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Strike Fighters 2 Series by Thirdwire

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All SF2 Series Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Creek Klaxon '86: Air National Guard Deployment to Ramstein AB 1986

                                    Creek Klaxon '86: Air National Guard Deployment to Ramstein AB 1986
           This mod is a simple skin and decal set to represent Creek Klazon; an ANG deployment from April 1986 through March 1987 while the resident 86th Tactical Fighter Wing was transitioning from the F-4E to the F-16C Block 25. Crews from many ANG squadrons rotated out over the course of the year, while three units sent three aircraft each to support the Zulu Alert interception mission. These airframes came from California's 194th FIS, Minnesota's 179th FIS and North Dakota's 178th FIS, all with air defense missions in the United States and all donating F-4D aircraft in the colorful Air Defense Gray paint scheme.
      Also included in this mod is terrain mods to allow pairs take offs at Ramsein AB, and a mod to plug into NATO Fighters 5 so that you can fly the 1986 campaign with this unit (they were historically there during the timeframe)
      skins and decals for the stock F-4D
      new load and hangar screens for same
      terrain mods to allow pairs take offs at Ramstein AB (Rends terrain and stock GermanyCE)
      campaign and terrain mods to add a Creek Klaxon campaign in NF5
      SF2 Europe for use of terrain or NF5 mods and F-4D_78 aircraft
      Basic aircraft: add contents of "2 mod folder" to your preferred instal. allow overwrites
      Pair take off: add contents of "add to stock GermanyCE terrain" to your preferred instal's terrain folder. similar if you are using Rends Germany terrain. allow overwrites
      NF5: add contents of "2 mod folder" and "add to NF5 instal" to your NF5 instal. allow overwrites

      Thirdwire                                                       original F-4D_78 aircraft
      cSomers611                                                 hangar screen, much research assistance
      cSomers611, nightshadeP/R, Stratos      test team
      daddyairplanes                                            skin and tga work, basic research into topic(that lead to desire to do it

      I hope you enjoy flying this mod as much as i did creating it
      Kevin unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      31 Dec 2024

      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (1 review)



    2. F3H Demon Cockpit visual tweak

      This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits.
      I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development).
      What's inside:
      1. Improved central panel texture
      2. Improved radar texture
      1. Make a backup of your files
      2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format)
      3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and
      avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup)
      Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon
      ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack
      F3H here:


         (0 reviews)



    3. EF2000 Typhoon Add-on

      EF2000 Typhoon Add-on
      February 13th, 2025 (1st Release)
      by GKABS, Bongodriver, ace888, compufat and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a complete add-on of the EF2000 Typhoon aircraft, featuring all of its Real World operators. The original model by Bongodriver has been overhauled by GKABS with additional details, including a proper PIRATE System built into the aircraft's 3d model.
      The package currently includes the following operators and relative skins produced by ace888, GKABS and compufat, with tweaks by yours truly where needed for quality consistency:
      -Royal Air Force, 15 skins
      -German Air Force, 14 skins
      -Italian Air Force, 9 skins
      -Spanish Air Force, 5 skins
      -Austrian Air Force, 2 skins
      -Royal Saudi Air Force, 2 skins
      -Kuwait Air Force, 2 skins
      -Qatar Emiri Air Force, 1 skin
      -Royal Air Force of Oman, 1 skin
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts for all operators throughout the years, my own selection of sounds, new cockpit and HUD textures and other smaller tweaks here and there. The incredibly detailed weapons included in the package are the courtesy of ravenclaw_07.

      -The aircraft folder is named "EF2000". In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename any pre-existing "EF2000" folder you might have.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver, for skins and decals for Kuwait and Qatar and for his reworked templates.
      -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods.
      -ace888, for reworking the original add-on by Bongodriver with several new skins and decals for all operators of the time.
      -compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries.
      -Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.


         (5 reviews)



    4. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

      I know this has been a long way, but finally, we are releasing the first variant for the swing wing Su-17 series.
      The Su-17 (Sans Suffix) is the first production swing wing series coming from the fixed wing Su-7 series, which has been in service since 1959. the plane still shared some common parts with the 7, like the tail (same as the Su-7BKL series) and fuselage fuel pipes, to mention some external ones.
      The same store payload (more or less) was hanging from 6 external hardpoints, all for unguided munitions, the only real advantage with the Su-7 series is the swing wings that shortened the takeoff and landing runs.
      Unless its predecessor this specific variant was not widely exported, only Egypt was provided with a few examples (named Su-17K).
      CombatACE team who deserve credits on the project is mentioned below, please if someone is missing (Hey, this has more than 10 years in the making) is listed below:
      For the 3D aspects: 
      Martin K. A.K.A. 76.IAP-Blackbird.
      Laszlo B. A.K.A. Logan4.
      Enoc M. A.K.A. FLOGGER23.
      The FM:
      Armament Department:
      I want to thank the advice to the following guys:
      Snailman for the references
      Soulfreak for the stencil pics
      Stary for general skinning tips
      General installation tips.
      As this is a first release and the plane was operated by the Soviet Air Force, I recommend using it in the European/Asian-Ish terrains for realism.
      All squadrons and decals have been verified as historical, but errors may have been made, be nice to us (me)
      All of the mod folders have been arranged for you to drop them in the main game folder of your preference.
      Some weapons have been made from scratch, please review what you have and what you need.
      Some effects have been made, also, please back up what you have.
      Su-17K as mentioned above, will be released as separated for SF2:I
      Thanks to all who stayed this long with us to (hopefully) enjoy this release, we will work on the next variant as time allows, as they are in the final stages of release.
      Safe flights everyone!


