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  1. 12 points
  2. 6 points
    BAC Lightning F.Mk.51 - Eskadrille 726, Royal Danish Air Force, 1965
  3. 5 points
    I made the trench smaller. To get 90° walls will be nearly impossible I tried it to make the trench deeper. It looked so:
  4. 4 points

    Version 1.0.1


    Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net What's included: there are 2 models for the GK-PT-76 all my file should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. Installation: Copy the folder to Objects/GroundObject and the falowing to _TYPES.ini file [TargetTypeXXX] Name=GK-PT-76 FullName=GK-PT-76 TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=GK-PT-76 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=GK-MT-LB-Destroued.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 [TargetTypeXXX] Name=GK-PT-76-Folded FullName=GK-PT-76-Folded TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=GK-PT-76 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=GK-MT-LB-Destroued.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 If you need to change the skin please just rename the one you want to use to GK-PT-76-6.jpg If you need any further help please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net Credit goes to the following: GKABS for creating the model and skins Credit goes to https://www.textures.com as a use a lot of their photos to create the skins. And finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net
  5. 4 points
    Sullom Voe Oil Terminal (Shetland Islands)
  6. 4 points
    I think it’s completed, I will have 10 skins with the model. I should have it ready for download soon after some game testing.
  7. 3 points
    Hello gents', Thought I'd post some speculations and observations on the FM aspects of some things in FE2 and SF2 that I've recently been tinkering with. This might be an interesting post for those who like to follow these technical threads. I was recently installing more aircraft into my small SF2 install - something I wanted to get to last year but had no time - and I decided to install a couple of the late prop aircraft too, particularly the SeaFury and F4U-5 variant of the Corsair. Overall pleased with the handling of the types, I tweaked a few things such as desensitizing the rudder on them, and also giving them slightly heavier aileron feel - since those late model prop aircraft were fairly heavy, about 4500 kg on average. Further testing involved flying and inspection of the [FlightControl] and [Engine] sections...couldn't get much beyond about 500 kph near sea level or at alt. in the types...so I commented out the MaxSpeedSL entry for the FlightControl, and tweaked prop speeds to close to historical, within the 2000 to 3000 rpm range, also pushed up the value for the SLPowerDry entry for the Engine, usually by a noticeable amount, and then tested further. Some of the things I've noticed, in terms of SF2 specifically (but this post is relevant to FE2 too): a) WEP power is not modelled realistically, since you can keep running it without engine damage b) WEP power doesn't give much of a boost, if at all (although I've only tinkered with the SeaFury and Corsair so far) c) a better way of simulating, however simplistic it is, the potential of WEP power, is to manipulate the AltitudeTableData numbers instead (for example, I plugged in values ranging from about 1.05 to 1.35 around the 6000 m alt. band, which should be where the Corsairs benefitted the most from max. throttle) d) after manipulation of the AltitudeTableData, it's best to get rid of the WEP entries entirely, and set up "throttle gradients" instead under the engine sections, such as: ThrottleRate=0.65 IdleThrottle=0.12 CruiseThrottle=0.45 MilThrottle=0.70 MaxThrottle=1.00 The numbers above I've plugged in, for example, for the Corsair. The space between Military throttle and Max throttle would be where "WEP power" would theoretically in this case be engaged, somewhere around the 0.85 mark for the band I've selected above. For this to work somewhat realistically, the player should restrict themselves to about 85% throttle max. except in extreme situations, depending of course on where military and max throttle are set. Also important for this to work is to make sure that the max SL speed under the FlightControl section is left uncapped (commented out) - otherwise artificial barriers are set up that cannot be bypassed by more than about 20-30 kph. Speed caps work beautifully in SF2 for the jet engines, but, at least from my experience, don't work that well with the late prop planes since you can then never hit top max. recorded historical speeds, not even at alt. - and not at SL either. Also noticeable in the example above is that I've increased the throttle rate from the default of about 0.25. Historically, late prop aircraft would have had better acceleration than early jet planes (not better top speeds, but faster acceleration to their own max speed). By the 1960s/70s, jet engines should surpass the props even in acceleration. I then re-tested by dumping the modified Corsair into my FE2 install. In SF2 it can get into the 760s kph, as historical, using the engine and throttle values I've included in my graded throttle settings above, while