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  1. 5 points
    Republic Aviation F-105D Thunderchief - 107 'Knights of the Orange Tail Squadron' Israeli Air Force, 1967
  2. 3 points
    time to do some of that pilot sh**......
  3. 3 points
    My garaged grocery hauler is a Blue Q5, but I preferred a PLAAF Green Q5 for this mission over Taiwan...
  4. 3 points
    Scouting for Boys.. (USAAF Air Liaison SQ, 1945)
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    but wheres the runway running the length of Israel for it to take off from?
  7. 2 points
    You can also try to increase the Cldc coefficient (Roll moment due to control surface deflection). That coefficient is usually in the [LeftAileron] and [RightAileron] sections.
  8. 2 points
    Try adjusting the roll damping coefficient (Clp= ) in the FM-2's Data.INI file. Open the FM-2.Data.INI and look for the lines Clp=xxx. The numbers will probably be something like -0.0125 for the left and right wings, and -0.1765 for the left and right outer wings. Try reducing these numbers to something like -0.0105 for the wings, and -0.1265 for the outer wings. That should give you a better roll rate.
  9. 2 points
    Need more input.......malfunction, need more input.
  10. 2 points
    The game is a little unfinished. After initial success, the latest installment of the game did not live up to monetary expectations and the developer stopped supporting it. The guided weapon thus remained unfinished. So I advise you to play in the time period from 60 to mid-80s. All other aircraft and weapons are just for collection. Consider these as collectibles. The game will never be completed, but in those time periods it is a very good game
  11. 2 points
    @citizen67 @bazillius I was able to get JDAMs on target, both the regular and the dual GPS/laser guided ones. The main learning was that I needed to fly higher and release closer to the target. They kind of have to free fall before the guidance system takes over and points the bomb toward the target. They don’t seem as maneuverable as the other GBUs, which I guess makes sense. Just don’t seem as safe as standoff precision munitions, since with these JDAMs I’m flying over the target.
  12. 2 points
    Blackburn Barge C.1 - No.30 Squadron, RAF Transport Command, 1961
  13. 1 point
    I have an FM-2 Wildcat that seems to rollover slower than a 90 year old out of bed for her daily medicine. How do I bump it up slightly? Thanks!
  14. 1 point
    true, plus that is more skill than ini dancing. although if you want to really practice a skill, try loft bombing nukes onto an airfield! (took me and nightshade/pr abit to work that out with the B-47) it was one of many thoughts on the game recently.
  15. 1 point
    remember: if you were able to make a runway that wrapped round the world at the equator, Republic will build a fighter that needs more.....
  16. 1 point
    You're better off figuring out the proper release envelope than that, as it'll go... somewhere perhaps. I mean I can use JDAMs fine, I just tend to prefer LGBs because they're easier to use in some cases, the GBU-12 is my favorite as you can do a lot with it envelope-wise.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    CVW-7 Super Sunday..
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    The Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar masquerading as the Blackburn Barge C.1
  23. 1 point
    An hot-fix has been uploaded and it requires admins to approve it again. Wait until the mod gets approved again. If you downloaded all four split parts of the ISO of the mod before January 19th/20th, after installation you're advised to manually install the hotfix. If you did not download all parts before the latest reupload, I'm afraid all parts need to be downloaded again, old ones cannot match the checksum of the new split ISO. Apologies for the mix-up and thank you for your patience and understanding.
  24. 1 point
    they never do until AFTER you point out the solution to their issue was in the readme...... and then sometimes still want to debate you on it
  25. 1 point
