by-the-hornet-team/ http://combatace.com/files/file/14233-lockheed-f-117a-nighthawk-for-sf2/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15388-ah-1s-cobra-tow-smod/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15116-f-5e-early-versions-pack/ http://combatace.com/files/file/9274-mirage-factory-f-4g-phantom-for-sf2-series/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15326-ah-1j-wings-over-the-seven-seas-sf2/ Ships http://combatace.com/files/file/12873-iowa-class-battleship-update/ http://combatace.com/files/file/12304-cg-16-leahy-class-cruiser/ http://combatace.com/files/file/12431-riga-class-frigate/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13041-jianghu-class-frigates/ Terrain http://combatace.com/files/file/13415-sf2-korea-terrain-v3/ Ground units http://combatace.com/files/file/14277-republic-of-korea-army-vehicle-pack/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13284-sf2-tanks-pack/ and more probably... So if anyone is interested give it a try and maybe we can make a complete pack out of this. It flies quite good, the campaign, the best I've done certainly. Installation is just to pop it into the campaigns folder. Take the included Korea3_targets and pop it into the Korea 3 folder, this add a USMC deployment point for the naval invasion. I have a lot of period skins in the work, I suck at decaling and would gladly hand them over to a good decals guy. These include Wolfpack F-16A skins, USN A-7E and F/A-18A skins.. Ground war node network Screenshots Korea85_beta1.7z
  15. 1 point
    Hello everyone, This is the first time I am writing a letter to the people and the communities that I enjoyed being part of throughout my life. I want to write this before anything may happen to my vision. I went to the eye doctor, and he told me that I have between 10 to 20 years before I might go blind. As you can imagine a big shock for me. I decided to just quickly write a story about my life. That way I can have no regrets. As you can see, what I have is known as Usher Syndrome, which led to the loss of my part vision and deafness. Hence, I am deaf with low vision. I am also legally deafblind since I can’t see well in dark. So many challenges have been achieved throughout my life. When I was a young boy, I had two big dreams; To go to Japan and to be a Navy fighter pilot. Obviously, I could not be a Navy fighter pilot and that is where simulation comes in. Initially, it was found out that I am deaf during baby age, but my vision situation wasn’t found out until very much later in my life at the age of 16. It was a big shock for me. I was even told that I am going blind eventually as soon as I reach adulthood (the 20s to 30s of the age). You can imagine how scared I was, thinking my life was in ruin. My world was turned upside. My father always taught me to dream big, no matter what the situation. I had two choices: To live for my dream and try again or to give up and live in a dark world. I chose the first one and decided to try anyway. This led me to achieved what was considered impossible. There were always challenges to face, without any breaks in between. In the educational world, when I was in an elementary school, they treated me like I wasn’t smart because of my deafness. They refused to give me an equal opportunity of education as other children. Fortunately, the teacher told my parent about it and my parent fought the hardest for my right to have an education like everyone else. When I was transferred to another school, I was the only deaf boy in the entire school. It was a scary world. Decided to give it a try and made a few friends, that was when I started teaching sign language for the first time (At age of 9). Having never given up, I had to re-learn the 4th grade to the previous grade in one year to catch up with everyone and it was achieved. Into the High school, never given up, kept trying on and made it to graduate my high school. During high school, even with my limited vision, I joined the swimming team, a tennis game (Oh my god, I HATE THAT game. It was such pain trying to spot fast-moving balls), slotput / disc throw, and Tae kwon Do. And for my hobby at home, I could never stop flying ancient simulations. It was Jane’s series simulation! Even though I could not be real navy fighter pilot, simulation was perfect for me. I loved learning about various military aircraft and fly them virtually. When I got to university, I go through many challenges again. It was a socializing challenge, as well as learning subjects. What doesn’t help was being burnt out from too many studies and hard work. I gave up from time to time but tried again. I had good and not good teachers. I had many ups and downs. Made many mistakes and learned from them. There were so many things I wanted to do but did not have the courage to do because of busy trying to study and pass classes. Here were the big dreams I wanted to do throughout my life: - Successfully living and working in awesome company in Japan - Marry a wonderful woman - Write the fictional books for simulation or game - Write the stories for manga - Have my own gaming development company - Live a happy life without losing my vision After changing my major from aeronautical engineering to computer science, it has taken me 10 years to finish university. Even though it took me that long to finish, I still achieved getting a degree in computer science. Right after the university, did my best to look for the jobs, and got declined due to my sensory disabilities. Bless my parent, they sent me to Japan as my graduation gift. That was the best gift in my life. Took the opportunity to go to Japan for the first time. It was a challenging and fun journey going through Tokyo alone most of the time. I stayed in an apartment for 2 and half months. I was lucky to be able to figure out how to communicate with the apartment company. For your information, I do not have the ability to speak well. I use body language and gesture to communicate with people who do not know any sign language. My primary sign language is ASL (American Sign Language). Right now, I can read some Japanese (basic) and can hold the