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Showing most liked content on 03/15/2025 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    tonight, the finale of North and South. or whatever mini series you please.....
  2. 4 points
    G'Day all, My next project is the RAH-66 Comanche. There will be two versions - with and without the Longbow radar. So far I've done the modelling, animations and texture mapping, so there's still a little while to go... Dels
  3. 4 points
    not what if, but what is to come
  4. 3 points
    "Trust me I don't know what I'm doing'" - (Not) Sledge Hammer "The horsemen are drawing nearer - On leather steeds they ride - They've come to take your life On through the dead of night - With the four horsemen ride - Or choose your fate and die!" Metallica - The Four Horsemen Decals courtesy of Mr. Jimbeamer5 https://combatace.com/files/file/12157-boeing-ach-47a-guns-a-go-go/
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
    Many aviation historians wonder what happened to the soviet Spitfires...
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 2 points
    Hello, Interesting link about the FAA Self-Protection capabilities in 1982 ! https://www.twz.com/air/argentine-air-force-went-to-war-with-chaff-made-by-pasta-machine Have a nice day ! P.
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    It wasn't just the Arge's either, the Sea Harriers had nothing more sophisticated than bundles of chaff rigged in thier air brakes as well.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    Stolen From Facebook: They Walk Among Us! I was at the checkout at Walmart, minding my own business, when the cashier rang up my total: $46.64. I handed her a crisp $50 bill. She looked me dead in the eye, gave me back $46.64, and continued scanning items like a professional. Me: "Uh… I think there’s a mistake." Her: huffing dramatically "Sir, I am educated. I know what I’m doing." She pushed the money back at me like I was trying to scam her. So, I did what any reasonable person would do—I gave it back. She, once again, pushed it right back at me with extra attitude. I shrugged, picked up my bags, and walked out with $46.64 in my pocket. They Walk Among Us… I walked into Starbucks with a "Buy-One-Get-One-Free" coupon for a Grande Latte. The barista studied it like it was the Declaration of Independence, then turned to a chalkboard that read "Buy One, Get One Free." Her eyes lit up. "Oh! So that means… they’re both free!" She happily handed me two free lattes. I didn't argue. I just walked out, sipping my victory. They Walk Among Us… One day, I was strolling along the beach with some friends when one of them gasped dramatically, pointed ahead, and yelled: "Look! A dead bird!" Another friend immediately looked up at the sky and asked, "Where?" I just… I had no words. They Walk Among Us… My brother was house hunting and asked the real estate agent which direction was north. He explained that he didn’t want the sun waking him up every morning. The agent furrowed her brow. "Wait… does the sun rise in the north?" My brother, thinking she was joking, laughed. She was not joking. He gently explained that the sun rises in the east… and, you know, has been doing that for quite a while now. She shook her head and said, "Oh, I don’t keep up with all that stuff." I... I had to walk away. They Walk Among Us… Back when I worked in a 24/7 call center, a guy called and asked: "What hours are you open?" Me: "Sir, we’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." Him: "Okay, but is that Eastern or Pacific time?" I stared at my screen for a solid 10 seconds before replying: "Uh… Pacific." He thanked me and hung up, probably feeling proud of himself. They Walk Among Us… My sister has one of those emergency seat belt cutters in her car—designed to save her life if she ever gets trapped. She keeps it in the trunk. They Walk Among Us… My friends and I went to buy beer for a party. The store had a 10% discount on cases. Since we were professionals, we grabbed two cases. The cashier did some quick mental math. "Oh, two cases? That’s 10% + 10%… so you get 20% off!" We all nodded and quietly accepted our new financial advisor. They Walk Among Us… At the airport, I couldn’t find my luggage, so I went to the lost baggage counter. Me: "My bags never showed up." The lady smiled reassuringly. "Don’t worry, sir! I’m a trained professional. Now… has your plane landed yet?" I blinked. Me: "Nope, we’re still circling the airport. The pilot told us we’re third in line to land." Her: "Oh! Okay, well, come back after you land." …Sure thing, genius. They Walk Among Us… While working at a pizza place, I watched a man order a small pizza to-go. Cook: "Would you like that cut into four or six slices?" The man thought long and hard before replying: "Better make it four. I don’t think I’m hungry enough to eat six." Bless their hearts. They Walk Among Us…
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    back to the basics, back to teh deck...
