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  1. 7 points
  2. 6 points
    Blackburn Bramley Mk.I - No.10 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1937 Air Ministry Specification B.9/32 issued in 1932 called for a twin-engined day bomber with high performance and unlike many contemporary Air Ministry Specifications there was no restriction on aircraft empty weight. Vickers, Handley Page and Blackburn all responded and all three companies designed distictly different aircraft ranging in weight from the Vickers Type 271 (Wellington) at 18,000lbs empty weight, through to the Handley Page HP.52 (Hampden) at 12,500lbs empty weight and down to the Blackburn B-6 at just 10,000lbs empty weight. Air Ministry officials were critical of the Blackburn design for being deficient in range and payload but conceded that the design had potential and therefore issued Air Ministry Specification B.27/33 for a twin-engined light bomber to cover a production order for 100 Blackburn B-6 aircraft later christened as the Blackburn Bramley. The development of the Blackburn Bramley moved smoothly during 1934 with no technical issues and on July 14th,1935 the prototype Bramley (K4012) made it's first flight almost a full year ahead of the Vickers Wellington and Handley Page Hampden. Flight-testing was helped by the Bramley being powered by the trouble-free Bristol Perseus nine-cylinder, single-row radial engine. Initially rated at a modest 580 h.p. the Perseus was quickly uprated as improvements were introduced and by 1936 production engines were delivering 810 h.p. which was adequate for the lightly armoured Bramley. Entering service with No.10 Squadron of RAF Bomber Command in May 1937 the Bramley Mk.I's initially wore the same NIVO green as the Handley Page Heyford's they had replaced but later switched to the dark earth and green camo with black undersides as used on Bomber Command's other new aircraft. By the time of the Munich Crisis in September 1939 four squadrons of Bomber Command were operating the Bramley but by the start of World War 2 the Bramley had passed from front-line service in the UK but would return to service with the RAF in the Middle-East at the end of 1940.
  3. 6 points
    Well, well, well............... Today I gota refponse fwom TK sayin that SF3 wood be out later this yer......wud I like to be a beeta tester...............OUCH!!! X**%**xx!!!! Hi this is Ant's wife..............dont take any notice of him....................he's been having a few beers & they've "reacted" with his medication..................
  4. 4 points
    Just a quick heads up folks... FCK-1 versions (A/B and C/D) are almost done. Final polishings and other mandatory stuff (pilot model, skins, effects, decals etc) follows in the weeks to come. If anything goes well, we will make an announcement then.(at the end of this Fall) We also work to two more surprises for you guys regarding the FCK-1; they will be next, actually work for them already started. After the dust will settle about FCK-1 launch plus those two surprises, the "old soviet friend", the many years super delayed SU-34 LOL...will go into works. With some luck maybe the project will commence at the end of the year with launch around the next Spring/Summer season. GKABS team also lend us a hand in the FCK-1 project but I won't spoil for now the surprise. Stay tuned.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    What i would like to see: 1. Transport mission. Simply fly from one to an other airfield. Would be nice for civil mods 2. Paratrooper assault mission: Fly to one point and drop paratroopers or cargo 3. Ferry mission. Similar to 1.) but with enemy fighters
  7. 3 points
    Proof of Concept. Any Good? every 20-30 lights are clustered as 1 x 30KB object that spans across some 200 meters. Easy to drop on map with no performance hit.
  8. 2 points
    after fixing a few of the important bugs I'd like to see the return of FAC and to have mixed ground forces. The ability to have AAA or sam vehicles randomly added to ground support targets.
  9. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The purpose of this mod is to enable some light decoration of city in SF2, which does not provide such feature out of box. This mod does not add real light source due to poor graphical outcome. It works in similar fashion as the old Janes F-15E Strike Eagle by adding some always bright points to landscape. Please note the mod itself does not automatically add lights to maps. You will need to follow the instruction inside the zip add lights using the Mue's Target Area Editor in link below. There is some step to add to the _TYPES.ini for each terrain before you can do that. Hence please follow the instruction below carefully. Mue's Target Area Editor - as part of the tool box I have included an effect file which could be called in _types.ini in terrain folder for anyone interested in experimenting night lights with real light source. This is currently disabled due to poor visual outcome.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    If he would have offered more than an old, but now Win10 compatible game, the result would have been different. A fistfull new planes and anew war theater ... Perhaps Korea War. And he would had a lot if people which would be interested in.