communication in JSL (Japanese Sign Language). After 3 months of my stay in Japan and returning to the USA, it feels like I was stuck. Nowhere to go because companies often do not give me an opportunity to work for them, even though I hunted for many jobs. I still was fortunate enough to work for my family’s business which gave me a lot of experience. (My family is awesome! They always have my back!) Then comes the 2nd opportunity for me to go back to Japan for 2 months. After that, I decided I am going to try and make a difference in my experience, despite that I couldn’t get jobs. I never forget that day when I was staying in Japan twice as a tourist. I would always keep that experience inside my mind and heart. Seeing people walking around happily, seeing the tall buildings, and seeing myself being successful there. I vowed to make it happen someday. Fortunately, I bumped into a new friend of mine in America. She gave me an opportunity to work as a volunteer for a non-profit organization. I decided to give it a try. 3 years later, I was contacted by a company in Tokyo with a job offer of teaching ASL. Even though it wasn’t related to gaming development or computer-related jobs, I decided to give it a try because it is what will lead me to the next steps toward successfully living in Japan. I have been teaching sign language since I was 9, so I had enough experience to do my best there. To my surprise, working in Tokyo was the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. So many challenges and unexcepted things happening that require me to put a lot of effort into it. Having gone through the sleepless nights, I worked very hard for 2 years straight. Their ways of culture in the work are very different from America for sure! After my contract ended, I was only given 3 months to find a new job before my VISA no longer become valid. Worked very hard looking for the jobs and have gone through various interviews. To my surprise, unlike before, I got a lot of interviews for computer-related jobs! Unfortunately, they told me they found someone else with more experience than me. The closest one I got the job was from an apple company. With the time running out and the unknown of the future, I would still never give up envisioning myself being successful. Thank to my wonderful friend who owns a tavern, they gave me a part-time job as a website developer and interpreter (ASL to JSL). Did my best there and that is when I met a wonderful woman of my life too. With the coronavirus going on, a lot of companies started closing and my journey to find a full-time job in computer-related jobs did not yet happen. After being married to my wonderful woman and moving to Fukushima from Tokyo, continued to do my best with the jobs hunting, got various interviews, and then got declined many times again. With that, decided to try something new. Started doing graphic work as a hobby which led me into creating many things such as menus, short video promotions, and other kinds of graphic works for fun. It made me happy. Then you can guess, it led me into making the mods for SF2. One of them is a new screen/menu for SF2 inspired by Jane’s Fighter Anthology! And at the same time, one of my old dreams is being realized when I started writing a book about the fictional nations (Saad / Zafir) for SF2. That gave me so many joys! Many new skills were developed from it which I believe would be very helpful for the computer-related jobs too! My wife and I made the big goal of moving back to Tokyo someday and then the news hit me a few days ago. The eye doctor told me that I might go blind in 10 to 20 years. That was a huge punch to my stomach, and I felt like the world crumpled around me temporarily and thanks to my wife, she got me pulling myself back together. It wasn’t the first time I experienced this. Back there during my high school time, when I was told that I might go blind by my 20s or 30s, it never happened. I did not believe I would go blind and stayed with the belief I would still be able to preserve my vision. That still happened to this very day. I am going to continue staying with that kind of hope. A miracle can happen. However, as I said, just in case, if anything happens to my vision, I am happy I got this out of my chest and wanted to share with the community and the world about my life challenges. Thank you everyone for my wonderful experiences of simulation and modding. I will continue to work on SFAW mods slowly through time. Have to make to rest my eyes every day too. Cheers
  16. 1 point
    Hello all, Some years ago, Erik allowed me to work me work on the CombatACE news team. My job was simple - just ask people for an interview and then send them a list of questions. Erik's support and the support from you the community, was very motivating for me. I got to do things that I didn't think was possible. I got the chance to interview cool people such as Leslie Shook, Kim Crow, and CEOs of large game development companies. Doing that job helped me build the confidence to keep pushing myself in order to meet new challenges - such as writing a book :). I published my first E-Book called Anthony Knight: Oath of Service. It's a science fiction - action/adventure tale about a young fella that grew up on Earth but then follows in parents his footsteps when he joins the military force of the Ademar Empire - a human civilization that controls a third of the Milky Way Galaxy. As Anthony learns to adjust to his new life in the Imperial Starfleet, he also learns about a sinister plot involving Earth. If you're an Amazon Prime member or Kindle Unlimited Subscriber, you can read the story for free. Otherwise, it's $3.99. If you're interested in checking it out, here's the link: Anthony Knight: Oath of Service Here's the full synopsis to the story if you're interested. I hope you all enjoy reading the story when you get the chance. Paperback is not available yet. I'll update this post once it is. Quick Update: I'm doing a free promotion Oct 1 - 2. Everyone will be able to download and read my story for free! I hope you all enjoy the read. If there's any issues, let me know and I'll fix it.