in FE2 the same tweaks push the top speed into the 880s kph - a difference of about 120 kph for top speeds, across FE2/SF2. This is why it's not a good idea simply to transfer data inis from one of the sims to the other. I'm assuming that the discrepancy in top speeds means that TK went with calculations to give less air resistance in FE2 (maybe FE as well?) - to fit better with the more fragile and maneuverable WWI aircraft types. One thing that remains constant between FE2 and SF2 is that, at least from my observations, the WEP modelling is not very realistic - there was no high alt. band where I could push the top speed beyond, for example, a reasonable top speed that may have been possible at near sea level (such as 500 or 600 kph). Some preliminary conclusions, to be tested further: a) speed caps at sea level should be kept in place in FE2, as done in the data inis in my FM packs, since they fit better with the lower top speeds of the early aircraft anyway, and mach limits should also be kept fairly low (I have them set at 120% of the "top speed" of the WW1 aircraft....this allows for realistic dive speeds that I haven't been able to push beyond about the 460 kph mark even on the late war types such as the SE5a) b) flying late WW2 and early Cold War prop aircraft in FE2 is not recommended, but FE2 may be good for "Golden Age" stuff, as Geezer speculated upon in another thread (can't remember the link for that now), in other words for aircraft that don't have a top speed higher than about 350 or 400 kph c) the difference between top speeds at alt and at sea level are modelled just fine for the jet engines in SF2, since caps on SL speeds, and Alt speeds, work fine for those (have seen this in some Flogger tweaks that I did for my mini-SF2 install); in other words, SF2 respects the wet/dry mach values and alt table entries beautifully for jet-age stuff d) I think that the MaxThrottle value in SF2, for the prop aircraft, could use some more tinkering/testing...I've set it at 1.00, but will try other values of 1.20, 1.50 etc., to see if this creates more realistic differences between regular power and WEP, or some kind of "accordion" effect e) as it stands, I'm enjoying the SeaFuries and Corsairs but only with SL speed uncapped and giving historical top speeds not at alt. but near sea level (this is a compromise of sorts since, at alt, they still make about 600 kph and sometimes a bit more - so I'm not terribly irritated by not attaining 740 kph at 7000 m alt or so, for example, in the SeaFury, as recorded for that plane) f) a couple of pics included below of the AI in SF2 now losing control of their F4U-5 Corsair during a scrap, and doing several back flips (too much throttle applied perhaps?); he then bails out of the otherwise undamaged plane; so, overall, I'm liking the realism of some of the haphazard maneuvers they now make, and also the increased speed at which these late prop fights now happen, even on the deck g) anything that I find of further use in the SF2 data inis, and if relevant to FE2, I will tinker with more to bring even more realism into FE2 (the lockout speed trick implemented for control surfaces in the alternative Morane-Saulnier type N data ini posted under the FM thread for FE2 is an example of things discovered while combing through the SF2 files) Happy flying, Von S
  8. 3 points
    Nice one ! I hope you'll do the same with the navy version when released ^^
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    Model completed and uploaded happy hunting.
  12. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The Petlyakov Pe-2 was a Soviet light bomber used during World War II. It was regarded as one of the best ground attack aircraft of the war and it was also successful in the roles of heavy fighter, reconnaissance and night fighter. Several Communist nations flew the type after the war, when it became known by the NATO reporting name Buck. This is the post-war plane. WHAT'S IN: - a new plane (*) - 19 skins (VVS, BVVS, CVL, PWL, ML, JVL, PLAAF) - decals - weapons, pilots, sounds - screens etc. CREDITS: - original plane A-TEAM / CAPUN (readme, copyright inside) - skins, decals, inis, srcreens etc. paulopanz INSTALL: (*) this is not a complete model: you need these files Pe-2-R4.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR80a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR60a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR60a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR40a.LOD from the WWII Russian Install here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (You have to be registered to D/L) Put them inside Pe-2 folder Then transfer all the files in your mod folder as usual Enjoy @ paulopanz
  13. 2 points
    Impala en route to target While flying very low to avoid radar detection, a FAPLA mechanized infantry saw them passing very close and transmitted the information to all friendly units operating in the area Impala formation realized that enemy unit detected them and changed route Rocket attack But SA-7 gunners were already informed about possible air raid and they were ready... when Impala made its attack a SA-7 gunner fired a missile... Missile tracking and getting closer to Impala... Impala was hit and crashed shortly after!