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    5. F-4D Cockpit Pack

      F-4D Cockpit Pack 
      includet in this pack are
      F-4D cockpit F-4D_67 cockpit F-4D_71 cockpit ( full aircraft folder ) F-4D_75 cockpit F-4D_78 cockpit weapons pack  nuclear effects for B61 and Walley Mk6 ( only in case you dont have this files ) if you have the BETA cockpits for testing than PLEASE delete them before you install the new ones , to install just drop the files in to the respective aircraft folder
      i corrected the existing position lights and added the missing position lights as well as the landing lights , i also addet the cockpit open/close function and the functioning arresting hook , the top fuselage position light ( behind the cockpit ) is more or less on the right position ( i did not change this position ) but the texture for it on the skin is on the wrong position , maybe somebody can come up with some new and corrected skins for this F-4D aircraft
      NOTE:  the files includet in the Effects folder are only in case you dont have them , if you have this files than there is no need to install them again , the files are neede to have the nuclear effects for the B61 bombs and the Walley Mk6
      NOTE: Before installing the new weapons i strongly recomend to delet or remove the existing ones with the same name as the new ones ( i know that this is time consuming but this way you make sure that this weapons work as they should )
      i made a lot of test with the cockpits and the changed data.ini´s and loadout.ini´s if there are still problems please let me know 
      have fun , ravenclaw_007


         (6 reviews)



    6. Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition

      Welcome To Duty
      Built with the extraordinary expertise and dedication of modders from CombatACE.com, Operation Desert Storm – 30th Anniversary Edition promises to be the most complete total conversion ever made for Strike Fighters 2 by ThirdWire.
      Fly with more than 50 aircraft ranging from Cold War relics to the most advanced platforms. Gain air superiority in the mighty F-15C Eagle or challenge the Coalition with the agile Fulcrum. Support troops with the A-10A Thunderbolt II, bomb strategic targets with the stealthy F-117A Nighthawk, lead airfield denial operations in the iconic Tornado.
      Enjoy a beautifully rendered scenario on a scaled and accurate terrain. Fly over the lakes and rivers of Mesopotamia, the oil-rich fields of Kuwait, the mountains of Iran and Turkey. Take-off from aircraft carriers stationed in the Persian Gulf to watch over Kuwaiti oil rigs. Perform landings and patrols in more than 90 airports and air bases in the Middle East.
      Take part in different campaigns including the Iraqi blitzkrieg on Kuwait and the US-led liberation of the Kuwaiti Emirate. Discover how the Iraqi Army was one of the biggest in the world, through the eyes of American, British, Canadian, French, Italian and Arab pilots. Test your skills and abilities flying for the Iraqi Air Force during all stages of the conflict.
      Thirty years after, Operation Desert Storm still remains the largest air operation of modern warfare to date. Modders and flight sim enthusiasts at CombatACE teamed up to bring you a unique product in the lite flight sim world. Exquisitely detailed aircraft and paint schemes are delivered in a well-researched and thorough order of battle.
      The ODS 30th AE Development team would like to thank CombatACE.com, its admins, moderators and contributors.
      We are sure you will enjoy and appreciate this high-quality freeware product. From the aviation enthusiasts, to the aviation enthusiasts... and for the pilots of tomorrow.
      Minimum Requirements
      Required products from ThirdWire:
      Strike Fighters 2, July 2013 patch Strike Fighters 2: Israel, July 2013 patch Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic, July 2013 patch Full support for:
      Mission Editor DLC Campaign Customizer DLC System specs:
      OS: Windows 7 x86 Processor: Dual Core 2.7 GHz Memory: 4.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 17.0 GB Free Space Video Card: 1024 MB DirectX 10  
      Sneak Peek
      CombatACE.com shall at all times retain ownership of the Software as originally downloaded by you and all subsequent downloads of the Software by you. The Software (and the copyright, and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature in the Software, including any modifications made thereto) are and shall remain the property of CombatACE.com and of the respective developers/modders.
      In no event, unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, shall CombatACE.com, or any person be liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any type or nature arising out of the use of, or inability to use this installer or program, including, but not limited to, claims, suits or causes of action involving alleged infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or unfair competition.
      The Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition modification does NOT comply with CombatACE's Freeware Licensing. Various contents of this modification are exclusive, as such you are NOT allowed to share, redistribute and/or make use of the mod and/or its contents for other purposes, without the consent of the mod's developers. Contents of the modification are the copyright of their respective authors.
      Notes about the installer
      Beware, the mod is available only in the ISO format. You can either mount it on a virtual drive, burn it on a DVD like in the good old days, or unzip it with 7-Zip or equivalent software.
      The installer will automatically detect your installation of the required Strike Fighters 2 games by reading through the registry keys. Game folders that are copied from or manually moved from where they were originally installed are not supported. You need all three aforementioned Strike Fighters 2 games and they must be installed with ThirdWire's original installers, not manually copied from other sources nor moved elsewhere after installation to other folders or drives. If you do not meet any of these requirements, installation cannot proceed and you are on your own. If you install all required games properly, the installation of the mod will proceed correctly as intended. The installer then lets you choose where to install the mod folder; you can even install the mod on a different drive or partition than the one where Strike Fighters 2 is installed. No further user input nor manual edits after installation are ever required; the installer takes care of creating all proper links to your desired path for the mod folder. After installation is over, simply run the mod by using the created Desktop and/or Start Menu links.
      If you have a previous version of the mod installed, please use the uninstaller to remove it completely. Clean installation is mandatory. You might want to make a backup of the Controls folder, so that you can easily restore your controller settings afterwards.
      Suggestions on common issues
      Make sure that you are using your dedicated GPU. By default, Strike Fighters 2 usually selects the integrated GPU you may have on your CPU, which is much weaker in terms of VRAM. In case you have frequent crashes or black/missing textures, I highly suggest you download and install the DXVK graphics wrapper (x86 DLLs) into your Strike Fighters 2 game folder: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk. You need a Vulkan-compatible GPU. The wrapper can greatly improve the experience with the mod. With DXVK I can play the mod on a mere Intel UHD 710, whereas without it the mod would always crash to desktop. Go to Sound and set Sound Channels to 32. We got reports that 16 is not enough and will cause crashes on some systems, due to the higher quality sounds included within the mod. The mod is pretty heavy for the game engine despite huge optimizations. Strike Fighters 2's engine is 32bit only and apparently does not manage VRAM properly; consecutive campaign missions might show black/missing textures on objects or cause crashes to desktop because the game does not release the occupied VRAM from the previous mission you played, thus the more missions are loaded consecutively, the more easily you may run out of memory. Set Ground Objects to Medium or Low, Horizon Distance to Near, and Shadows to Medium or Low. These are the most troubling settings. Avoid Unlimited settings as much as possible. If the mod used to work and suddenly crashes to desktop, updating or reinstalling video drivers should help. Make sure that DirectX June 2010 Redistributables are also installed, they are included inside the ISO disk image of the mod. Inside the mod folder, you'll find some extra text files. "(Coalition Order of Battle)" should be of your interest; the mod's terrain covers the entirety of Iraq, at the cost of not having all of Saudi Arabia; this means that a number of important units are based on airbases that are beyond the in-game playable area. With those units you always spawn near the target area, you'll never get to start from a runway nor to land on the assigned runway beyond the invisible wall. You have an entire list of the affected units in the aforementioned text file. By pressing ALT+N, the plane returns to base automatically. The mod is fully compatible with the Campaign Customizer and Mission Editor DLCs by ThirdWire. The Campaign Customizer might be an alternative way to experience those off map units I mentioned previously, since it assigns you to a random airbase of the in-game flyable area. Escort missions are often broken, this is not an issue of the mod, but a bug of the stock game; sometimes the AI flight you escort does not engage its target and keeps flying in a straight line instead of following waypoints, thus the trigger for mission success will never happen. Abandon the mission or retry it if the issue happens, sometimes it works. Pray for ThirdWire AKA Tsuyoshi Kawahito to work on a 64bit version of Strike Fighters 2, maybe even with support for DirectX 12. With that done, any out of memory issues should become an old memory.