  17. 1 point

    Version 2.5


    Dogfight version 2.5 for Thirdwire Simulators (Strike Fighter and First Eagles Series 1 and Series 2) Major changes in 2.5 You can now select from multiple terrain positions. You can now select the texture that each flight of aircraft will use. You can now have 16 aircraft in each flight. Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder. This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor. So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!). The action begins at a seperation of 0.5-4 km. To use you: 1) Start Dogfight. 2) Select aircraft types, numbers and heights, Pilot training etc. 3) Press the Red WRITE MISSION button. 4) LEAVE Dogfight running. 5) Start the Thirdwire Simulator. 6) Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu. 7) Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight"). 8) When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously. 9) Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red WRITE MISSION button. 10) Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer). 11) ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Mission Menu to update the information. 12) Play the mission! Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it. Installion ------------- Unzip Dogfight.zip. Find the folder called Dogfightv2.5 containing: templates (folder) df.cfg dogfight.exe readme.txt COPY Dogfightv2.5 INTO THE TOP LEVEL OF THE DIRECTORY WHERE YOU INSTALL YOUR MODS. There is an Options.ini file in this directory as well. i.e Dogfightv2.5 and Objects are at the same level. OPEN THE Dogfightv2.5 FOLDER AND CREATE A SHORTCUT FROM dogfight.exe TO YOUR DESKTOP (or wherever you want to launch if from). Testing -------- DogFight has been tested with: FE1 and FE2 (Viurtually all of the aircraft from CombatAce and the Skunkworks with Peter01 fms) SF1 (chiefly SCW) WOE (Principally Wings Over Russia and Wings Over Africa). SF2, and SFNA2, (Skunkworks PTO) (CombatAce BOB) and with additional aircraft thrown in. I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets. Only briefly tried it with more modern types. The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2017 C++ and FLTK. FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily. Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program. Thanks Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming. I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users. Gary Ireland See the Readme for more in depth instructions
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    SitRep: Building of the town of Energodar makes good progress: At the moment 292 buildings, all complete destroyable. Apprx. 50% done.
  20. 1 point
    That's awesome!!!! I'm very happy especially 'cause finally we will havw correct skins for the Marines VMAs, there're a lack of good liveries
  21. 1 point
    Thanks. Well, pain not so much. It wasn't intended as a 1-man-project, so any progress at all is good nowadays and it's a good day, when its done, of course. But it's still fun to do and to learn stuff about the planes, the units and the people behind it. I work on this (not constantly) for several years now and it helped me also a bit getting over difficult times in some of these years. A long story short: It is and was fun, but I think it's time to move on after that mod. Thanks. Not much Skyhawk-fans left here, I know. Maybe I can generate a bit interest here and there in the little plane anyways.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    A next update for the Vietnam Scooters pack is coming soon. The following skins are finished (skins, decals, hangarscreens, etc.) - 63 in total. Some corrections for the A-4B- and C-planes-inis itself still have to be done and then I'll release it. Some 40 skins are then still missing - they are following in a final pack at a later date. Here's the list of upcoming skins: for A-4B: - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies Det. R, USS Kearsarge, 6/64 to 12/64 - VMA-214 Black Sheep Det. N, USS Hornet, 10/63 to 4/64 for A-4B_65: - VA-15 Valions, USS Intrepid, 4/66 to 11/66 - VA-95 Green Lizards, USS Intrepid, 4/66 to 11/66 for A-4C: - H&MS-15 Angels Det. N, USS Hornet, 8/65 to 3/66 - VMA-223 Bulldogs Det. T, USS Yorktown, 10/64 to 5/65 - VMA-225 Vagabonds, Chu Lai AB, 6/65 to 9/65 - VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, USS Midway, 3/65 to 11/65 - VA-144 Roadrunners, USS Constellation, 5/64 to 2/65 - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 12/64 to 11/65 - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/64 