  18. 2 points
    ... and a major intrusion into Tovarishch Tupolev's territory. I bet he would not be too happy with that, just as he was not with the Sukhoi T-4 An attempt at an upgraded IAF Kfir TC7...
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    Dear All, Today we proudly announce the release of a new, re-edited and upgraded version of the Yankee Air Pirate project known as: "YAP RW Phase One - Enhanced Edition (2025)". We have spent more than a year and a half doing our best to correct all the issues, errors and mistakes contained in the original release. This includes removing assets used without proper permission or those that came from unauthorized sources. We apologize for the past. We were unaware of many of these aspects and concerns, and therefore we did not respect other's work as we should have done. First, we would like to thank those who contributed to the project and gave us help, support, ideas or made their assets available. We all know that without the brilliant creations of this site, YAP RW could not even exist. So for that, I extend my sincere thanks to CombatACE for being such a great source of top quality works and talented modders. For this release, we have paid special attention to the Credit List, doing our best to cite authors and ensure proper credit has been given. We realize that with all the complexities and edits that have been done, it’s very possible we may have forgotten to include credits for certain works or there may be inaccuracies with our source citations. If that is the case, please let us know and we will immediately correct it. That being said, people should fully respect that all of the models/assets in our project cannot be used anywhere else without our direct permission, they remain exclusive to this project like John would have wanted but also allows us to better manage artist permissions so we hopefully don’t have any future concerns. Please keep in mind that the YAP RW project is made by fans for fans. None of us were part of the original development team, and we never made a single cent out of the old payware products (plus we have no control over the old homepage and purchase options). We do not have debts with anybody for the old assets bought by John Shelton during the YAP1/2/3 Era and are only looking forward at this point. We legally bought all the 10 asset packs, installed them while still running WOV and then decided to challenge ourselves by trying a conversion to the SF2 engine. We knew we were going to lose many unique features including aerial refueling, low clouds, carrier catapult positioning and more. But we thought it was still worth the effort. We worked a lot before releasing this version, but we know it is not perfect. We tried to correct all the errors, but there are bound to be mistakes and oversights and for now we feel satisfied with the current state. If anyone has suggestions to make it better, well we are open to proposed fixes and improve what we can. We have a group on Facebook, and because it is already well established we plan to continue to use this as a primary collaboration forum. It's a private group, since we had to defend ourselves from hackers and so on, but the group is free and open to anyone who wants to join in. You are all welcome, just show us you want to support and appreciate the project and there will be no issues. Of course, we do not like denigrators, haters, detractors, generic trouble makers just like they are not welcomed here. That's all. The new YAP RW version is free and is available for download on our new, independent homepage: www.yap-revamp-works.com, along with all the other chapters we revamped so far. This version there are 102 missions (92 combat plus 10 training), all revamped in chronological order and in logical sequence: we decided to go back to the original idea of reconstructing the Vietnam Air War per year and therefore will cover the early period from 1954 to 1966. We will be honored to hear your comments, suggestions or any screenshots or videos you might make. And maybe you would be willing to contribute even more to the project. Thank you for your collaboration and have a nice day in the skies. The YAP RW Team Website and download pages: https://www.yap-revamp-works.com/
  21. 1 point
    i want to thank the team for their hard work and the joy it provides. may i show a minor glitch ? the vietnamese air force did many surpring thinges, but i guess this one was beyond their cabapilities ,-)
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    View File 482nd Tactical Fighter Wing Phantoms 482nd Tactical Fighter Wing Phantoms this mod features skins for the 93rd TFS "Florida Makos" (FM) and the 89th TFS "Rhinos (DO). both squadrons were a part of the Air Force Reserve's 482nd TFW throughout the 1980s. there are skins for the F-4D_78 version, as well as a F-4C_67 skin for the 93rd, the only Reserve unit to operate the C model Phantom. finally, i have added ravenclaws excellent new pit mod and updated the skins and inis to accomodate it. Included F-4C_67 SEA skin for the 93rd TFS F-4D_78 Skins for both squadrons representing each of the major camo schemes new pit for F-4D_78 and accompanying ini edits J79 exhaust effects for smokier flights Required original stock SF2 Europe for F-4D_78 aircraft Credits Thirdwire original F-4D_78 model, F-4C_67 aircraft ravenclaw_007 new F-4D_78 pit and data ini edits daddyairplanes research, new skins and decals cSomers611, nightshadeP/R test team templates for skins a mix of Sundowner, ravenclaw_007, yakarov79 and daddyairplane layers Instructions unzip, unload contents of "2 Mod folder" into mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites if needed i hope you enjoy this mod as much as i enjoyed creating it Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 16 February 2025 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 03/14/2025 Category F-4  
  25. 1 point