         (16 reviews)



    7. EF2000 Typhoon Skin Pack

      EF2000 Typhoon Skin Pack
      February 13th, 2025 (1st Release)
      by Menrva and compufat

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality EF2000 Typhoon aircraft add-on. Skins are based on ideas and depictions from other sources. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -NATO Euro Consortium (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks)
      -NATO Euro Consortium, Alt. (inspired by Digital Image Design's EF2000 game and relative artworks)
      -USAF Livery (as depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 v2.0)
      -RSAF Camouflage (inspired by some pictures and model kits available online)
      As a bonus, the package includes weapons depicted in Digital Image Design's EF2000 game such as the Sea Eagle, the BLU-107/B Durandal and the BL-755, as well as the prototype S225XR LRAAM (a reskinned Meteor, whose 3d model is the work of ravenclaw_07, featuring its own stats).

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver.
      -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods.
      -compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries.
      -Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (0 reviews)



    8. F-22A Raptor Skin Pack

      F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality F-22A Raptor aircraft add-on. Most skins are based on ideas and depictions from other videogames. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
      -Sea Raptor Livery (inspired by the F-22N Sea Raptor concept)
      -Saudi Grey Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Egyptian Woodland Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -USAF Pac West Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Desert Lightning Camouflage (as depicted in NovaLogic's F-22 Lightning 3)
      -Phoenix Livery (from Namco Hometek's Air Combat, as depicted in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Phoenix Livery, Dark (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Scarface One Livery (as depicted in Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2)
      -Z.O.E., Red Livery (from Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Mobius One, ISAF Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Abell, Black Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Razgriz Livery (from Project Aces' Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Pegas, 3-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Indigo Wing Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Gryphus One Livery (from Access Games' Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Warwolf Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat: Assault Horizon)
      -Mobius One, IUN Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Trigger Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -JASDF 2-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    9. F-22A Raptor Add-on

      F-22A Raptor Add-on
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage.
      Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on.
      A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all.
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first.
      Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012.
      Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies.
      -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release.
      -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model.
      -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.-Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.
      -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it.
      -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude.
      -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks.
      -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod and for reproducing the experimental chrome coating skin seen on Raptor 04-4065.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds.
      -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models.
      -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
      Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (6 reviews)



