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Showing most liked content on 10/17/2020 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Anyone still here? I had some health problems over the summer, but I'm recovered. I spent a lot of my down time playing First Eagles, and I've tinkered a little with some mods. I didn't get here very often, but I came around when I could. The activity here has dropped dramatically.
  2. 6 points
  3. 5 points
    Gloster Celeste FB.2 - No.134 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1950
  4. 4 points
    Something for the bombers: Factory buildings around West Ham Powerstation in London. I need cooling towers for the powerplant. Unfortunatly the old ones, which i used for WoX terrains, does not work with SF2.
  5. 4 points
  6. 3 points
    Glad to hear that you are doing well now Stephen. I check in here about twice a week. I still fly modded single missions in FE2 whenever I find free time - but I've been fairly busy lately with actual work and also with a novel I've been writing and that's based on reports written up in my long "casual campaigns" thread over on the WOFF (Platinum Ed.) forums on SimHQ. Once my work-related stuff settles down a bit, I will start doing some FM tweaks again, for the 5-6 aircraft I never touched so far for FE2. I still think that FE2 gives a great feeling of flight. I hope to see some new modders, and old modders, discovering FE2 - although I realize that FE2 is a niche sim within a niche market (WWI sims.). Happy flying all, Von S
  7. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Required: 1. My previouse MiG-29UB aircraft to have all needed files kinda sound, effects, etc or just take those files from that pack 2. Sure, you need SF2 *** INSTALLATION: 1. Unpack and copy to your Aircrafts mod folder ---------------------------- Thanx to: 1. Mue for his Lod Viewer 2. Mago for the cockpit ----------------------------- I am too lazy to write any more (i was working on this aircraft all the last night) so read the readme from my Mig-29UB. This is the same.
  8. 2 points
    I've been busy with other projects and real life for a very long time. I hope to get back to EAW once the snow falls. I still modify my site from time to time just to correct errors and links. I don't see many posts about EAW users anywhere, so I figure the game has died out or everyones happily getting along with the game and support. :) I'm still planning on continuing and going threw the lenghty list of files and tools I have for DL. There are files in files that should be located else where for DL and easily missed. Plus duplicate files, which I like to weed out. Okay hope all are doing well, miss actively supporting the game and friends....until later.
  9. 2 points
    Yakarov's Av8, possibly one of the most difficult to land vertically, here when it takes practice just maneuvering with vector thrust
  10. 2 points
    I think this has been a hell of a year for everyone. I hope you're able to get back to the Polish map someday, Stratos. I've been looking forward to it. It might also be useful for the Eastern Front. I'm also looking forward to your additions, VonS. Whenever you find the time. There used to be a lot of modders around here. I don't think they've all gone away, I hope we'll see some new mods eventually. I've been playing FE when I have the time (working through Ojcar's Armchair Aces Campaigns.) Whenever I spot something, I'll go into "modder mode" and fix it, so I've made a lot of tweaks to terrains, ground objects, skins, even some aircraft details over the summer. But nothing major - I don't know if it's worth the effort of uploading the changes. Anyone else who is still playing and/or modding: Do you want to share some screenshots?
  11. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    MiG-29 9-12 UKRAINIAN SKINS 1996, 2006 years
  12. 2 points
    There are and for many years but they are waiting for me to make them some time to be able to share them (it is not necessary to clarify to anyone that they are our own models, very impressive at the time), they are the ones we created with the Banidos Team of the fifth generation.
  13. 1 point
    View File Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1 THIS IS NOT UNDER THE COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSE ACCORD YOU MAY - Have fun with this mod - Use it as you see fit once you download it, even modify it as you see fit - Create your own textures as you see fit and upload them under your name IF you wish to send me any modified core files (I don't need to review skins as that doesn't affect any core files) please PM me the modified files and I will check them out. There is no exception to this policy given my attitude towards staying out of jail. I will check them out and yay or nay the decision, but if I can edit any files in order to not go to jail, I will inform you and that will be it. I understand you may have information of a sensitive nature that you may have access to and frankly it does not belong in any files of this download. If that bothers you then please don't send me sensitive information, I think I've made it clear that I'm not going to jail in order to appease to players. http://combatace.com...24-my-projects/ Newer skin PSD with Block I ECS (no stacks) now available for skinning needs: http://combatace.com...-skin-template/ - Fixed some glaring errors in the INI files. Submitter EricJ Submitted 07/09/2009 Category F-18  
  14. 1 point
    cuz big pack. cmon, dont be grumpy
  15. 1 point
    Make sure you have the Mission Editor expansion first (I don't remember as it came with the Complete, though it may be called Expansion pack 2 or something like that). Also make sure you have a carrier of course Before accepting a mission go through the mission editor (a small pencil icon on the bottom right of the mission) and edit that mission. Next add a carrier by selecting it from the ship icon on the top of the screen. Place it wherever you need it to. Next go to the aircraft button and select the fighter you want and then go to Home Base and select your carrier and your flight will automatically snap to the carrier. Edit anything else you want and go fly.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    That is the one, many thanks to you Soulfreak, and everyone else
  18. 1 point
    Florian did em for Pferdsfeld & Büchel Airbases in Rends GermanyCE rework.