    Thank you all for the posts and replies. Sorry for the bugs, looks like there always is something to fix. Once we have gathered a number of issues and fixed them we will release an updated version. The "white information text" on the screen is the DEBUG we use while working and editing the game. We forgot to switch it off, sorry. But you can easily make it disappear by pressing the NumPad "." key (also CANC/DEL) in the right side of the keyboard. That will cycle 4 modes (ON/OFF/partial/no pop-ups). Otherwise, you can also edit the HUDData file inside the FLIGHR folder. See the picture below. As for the exploding planes and CTDs, YAP RW (as the original YAP3 was) is not designed to play random missions, but only to be played within the inluded, manually edited missions. As far as we know, those issues happen because if you try to generate a random misson, the game engine looks for objects which are not included in the package and then crashes. Exploding planes are also caused by the game, which puts an aircraft over another on the runway, making them crash before starting. If the mission starts in the middle of the jungle or just nowhere, is because in YAP there are many more "airfields" than in the stock game, but some of them are fake. They are in fact cities and this trick was made to make them light up at night and enhance the night experience. As you can see, there are a few restrictions, caused by the fact that the 1st and the 2nd Gen of the game are not fully compatible, but if you just play the 102 included missions you'll be fine. Tha's why we also obscured the "Campaign" button, which also caused the game to crash. Thanks.
  26. 1 point
    View File F-4Ds of the 474th TFW and 465th TFS F-4Ds of the 474th TFW and 507th TFG REDUX this mod revisits one of the oldest Phantom skinpacks in the Combatace archives. but it now features historic serials, more details and kill marks, nose door art and leader birds as applicable Included Skins for the 428th, 429th, 430th TFSs as they were in 1979 (SEA with subdued markings) Skins for the 465th TFS representing each of the major camo schemes J79 exhaust effects for smokier flights Required original stock SF2 Europe for F-4D_78 aircraft Credits Thirdwire original F-4D_78 model ravenclaw_007 new F-4D_78 pit and data ini edits daddyairplanes research, new skins and decals templates for skins a mix of Sundowner, ravenclaw_007, yakarov79 and daddyairplane layers Instructions unzip, unload contents of "2 Mod folder" into mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites if needed i hope you enjoy this mod as much as i enjoyed creating it Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 16 February 2025 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 03/13/2025 Category F-4  
  27. 1 point
    It think it's better now.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Yak-35, the soviet answer to the B-58 Hustler
  30. 1 point
    I know naught about old troubles so I can only say I'm excited to play 100 missions in the Vietnam theatre! Cheers guys!
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    My opinion: as someone who was to join the project, way back when, and declined ... I think these new guys are starting to get it right. Good on you all!!
  33. 1 point
    Wow, what good timing to see this as I’ve been out of action for a few months, but felt it important to respond to this. The original YAP project has a complicated history, and as someone who has been around since the very beginning, I’ve seen firsthand the issues that arose. Assets stolen directly from CombatAce modders and others, used without permission from nearly every category including terrains, aircraft, ground objects, effects and so on. In addition, it included numerous model rips from commercial games, “Russian” hosting sites, and so on. You also had many incidents where YAP artists/contributors were not being fairly paid, their intellectual property being abused and so on. Then monetization of the project leveraging existing freeware and stolen assets greatly complicated things. It was frustrating to say the least and obviously at that time caused a community divide. But time marches on. With John’s passing, a new leader took over and I’m going to be the first to acknowledge the march towards improvement. He has taken significant strides to address these piracy and theft concerns, and build something more respectful and ethical. Many mistakes have been corrected and problematic assets removed when possible. It’s not perfect, there is still cleanup needed and questionable models still exist. But let’s be completely honest here, shall we? Even sometimes renowned projects and assets here face the same challenges with “interesting model acquisitions.” So I bring that up in transparency, since it wouldn’t be fair to single out YAP-RW for that. While there’s still room for improvement—some of their modeling team certainly do better in maintaining higher ethical standards -- at least the leadership has demonstrated a clear willingness to course-correct and take greater care. I also appreciate the new protective clause they’ve added: "All models/assets in our project cannot be used anywhere else without our direct permission. They remain exclusive to this project as John would have wanted, allowing us to better manage artist permissions and prevent future concerns." This statement not only honors the project’s legacy but also helps establish better boundaries to protect the artists and their work. While the journey isn’t perfect, the team’s effort to rebuild YAP-RW with integrity deserves recognition. A hearty congratulations, the amount of effort put forth is amazing, especially the care given to the missions. Count me in. They’re on the right path, and I hope they continue to refine their practices and earn the broader trust and support of this community. Swambast
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    I love this shit ... people that have been signed in here for years (poster above this as an example -since 2015), just now making their first post to whine. AND simply not getting it. Doing as some of you wish "by merit", goes right back to the multiple fake users we've been fighting for the last 20 years. Believe me, I get it. I'm on a fixed income, with almost nothing left at the end of each month. So spending coin I don't have can be an issue. (and yet, I still find something to give here to CA). So, this is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.