    10. F-19 Stealth Fighter

      F-19 Stealth Fighter
      September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
      by Julhelm, Dels and Menrva
      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a rework of Julhelm's fantastic F-19 stealth fighter 3d model, now featuring a centre strut canopy structure (thanks to a cheap trick of repainting the bubble canopy glass) and a new cockpit, a purposely modified F-117A cockpit by Dels.
      Among the improvements, it now features proper hit boxes and collision points, proper location for position lights and landing gear lights, reworked skins, aircraft characteristics and loadouts meant to resemble the ones of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game.
      It still features two internal weapon bays (unlike Microprose's exaggerated four bays), but with properly reworked limits; you can have 4x Sidewinders or 3x AMRAAMs per bay, 2x bombs or AGMs depending on their overall weight and size. A 20mm cannon is on the nose with 680 rounds, and an extra 1,900 lbs fuel cell has been added for a total of 11,800 lbs of fuel; non-afterburning engines are used for stealth reasons. An (invisible) arrester hook has been added as well, since Microprose's version could also operate from aircraft carriers.
      Skins feature the 83-019 serial number and an F letter on the vertical tails; these two details come from a picture of a menu screen in one of the releases of Microprose's F-19 Stealth Fighter game, where you could choose between an F-19 or an F-117A. More serial numbers couldn't be featured as the 3d model of the aircraft does not support decals without decal bleeding issues. Just imagine piloting the only example of F-19 in very black operations!
      Three new skins were created: a Prototype Black skin created from the specular texture Julhelm had made, and Desert and Arctic camo skins made by modifying the USAF Euro camo skin created by kblomkvist.
      NOTE: Strike Fighters 2 has no proper IRST functionality, so for the purpose of launching AMRAAMs a very basic ACM radar mode has been added to the avionics file of the aircraft. Moreover, the default cockpit features an obtrusive front strut which makes the cannon difficult to use. You can activate an alternative cockpit LOD in the relative INI file.
      >What-if Backstory
      During the development of the Have Blue demonstrators, Lockheed's Skunk Works division also conceived a third experimental stealth aircraft featuring an entirely different shape, rounded fuselage and wings, and meant to have air combat capabilities. The CIA got wind of it, classifying it at the highest possible level and using it as a cover-up story for the stealth aircraft that came to be the F-117A Nighthawk. In 1986, the Testor Corporation released a plastic model aircraft kit, calling it the "F-19 Stealth Fighter". Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1987-88 book listed an RF-19 as a Lockheed development project. The conceptual drawings of it were generally similar to Testor's design. In 1988 a combat flight simulator game, F-19 Stealth Fighter by Microprose, was released just moments before the public unveiling of the F-117A Nighthawk attack aircraft, which is said to be what it sought to represent. The reality is that a single F-19 existed and, during secret flights over Groom Lake, this experimental aircraft showed unique strength and was deemed a super-aircraft. Due to its funding and maintenance costs, the project was officially abandoned in 1983. Unofficially, this single example of F-19 took part in black operations all over the world until 1997. It is named F-19A Nightowl, internally nicknamed "Flying Frisbee" for its rounded shape and also referred to as "Ghostrider" for allegedly being affiliated with the 416th TFS Ghost Riders flying the F-117A Nighthawk.
      "The view would have been frightening to most men, there were solid clouds overhead at 4000 feet. He flew through the showers, he more heard than saw on this black night and the dark outlines of the trees appeared to reach up and snatch at his speeding fighter. Only a madman would be so low on such a night. 'So much the better' he smiled in his oxygen mask" - Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Julhelm, for creating this well-made 3d model of the F-19.
      -Dels, for his kindness in reworking the F-117 cockpit following my request.
      -kblomkvist, for his USAF Euro camo inspired by Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising book.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for his improved sound files.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod.
      -Crusader, for the more realistic weapons data for AIM missiles.
      -TaktischesGenie, for his suggestions and chats we've had about the F-19 concept.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    11. NovaLogic Skin Pack

      NovaLogic Skin Pack
      September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package includes high quality skins representing the player's aircraft from three lite flight simulators released by NovaLogic, namely F-22 Raptor in 1997, F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum both released in 1998. Below, a summary of the details of each skins:
      -NL_357CW, for the F-22A Raptor aircraft I released. This skin represents the fictive Raptor Squadron of the 58th TFS, 357th CW (Composite Wing), which took part in military operations in Angola, Jordan, Russia, Colombia and Iran. Serial numbers are realistic, the first being 001 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_16AESOG, for the F-16C Block 42 aircraft released by The Viper Team. It depicts the fictive Viper Squadron of the 32nd TFS, 16th AESOG (Air Expeditionary Special Operations Group), which took part in military operations in Serbia, Liberia, Congo, Burma and Somalia. I made the skin for the Block 42, since it's closer to the one that NovaLogic modelled. Serial numbers are semi-realistic, the first being 112 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_11EW, for the MiG-29S Fulcrum-C aircraft released by The Mirage Factory. It depicts the fictive 300 Squadron of the 7th Red Banner Guards Regiment, 11th Expeditionary Wing, which took part in military operations in the Kurile Islands, Uganda, Somalia, Burma and Tajikistan. Serial numbers are generic, the aircraft does not have any in NovaLogic's game.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -The Viper Team, for its detailed F-16 3d models and relative templates.
      -The Mirage Factory, for its good old MiG-29 3d model.
      -Sundowner, for the MiG-29 templates he made available.
      -yakarov79, for his reworked F-22 3d model and relative templates.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


         (1 review)



    12. Northrop F-5E/N "Aggressor" double pack (*DAT*)

      F-5E - The F-5 was also adopted as an opposing forces (OPFOR) "aggressor"
                 for dissimilar training role because of its small size and performance
                  similarities to the Soviet MiG-21.
                  The F-5E served with the US Air Force from 1975 until 1990, in the 64th
                  Aggressor Squadron and 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base
                  in Nevada, and with the 527th Aggressor Squadron at RAF Alconbury in
                  the UK and the 26th Aggressor Squadron at Clark Air Force Base in the
      F-5N - Ex-Swiss Air Force F-5Es used by the US Navy as an "aggressor"
                  aircraft, with AN/APG-69 replacing the original AN/APQ-159.
                  Intended to replace high-time USN/USMC F-5Es in the adversary
                  role, and saw service through 2015.
      WHAT'S IN:
      F-5E USAF 65th Aggressor Squadron (4 skins and decals)
      F-5N USN VFC-111 "Sun Downers"  (4 skins and decals)
      - A-TEAM/Capun: model
      - Pappychecksix: Blank Skins
      - paulopanz: decals, screens etc.
      - (*) you need F-5E-R0c.LOD file from A-TEAM model fix forum (this is the debugged lod)
      - put it inside F-5 AGG and F-5N folder
      - canopy open 10 key
      - as I hate textures with serials painted on, I have to thank very much the great Pete, who made these great blank skins I could use to add historical serial numbers and codes. Let's make more aggressor squadrons skins Pappy! Hurry on.
      Paolo & Pete