  14. 1 point
    OK for those unfamiliar with the New Order, It's a Mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron 4 set in a universe where Nazi Germany won World War 2. The Soviet remnants managed to retreat fairly intact and wage an effective resistance culminating in the West Russian War in the 1950s which saw Nazi German government almost collapse due to an Economic Crisis and the rebellion of SS units under Heinrich Himmler (exiled to create his own giant SS concentration camp/state in Burgundy). Only the splintering of the Soviet remnants prevented their victory and saw Russia balkanize into warlord states (some with their own air forces). England is a vassal state in this Universe under Edward VIII and in a tense standoff with an independent Scotland and Wales. Ireland is within the German Sphere, while Italy, no longer a German ally after Mussolini's death, largely controls Mediterranean and is heading towards a confrontation with a United Iberia and Turkey for total supremacy in the Mediterranean. the Empire of Japan has managed to escape Germany style stagnation and become an industrial power rivaling the United States (thanks to its corporate tech innovation and brutal control of China and Maritime Southeast Asia) and is increasingly trespassing in German affairs in colonial Africa, and U.S affairs in Latin America. The 1950s west Russian War campaign would be fairly easy to create, with just Me-262s, Arado Jet bombers for the Luftwaffe and some P-80s (lend-lease) and Mig-9 Fargo for the Red Air Force, perhaps a squadron of some MiG-15s (due to Soviet defeat and German economic crisis, European aviation industry severely lagged behind and in the start of the game only few Russian warlord states have aircraft inventory while Nazi Germany still largely operates somewhat modernized versions of Schwalbe and Hortens.) The start of the 1960s Cold War would be the most interesting part due to the German Civil War, Great Afrikan War (West, Japan and Germany's proxy conflict strongly mirroring the Vietnam War) and the Oil War of 1970 but would be far harder to emulate as that's where newer fighter models of the Luftwaffe begins to enter service (not available in the downloads section lol!) but I guess there could be some stand-ins (Mirage F1s and Super Etendards since the Vichy French regime aren't allowed an Air-Force and their military uses German gear so it's not Far fetched French Aviation engineers would be closely tied with the Luftwaffe.) There are a lot of potential to utilize the extensive array of fictional and What-If aircraft in the download section, and I'm curious what are your thoughts on this? (photo credit Metallist-99 on deviant art)
  15. 1 point
    Ha! From the very beginning of combat sim games, developers neglected these most important aspects of air war. In modern combat and even hundreds of years ago, you could not win a campaign with a proper supply chain. But NO! For game developers "air war" can only be done by fighter aircraft...crap. Disappointing. Someone once said - that fighter pilots make movies, the rest is making history.
  16. 1 point
    I can relate to that: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/93840-strike-fighters-2-meets-flightgear/ I'm still working on and off on this project/experiment: currently working an a script that automatically converts SF2 flight models into the FlighGear (JSBSim) flight models.
  17. 1 point
    We all know is a budget sim, so bug fixing and mechanics enhancement would be enough.
  18. 1 point
    Agreed, it would increase the popularity of it a lot even how small the missions are.
  19. 1 point
    The Kawasaki Ki-48 'Lily' masquerading as the Blackburn Bramley pre-war bomber...
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Kawasaki Ki-52 'Hilary' - 110th Sentai, Imperial Japanese Army, 1942
  22. 1 point
    Well, better ask for a project that is open source and provides compatibility to the huge library of lod files here, than dreaming TW will invest in something that will never reward them.
  23. 1 point
    Reminded me that I had these done a while ago...
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Honestly. What are you expecting? If it was me creating a game and then a bunch of players started to mess with it, trying to change everything that I achieved, trying to work around things that were not supposed to work, building new models where the polycount of one model is bigger than the whole objects pool from the original game. Building new terrains and fancy campaigns that bring too much to the game... hell screw players then. He made a game and you are screwing with it...instead playing.