  19. 1 point
    It boosts your own morale because you think that the morale of your squadron is increasing.
  20. 1 point
    Glad to hear you are ok. I check in everyday but it’s been so quiet around here.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    You are correct, someone has sent me a file from the community but I lost it and i don't remember who sent it to me or who made it, doing exactly what you suggested. I wanted to look it and study the mod file.
  23. 1 point
    Good to hear from you mate , wondered if you were ok , so nice to know all is sorta ok .
  24. 1 point
    2020 is being a hell of a year, my Polish map is on hold cause I cannot put time to fly, even less for modding. Glad to see you're still kicking!
  25. 1 point
    what, you cant just re-upload the aircraft with the fix included? Don't be lazy -- do the job right
  26. 1 point
    For Stratos...
  27. 1 point
    The Airbase is almost completed except for some ground structures
  28. 1 point
    download fix please. it will fix avionics
  29. 1 point
    Looks like a MiG-38 to me. lol
  30. 1 point
    2 seconds later Someone posted on FB 🤣🤣
  31. 1 point
    My job is recon ;-) .. Tornado GR.1A
  32. 1 point
    Work in progress. Just deleted the screenshot as I needed to fix the taxiway lines and make them smaller and changed the texture color.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point



    This is the Bunyap's Weapons Delivery Manual included in the "Bunyap's Weapons Pack" or 1st gen TWs sims.
  35. 1 point
    View File TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack The Mirage Factory F-14 Tomcat Super Pack V1.21 AUG. 25, 2013 What it is: This is the F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.21 Full. It includes tweaks to the engines, avionics, weight, effects and the Phoenix missile. ================= Installation: =====CAUTION===== 1. This was tested at July 2013 patch level, on an "All 5 Merged" install, and because it uses AvionicsF14A.dll, will require SF2NA (or a TW F-14) to work! It will not work on Gen 1 sims, nor will it work correctly on pre-April 2012 installs! (Caveat: Avionics70.dll F-14D should work on pre-April patch levels). 2. It is HIGHLY recommended you back up your current F-14's .ini files and cockpit folders. If you have custom skins installed, be sure to back up your F-14(A/A+/B/D).ini to preserve the texture set data. ================= 1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder. 1a. If you have installed the Avionics70 F-14D, ensure you back up the .ini files if you haven't renamed the bird, since this install will overwrite F-14D_92, 96 and 06! 2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...) 3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft and Objects\Weapons). 3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and F-14 SP Update word documents for information on updates. 4. Go fly! ================= 1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder. 1a. You may choose to use the Avionics70.dll F-14D for SAR mode on strike missions. If you wish to do so, see Section 6 of the F-14 SP Update V120 word document (Para 6.1-6.3) for install procedures and recommendations. 2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...) 3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft, Objects\Weapons, and Objects\Decals will be affected). 3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and Update word documents for information on updates. 4. Go fly! ================= Credits: Model: Flying Toaster, Oli Cockpit: Chris (original), reworked and updated by Brain32 FM: ThirdWire, Column5, Spectre8750, Caesar Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34 Pilots: Old_Diego, CrazyhorseB34 Skins: Dave, Spectre8750, Column5 NATOPS Textures: HomeFries Extra Hangar, Loading and Main Screens: Dave, Spectre8750 Ejection Mod: Stary Testing: Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, EricJ, Spectre8750 TARPS: Bunyap and Spectre8750 Weapons: Ravenclaw, wpnssgt, Bunyap and others ===Dedidacted to Oli=== Submitter Spectre8750 Submitted 10/07/2011 Category F-14  
  36. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    NF-5B Freedom Fighter for SF2 This is the Canadair NF-5B WHAT´S IN: 1 aircraft with 20 brand new skins (only KLU) CREDITS: - FastCargo - 3D modeler of the original F-5B - yakarov79 - heavy 3D work on the specific NF-5B (Thank you so much mate!) - 331killerbee - sea camo template - Soulfreak - paintwork, decals, ini dance, screens etc. - Pilot is a reworked one from Volker´s German Pilot Special thanks to: Luuk Boerman from www.dutchdecal.nl who provided me great references. TO INSTALL: - extract NF-5B.7z into your mod folder if asked, let overwrite old files. Schapen, March 7th 2020 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi


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