         (1 review)



    13. Mirage F1CE(M)

      Mirage F1CE(M)
      The F1M upgrade was applied to 48 Spanish F1CE/EE. The prototype F1M flew in April 1998, and CASA delivered the remainder between March 1999 and 15 March 2001. The project included a revised cockpit with colour LCDs and a Smart HUD from Sextant Avionique, a Sextant inertial navigation system with GPS interface; NATO-compatible Have Quick 2 secure communications; Mode 4 digital IFF; a defensive aids suite; and flight recorders. The radar was upgraded to Cyrano IVM standard, adding sea search and air to ground ranging modes.
      F1CE(M) Specifics:
      Same as F1CE_late plus:
      Major Cockpit redesign: new HUD     Left MFD for radar display, weapon and other configuration pages UFCP Up Front Control Panel AN/ALR-300 RWR miscellaneous others re-layouts and additions GPS antenna for improved Inertial Navigation System double wingtips lights IFF antenna 2 additional SideWinders on P2 outerwings stations. This was most likely experimental and operational use is not confirmed. Added for SF2 fun and gameplay ! Covered units :
      Ala 14.
      This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
      The Mirage F-1 Team.


         (0 reviews)



    14. 184th TFG ADC Scheme

      The 184th TFG operated F-4D's from 1979 till 1990 and was the F-4 Schoolhouse, operating 70 F-4D's in various paint schemes.
      This includes 2 variations of the Air Defense Command paint scheme as operated by the 184th Tactical Fighter Group, Kansas Air National Guard during the late 1970's and 1980's.
      The following F-4D's of the 184th TFG are depicted in these 2 variations.
      ADC Scheme w/Black Radome:
      65-0614, 65-0638, 65-0714, 65-0749, 66-7461, 66-7668
      ADC Scheme w/Light Grey Radome:


         (0 reviews)



    15. Stridsvagn 103C

      Swedish classic tank Stridsvagn 103C
      Thank you Combatace, for all the years of entertainment you have given to this SF2 community.


         (0 reviews)



    16. SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2: ACP) - Alpha v0.3

      Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha.  Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
      You all are the reasons why this pack exists.  I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
      This requires a lot of research, reading flight manual, and tons of tweaking in avioincs and cockpit ini, along with countless of testing in-flight in SF2.
      The mods is not perfect, we do our best with the mods.  We do it with the joys of our hobbies!
      This pack includes the following features:
      - New gunsight / optical sight
      - New texture for radar scope and another avionic equipment (See note #1)
      - Improved cockpit and radar through cockpit and avionics ini tweaks for semi-realism (See note #2)
      - Templates for gunsight, radar, TV, and other avionics
      - Improves glass texture (If possible)
      - Accessibility - Optional, includes the AAM firing cue on gunsight for people who can not hear the sounds of missile locking on targets.
      - Improved night lights inside cockpits
      - Tweaks to the view angle around cockpit
      NOTE #1: Due to the nature of lighting system inside cockpit in SF2 engine, I had to apply the darkness level on top of texture scope, in order, to prevent them from glowing.  In templates, you will see "darkness" layer for this reason.
      NOTE #2: As mentioned in note #1, due to little resources (Information / data) on early cold war era radar, at least half or most of tweaks are based on an educated guess. For exampe, AN/APG-33 radar that is used with E-1 FCS in F-89B and C, there are some data on it, but no data on elevator nor azimuth angle limitation.  
      ----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
      There are templates for gunsight, radar, RWR, and another type of avionics assets.  It is there so anyone can use it to create their own avionics for any aircraft. You will see the folder:
      Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
      For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
      For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
      512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
      256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
      ----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
      Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
      I am dong overhaul for both historical and 'what if' fictional aircraft.
      For example, in this alpha version, there are avionics overhaul for F-8A to F-8K, along with France F_8s.  It also includes 'what if' JASDF F-8EJ Crusader. 
      ---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
      There are readme inside each aircraft folder, please read the instruction to install the mods.
      ----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
      v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
      v0.02 - Includes avionics overhaul for A-1s, A-4s, F-8s, F-89s, and MiG-15s
      v0.03 - MAJOR updates, 
          > gunsight and radar are now in higher resolution.
          > Tweaked cockpit panning angles
          > Tweaked night lights for night mission
          > New texture to add 'Old CRT' effect to early cold war aircraft's DTV
      ----------------- CURRENT / FUTURE PLANS -----------------
      I am currently workong on F-86s series before moving on the next aircraft.  If you have any feedback or request for aircraft avionic overhaul, please post in CombatAce forum discussion:
      ------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
      I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck.  I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
      Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
      I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
      Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
      To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
      Thank you for enjoying the mods!

      Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon


         (0 reviews)



    17. C-130 Hercules Megapack

      This is my C-130 Hercules Megapack. It includes all the files for the 48 versions of the C-130 Hercules listed below:
      AC-130A ---------------- USAF SEA Camo
      AC-130A_83 ------------- USAF Gunship Grey
      AC-130H ---------------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF Gunship Grey
      AC-130H_93 ------------- USAF Gunship Grey
      AC-130H_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      AC-130J ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      AC-130U ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      AC-130U_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      AC-130W ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      C-130A ----------------- RAAF Silver, USAF Silver
      C-130A (Roman nose) ---- USAF Silver
      C-130B ----------------- USAF SEA Camo
      C-130E ----------------- RAAF Grey/White, USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF SEA Camo
      C-130E(I) -------------- USAF Blackbird Camo Light Grey Underside
      C-130E (SKE) ----------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF SEA Camo
      C-130E (SKE & ASE)------ USAF Grey
      C-130H2 ---------------- RAAF Camo
      C-130H2 (ASE) ---------- RAAF Camo, RAAF Dark Grey
      C-130H3 ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      C-130H-30 -------------- French Camo
      C-130J (ASE) ----------- RAAF Grey, RAAF Dark Grey (fictional)
      C-130J-30 (ASE) -------- RAAF Grey, RAAF Dark Grey
      C-130K ----------------- RAF Camo Light Grey Underside, RAF Camo
      C-130K (ASE) ----------- RAF Camo, RAF Green
      C-130K-30 -------------- RAF Camo Light Grey Underside, RAF Camo
      C-130K-30 (ASE) -------- RAF Camo, RAF Green
      CC-130H (SAR) ---------- RCAF Dark Grey
      DC-130A ---------------- USAF SEA Camo
      DC-130A_USN ------------ USN Grey/White/Yellow
      DC-130E ---------------- USAF SEA Camo
      EC-130H ---------------- USAF Grey
      HC-130P ---------------- USAF SEA Camo
      KC-130F ---------------- USMC Grey
      KC-130H ---------------- Spanish Desert Camo
      KC-130J ---------------- USMC Grey
      KC-130J (Harvest HAWK) - USMC Grey
      KC-130R ---------------- USMC Grey
      KC-130T ---------------- USMC Grey
      L-100-30 --------------- Kuwait Grey/White
      MC-130E ---------------- USAF Blackbird Camo, USAF Euro1 Camo
      MC-130E_92 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130E_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130H ---------------- USAF Euro1 Camo, USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130H_04 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130J ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130P ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130P_12 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130W ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      Please read the readme file (included) for installation instructions and credits.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    18. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

      YOU MAY
      - Have fun with this mod
      - Use it as you see fit once you download it, even modify it as you see fit
      - Create your own textures as you see fit and upload them under your name
      IF you wish to send me any modified core files (I don't need to review skins as that doesn't affect any core files) please PM me the modified files and I will check them out. There is no exception to this policy given my attitude towards staying out of jail. I will check them out and yay or nay the decision, but if I can edit any files in order to not go to jail, I will inform you and that will be it. I understand you may have information of a sensitive nature that you may have access to and frankly it does not belong in any files of this download. If that bothers you then please don't send me sensitive information, I think I've made it clear that I'm not going to jail in order to appease to players.
      Newer skin PSD with Block I ECS (no stacks) now available for skinning needs:
      - Fixed some glaring errors in the INI files.


         (35 reviews)



    19. SF2 Sukhoi Su-7BMK Indian Air Force Pack (3W)

      SF2 Sukhoi Su-7BMK Indian Air Force Pack (3W)      1/8/2025
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
      The pack contains 4 remade skins for the stock 3rd Wire Su-7BMK "Fitter-A" fighter-bomber as used by the Indian Air Force. It also includes Stary's cockpit, modified data, loadout and avionics inis. The aircraft is now Player Flyable (tm) As is to be expected on stock normally AI-only aircraft, a quick restore main ini is also included. It should also be stated, the 'game using' Main Ini, has been rendered "Read-Only", so as not to loose it's Player Flyable (tm) status. The included "make if flyable" parts can be used on any of the other Su-7s in the Game's Hangar. An SF2 version of my "box art" hangar screen is also included. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero).
      The Indian Air Force squadrons represented herein are:
      No. 32 Sqdn "Thunderbirds"(Blu/Tan/Brn-71)
      No. 101 Sqdn "Falcons" (NMF)
      No. 221 Sqdn "Valiants" (Brn/Grn Camo -74)
      No. 222 Sqdn "Tigersharks"(Blu/Grn/Brn <71)
      The SF2 "date switch" is active, and will turn on the various skins on the year indicated above. 101 Sqdn, being NMF is the 'start at the beginning skin'. All markings are decals, with the exception of the national markings on #32 Squadron. All serial numbers (86 - all I could find) are 100% historically correct for this mark Fitter. Decal Randomization is TRUE. Unfortunately, I could not match serials with squadrons, so these serials are done "3rd Wire Style (tm)", being pooled for use on all 4 skins.
      As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The Change Log List is also in the Notes section. Where possible, I've included the original 1stGen readmes for historical credits.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


      1 comment


    20. SF2 CAC CA-27 Avon Sabre: AURI & TNIAU Skin Pack

      SF2 CAC CA-27 Avon Sabre: AURI & TNIAU Skin Pack       1/2/2025
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Recommended)
      This package contains 3 new skins/decals sets for the CAC CA-27 "Avon Sabre". After an almost 12 year delay, I'm finally completing a promise made in 2012. These skins are to be used on Zur's RAAF Sabre (version 2) found at the following URL:
      If you don't have it, now's a good time to get it!!! <gr>
      This package adds the Indonesian Air Force and two (2) Malaysian Air Force skins. Textures are in jpg format, and all markings are decals. All serial numbers are 100% historically accurate for both countries. Decal randomization is TRUE for both. Also included are tweeked decal inis for the two RAAF skins, activating their displayed Squardron Name via my (patent pending) fake "SqTail" decal. The SF2 date switch is active for the RMAF skins; you'll start with the NMF and in approx 1974, will switch to the OD camo skin. On the Skin Selection drop down you'll see them listed as:
      No.14 SKU,TNI-AU (<73)
      No.11 Sqdn, RMAF (<68)
      No.11 Sqdn, RMAF Camo (<74)
      New(ish) Data, loadout and userlists inis are also included, due to some small changes I'd made in all of them.
      As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The Change Log List is also in the Notes section.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    21. MiG-21F-13M Fishbed-O