  26. 1 point

    Version 1.0.1


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: Eurofighter Typhoon 2000 with 2 textures set Kuwait and Qatar. improvement on the Beta in 3ds Max by me: Pilot with BAE helmet system Refueling probe Added a drag parachute A new PIRATE system was added to the 3ds Max model Towed decoy added pilot ladder and engine cover and remove before flight tags Added miner addon to the model and fixed some model miner 3ds model imperfections Added 2 lod 001 and 002 lod All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under the Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=J79Burner [J79Burner] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=FALSE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=1 Looped=TRUE If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ Shift+1 to open canopy Shift+2 Deploy refueling probe Shift+4 Deploy the towed decoy Virgin 1.0.1 Minor fix in 3ds Max for the LOD file fixing the textures setting and changes made to the Specular/Glossiness/Reflection Big thanks to bazillius for his help understanding more things for setting up the material in 3ds Max for jets. Just download GK_KAF_QAF_Typhoon_Beta_02.zip and overnight the old files with the new one. Virgin 1.0 LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: Coupi for reworking the data files, fixing hitboxes, improving the RWR system, improving increased magnification of the camera, the visual of the IRST/PIRATE system, and testing. Compufat for working on the 2 textures, Decals and testing the model. Sundowner for sending me the 3ds Max file and the Photoshop files Pilots: GKABS (3D models) and Ludo.m54 (texture) Bongodriver for giving me his permission to use his beautiful Eurofighter Typhoon model and add the update/upload file to the community Original Beta credit form ace888 readme file: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon "BETA" Pack "All work is done by me (ace888) with the exception of the credits given to the people below: Bongodriver - Aircraft/Seat/.LODs and most of the .INIs (with tweaks by me) ChrisBV - Pilots (I slightly modified the skin) Florian/JAT - Pilot Ravenclaw - Weapons (I modified one of the weapons to make the GBU-48B) FastCargo - Fakepilot Eagle114th - Wingtip vortex (I modified both the skakey/straight vortex effects, also can use both at the same time) Spillone104 - Engine sounds Third Wire for making this outstanding game." Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net
  27. 1 point
    If you need to change any mesh names etc inside a lod for any reason to "correct" issues which have been around since the original author made the model, whether you like it or not is hacking the lod. If you or anybody else needs to do this for their own use is fine by me but if you're the type that wants to do this just to re-upload it and say "hey look what I've done, I'm so clever" well in my book its a pirated lod. The amount of time spent pissing about with this sort of stuff would be better spent learning how to actually make models.......it's fun (sometimes) and very satisfying to produce something with your own hands.......it may not be perfect but neither is the lod you're trying to hack.
  28. 1 point
    Interesting choice of words regarding how people make their models, I seriously think its about time you start to make some "real" models yourself instead of just moaning about not having the means to hack/pirate other folks work. This place seems to be rife with folks that just want the quick fix solution nowadays.....the real mod makers are getting fewer and fewer or just going "underground" so to speak.
  29. 1 point
    So, what you're saying is " can you make us a tool for hacking other folks work?" Why not just get max or blender and make your own.
  30. 1 point
    For a civil flight sim lights at night are a must have. But for a military sim not, because in wartimes the lights are switched off at night, to give no navigation help to the enemy.
  31. 1 point
    It's 2023 and despite VR ruling my life since 2016 I've reinstalled SF2m and all those mods - and XP Gold is the first! Thanks so much for years of combat flying pleasure!
  32. 1 point
    Mainly to motivate myself, I made an initial test regarding using 3D assets from SF2 in the open source flight simulator FlightGear. Since FlightGear uses the same 3D graphics library (OpenSceneGraph) that I also use in the LODViewer, I could easily reuse my LOD file loader plugin with only minor modification. This is only an initial test. There are still a lot things to do regarding 3D models: animations, shader adaption, .... not to mention reimplementing the SF2 FDM in FlightGear. But maybe some day... TWs P-51D at Honolulu International (the current FlightGear default airport). Note the missing landing gear caused by nonworking animations: Cockpit view:
  33. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2 - Made flyable with the MLD cockpit and avionics available here at CA by Stary - Leading edge flaps fixed to now automatically deploy during manoeuvring as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing. - Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar as fitted in the MLD. - KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned. - Ejection seat (from ODS mod) and more suitable pilot added. - Canopy can be opened and closed. - Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD version of the MiG-23 into a more multi role fighter platform. - Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added. - Used of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added. - Fuselage AA-8 positions corrected. - Removed ECM jammer. - Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod. - Various Soviet- Afghan war skins added. Drop into your main mods folder to install, OVER-RIDE!!! CombatAce fair agreement applies.


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