to 11/64 - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/65 to 1/66 - VA-195 Dambusters, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/64 to 11/64 - VA-195 Dambusters, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/65 to 1/66 for A-4C_65: - VMA-214 Black Sheep, Chu Lai AB, 6/65 to 2/66 - VMA-214 Black Sheep, Chu Lai AB, 3/66 to 4/67 - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 4/68 to 10/68 - VA-12 Flying Ubangis, USS Shangri-La, 3/70 to 12/70 - VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, USS Midway, 3/65 to 11/65 - VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, USS Coral Sea, 7/66 to 2/67 - VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, USS Ranger, 11/67 to 5/68 - VA-34 Blue Blasters, USS Intrepid, 5/67 to 12/67 - VA-36 Roadrunners, USS Enterprise, 10/65 to 6/66 - VA-36 Roadrunners, USS Intrepid, 6/68 to 2/69 - VA-56 Champions, USS Enterprise, 11/66 to 7/67 - VA-76 Spirits, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/67 to 8/67 - VA-112 Broncos, USS Kitty Hawk, 11/66 to 6/67 - VA-112 Broncos, USS Kitty Hawk, 11/67 to 6/68 - VA-112 Broncos, USS Kitty Hawk, 2/69 to 9/69 - VA-144 Roadrunners, USS Kitty Hawk, 11/66 to 6/67 - VA-146 Blue Diamonds, USS Constellation, 4/67 to 12/67 - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Coral Sea, 12/64 to 11/65 - VA-153 Blue Tail Flies, USS Constellation, 5/66 to 12/66 - VA-172 Blue Bolts, USS F.D.Roosevelt, 6/66 to 2/67 - VA-172 Blue Bolts, USS Shangri-La, 3/70 to 12/70 - VA-192 Golden Dragons, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/65 to 1/66 - VA-195 Dambusters, USS Bon Homme Richard, 4/65 to 1/66 - VA-195 Dambusters, USS Ticonderoga, 11/66 to 5/67 - VA-195 Dambusters, USS Ticonderoga, 12/67 to 8/68 - VA-216 Black Diamonds, USS Coral Sea, 9/68 to 4/69 for A-4E: - VA-23 Black Knights, USS Midway, 3/65 to 11/65 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 10/64 to 5/65 for A-4E_65: - VMA-121 Green Knights, Chu Lai AB, 12/66 to 6/67 - VMA-121 Green Knights, Chu Lai AB, 9/67 to 2/69 - VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers, Chu Lai AB, 10/65 to 7/66 - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 12/65 to 12/66 - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 5/67 to 12/67 - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 11/68 to 69 - VMA-311 Tomcats, Chu Lai AB, 1967 - VA-23 Black Knights, USS Midway, 3/65 to 11/65 - VA-23 Black Knights, USS Coral Sea, 7/66 to 2/67 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 10/64 to 5/65 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 12/65 to 8/66 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/67 to 8/67 for A-4E_67: - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 11/68 to 69 - VMA-223 Bulldogs, Chu Lai AB, 1969 to 1/70 - VA-106 Gladiators, USS Intrepid, 6/68 to 2/69 for A-4F: - VA-93 Blue Blazers, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/68 to 10/68 - VA-113 Stingers, USS Enterprise, 1/68 to 7/68 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Bon Homme Richard, 1/68 to 10/68 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 8/69 to 4/70 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 10/70 to 6/71 - VA-212 Rampant Raiders, USS Hancock, 1/72 to 10/72
  24. 1 point
    I have startet to built the town of Energodar by using Wingwiners blocks of flats. (I hope this is the correct english term, perhaps panel building is better.) I converted Wingwiners buildings from bmp to jpg, to reduce the workload of the computer. I hope that the framerate will not suffer from the lots of buildings when Energodar will be finished.
  25. 1 point
    The tiling of Energodar Nuclear Powerplant is nearly finished. There are still some refinements neccessary. And of course the change from jpg to tga format for coastline tiles. So it looks in game at the moment: Flightpath from East to West. Placed target objects are at the moment the 6 reactor buildings and some big warehouses as placeholders for big generator buildings and last but not least the 2 cooling towers. Its still a long way till Energodar will be finished. To comparision, so Energodar town and nuclear plant looks in reality:
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Fly over Energodar Nuclear Powerplant. Still work in progress. It is still a lot to do. Water tiles are in JPG instead TGA. Some more tiles in the east are to made and then the blendig to existing tiles must made. If Energogar is done, i think i will make some tiles for the big iron mines of Kriwoi Rog. Ther are really big holes in the earth.