  14. 1 point
    View File Petlyakov Pe-2 "Buck" (*) The Petlyakov Pe-2 was a Soviet light bomber used during World War II. It was regarded as one of the best ground attack aircraft of the war and it was also successful in the roles of heavy fighter, reconnaissance and night fighter. Several Communist nations flew the type after the war, when it became known by the NATO reporting name Buck. This is the post-war plane. WHAT'S IN: - a new plane (*) - 19 skins (VVS, BVVS, CVL, PWL, ML, JVL, PLAAF) - decals - weapons, pilots, sounds - screens etc. CREDITS: - original plane A-TEAM / CAPUN (readme, copyright inside) - skins, decals, inis, srcreens etc. paulopanz INSTALL: (*) this is not a complete model: you need these files Pe-2-R4.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR80a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR60a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR60a.LOD Pe-2-R3-MR40a.LOD from the WWII Russian Install here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (You have to be registered to D/L) Put them inside Pe-2 folder Then transfer all the files in your mod folder as usual Enjoy @ paulopanz Submitter paulopanz Submitted 03/21/2019 Category Other  
  15. 1 point
    Brillant! There were a load of these stationed in Austria with the Soviet Air force, a few years after WW2. A welcome addition.
  16. 1 point
    not 100% sure what you mean by implication, but imho many old heads around here are either 1) tired of answering essentially the same question over and over (the particular mod might be different, but the issue is often similar to one asked and answered in the past with other mods) and 2) many might be saying to themselves "i wont answer because i'm not gonna be nice about it". ties in with number 1, and also the tone at times of the one asking (lord knows thats me often). we try to be civil here, but it is still the internet. that said i agree with Erik, if one hunts one can find many answers, files and other things posted here over the course of 2 decades worth of Biohazard/CombatAce. so while maybe misplaced the posts can still be useful in some fashion
  17. 1 point
    For the cockpit : Cockpit Improvement.rar Weapon station lights Ripple Inteval knob Weapon selector (guns, rockets, missile, bomb)
  18. 1 point
    VonS - It's always a pleasure to read one of your analytical posts. Keep up the good work!
  19. 1 point
    wonder if you didn't exceed the Structrual Limits on the Corsair? That may cause hidden damge??? I'd also suggest looking over the data tables in the stock SF2 P-51D and Spitfires (9c & e, 18, 22 & 24 -even though the latter are Griffon powered marks. The S-99 (109G) and S-199 don't have WEP installed
  20. 1 point
    I took some time to have a better version. Use it as you like ! [See next page for Data.ini file] (updated) - Cl0, Cla and Cd0 Mach table datas from another plane. It's not climbing all the time. It depends on the load and the throttle applied. - Collision points checked - Landing gear shocks working <- this part worths the try ------------------------------------- In the cockpit file : [G_AirBrake] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=AIRBRAKE_Aguja MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-192.68 Set[02].Value=1 ItemNumber=2 - - - DELETE this part (it's the ball at the end of the landing gear lever) : [L_Gear02] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=L_Gear_02 MovementType=LIGHT - - - The weapon panel would require some care as well...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I would like, wherever you decide the comments should stay, more implication from veteran members in offering help and answer the questions that people ask. Look how many questions were not answered as time went by in all the forums.
  23. 1 point
    Another Skyraider (Sorry guys, I just love Skyraiders)...this one an A-1E of the SVAF, 602 FS(C) Bein Hoa, 1964.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    From 1986...a T-2C Buckeye in 75th Anniversary of Naval Aviation colors....
  28. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    A-50EI (Il-76) of the Indian Air Force with the EL/W-2090 The IAI EL/W-2090 is an airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) radar system developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elta Electronics Industries of Israel. Its primary objective is to provide intelligence to maintain air superiority and conduct surveillance. The system is currently in-service with the Indian Air Force. Unpack and add folders as listed. Credits: Model: Veltro2k cockpit: Orig by DELLS or Kesselbrut ?, Mod by Wrench FM: Wrench IAF Skin: Paulopanz CRL+O = Cargo Bay open shift+0 = Side Door open Not to be used in whole or part in anything that is payware
  29. 1 point
    Just completed some new skins. ;)
  30. 1 point
    The last update before completing the model, I have been working for the last 3 hours to complete it.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I'm sure they can fire it. They are not idiots over there. deranged, homicidal maniacs perhaps, but not idiots.


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