      MiG-21F-13M update program (What if)
      I. This mod is written for SF2

      II. History:
      In 1969, the Soviet Union delivered the first of 87 MiG-21Ms to the East German Air Force LSK/LV. This aircraft was eagerly awaited in the GDR, as it promised a greater range, a higher weapon load and an improved radar. But when the aircraft became part of everyday military life, the joy soon gave way to great disillusionment. It became apparent that the MiG-21M had lost a large part of its maneuverability compared to its predecessor models. The acceleration ability was also no longer what it was used to. The pilots were loudly critical, which was unusual, because in the GDR it was strictly frowned upon to criticize Soviet military technology.
      At first the head of the air force wanted to punish his pilots for their criticism, but his deputy convinced him of the opposite. If loyal elite pilots dared to criticize openly, then there must be something to it.
      Therefore, a series of training air battles was scheduled in which the MiG-21M had to compete against its predecessor models.
      In every single air battle, the MiG-21M was outmaneuvered and simulated being shot down. The aircraft was simply too fat and underpowered.
      The disillusionment was great. Therefore, it was decided to use the MiG-21M from now on only as a reconnaissance aircraft and fighter-bomber. In order to bridge the time until more modern MiG-21 variants arrived, the older MiG-21 versions were ordered to be modernized.
      The focus was on the MiG-21PF and the MiG-21F-13.
      The MiG-21F-13 was the most agile version of the MiG-21. It was loved by its pilots. But this aircraft had some disadvantages. These included the lack of an air target radar, a low weapon load and a less than reliable engine. These problems needed to be addressed. The project was codenamed "Moskito".
      At the end of 1969, the Chief of the GDR Air Force presented the "Moskito" project at a meeting of the top leadership of the Warsaw Pact states. Polish and Czech participants were interested, so an agreement was reached that the "Moskito" project should be jointly pursued by the three states of the GDR, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
      Poland took on the task of modernizing the weapon system. Czechoslovakia would take care of the engine and the GDR would revise the sensor system.
      Work in Poland progressed quickly. This was because Poland was already working on a double launch rail for air-to-air missiles. It was called Monsun and was originally intended for the MiG-21PF. It now had to be integrated into the weapon system of the MiG-21F-13. This was achieved within a few months.
      The Czechs' task was more difficult. Initially, the original R-11F-300 engine was to be replaced by the MiG-21PFM engine. However, there were some delays and problems installing the engine. In addition, the increase in performance was only achieved when the afterburner was used, not with normal thrust. It was only when the Soviet Union agreed to supply the R-13F-300 engine that real progress could be made. Normal thrust increased by 5%, and afterburner thrust by an incredible 25%. The test pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13 with this engine.
      In the GDR, they were faced with the problem of developing an air target radar that would match the RP-21 in terms of performance. The RP-21 did not fit into the slim nose of the MiG-21F-13. Therefore, the radar rangefinder SRD-5ND Kwant was used as the starting point for radar development. By using semiconductor technology instead of vacuum tubes, it was possible to reduce the weight of the device, increase its reliability and triple the detection distance. Instead of detecting a large aerial target at 7 km, the new radar had a range of more than 20 km.
      Making the radar's small antenna swivelable was a major problem. But after a few failed attempts, it was possible to develop a reliable mechanism.
      By mid-1971, project work had progressed to the point where the components developed by the three participating countries in the "Moskito" project could be combined in a prototype. Flight testing went surprisingly smoothly, so that the conversion of the first MiG-21F-13 to the new standard could begin in early 1972. In the GDR, the work was carried out in the aircraft factory in Dresden. Modernized aircraft were given the type designation MiG-21F-13M. The Polish aircraft were given the same designation, while the Czechs called their machines S-106M. Between 50 and 60 MiG-21F-13s were converted in each of the three countries. Czechoslovakia built another 50 new machines till 1976.
      The MiG-21F-13M saw its first combat deployment in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The Soviet Union demanded that its allies compensate for the aircraft losses of Egypt and Syria by supplying MiG-21s. The GDR supplied the unpopular MiG-21M, while Poland and the Czechs each sent 12 MiG-21F-13Ms to Egypt. They were first deployed in the air battle of Al-Mansura, where they were able to shoot down 11 Israeli F-4Es without losing a single aircraft of their own. The Egyptian pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13M.
      The MiG-21F-13M was flown in the GDR until 1985. In Poland and Czechoslovakia they were taken out of service in 1990. The pilots of the MiG-21F-13 loved this aircraft and considered it the best MiG-21 version ever.

      The MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian.
      The missile dual rack is taken from Weaponspack.
      The tactical numbers are made by Paulopanz.
      The EastGerman skinpack is made by me, all other skins are stock game.
      -Unzip all files into your objects folder.
      V. This mod is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL use is NOT ALLOWED.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      December 2024


         (0 reviews)



    22. Wonderful Vipers of Oz: F-16C/Ds in the Kansas Air National Guard

                                                        Wonderful Vipers of Oz: F-16C/Ds in the Kansas Air National Guard
      This mod represents the F-16C/D Block 25s in the 184th Tactical Fighter Group, Kansas Air National Guard in the early 1990s.The 184th TFG operated three squadrons for over 4 years until conversion to the B-1B Lancer.However, all of the wings aircraft were pooled together with wing common markings. The wing also operated a larger number of D models due to its primary training mission.
      F-16C and D Block 25 aircraft
      Weapons, Effects and Sounds
      Multiple historic nose door arts
      copy of StrikeFighters 2: Israel for F-16 destroyed model
      the F-16C/D Block 25 models found in any of these locations:
      unzip "2 mod folder"; place contents in desired mod folder. Allow overwrites if necessary
                  MOD NOTE
      The F-16C_25 aircraft tends to pitch up rapidly resulting in a tail strike if player does not fly carefully. This problem is noted in several FMs and as far back as the Block 25 in NATO Fighters 5. There is no fix at this time although it is more immersion killer than damaging to the aircraft. Best to keep the nose down until rotation speed (varies by load) then "pop" the aircraft off the runway and climb out.