    @Muesli Disregard what EricJ said, please refer to this post for the issue you're having: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/95630-operation-desert-storm-30th-anniversary-edition/?page=8&tab=comments#comment-810329 I'll be updating the mod's page to include the following more complete info about the installer: The installer will automatically detect your installation of the required Strike Fighters 2 games by reading through the registry keys. Pirated copies and/or game folders that are manually moved from where they were originally installed are not supported. You need all three aforementioned Strike Fighters 2 games and they must be installed with their original installers by ThirdWire, not manually copied from other sources nor moved elsewhere after installation to other folders or drives. If you do not meet any of these requirements, installation cannot proceed and you are on your own. If you install all required games properly, the installation of the mod will proceed correctly as intended. The installer then lets you choose where to install the mod folder; you can even install the mod on a different drive or partition than the one where Strike Fighters 2 is installed. No further user input nor manual edits after installation are ever required; the installer takes care of creating all proper links to your desired path for the mod folder. After installation is over, simply run the mod by using the created Desktop and/or Start Menu links. I have to hope users read all that I write, though.
  26. 1 point
    Yes, but that's something I feel most users wouldn't like to hear. So my main suggestion is to find a balance between the graphics settings of the game and what your hardware allows, so that you can run consecutive missions without major issues. My second suggestion is to give the DXVK wrapper a try, apparently it makes the mod playable on weak integrated GPUs (given that they are Vulkan-compatible) whereas without it the mod wouldn't work on such hardware.
  27. 1 point
    legit advice but I've never ever used online payment method. sorry I know it's not really an excuse but I live in freakin Bosnia and that's pretty common here. we like them cash we've always been like 20 something years behind everything that's normal btw I'm downloading the last part
  28. 1 point
    which can be easily bypassed https://combatace.com/store/
  29. 1 point
    wow thank you @Menrva like I've said earlier... this is monumental it truly raise this game at another level. maybe I can even say it helps it become less game and more a simulator thank you for all your thime invest in such a gigantic project. all ALL the contributors, of course ! I just hope I'll be able to test it tonight, since I download one file last night (damn, wish I knew this will be released a few hours later) and the site have a policy of, I believe, 5 files in 24hrs... maybe I'll be able to download the last one day after and the DL speeds are not exactly lighting fast also (it ranges from ~100 to 400kb/sec I see) anyway... enough of moaning thank you a ton again, whenever completed, I KNOW this will be countless hours of fun, to which I look forward
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    F-105B initial production model with AN/APN-105 navigational radar, 71 built a "stand in" by dtmdragon rebuilt What's in: - 12 new High Rez skins an 1 upgraded - all serials needed - some tweaks Credits: - dtmdragon original mod idea - Sundowner templates - paulopanz skins/decals/tweaks Install: - all in main mod folder Enjoy
  34. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Stock TW F-105D Repacked This an almost complete overhaul using Sundowner great templates and Streakeagle early camo decals. 34 new and redone high-res skins 34 original decalset redone first "pussy galore" Cpt. Vic Vizcarra plane (adults only ...) [80 TFS] TO INSTALL: - delete ALL previous mod - put ALL in your mod folder and overwrite - that's all enjoy @ paulopanz
  35. 1 point
    What an amazing mod, jawdropping really. This afternoon I saw it mentioned on Tim Stone's Tally-Ho Corner website and it made me immediately find and install my old SF2 collection that I haven't touched in several years at least. Menrva, my thanks to you and the rest of the mod contributors for this work of beauty and craftsmanship.. So far, it runs perfectly (75fps, 71 fps min) on my system (AMD Ryzen 3600, 16GB DDR-3200 RAM, GTX 1070 Ti 8GB, W10x64) on Unlimited details. Just now flying to a strike target in the F-117A at Angels 30. Thanks again
  36. 1 point



    Basic VX-4 Evaluators skin from "Vandy 01" adapted from a Tomcat scheme. Drop in your Convair 201 folder and go fly. Eric Johnson, 2012
  37. 1 point



    Decided to put this together from my F-14 skin, the Felix on the fuselage side is adapted from a Tomcat pilot's photo with nearly the same markings Drop in your Convair 201 folder and go fly Eric Johnson, 2012
  38. 1 point



    Only for the RAZBAM FSX version, this is a simple texture file with a simplified readme included. Eric Johnson, 2012


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