  28. 1 point
    Skyviper, congratulations - way to stay persistent and realize your goal, all the best to you!
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Congrats! I respect creative people. You are.
  33. 1 point
    Congratulations brother!! I hope it does well.
  34. 1 point

    Version 2.3 GR.1, patch 2.3b


    I used ianh755's updated V4.0 version of Dave & Sundowners original Tornado GR1 & GR4 series and F3 cockpit. All included models are optimized for . 1st, the most important thing. If you want to enjoy low level flying, you must change missioncontrol.ini file ! BACKUP ORIGINAL VALUES !!! Then use our missioncontrol, that you can find as archive in our pack. ======================================================================================= Patch 2.3 b -------------- We promise this is last patch for GR.1 ;-)) Now we are going for GR.4 . We corrected: 1) some bugs in cockpit 2) HUD (it's reworked to look more like real Tornado, thx to Fanatic Modder documentation) 3) AI attacks for british planes 4) removed Lightening pod from BL755 loadout for german ECR we added: 1) open canopy animation for cockpit view (thx ravenclaw for 3d lessons) PRESS -> SHIFT + 3 to see animation. 2) missed oil pressure indicators Patch 2.3 a -------------- We corrected: 1) Problem with wing tip vortex 2) Rudder secondary input 3) Landing speed 4) SPILS system settings 5) Fuel quantity for Saudi GR.1 6) Engines altitude power tables. 7) missing outer wing weapon stations for GR.1 82 8) ECM for brit and saudi planes moved back to pods from fuselage. we added: 1) New Sky Shadow 3d model We also did some small lift for steering sensitivity. ======================================================================================= Fanatic Modder's and Guuruu's Tornado GR.1 version 2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, This is really serious upgrade . Only Tornado GR.1, IDS and ECR are in this pack. What is new ? ------------------- We tried to get flight model as close to real Tornado as possible, so aerodynamic model is new . All planes have correct (reworked) engines, wing-sweep positions, max G for turning and new cockpits (with lots of working lights). We tested their acceleration, fuel consumption (it's still not perfect but better it was), turning and climb rate. We also added correct skin for Italian IDS 81 . Weapons are no longer separate download, also missioncontrol.ini is inside of pack. We decided to remove GR.4 from this files. She is far from finish and will be published as separate files. You will find 11 planes in this pack: RAF: ----- GR1 82 Early production GR1 90 Better engines, more weapons than 82 model (in fact it is GR.1B with Sea Eagles) I thought there is no sense to create same plane with only +Sea Eagles. GR1 90 DESERT STORM Simply GR1 90 with desert camo (plane and weapons) GR1A Recon version of GR1 90 Luftwaffe: ------------ GERMAN ECR HARM armed Tornado with Mk.105 engines GERMAN IDS 79 similar to GR1 82 GERMAN Marineflieger IDS (with Kormorans and HARMs) GERMAN IDS 06 which is continuation of Marine IDS after they were transferd to Luftwaffe. Italians: --------- ITALIAN ECR as german ECR but Italians didn't replace engines for Mk.105 and they use GPS JDAMS ITALIAN IDS 81 very close to german IDS, can use JP233 insteed MW1 Saudi Arabia: ----------------- SAUDI GR1 93 similar to british GR1 90 SKINS: -------- Every plane has only 1 skin. INSTALLATION: -------------------- We higly recommend to remove/backup all earlier versions of OUR(!) GR.1 or ECR Tornadoes. Then unpack this download and copy/paste (overwrite if needed) all files to your MODS folder . CREDITS: ------------- ALL CREDITS GOES TO: ianh755 Dave & Sundowners for great job they did with all previous versions ravenclaw_007 for WE-177, new weapons and german Tornadoes loads. Dave (again) for B61 bomb and nuke explosion from his B1B pack Sundowner (again) for Cockpit background comms sounds Jarhead1 for F3 cockpit bobrock for Tornado F3 and everybody we forgot ;-) Thx guyz. ALL BUGS ARE OUR .
  35. 1 point
    It's an idea About my English language it's not my mother tongue It's my 4th language First Turkish then Persian then Arabic At last English Which of you can speak Turkish or Persian with me then I make fun of him? :biggrin: It's not true to make fun of SB if you don't know his mother tongue


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