  37. 1 point
    First: It's not my site. I just contributed to this site, like many other people here. Those people do not appear out of nowhere with their first message being a complaint how bad CA is and they cannot support because of... Secondly: Yeah, maybe some sort of banner would help. On the other side, have a look at the forums. There are a lot of very similar postings - my downloads don't work, my downloadspeed is at 1kb, why no more free downloads, whatever... It's rather obvious, that many of those people simply do not read...or think, they are special and if they start a new posting, the importance of their complaint rises to unexpected heights. At the same time most of them never did something here on CA. There are millions of excuses, why people can not contribute, but in the end one problem still exists (and has to be addressed - NOW): The server (CombatAce), while it is running...COSTS MONEY, that ERIK has to pay. Like it or not! I understand, that there are problems in the world, that make financial support difficult and/or impossible. You will have to live with that in the end. It is as simple as that. In all honesty: Do you really expect, that one guy, that took most of the costs for YEARS now for YOU guys to download stuff for FREE that the CA-people made FOR FREE, do it until the end of time, because you cannot pay, you will not pay, your taxes are to high, you have no money, the weather isn't right and whatnot...? And one last thing: Your last sentence is the same whining I read many times now. Yes, it's your favourite game, yes, mods are not available anymore and yes, you cannot play the game or are deinstalling the game because of it. May I ask, what do you expect us to do now? I played many online games in the past and I invested much time in it and also some money here and there. If the companies that run those gameservers decide to shut the servers down, it is how it is. You can to NOTHING. Your stuff is GONE. At CombatAce you still have the choice to help out and contribute in one form or the other....by subsciption, by knowledge, by mods. Most of the complainers do nothing of it.
  38. 1 point
    The following is MY opinion ONLY, and does NOT represent the owners of Combat Ace too many whiney cunts around all of a sudden -- freeloaders all. "Oh no, I can't download for free anymore! I can't create multiple false logins to break the limit of the downloads." Not one of you all have done ANYTHING for this site, but take take take. (exception, OldWilley DID assist with some translations for Russian cockpits). How many of you monkeys have actually have even posted on the Forums? How many have even bothered to say 'thank you' or 'good work' or even "there's an error here, what can be done to fix it?" You piss and moan like little bitches that had their favorite sweets taken away. There are those of us that have contributed to this sire, both monetary and add-ons for various games (not the the SF series, that is the center of the contrevorsy) since the early 2000s. You pay for fuel for you vehicles, insurance, rent, food, clothes, and maybe even "luxury" items -- smokes, resturant dining. So, fine. You can't (or won't) send a few coins to support the site. Ok, then, no problem. You've all always been free to stay or leave -- it's a (semi) free world. Choose to go? Bye! Have a nice life. Choose to stay? Start thinking about what you can to do help support CA. As to this statement: I don't the idea, but again, just my opinion. We can't stop it, of course. It's the uploader's choice. I'd suggest putting the link elsewhere, rather than in the announcement thread.
  39. 1 point



    Part three of the "Black Sea Crisis" mod for SF2NA.
  40. 0 points
    Thanks for the information! I did that changes and now the debug data is finally gone. Thanks. Another issue I have when binding the keys is the following: The action description on the left does not correspond to the key on the right, but it does with right and one below. This picture will explain it better. Every action has its key on the right and one below. I only marked one as an example. Well, now I know this and I can setup my controls but it is a bit confusing. Anybody else has this strange issue?


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