      daddyairplanes                              skin and tga work, various ini edits
      TEST TEAM                                    nightshade/PR, Stratos, cSomers611
      HUGE ADDITONAL THANKS to  cSomers611 for a great deal of research assistance via his association with the 184th Wing Kansas ANG

      Thank you for downloading this pack, I hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 Dec 2024
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (1 review)



    23. Deutschland 86: Block 25 F-16C/Ds Introduced to USAFE, 1986

                                            Deutschland 86: Block 25  F-16C/Ds Introduced to USAFE, 1986
      This mod represents the F-16C/D Block 25s introduction to service in USAFE, specifically in Germany in the mid 1980s.
      The squadrons of the 50th TFW at Hahn AB upgraded from Block 15s to Block 25s during 1986. The two squadrons of the 86th TFW at Ramstein AB swapped out their F-4E Phantom IIs for Block 25s starting at the end of 1985, although they then swapped again for Block 30s towards the end of 1986.
      F-16C and D Block 25 aircraft
      Weapons, Effects and Sounds
      unzip "2 mod folder"; place contents in desired mod folder. Allow overwrites if necessary
      copy of StrikeFighters 2: Israel for F-16 destroyed model
                  MOD NOTE
      The F-16C_25 aircraft tends to pitch up rapidly resulting in a tail strike if player does not fly carefully. This problem is noted in several FMs and as far back as the Block 25 in NATO Fighters 5. There is no fix at this time although it is more immersion killer than damaging to the aircraft. Best to keep the nose down until rotation speed (varies by load) then "pop" the aircraft off the runway and climb out.
                  History Note
      In the 526th TFS and 512th TFS skins for the F-16C_B25, the number list features serial numbers that have periods on them. these denote aircraft that could be traced to the 86th TFW, but not to a specific squadron. I utilized my best educated guesses on which squadron had which airframe. As better information comes along i will update as able.
      Viper Team                F-16C Block 25
      ravenclaw_007         tweeked F-16D model and templates (C and D), various weapons
      daddyairplanes        skin and tga work, various ini edits
      TEST TEAM              nightshade/PR, Stratos, cSomers611
          For further credits see original readmes included in this pack

      Thank you for downloading this pack, I hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 Dec 2024
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (1 review)



    24. Sumter County Tactical: F-16C/Ds and RF-4Cs of the 363rd Tactical Fighter Wing, 1986

        Sumter County Tactical: F-16C/Ds and RF-4Cs of the 363rd TActical Fighter Wing, 1986
      This mod represents the 363rd Tactical Fighter Wing in 1986 after its fighter squadrons completed conversion from the A/B mode F-16s to the C/D Block 25 F-16s. The wing was also still operating the RF-4C Phantom II in the 16th TRS, while the 33rd TFS stood up on the Block 25s and the 17th and 19th TFSs converted.
      F-16C and D Block 25 aircraft
      RF-4C(75) and (85) aircraft
      Weapons for both aircraft
      Sounds and Effects for all
      copy of StrikeFighters 2: Israel for F-16 destroyed model
      unzip "2 mod folder"; place contents in desired mod folder. Allow overwrites if necessary
      The F-16C_25 aircraft tends to pitch up rapidly resulting in a tail strike if player does not fly carefully. This problem is noted in several FMs and as far back as the Block 25 in NATO Fighters 5. There is no fix at this time although it is more immersion killer than damaging to the aircraft. Best to keep the nose down until rotation speed (varies by load) then "pop" the aircraft off the runway and climb out.

      Viper Team                    F-16C Block 25
      ravenclaw_007             tweeked F-16D model and templates (C and D), various weapons
      Sundowner                   tweeked RF-4C models
      The Mirage Factory     original RF-4C mods
      GKABS                           B43 weapon
      daddyairplanes             skin and tga work, various ini edits
      TEST TEAM                   nightshade/PR, Stratos, cSomers611
        -   For further credits see original readmes included in this pack

      Thank you for downloading this pack, I hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 Dec 2024
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (0 reviews)



    25. Sabre Dogs - In Far East Asia

      Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) 
      Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination.
      A fake pilot is required to run this mod.

      New model of F-86D as used by far East Asian countries. The set includes the Republic of China Air Force, South Korea Air Force, and the Philippine Air Force.
      Do not overwrite any old files that you might downloaded here in CA. Make a backup of old files or rename new ones. But definitely do not mix any files of the old F-86 with this new one.
      In the game, you will find it under the prefix * F-86D Sabre Dog
      I fixed data files a little - collision points and hitboxes..as the previous ones were quite weird. However, I believe that the flight model could be improved for this aircraft. But this is not my cup of tea or coffee. 
      All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize as needed.
      Decals represent historically correct serial numbers assigned to aircraft during their service in a particular year. Or I believe it does.
      The model is new but some parts are based on Zur's F-86H which I was able to work on previously with Wrench.
      Yours truly  -  model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research...
      Weapons Mk4 Might Mouse and AIM-9 by Ravenclaw. 
      Have fun.
      Report bugs. *
      Expect the unexpected.
      Live long and prosper.
      Jarek Hereda
      * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it.  Unlikely, this mod uses some ancient or extraterrestrial files..


         (0 reviews)




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